
Transcript for Reuben Miller letter to Brigham Young, 9 September 1849


Green River Second division of Israel Camp
September 9th 1849


To President Brigham Young Heber Kimball, And Willard Richards, And the Saints in general in the Vally of the Salt Lake.

D. Brethren. We gladly imbrace the present oppertunity of informing you that we c[r]ossed the Missouri river on the 6th And left the horn on the 12th of June, destined for your place

We were organized by President George A Smith into A company of one hundred With two divisions of fifties Samuel Gully captain. Including a few california emigrants both camps number 124 waggons. The first division of fifty is under Captain William Miller. The Second under Captain William Hyde. Brother C [Orson] Spencer is president. With Councilers Bro Gidian [Gideon] Brownell And Bro [William Farrington] Cahoon

We have every reason and do feel truely thankfull to God our heavenly father for his extended hand of Mercey to us as a people. Allthough it is true the distroyer prevailed to Some extent in our camp And constrained us to lay by the way three of our brethren. And 2 calafornia [California] Emigrants. We Yet live. And enjoy health and Strength

And the peacefull and good Spirit is resting upon our camp. With <no> gloomy prospects before us we pursue Our journey. And resting upon the arm of Jehovah for protection and diliverance. We have assurance that the way will be opened before us. And that we Shall in due time arive at our place of destination.--

Owing to the excesive and often repeated rains which rendered the roads allmost impassable. We were constrained to travile very Slow in order to keep up the Strength of Our teams. And from the time that we left the horn untill we arrived at Elm Crek 221 Miles from Winter Quarters Including all Stopages and days laid by. Our average Speed of travil per each day was 7 1/2 Miles. Sin[c]e then the roads have been better and we have got along much faster.

After the death of Bro [Samuel] Gully. The two Camps met together and apointed President C. [Orson] Spencer Captain to fill the vacancy.

The following is a Statistic of Captain William Hydes Company as taken on the North Side of the Loup fork June 26th. Souls 190[,] Waggons 64[,] Horses 3[,] Mules 10[,] Oxen 255[,] Cows 120—L.[,] Cattle 8[,] Sheep 64[,] Pigs 17[,] Chickens 39[,] Ducks 2[,] Geese 2[,] cats 13[,] Dogs 11[,] Doves 7[,] Bees 1.

Perhaps it would not be a miss to give the Statistic of Captain William Millers Company of Israel Camp. The following imbraces all in our possession. Souls 174[,] Waggons 60[,] Horses 7[,] Oxen 258[,] Cows 104[,] Sheep 38[,] Pigs 14[,] Chickens 23[,] Cats 12[,] Dogs 14 L.[,] Cattle 9

The following embraces the names of the heads of families in the Second division of fifty

John Barry. Daniel Allen. Samuel Gully. Hyrum Judd[.] Charles Daulton [Dalton]. O[rson]. B[ennett]. Adams. Wm Vandike. Daniel Collett. Edward Philips. William Smith. Thomas Atkins[.] William Thompson. John Collins [Coulam]. Lewis Hardy. James Mendenhall. William Parshell. Rosel Hyde. William Hyde. Elias Blackburn. Joseph--[blank space], William Lewis[.] Enock [Enoch] King. Jennet [Jenst] Peters. E. Thomkinson [Ephriam Tomkinson]. G.W. Robison[.] Andrew Shannon. Sarah Roggars [Rogers] & Amanda M. Roggars [Rogers]. D[avid].H. Readfield [Redfield]. H[enry]. Alexander. Zinnia [Zimri] H Baxter. Reuben Miller. A[rza] Adams. James A Smith[.] Wm W Smith[.] William Young. And the Bloggett family.

The Company from the Vally met our camp at this place.

Yours in behalf of the second division of Israel Camp.


Reuben Miller Clerk