Transcript for "Returns after Many Years," Fremont County Sun, 24 September 1908
After an absence of forty seven years from Fremont county, Mrs. Nancy Frost Acord has returned for a visit with old friends in this community. While at the home of Mrs. T.C. Hatten, who was a very intimate friend of hers before she went west, Mrs. Acord related some of the events of the trip across the plains.
The start was made May 20, 1861, from the home of Samuel B. Frost in Pleasant Grove, some six miles south of Sidney. Among those who started from that place were Wm. K. McKissick, who was captain of the party, with his family; S[amuel]. B[uchanan] Frost and family, James A. Allred and family, Jerome J. Adams and family, V[alentine]. L. Acord and family, Adam [Abram] Acord and family, Josh Hill, Chance [Chauncy] Pa[i]ne, Henry Overaker, John Freeman, James Curry, Jonathan Tipton, William Murray, Dave Murray, A[shton] D. [A.] Green and others, making up a party of about twenty five men. The thirteen wagons in the train were drawn by oxteams, about 400 head of horses and cattle were driven along with the company.
A stop was made at McKissick's Island until June 5th, and during this time a child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Acord. The party followed the old Mormon train across the plains and reached Salt Lake City August 20. Mrs. Acord and husband and some of the company went on to California. The only accident of the entire journey was the slight injury to one of the men by the accidental discharge of his own gun. Many Indians were seen but all were friendly. Altogether the trip was a fortunate and enjoyable one.
Mrs. Acord herself is a very intelligent and interesting lady who looks much younger than her years. In spite of the lapse of time she finds here many people whom she knew fifty years ago and she is thoroughly enjoying her visit. Of course, there is also a touch of sadness, for many of the old friends have long since gone to their reward. Mrs. Acord says the fields have a similar look and that she would have known Uncle Jimmie Bobbit's farm and others surrounding it. The roads, however, look different to her, since they now follow straight lines instead of the level ridges as in former times.
Mrs. Acord has been the mother of twelve children of whom eight are now living. Her husband, Abner (Abram) Acord, died thirteen years ago. Her present home is at Provo, Utah.