Transcript for Richard Ballantyne papers, 1852-1896, Journal, 1855 July-September
Rejoicing on the plains Platt[e] River
Celebration of the 24th July in commemenat [commemoration] of the Pioneers entering the Valley of the Great Salt Lake 1847[.] By the perpetual Emigrating Fund Saints Elder Richard Ballantyne President[.] Tuesday half past Seven A.M. the Saints Met for morning prayer, the Choir Sang Come all yea Sons of Zion an[d] let us praise the Lord, Prayer being offered up by Elder Wm. Glover, President Ballantyne then addressed the Saints for a short time < informing them> that he felt happy in seeing the good spirit and feeling that was manifested throughout the Camp, this day is a day of rejoicing in the Vallies [valleys] of the Mountains, and we desire that this Camp Should rejoice and be glad, we shall therefore go out a short distance this morning and Encamp for to day, and in the afternoon hold a Festival and meet in the Dance together, an[d] if the Brethren brings in a Buffalo we will roast him and enjoy ourselves, there was then given three hearty Cheers for the 24 July, Followed by three times three for President Brigham Young[.] Elder Ballantyne Shouted Glory to God an[d] the Lamb and all the Saints Shouted Amen
At Eight OClock A.M. the Camp moved out in splendid order with Flags of all Sorts and Sizes, affixed to small
He said it was with pleasure he arose on the present occasion to address the Saints and felt it a great blessing to be thus privileged[.] this day is Kept in Commemeration of the Pioneers entering the Valley of the Great salt Lake after enduring all manner of hardships and tribulations, he knew that they were Led there by the power of God as much so as israel in ancient days, and when he reflected what they had gone through, it caused him to rejoice to hear and see the prosperity that now attends them, when they saints were in Nauvoo they did not Know the hour that there enemies would be upon them being Continually Surrounded by Mobocrats apostates an[d] false brethren, he then spoke of a few of the things which took place at their expulsion from Nauvoo and shewed [showed] how the enemies of the church sought its overthrow[.] but the lord overruled it for there good, he then gave a Detail of the organizatino of the pioneers to travel to the mountains to seek out a home for the Saints, they did not care what the[y] endured if they could but obtain this[.] our Head men had to Live on a Little Boiled Corn[.] they had no fine flour and bacon as we have but the Lord blessed them, he then gave a description of there Journey to the Valley which was very interesting showing how God overruled all things for Good in establishing a place for the Gathering of his people israel[.] his remarks were pointed and came home to every heart: Elder George Myers [Mayer] was next called upon to address the meeting, after which Elder [William] Glover[,] Marshal of the Day Said Brethren and Sisters we will have no more speaking for the present but says he you old men can take your old women and enjoy yourselves in the Dance[.] when the Voice of our President was heard old men and young maids[,] Bro Glover[,] which was responded to by a hearty Laugh from all present so that all who were inclined joined heartly in the dance to the sweet Vibrations of Bro Pitts Violin accompanied by Bro. Henry Cleggs[,] Dulcimer. During the Evening Bro Glover entertained the Company with a song and Dr. G[eorge] Bell with a Comic anecdote. the Dancing were Kept up untill a Late hour[.] the Company was then dismissed by prayer
Thus ended the 24 on the plains which will not soon be forgotten by those who were blessed in participating in the same.
Wednesday July 25th Camp being called to order at the sound of Bugle and Redeemer of israel being sung Elder E[lias] Gardener [Gardner]offered up prayer, after which the camp moved out at half past seven A.M. and travelled untill twelve P M. we then slept for couple of hours to water and feed our cattle in good pasture, Resumed our journey untill six P.M. at eight P.M. Five of the Brethren who had been hunting came into camp with the Tidings that they had killed a young Buffalo about three miles distant. About half past eight P M there was a waggon and Twelve men sent To fitch [fetch]in the Buffalo but through missing their way in the dark did not return untill the following morning. Nothing particular occured During the day
Come You [Ye] Saints[.] prayer being offered up by W[illia]m West[.] the Capt[ain] of the guard then told the saints that they were not to travel over half a mile before the Camp: The Camp often [then] moved out at Eight O'clock A M. and travelled untill one p m[.] watered and fed the cattle for a couple of hours[.] Resumed our journey along the platt[e] until half past Seven p m where there was first rate feed for the cattle
by sounding of the Bugle the saints assembled at the end of the Carrell for morning prayer[.] after singing come come yea saints no toil nor Labour fear and prayer being offered up by Elder [George] Myers [Mayer's,] Camp moved out at half past seven and travelled in company with Elder Thurstons company untill noon[.] we then stopt to Feed and water our cattle while Thurstons company tra[veled] on. During last night there was a Lame Red an White Ox Lost belonging to Capt[ain] W[illiam] Wests ten which was not recovered[.] this afternoon we travelld several hours in a Thunder storm[.] Encampd [..for the night about...] half past five p m in good feed for the cattle[.] During the evening Coffee Flour and indian meal were served out to the Camp
at four Oclock AM after the roll was calld the Capt of the guard told the Brethren that from this time forth none would be permited to go on guard without having their guns loaded so that they could take proper care of the cattle for they were the property of the church[.] there are many of the brethren who have guns belonging to the church and I want you to lend them to those who have got none and those who borrows Turnts [sic] [I want] them to return the gun to those of whom the[y] Borrow for those to whom the guns were delivered are responsible for them[.] he also exhorted the Brethren generally to take care of the guns so that they may be a benefit to the church in days yet to come[.] The saints met for morning prayer and sung how firm a foundation yea saints of the Lord after which Elder Glover was mouth in prayer The Camp then moved out at Eight Oclock A M and travelld until half past three p m then stopt for the night where there was plenty of feed for the cattle[.] During the afternoon the capt of the guard found an old Broken down horse and took him along with us
Last night there was a very heavy thunder Storm which lasted for several hours Blowing down tents while the rain poured through the canvas of our tents and waggons giving us a right good soaking equal to a Shower Bath, this morning after the roll was calld over Capt Glover said he wishd the brethren, the first opportunity To bring their guns and let them be examined to see what condition they were in and to know what strength we could muster, he also said that if the day turns out favourable we will travel some nine or Ten miles[.] The oxen being brought and yokd the Camp by the sound of the Bugle assembled at the head of the carrell for morning prayer, and sung yea Elder of israel, Elder Will[ia]m Pitt then offered up Payer to our Father in heaven after which President [Richard] Ballentyne [Ballantyne]. Said, there was no Doubt but that many of the saints had scruples concerning Sundays travelling, although there [were] others in camp who paid no regard to the Sabbath or to its duties but who rather indulge their propensities in fishing [and] hunting which was very wrong, we will move out a little this morning, hoping that your minds may be enlivened by a little exercise so that your minds may be prepared to attend to the ordinances of the Sabbath; Capt [William] Glover said that he wanted the Brethren after coming into Camp this evening to wash the neck of all the cattle before they were sent out to feed. Camp moved out at half past nine AM and at one Pm passd by Elder [Moses] Thurstons Company in encampment, at half past four encampd for the night at a Gully between the Bluffs and the platte river where was an abu[n]dance of grass. At Eight P M Sacrament meeting being opened[,] much valuable instruction were given to the Saints by Elders Ballentyne [Ballantyne] and Glover which causd the hearts of many to rejoice, after which the meeting was closd with prayer by Elder Daniel Caveen.
Four Oclock AM the brethren assembled with their guns, The Roll being calld the guns were then examined by Sergeant [William] Hapley [Apperley] and found to be in good condition with the exception of Ten or twelve belonging to the church. it was then ascertained that the camp can muster nearly Eighty armed men. The saints met for morning Prayer an[d] after singing glorious things of thee are spoken Zion city of our God Elder W[illiam] Pitt offered up prayer, The Camp then moved out in good order at Eight O clock A M, at about Ten A M there was a Small herd of Buffalo crossd the road a Little ahead of the Train on their way from the Platt[e] to the bluffs, at three P M we encampd for the night near the North Fork of the Platte River, so that they camp might be supplied with Buffalo, According two dozen men were sent out into the Bluffs and across the Platt[e] river with orders to remain all night and if possible during the night to surround they [the] herd unobserved, During the afternoon there was a Lame Ox brought into camp belonging to bro Buchadner [Buckwalter] [of] Capt Hindleys Company but being unable to travel he [the ox] was shot and Butcherd by Elder W[illia]m Kent and served out for the benefit of the camp Died and Buried this Day Joseph Hutchinson [Hutchison] ag[e]d 10 Days son of David and [Agnes Nish Hutchison]
The morning very misty not able to see over one hundred yards before you, which is sadlly against the hunting Parties, Eight AM[.] the morning clears up, about Eleven A M the hunting parties return to Camp not being able to kill any Buffalo[.] about this time there was a small herd of Buffalo observed on the north side of the platte River, the president and Counsel though[t] it advisable to send the brethren and try to surround them, but being unable to succeed[,] the Camp moved out at two P M[.] after a few miles travelling a small train belonging to Mr Robedore passd us giving the information of the hostile feeling of the Souix [Sioux] Indians and there future intentions[.] encampd for the night at half past seven pm on the platte[.] feed first rate
Roll being calld over[,] Capt Glover informed the Brethren of the hostile feelings of the Souis [Sioux] Indians as they had been informed by Mr Robedores party an[d] advised them to always have there guns in readiness and be at a moments call, to defend themselves there wives and children and all that pertains to this camp, about half past five A M a Large Government train passd us while in encampment on there way to Laramie, This morning while Elder Glover was speaking to the Brethren who were on parade under the command of Sergeant W[illi]m Hapley [Apperley], Bro [George] Butcher used very unbecoming language toward him and manifesting quite a rebellious spirit against the order of the camp, Met together for morning prayer and sung glorious things of thee are spoken Zion city of our god, Prayer being offered up by Elder [Richard] Ballantyne the camp then moved out at Twenty minutes past Eight A M A merchants train travelld a few miles in company with us this morning but stopt about ten a m to water there cattle, Elders Ballantyne and Glover found a Large black and white Ox rather lame and brought him with them to join the loose cattle that was following the train, during the mornings travel Martin Teasdale struck Elder W[illia]m Kent in the mouth and knockd one of his teeth out, at half past Twelve p m stopt for an hour to water and feed our cattle, before stopping Bro C[harles] Kidgell got the waggon wheel over his leg while driving the Team, Resumed our journey untill half past six p m and put up for the night on the platte River about half past seven p m[.] by order of the President and Council there was a public meeting calld when Bro Butcher was calld upon to answer for his indecent Language to Capt Glover[.] Before the opening of the meeting President Ballantyne arose and said that they had calld this Public meeting in order to sit in council upon some who were and rebellious; the meeting was then opend by singing Redeemer of israel, after prayer had been offered up by Bro [William] Glover, Elder Ballantyne arose and said they [the] first case we will bring up this evening is that of Bro [George] Butcher for using unbecoming Language toward Elder W[illia]m Glover while in the discharge of his duties as Capt. of the guard to this camp; Elder Glover being calld upon to state the case before the meeting, arose and spoke as follows[:] this morning after the Brethren had fallen into rank I askd Bro Butcher why he did not fall in with the rest To which he replied do you want me to dirty my Breeches I then enquired where his gun was[.] he said in the waggon but appeared unwilling to fetch it. I therefore told him that I would go and fetch [it] to which he sarcasticaly replied do you want to see her, a few days previous to this when the brethren was orderd out to shoot Buffalo Bro Butcher was requested to go or lend his gun[.] the Latter he would not do and as for the former he pleaded that he was not, if all men acted as Bro Butcher have done, but brethren I will tell you another thing, your services, property and all that you have, are under the control of this company, for you signed a bond in Liverpool to that effect and if you Break your Covenants when the common Able[sic], I therefore told him that if his gun was required for the benefit and saf[e]ty of this camp we would use it whether he was willing or not, he have manifested for sometime a very rebellious spirit to the order of this camp, To which I have many witnesses. Bro Butcher being calld upon to answer the charge, said, Brethren I want to know what authority Bro Glover have to take my gun an use it than I have to take his horse and ride him if it is his, why did not the Elders tell us this before we left england.
Bro Mark Fletcher was next calld upon to give his testimony as witness in the case, said Brethren the statement of Elder Glover is true an the spirit that was manifested by Bro Butcher is the spirit of the Devil.
Bros Hapley [James Hadley] and [Robert] Baxter Bore Testimony to the same. The President then calld upon the council to speak there [their] feelings in the case. beginning with Elder [William] pitt, Brethren and sister I feel very merciful tonight, I am very sorry that such things have taken place to mar the peace of this camp, for my Brethren takes care of you as children but I know that it is for Lack of experience that men act as they do, now what is the reason that Bro Butcher have the spirit of Rebellion. It is because he is out of his natural element, Now if [I] was Bro Butcher I would Humble myself like a little child to Elder Glover and this people and get their forgiveness. Elder E[lias] Gardiner [Gardner] next arose and said, Brethren like Bro Pitt I feel sorry, there is no Doubt but the gun belongs to Bro Butcher, but he should feel that he is a child of God, he would then be willing to let his gun be at the disposal of the servants of God for the benefit and safety of this camp, such things are two low to notice if I was Bro Butcher I would humble myself to Bro Glover and do right and seek his forgiveness. Elder G[eorge] Myers [Mayer] said Bro Butcher is inexperienced that if he were in the valley of the mountains and a difficulty take place with the Indians though his horse was working in the team and the Brethren needed it for the saf[e]ty of the church that they would take it though his waggon should remain on the street untill there [their] return[.] I would therefore advise Bro Butcher to repent and humble himself for the future. Elder W[illiam] West being next calld upon, said, Brethren, those who have spoke before me have spoke my mind, the fact is Bro Butcher do not know the order of this church, neither do he want to know, we have had some trouble with him coming over the water[.] I would advise him to repent an[d] do that which is right.
President Ballantyne next arose an shew the order of the Church in such like matters illustrated. The case of Annias and Sapphira, law of Tithing, consecration &c &c[.] says he[,] Brethren we are now in the wilderness in the midst of the savage Blood thirsty indian[s] with our lives Cattle and all that we have, what security do you think this camp would have if all men acted as Bro Butcher have done, but brethren I will tell you another thing, your services, property and all that you have, are under the control of this company, for you signed a bond in Liverpool to that effect and if you Break your Covenants when the common Salvation of this people is at stake, I will also break partnership, but we will now come to another point, all who wants to disfellowship Bro Butchers spirit, shout, yes, a perfect Silence, Contrary vote[,] all who feels to disfellowship the spirit of Bro Butcher shout no, no was then responded to by all present[.] It was then proposed by Elder E[lias] Gardiner [Gardner] that Bro Butcher be cutt off from the church except he repent, Seconded by Elder George Myers [Mayer]. Brother Butcher then arose and acknowledged his fault and promisd to do better for the future; Elder E[lias] Gardiner [Gardner] then moved that we forgive Bro Butcher. Seconded by Bro Pitt, Carried unamiously [unanimously], moved by Elder Glover that this mutiny [meeting] adjourn and that we meet at another time to examine the case between Bros [William] Kent & [Martin] Teasdale
at the prayer meeting this morning the Saints sung redeemer of israel, Prayer was offerd by Elder Myers Mayer], by sounding Susannah on the Bugle, the camp then commenced the Journey of another day, at a quarter before Seven A M. stopt at noon about an hour to rest the cattle, resumed our journey and continued until half past Seven P.M and encampd for the night on the Banks of the Platte. Feed pretty good on the south of the River, Elder [Moses] Thurstons company were in encampment on the North side of the river, there was also a couple of Lodges of the Ch[e]yene Indians on the south of the platt[e], this evening it thought prudent to place a double guard over Cattle and Tents.
This morning about half past seven, the Camp commenced to cross the Platt[e] river, at the South Fork, after the Waggons were all across the cattle was then unyokd and sent out to feed while Flour and indian [meal] was served out to the camp, at the time we were crossing the river the Salt Lake [sic] arrived and tarried about an hour, about one p m we resumed our Journey by ascending a heavy long hill and continued our Journey until half past seven p m and encampd for the night a few miles from Ash Hollow where no water and but very little grass
About Four Oclock A.M we are again moving Toward ash hollow in order to reach the platt[e]. but the roads are very heavy and Fatiguating to our cattle[.] Those of the Camp who are not engagd with the Train are busy gathering Black Currants & cherries as they are passing through the Hollow as the trees are Literally Bent down with the weight of Fruit, about Eight A M we came to the platte, where was [Moses] Thurstons Company in encampment, Stopt untill one p m to rest the Cattle and to let them feed[,] grass being pretty good, we received from Bro Thurstons Company one half of an ox they had killd which was afterward Distributed amongst the Saints[.] Resumed our Journey on the South side of the river over a very Sandy road untill five Oclock p m and encampd for the night between the River and the Bluffs, While Elder Thurstons Company were crossing the river in order to get on the north side there came a very heavy Thunderstorm which Detaind part of his Company crossing till the following morning
About Eight A M a small train passd by the camp going west, the camp and cattle are resting to day and attending to the duties of the Sabbath, at three p m assembled at the west end of the Carrell [corral] for the breaking of Bread and to investigate the Conduct of Bro Teasdale Toward Bro [William] Kent, after singing and prayer Elder [Richard] Ballentyne arose and addressd the meeting for a short time, by saying Brethren and Sisters we have met together this afternoon partly for partaking of the sacrament an partly for a council meeting, the gri[e]vance that exists between Bros Kent and Teasdale remains yet unsettled not having time the other evening to enter into the case.
Bro Kent being calld upon gave the following statement, Brethren and Sisters after walking ten or twelve miles I feel rather Fatigued through policy weariness On the day in question I went to the wagon to ride a little[.] at the time I got in there were two or three of the sisters in, but were immediately ordered out very abrubtly which causd me at the time to remark to Sister [Mary] Robson that it was owing to me being in the waggon, but I would here remark that after I got into the waggon Bro Teasdale allowd a sister or two more in, after the sisters had got out Bro Teasdale stopt the waggon and in a very bad spirit ordered me out, at the time I was giving a drink of water to a bro so I told him I would when I was ready, at the time I was coming out of the waggon he held his fist at my face in a threatening manner which causd me to smile and remark, that I did not know but I could trash him and walkd away[.] but unknowing to me he followd me up behind my back & struck me in the mouth Knocking out one of my Teeth. Bro Teasdale being calld upon to answer to the Charge of Elder [William] Kent, Said, Brethren the whole responsibility of the Cattle rests upon me and there was six women in the waggon at the time refeared to, and a bad road, I, acknowledge that I done wrong, but Bro Kent had so bad a spirit as I had, after being orderd out of the waggon, he jumped up and said he could trash me, I then struck him, and I am sorry for it, an ask Bro Kents pardon; if it is necessary.
Bro [James] Wall was next calld upon as witness, Said[,] Brethren I was witness to the blow being struck in a very cowardly manner but was not witness to the conversations Questiond by President [Richard] Ballentyne [Ballantyne]; was Bro Kent walking away when the blow was struck; answer yes; Did Bro Teasdale appear to be in a bad spirit Ans[wer], Yes, Did Bro Kent appear to Fight[?] Ans no, he took it very patiently. Bro Thomas Lloyd was next calld upon as a witness, said I saw Bro Kent get out of the waggon, an[d] after saw Bro Teasdale throw down his whip, and appear as if he was going in for a good fight, At the time the Blow was struck Bro Kent was walking away; Elder Elias Gardiner [Gardner] said I would like to hear sister [Mary] Robsons statement. To which sister Robson replied that at the time she was out of the waggon[,] consequently knew nothing about it. Sister [Emma] Balston next give her evidence, said I was walking at the time beside the waggon and heard some of the conversation. at the time Bro Kent was askd to come out of the [wagon] he was giving somebody a drink of water, and replied I will when I am ready, To which Bro Teasdale said then I will get you out, Then Bro Kent said you are a mean Spirit, which no doubt excited Bro. Teasdale, for when Bro Kent was getting out of the waggon, Bro Teasdale held his fist to Bro. Kents face, but Bro. Kent smil[e]d and said I dont know but I might trash you and walkd away. Questioned by President Ballentyne [Ballantyne] what Kind of a spirit did Bro Kent manifest[?] answer: a very meek one. what Kind of a spirit was there manifested by Bro Teasdale, ans., he appeared to be very much Exited. Questioned by Bro. Glover, was Bro Kent in a good spirit at the time, he said I dont know[,] but I might trash you, ans, he appeared mild at the time, and after his tooth was knockd out he appeared just the same and calmly remarkd, Taking the tooth in his hand[,] it cant be replaced again, Questioned by President Ballantyne are you sure that Bro Kent threatened Bro Teasdale first, ans, it was after Bro Teasdale lifted his hand to Bro Kents face he said so. Remarks were then made by Elders Pitt, Glover, Myers [Mayer], & West, After which the President ask the council if they were satisfied to which the[y] replied in the affirmative[.] the President then summed up the case, and proposed that Bro Teasdale pay Bro Kent Twenty Dollars, or put in the best tooth that could be found in Salt Lake City and that he stand up before this congregation and acknowledge his unruly conduct, Seconded by Bro George Myers [Mayer], carried unamisously [unanimously]. Proposed by Elder Ballantyne that Bro Kent stand up before this people and acknowledge his fault, Carried. Bro Kent & Teasdale agreeing to the propositions of the council and President[,] they were unanimously forgiven. the Sacrament was then administered by Elders West & Myers [Mayer], by the request of Bro Ballantyne the saints sung O how glorious will be the morning, after which and previous to handing round the Bread[,] Elder Ballantyne Spoke to the saints for a short time by saying Brethren & Sisters no doubt but you feel fatigued after Journeying all day and Coming into Camp and thereby uses hard words one Toward another which causes hard feelings to exist one toward another, I would therefore exhort you to arise and acknowledge your faults one toward another, for by so doing y[o]u Can get More of the holy spirit, it is Mean to Conceal your faults[.] But it is Noble to Confess them. I want to see a spirit of Contrition among you So that the Lord Can Rule and guide our camp, I would also exhort the brethren & Sisters to attend there prayers for in so doing we will be Blest, Come Come yea [ye] saints No toil nor Labour fear, was then sung[.] the meeting then closed by Prayer by elder Glover.
Camp Met for Morning Prayer & sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue. Prayer was then offer'd by Elder Joseph Westwood Camp Moved out at 6 A.M. over a heavy sandy Road untill Noon then tarried a couple of hours to Rest and feed the Cattle Who were much fatigued, resumed our Journey untill 6 P.M. after a hard days drive but Making Little Progress <put up our tents Beside the Platt[e] River Where there was very good> feed for the Cattle[.] about 8 P.M. there was a tremendous thunder storm which Caus'd the Cattle to Be brought into the Carrell and which Lasted Nearly all Night drenching the Whole of the Camp to the Skin during the day an old Cow while Working in the train dropt down and immeadiatly died—
Met for Morning Prayer[.] sung Come all Yea sons of Zion and let us praise the Lord. Prayer being offer'd up By Elder Ballantyne[.] Camp Moved out at 1/2 past 7 A.M. and Continued our Journey until 1/2 past 11 A.M. over a Soft sandy Road. Slept for an hour and a half Close to the River where the Grass reach'd up to the Oxen's Belly[.] resum'd our Journey[.] Road still Continuing Very Bad[.] elders Ballantyne & Glover going on before the train in order to find the easiest Road, in Camp for the Night Between the Platt[e] River and the Bluffs about 6 P.M.
Camp Met for Morning Prayer[.] sung how glorious will be the Morning, Prayer by Elder Pitt, Camp Moved out at a 1/4 past 8 A.M. the Road still Continuing very heavy[.] about 12 A.M. Stopt for about a hour and a half to Rest and feed the Cattle Beside the Platt[e] [.] Passed by a Buffalos head on which were Written in Pencil Informing us that the First Company under the Presidency of Elder Hindley Passed Here on the 23rd of July[.] also the third Company on the 26th July Encamp'd for the Night about 6 P.M. on the Platt[e] River—Shortly after arriving in Camp Isabella Race Got her arm Nearly Shatter'd into Pieces By her husbands Gun Under the following Circumstances[:] the Gun had been in the Waggon during the day Loaded with Shot having a Cap on with a Little tow between the Niple and hammer[.] after the tent was put up, the Gun was taken from the Waggon and put into the tent and Laid upon the Bed, a Little after Sister Race went to make the Bed and drew the Gun toward her But She Perceiving the bed close had Lifted up the hammer[,] shov'd it from her again which Caused the Gun to go off and the Contents go through her Right arm. President in Council Immediatly call'd to see her and Left Brothers [John] Bushby, [William] Appley [Apperley] and [William] Kent to dress and Bind up her arm.
Hail to the Prophet being simg[.] Prayer was offer'd up by Elder Pitt. Camp Moved out at a 1/4 before 9 A.M. Came in sight of Chimney Rock and at 1/2 past 11[.] Stopt to Rest and feed our Cattle. about 1 we resumed our Journey at the Crossing of a Creek[,] name not known[.] there was 3 Waggons Camp'd which had come from Green River on there way to the states[.] the Brethren killed Several Rabbits Hare's[.] on account of the Pra[i]rie being burnt ahead of us we turned aside to the Platt[e] River and Encamp'd for the Night at about 1/2 past 4 P.M. w[h]ere feed for the Cattle were Pretty Good, Road Pretty good all day[.] about
Provisions were serv'd out to the Camp this Morning [- -] at the head of the Carrell [corral] for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come all Yea Sons of Zion[.] Prayer by Elder David [Daniel] Caveen[.] Mov'd out at 1/4 past 8 A.M. and Travell'd untill 1 P.M. Slept to refresh our Cattle until Chimney Rock w[h]ere there was good feed for Cattle. assumed our Journey at 3 P.M. Road Pretty good all day[.] Brethren Kill'd several Rabbits[.] Sister Jane [Elizabeth Cobb] Stevenson [Stephenson] wife of Brother Thomas Stevenson [Stephenson] took labour while stopping at Chimney Rock[.] at about 1/2 past 3 was delivered of a fine Son [Joseph Stevenson.] Sister Carlina [Caroline] Abderholder of Brother [George] Mayer's ten [- - -] under the following circumstances[.] her feet catching part of her dress threw her down so that both wheels went over her body
Met for Morning prayer[.] Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer by Elder E[lias]. Gardner, Captain of the Guard then[,] Said that from this morning at the sound of the bugle the Camps were to Move out[.] the Camp then moved out at a 1/4 past 8 A.M. at 10 A.M. arrived at Rubedore's [Robidoux's] trading Post on the platt[e] River and Encamp'd there for the day.
This morning Weather thick & heavy with Light rain Met for Prayers Sung Redeemer of Israel Prayer by elder Pitt about 10 A.M. the day Cleared up and Camp Mov'd out[.] Previous to Camp Moving out the Captain of the Guard Council'd the Saints Not to travel outside of the Camp or leave the Camp Without Leave for these Mountains are full of Indians & we dont want to lose hone [sic] of you[.] about 1/2 past 3 P.M. Brother David Hilton went away toward the Bluffs and lost Sight of the Camp and didn't return during the Night[.] about 8 P.M. encamped at Scots Bluff for the Night
David Hilton Come into Camp this Morning after being lost all Night Camp met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come Come Yea saints No toil Nor labour fear, Prayer by Elder Pitt at 11 A.M. Met a Small Company of California's Emigrants returning to the States[.] about 12 A.M. pass'd about 1/2 a dozen Waggons in an encampment upon a Creek[.] name not known[.] about 1/2 past 2 P.M. Pass'd a Large Suggar train from Laramie in an Encampment[.] about 4 P.M. Roll'd into Camp about half a Mile from the Platt[e] [.] at 1/2 6 P.M. there was a public Meeting Call'd for the Instruction and Edification of the Saints on Account of Not having the Priveledge on Sunday[.] the Saints were Highly Blest & Codified through the Good Council and Instructions Given by Elders Gardner[,] Pitt & [George] Mayer & after the Meeting was Closed with Prayer by Elder [Joseph] Westwood
This Morning Bro Ballantyne took Sister Race in his Waggon to Proceed to Larimie [Laramie] in order that She Might have the Assistance of a Doctor[.] the Camp afterwards Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer by Elder William Pitt[.] Camp Moved out at a 1/4 before 9 A.M. at Noon[.] Stopd for a Couple of hours to rest and feed our Cattle[.] assumed [resumed] our Journey and about 3 P.M. Met the Mail about 23 Miles from Laramie[.] Pass'd an Encampment of Soldiers who were Making Hay beside the Platt[e] River for the use of [--][.] at Laramie passed a train of Suggar Waggons in an encampment at Ash Point[.] At the above place Isabella Race who was on her way to Laramie to at[t]ain surgical aid died at Noon, Aged 32 years. Encamp'd for the Night a little above the [--] about 5 P.M. about 7 P.M. Sister Carlina [Caroline] Opterhold died Aged 25 [33] Years[.] She was a native of Zurich Switzerland.
Met together for Morning prayer and Sung O Zion when I think on thee[.] prayer by Elder William Kent[.] Camp then Moved out at 1/2 past 8 A.M. at Cold [......] trading Store Stopt for about an hour to Rest and Water our Cattle[.] resumed our Journey & Encampt in the night on the platt[e] River at 5 P.M. about 4 Miles below Larimie [Laramie] [.] this morning the Captain of the Guard exchanged with Messrs [..ibson & Mo[...] four lame oxen and a Cow who were unable to proceed any further on the journey for 2 Beef oxen
Met for Prayer and Sung the first hymn[.] Prayer by Elder William Kent[.] Camp Moved out at a 1/4 before 9 A.M. Met with President Ballentyne [Ballantyne] at Laramie & encamped at Noon[.] about 2 Mile[s] above Laramie the Captain of the Guard ordered all the spare men who were not driving and had Gun[s] to take them and walk before the Camp[.] a Little after we had Carrelled [corraled] about 1 hundred Lodgers of the Ch[e]yen[n]e Indians who were on there way to Laramie to Receive presents from the Indians Agent pass'd by our Camp But Most of the Males Came in to Camp[.] at the time the Indians where at one Camp the Brethren Stood Guard round these Waggons Mostly With there guns Loaded, Josiah Knowlden , was standing Beside Bro [Thomas] Palmer's Waggon But I would here Remark that at Se[e]ing the Indians he half Cock'd his Gun, but afterwards Trying to Put down the Hammer his thumb being Wet at the time the Hammer Slip'd and the Gun Went off shooting Sister [Ann] Palmer in the knee[.] she was immediately Taken to Laramie in President Ballantyne['s] Waggon in order to obtain Surgical Aid[.] this unfortunate Accident causd the Camp to Tarry the Remainder of the day[.] about 10 P.M. Bro Palmer returned from Laramie informing us that he had made arrangements with the Colonel of the Garrison for Sister Palmer to Remain there for the time being and attain the Assistance of the Surgeon.
The Roll being Call'd at 4 A.M. Bro. Ballantyne Said we want the Spare Men who have Guns to walk in front & Rear of the Camp[.] it will also be Nessecary [Necessary] to have Your Guns loaded But, by [page folded] to put on Caps Without My Permission[.] Says he there Might be a band of Indians Watching our Movements and we want to be prepared for any Emergency[.] I hope the Brethren Will give diligent heed for the future to the Council Which may be Given[.] it will Save us from further accidents and if they would of hearkened to the Council which have been Given those two Accidants would not of occur'd
Met in [for] Morning Prayer[.] Sung Redeemer of Israel our only delight[.] Prayer by Elder Glover after which President Ballantyne Requested the Saints who had powder and Shot to hand it over to Elder Glover and to let it be given out at his discretion for the Benefit and Saf[e]ty of this Camp that he other accidants may [-] Camp[.] move'd out at 1/2 p[a]st 8 A.M. and about 30 Men walk'd before the Camp Without any order about Noon[.] Past [Hae........]trading Post[.] Stopt about 3 Miles above for about 8 hours to Rest & our Cattle[.] But the Grass was Very bad at the above trading Post Elder Ballentyne [Ballantyne] Received 2 Yoke of good oxen Which had been left there by Captain [.......] With orders to hand them over to Elder Ballantyne, assumed our Journey after Which the Men with guns who were walking before the Camp without order were organised and put under the Command of Sergeant William Appley and during the Remainder of the day Marched in military Order[.] travel'd about 1/2 an hour by Moonlight and Encamp'd for the Night at Bitter Cottonwood Creek a little Before Coming into Camp Sister Elizabeth Saunders died about 7 P.M. and was Buried about 9 P.M. She was 70 Years old and a Native of London, England[.] There was a Written Will of her property found in her pocket.
Met for Morning Prayer& Sung when I Can read My Title Clear to Mansions in the Sky[.] Prayer by Elder Daniel Caveen[.] during the time prayer was being Made Elders E[rastus] Snow & C[harles] Bassett Came in to Camp to the Surprise & great Joy of the Whole Camp[.] Previous to Morning prayers our Cattle Where Yoked & hitched to the Waggons But orders were immediately given to Unyoke and Send them out to feed again. About 12 A.M. there was a Public Meeting Call'd & Elder Snow addressed them for a Short time[.] The Cattle being reyoke'd the Camp Moved out at 2 P.M. and Continued untill 7 P.M. then Encamp'd for the Night Beside the Platt[e] River were there was good feed for our Cattle, after a good afternoons drive.
Met in Public Worship at 9 A.M. and to receive Instruction from the Priesthood & to Partake of the Sacrament first and unruly Case being brought before the Meeting and of Captain Mayer ten occupied Nearly all the time which were as follows[.] Bro [George] Mayer said that Sister [Elizabeth] Berry had been Complaining to him that Bro Simmonds [George Simmons] had been Ano[y]ing her[.] Sister Berry was then call'd upon to state her greviences to the Meeting[.] Said that last Night after Coming into Camp she and Bro Simmonds [Simmons] was putting up the tent he said Sister Berry have you got No hands & with that gave her such a push as tumbled her over her Bed that was lying there and indeed, his Conduct to her all the Journey has been harsh[.] Bro. Simmonds being Call'd upon to answer the Charge said Brethren She Being in the Way of My putting up the Tent I told her to move and she told Me she would not[.] I therefore gave her a Push & her Bed being there she fell over it[.] Where upon she arose and Said she had a Mind to scratch My face & did so. Bro Lloyd Being Call'd upon to State What he Know of the Case Said he did not hear the Quarrel But Saw Bro Simmonds and Sister Berry Struggling and heard her say O You brute[.] Sister [Rachel] Langfield arose and Said I did Not see Much of the Quarrel But heard Sister Berry Say O You Brute, But I am sorry to say that Bro Simmonds has behaved very Brutish to Sister Berry all the Journey, Elder Elias Gardener [Gardner] Said he Would like to Know what Sister Langfield Me[a]nt by Brutish to which she replied by calling her you dirty old Brute. You dirty old faggot & so forth & Sister Taysum Being present when the Quarrel took place was call'd upon to State what she Knew of the Case. Said I saw Bro Simmonds Strike Sister Berry & Push her twice and she fell over the Bed[.] Questioned by Elder Ballantyne did Sister Berry provoke Bro Simmonds before he struck or pushed[.] her answer No[.] she was Quietly Sitting on her Bed Beside her Waggon[.] President Ballantyne then arose. Said Brethren after hearing the Case I consider it to be one of abuse and we should handle it as such. that the Weak may be Protected against the strong[.] Elder Ballantyne Call'd upon the Council to Express the feelings after Which Elders Pitt[,] Gardner, Myers & West express'd there feelings Concerning the Matter[.] Elder Ballantyne then said Brethren & Sisters I will express my feelings and to warn you that if you give way to Such a Spirit it will Lead you away from the truth[.] You see what the Spirit of evil leads to Bro Simmonds & Sister Berry, Give way to the Bad Spirit Which is a regular Cat and dog Spirit and which Sett Bro Simmonds to Strike Sister Berry and Sister Berry to Scratch Bro Simmonds[.] Bro Simmonds Should be ashamed to Harbour Such a Spirit it don't Become a Man Much Less a Saint[.] it is true Bro Simmonds have done his duty in Mending Waggons Attending Guard &C But a Gentile in Similar Circumstances would have
Morning Prayer Being offer'd up by Bro Mayer, Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. travel'd untill Noon then Stopt for an hour and half Beside The Platt[e] River to Refresh our Cattle[.] assumed our Journey and traveld Untill 8 P.M. and Encampd for the Night at LaBonte after a good days drive
This Morning fried apples & bacon[.] Were serv'd out to the Camp. Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Glorious things of thee are Spoken Zion City of our God[.] Elder E. Snow offer'd up Prayer after which Elder Ballantyne inform'd the Saints that they intended to hold a Public Meeting this Evening if we Could get to Camping ground in time[.] the camp then Moved out at 1/4 before 9 A.M. and travel'd untill 2 P.M. Stopt a couple of hours to Water and feed our Cattle on a Branch of the LaBonte. Resumed our Journey until 6 P.M. about 2 Miles West of the Big spring where there was No Water for the Camp untill the Brethren Try Wells in the Bed of a dry Creek[.] a Public Meeting Now Conven'd When Elder E. Snow to the joy of the Camp Spoke for about one hour upon General Principles Both Temporal and Spiritual after Which the Meeting Closed by Prayer from Elder Gardner.
This Morning one California ox Belonging to Captain Gardener's ten Got out of the Carrell [corral] and for the Want of a horse at the time it took Captain Gardner and a few of his Men a Couple of hours to fetch it up again[.] But during the time Captain Gardner was Seeking the Ox the other 3 tens Moved out; a little before 11 A M Captain Gardner with his ten Moved out and travel'd till about 12 and Came to a good Spring in a Sandy Bend we had to Pass through which we dam'd up and Watered our Cattle. at about 4 P.M. we overtook the other 3 ten Who were Encamped upon a small Creek headed by 3 Beautiful Springs[.] Name Not Known. about 2 mile below the Camping Ground, Elder Snow & Basset drove toward the Platt[e] in order to Meet Elder Shirstin's Company who were a little ahead of us.
Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Come let us anew our Journey pursue[.] Prayer by Elder Ballantyne after Which the Camp Moved out at a 1/4; before 9 A.M. [.] at about 10 A.M. Stopt at a Small Creek on the Black Hills to Water our Cattle there[.] traveld until 1 P.M and Came to the Platt[e] River were we Met Elders Snow & Basset[t] Waiting for us though not Meeting with [Moses] Thirstins [Thurston's] Company[.] Stopt for about an hour and a half to Water & feed our Cattle[.] assumed our Journey and travel'd untill 6 P.M. and Encamped for Night on the Platt[e] River about 2 miles above Lee's Creek about 7 P.M. the Camp was Gratified that there would be a dance on the Green in a 1/2 an hour time. and indeed there was Many of the Ladies before the 1/2 hour had expired dressed and ready to Join in the dance[.] Meeting open'd by Singing Glorious Things of thee are Spoken[.] Prayer Was then offer'd up by Elder Ballantine [Ballantyne] after Which Elder Snow deliver'd a Short address Which was both Pleasing and Instructing[.] Elder Snow at the Close of his Remarks said that he would leave the dance to be dictated by elders Ballantyne and Pitt[.] Elder Ballantyne then Said he would dictate, that Bro Snow take 2 Ladies and open the dance, which was Immediatly Complied With and in a few minutes Some 15 Sets or More were dancing to Bro Pitt [......][.] the dancing was Continued untill 12 P.M., it was then Closed by Singing & prayer—
This Morning the daily allowance of flour with a Little Extra was served out to the Va[....] Saints Met for Prayer 1/2 Sung Redeemer of Israel[.] Prayer being offer'd Up By Sister [Martha] Westwood. Camp Moved out at 1/4 before 8 A.M. travel'd for a couple of hours and stopt at a Small Creek to Water our Cattle Sister Betty Molyneaux while tying a bottle of Water underneath the Waggon Something Caused the Oxen to Move Causing the Waggon Wheel to go over her leg[.] at noon stopt for a Couple of hours on the Platt[e] River to rest & feed our Cattle[.] assumed our Journey & travel'd untill 6 P.M. then Encamped for the Night on the Platt[e] River after Which Supar [supper] was Serv'd out to the Camp.
At 5 A.M. after the roll being Call'd the Captain of the Guard told the Brethren that he Wanted about 30 Volunteers to Compose a Night Guard for the Cattle and None Need Volunteer, But those who are Willing to be Minute Men[,] Men whom he Could depend upon and who were willing to go at a Moments Notice[.] about an hour after there were 48 men selected for the Purpose[.] Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Now Let us rejoyce [rejoice] in the day of Salvation, Prayer Being Offer'd up by Elder [Joseph] Westwood[.] Camp then Moved out at a 1/4 before 9 A M. arriving at the trading Store Beside the Bridge Which Crosses the Platt[e] River[.] We Stopt for about an hour and Water'd our Cattle While President Ballantyne traded 4 Cows & six Oxen which were unable to travel With the Camp for 5 Good Beeves Oxen and about a hundred Weight of dried Beef resumed our Journey
Morning Prayer Being offer'd up by elder Gardner and the Saints [.ower] Sung Praise Yea [Ye] the Lord[.] [Camp] Mov'd out and commenced to Cross the River at the Upper ford about 1/2 p[ast] 8 A.M. and at 10 A.M. all our Waggons were Safely across and travel'd untill 5 P.M. Over Very long Steep hills the Road being very bad and Very Sandy in Places[.] Encamp'd for the Night on the Platt[e] River about a Y mile above Elder Thirsten's [Moses Thurston's] Company[.] about 8 P.M. Camp Met to Partake of the Sacrament after Which Some good instructions were Given by Elder [William] Glover [and] Thirstin [Thurston.] Previous to dismissing and when the Saints Were Singing Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, the Mail from the States on its way to Salt Lake Pass'd by our Camp and Stopt for the Night about 1/2 a Mile above us Bearing the sad News that Sister Palmer whom we had left at was dead [sic]
Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come all Yea [Ye] Sons of Zion and let us Praise the Lord, Prayer was then offerd up By Elder Ballantyne, after Which Camp Moved out at [time missing as page is folded] A.M. and traveled Untill 5 P.M. Pass'd through Rock Avenue and a little after Came to a Small Stream of Clear Water[.] Encamp'd for the Night at Willow Springs But Very little Grass or Water. So the Brethren dug Wells to Water the Cattle and serve the Camp[.] Elder Thirstings [Thurston's] Company Camp'd about 1/2 a mile below[.] By Council of Elder Ballantyne at the Morning Prayer Meeting the Spare Men with there Guns Loaded Walk'd in Military order Before the Camp under the Superintend[....] of Sergeant Hapley [Hadley.] Bros Philips and Noble brought a fine Antelope into Camp this Evening.
For the want of water and grass for the Cattle the Camp was call'd up this morning at 3 Oclock to prepare for an early start on our journey; at 1/2 past 3 P.M. Camp moved out and travelld about 6 miles, and encamp'd by the road side and drove the Cattle about quarter mile on the south side of the road where was good grass also a Creek with good running water[.] at 1/2 past 8 AM the Cattle was again brought in & yoked
The Priveledge was given to the Camp this Morning to take from the Alkali Lake Which was a 1/2 a Mile below us[,] 2 pounds of Salaratus[.] Each person Met for prayer and the Saints Sung Jesus Mighty King in Zion, Prayer by Brother Glover[.] Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. Pass'd by the devils Gate also a Store a little above and at about 3 P.M. Encamp'd for the Night on a Beautiful Bend of the Sweet Water River[.] the Grass at this Place was pretty Good, at 8 P.M. there was a Public Meeting held Elders Ballantyne Gardner and Pitt Each address'd the Meeting for a Short time after Which it Was Closed With Prayer By Bro Mayer, Road Pretty good all day[.] Elder Thirsting [Thurston's] Company Came in and Encamp'd at 6 P.M. about 1/2 a Mile Below us[.] An Ox was kill'd and Serv'd out to the Company during the afternoon.
About 7 A.M. Camp Met for Morning Prayer then Commenced our Journey and travel'd untill 12 A.M. then Stopt 2 hours to Rest & feed our Cattle Previous to Crossing the Sandy Bluff[.] there was a Black Ox Belonging to Cap[tain] Pitts ten While traveling in the team fell down and Immediately died at the Bottom of the Bluff over Which we Crossed[.] there was an Alkali Lake[.] Resumed our Journey and travel'd untill Half Pa[st] 5 P.M. and Encamp'd for the Night on the Sweet Water feed Being Pretty Good for the Cattle[.] Elder Thurston travel'd in Company With us until Noon, But after turn'd to the Right of the Road into the old Pioneers Trail[.] the Brethren Under the command of Sergeant Hapley [Apperley] at Noon Were dismiss'd from Charging the Guns and Walking before the train
At the Morning Prayer Meeting the Saints Sung that Beautiful Hymn Hail'd the Ressurection day[.] Prayer Being offer'd up By Bro Mayer[.] the Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. and Travel'd untill 1/2 past 1 then Encamp'd for the day upon the Sweet Water[.] feed pretty good[.] Water & timber Plentiful[.] the Commisar[i]at Elder Pitt Served out flour and Sugar to the Camp. While in Encampment Elder Thurston['s] Company Pass'd By and Continued there Journey[.] at 8 P.M. there was held a Public Meeting[.] it Was opened by Singing & Prayer after Which Elder [George] Mayer[.] [William] Pitt & [Richard] Ballantyne address[ed] the Saints for a Short time, after Which the Meeting Closed with Prayer by Elder Gardner
This Morning an Ox Was Missing Belonging to Captain Pitts ten after Elders Ballantyne & Glover with 20 or 30 Men had Cover'd the Brush for 3 or 4 Miles it was found during the afternoon in Elder Thurstons Camp[.] at the Morning Prayer Meeting the Saints Sung Come let us Anew our Journey Pursue[.] Brother Robion [James Robson] being Mouth in prayer[.] the Camp Moved out at 1/2 pa[st] 9 and travel'd untill 1/2 pa[st] 11 A.M. then stopped to Rest & feed our Cattle &c[.] Stopt for the Remainder of the day in order to Refresh our Cattle. Kill'd an Ox and Serv'd it out to the Camp[.] a Public Prayer Meeting Was held in the Carrell [corral] during the Evening
Call'd the Roll at 4 A.M. and fetch Cattle into Carrell[.] a little after 5 Saints assembled to Worship the Lord[.] Prayer was offer'd up By Elder Ballantyne and at 20 Minutes before 6 Camp Move'd out[.] about 1/2 p[ast] 8 a little Before we arriv'd at the Alkali Swamps[.] there was a Stampede in the third or fourth tens Breaking an axle tree in Captain Wests ten and Smashing nearly all the spokes out of a Wheel in Captain [George] Mayer[--] ten, Regala [Regula] Hey [Hug] an old Sister from Zurich, Switzerland [illegible] in Captain Mayers Ten fell and got both the Waggon Wheel[s] over her legs doing her Considerable Injury[.] Consequently the train Was Stopt and drove the Waggons into Carrell and Remain'd in Camp until both Waggons were Repair'd[.] about 1 P.M. Resum'd our Journey and travel'd until 7 P.M. and Encamp'd on the Sweet Water for the Night[.] the Road Pretty poor all day[.] after Supper a Public Meeting was held for the edification of the Saints around a good fire of Buffalo Chips or wild sage
Met for Morning Prayer & Sung Jesus Mighty King in Zion[.] Prayer by Bro S[amuel] Mulliner Camp Mov'd out at 7 A.M. and travel'd untill 1/2 p[ast] 10 A.M[.] upon the Sweet Water Carrell'd [corralled] our Waggons and Sent the Cattle to feed for a few hours in the best grass we have had this 2 week's[.] Resumed our Journey and travel'd untill 9 P.M. and Encamp'd for the Night at Strawberry Creek Where there was No Water and But little Grass for the Cattle this afternoon[.] While traveling over Rocky Ridge an Ox belonging to Captain Pitts ten While Working on the teams dropt down and immediatly died. There Was also an old Cow Belonging [to] Captain West While traveling among the loose Cattle, a little below the Rocky Ridge Laid down[.] not Being able to Proceed any Further durring the afternoon[.] While the Camp Was traveling along the Sweet Water a Child of Joseph [Flitcroft Birch] & Dorothe [Dorothy Chambers] Birch of [by] the name of Mary aged 7 Months died of Protracted Thrus[h] & Was Buried at the above Place.
At 3 A.M. a Couple of Brethren were Sent out to Bring in the Cow that was left Yesterday afternoon But found it dead[.] Camp Moved out at a 1/4 before 6 A. M. and traveld a Couple of hours and came to a Branch of the Sweet Water. Rested and feed our Cattle during the time we Stopt at this Place[.] a Man on horseback Came into Camp With the pleasing news that 8 Waggon[s] from the City of Salt Lake With Provisions for the Camp were on the Roads and Would Meet us at Green River. Bro Birch's Child who died Yesterday was Buried this morning While the Bre[thre]n Was Bringing up the Cattle to be Yoked. a good Ox Belonging to Capt. Mayers ten dropt down and died. Resumed our Journey and traveld Untill 2 P.M. and Encamp'd for the Night on the Sweetwater River[.] during the afternoon the President call'd upon the Brethren to go and Cut down Willow Bushes to Make Charcoal in order to do Some Blacksmith's Work for the Oxen &c. A little Before We Came into Camp our Ox that was traveling with the loose Cattle died of the Bloody Murrcan [Murrain.] the Remainder of the dried apples, dried Beef[,] Salt and Bacon Where [were] serv'd out to the Camp this Evening
Assembled for Morning Prayer about 8 A.M. and Sung Praise Yea the Lord &c[.] Prayer by Elder [William] West after Which the Presidant Inform'd the Camp that we should tarry for to day and do a little Smiths work Shoe and Rest the Cattle and Mend the tents so that they Would Stand a Storm[.] Put Waggons into Repair &c[.] the Camp Were also Call'd upon to Sign Receipts for there Passage[,] Provisions &c from Aitchison [Atchison] to G[rea]t Salt Lake City. A Good Ox Belonging to M.G. Philips dropt down and died While Grazing in the Herd. Bro Philips Was formerly of the Texas Company and Who Found the Camp about 70 Miles from Mormon Grove.
The Smiths Were busy working Ox Shoes, nails &c until 8 this Morning[.] an ox Belonging to Captain West's ten While grazing in the Herd laid down and died[.] Met for Morning prayer and Sung Redeemer of Israel our only Delight[.] Prayer by Elder William Pitt a[nd] fine Remarks being made by the Presidant[.] The Camp Marched out at 1/4 p[as]t 9 A. M. Came over the South Pass and Encamped for the Night on the Pacific Spring[.] Upon the South Pass a cow that was traveling among the loose cattle died[.] there was a cow kill'd and serv'd out to the Camp this afternoon flour was also served and the Blacksmith Bellows was again Set up and the Smiths Busy Working, for the Benefit of the Camp
At 5 A.M. the nailmaker making nails for the Oxens shoes[.] Last night it was very cold causing the water to freeze in the Waggons[.] Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Jesus Mighty King in Zion[.] Prayer by Elder Mark Fletcher[.] The President Call'd for a few volunteers to Make a fire in the Carrell [corral Every Evening at 7 So that a Public prayer Meeting Could be held for the benefit of the Whole Camp[.] at 30 Minutes before 10 A.M. the Camp Move'd out and traveld Until 1/4 p[as]t 2 P M and Encamp'd on the dry Sandy for the Night[.] Water and Grass Very bad[.] Just at the time We Reach'd the Camping Ground the Men from the Valley had Camp'd there But were again Resuming there [their] Journey to the States With Doctor [John M.] Birnhisal [Bernhisel] delegate to Congress a passager[.] While at the Same time the Brethren from the Valley With there trains Where Coming to the Camping Ground from the opposite Side Which Caused the hearty of the Whole Camp to Rejoice to Meet With there [their] Brethren from the Valleys upon the Great Plains But especially for the Watch Care Which were Manifested toward them by the Servants of the Lord in the Valleys of the Mountains in Sending Such a great distance for our Comfort the Good things of the Earth[.] toward Evening President Ballantyne and Council Sat down with the Brethren from the Valley to a Good Substantial Supper which was provided for the Occasion While Elder Henry Clegg Play'd a few lively tunes on the Dulcimer][.] About 7 P.M. a Large fire of Sage Brush was Made and a Public Meeting convened[.] Redeemer of Israel was Sung and Prayer Offer'd up by Elder [William] Glover President Ballentyne [Ballantyne] then Said Bre[thre]n & Sisters I feel to Rejoice this Evening in Beholding the faces of these My Brethren from the Vallies of the Mountains especially When I Consider that they have Come out here without Considering there [their] own Interest to serve you and to the thought the Saints ought to feel that the authorities in the Mountains had Care for them[.] He then give a detail of our living from the time We left Mormon Grove untill the Present and the amount of flour we would Require to Subsist on Untill We Reach'd the Valley[.] He then Spoke of the Companys Behind us and What they Would likely Need and Exhorted the Valley Brethren to go on and Meet them and in So doing they Would be Blest[.] a few Similar Remarks were Made by Elder's Glover & Mayer after Which Elder Ballantyne Call'd upon the Brethren from the Vallies to express there feelings and What they intended to do in Regard to the Company's Behind us[.] Brothers Campbell, Moyes, & [....kland] offer'd there [their] feelings after Which Thirteen of the Brethren Volunteer'd to go with there teams & flour to Meet the Saints Even to the last Company if it was Requir'd[.] the other 9 of the Brethren found it Necessary on Account of their Circumstances to return with this Camp and Render us all the kindness in their Power[.] the Bussines of the Meeting Being over there was a Public dance held Which Continued untill a Late hour[.] during the Evening Brothers [Joseph] Westwood & Heath Amused the Company by Each Singing a Comic song [.] Meeting Closed with Prayer by Bro[the]r Mayer's
On account of feed for the Cattle being bad in this place, the Roll was Call'd over at 2 A.M. and the Camp Moved out at 1/2 pa[st] [.] A.M. and traveld untill 12 A.M. over a good Road and Encamped on the Little Sandy for the Night W[h]ere Water and Grass was Pretty good[.] Just before Coming into Camp Bro[the]r [..mstru] Waggon Got five or Six Spokes Broke from one of the Wheels during the afternoon[.] they were Replaced at 7 P.M. There was a Public prayer meeting was held in the Carrell [corral] before a good fire of wood[.] Meeting being over the Brethren enjoy'd themselves by Singing a few Mormon Songs of a high character Which cheered and animated all persons
Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer being offer'd up by Elder Mayer[.] Camped Moved out at 1/2 pa[st] 9 A.M. and traveld Untill Noon and Encamped on the Big Sandy for the Night[.] at 7 P.M. there was a public Meeting held in the Camp and Sacrament Administer'd[.] Much Valuable Instruction Where [were] given by the President and Council after Which the evening Closed with Prayer by Elder Gardner
At 5 A.M. Roll was Call'd over at 1/2 p[ast] 7[.] Met for Prayer and Sung Come Yea Elder's of Israel and Join Now With The Prayer by Elder [George] Mayer's after Which Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. about 1/2 p[ast] 12 Watered the Cattle at the Crossing of the River[.] traveld Untill 6 P.M. with Elder Thurston's Company and Encamped for the Night on the big Sandy Road[.] pretty near all day[.] There was a cow left Behind not being able to travel any further[.] in the evening a Public Meeting was held in the Carrell [corral]
Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Come All Yea Sons of God Who have Received the Priesthood[.] Prayer by Elder Glover[.] Camp then Moved out at 9 A.M. and travel'd untill 2 P.M. and arrived at Green River & at the time Elder [Moses] Thurstons Company were Crossing it and about &189; p[ast] 3 all our Waggons were on the opposite side of the River[.] we Encamped by the Side of the Store[.] there was a public fellowship Meeting held in the Carrell [corral] during the evening and a good spirit prevaild
Met for Morning Prayers[.] Sung Yea Elders of Israel[.] Prayer by Elder [William] Pitts [Pitt.] Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. Continued our journey untill 4 P.M. and Encamp'd for the Night on Hams Fork at the above trading Store[.] President Ballentyne sold 2 Lame oxen [illegible] which were unable to travel with the Camp for 27 dollars and Bought tea for the use of the Camp[.] about 7 P.M. a Prayer Meeting Was held in the Carrell [corral]
Assembled for Morning Prayer and Sung When shall we all Meet again[.] Prayer by Elder Mayer[.] through our Cattle Getting Mixed with Elder Thurston Company's Cattle the Camp Was Detained for about an hour and a half and did not Move out till 1/2 past 10. traveld about 4 Miles and Stopt about an hour to Water and Rest our Cattle on Hams Fork[.] Resumed our Journey[.] Crossed Hams fork and Came to Blacks fork[.] Crossed over and traveld until 8 P.M. and Encamped for the Night on Blacks fork[.] Grass pretty Good
Camp Moved out at 8 A.M. and traveld about 2 hours to the first Crossing of Blacks fork[.] Waterd our Cattle[.] Brother [.....ones] Waggon was Going to Cross the River[.] Sister Mary Saunders Went to pass us[.] She fell down and Both Waggon Wheels went over her body and face doing her considerable Injury[.] she was immediately taken in Brother [Joseph] Westood['s] Waggon to Fort Bridger[.] traveled untill 12 A. M. and Stopt for a couple of hours to Rest and feed our Cattle at Blacks Fork[.] At 2 P.M. Resumed our Journey and traveld until 1/2 p[ast] 7 P.M. and Encamped for the Night on Blacks Fork where there were good feed for the Cattle[.] Elder Pitt Commisan [Commissar] for the Camp Serv'd out the tea which was purchased at Bridger
Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer by Elder Mayer's[.] a little before 8, the Camp moved out and travel'd untill 11 A. M. and Encamped for the day near the store at Fort Bridger[.] at the above place there were plenty of good feed for the Cattle[.] a fat ox was killd and serv'd out to the Camp with a little flour[.] Abt 7 P.M. Assembled in the Carrell to Sing and Praise the lord and to Unite in Prayer[.] after the Meeting was Concluded the[re] was a dance at Elder Robinsons Store and Continued Untill 11 P.M.
The Camp tarried at fort Bridger all this day[.] They Were a little Salt and Suet Servd out to the Camp this Morning[.] about Noon the Missionaires from Great Salt Lake City on there way to the States and Europe came into Camp Accompanied by Elder Orson Pratt[.] in the Evening there was a Meeting held in the Carrell and Elder O[rson] Pratt and Several of the Missionaries Spoke to the Joy and Consolation of the Camp. they were also several Hymn's Sung by the Brethren[.] Also that Beautiful Piece Call'd the resurection day. Elder Ballantyne brought the Meeting to a Close by Making a few appropriate remarks and Calling upon Elder O[rson] Pratt to dismiss the Meeting by Prayer.
About 9 A. M. the Missionaries Resumed there Journey and the camp assembled for Morning Prayer[.] Saints Sung Come let us anew Our Journey Pursue Prayer was offer'd up by Elder [William] Pitt[.] Afterwards camp moved out at 10 A. M. and traveld untill 4 P.M. and Encamp'd for the Night on little Muddy. There were left at Bridger Sixteen Oxen and Five Cows that were unable to travel any longer with the Camp[.] there was also 2 oxen died at the above place[.] Sister [Mary] Sanders who got run over by the Waggon was left at Bridger With her Mother Untill she Recovers.
Met for Morning Prayer and Sung the Morning Breaks the Shadows flee[.] Prayer by Elder West[.] Camp mov'd out 9 A. M. and travel'd untill noon and Encamped on Sulpher Creek to Water.
Met for Morning Prayer and they Sung Mighty King in Zion[.] Prayer by Elder Pitt[.] Previous to the starting of the meeting Elder Ballantyne Remark'd that several of the Camp had gone into the City with there friends Who had come out to Meet them and he hoped that None of the Camp Would leave Without first acquainting him or the Captain of there Respective tens[.] Camp Moved out at 1/2 p[as]t 9 A. M. and travel'd Until 1/2 p[as]t 2 P. M. and Encamp'd on the West end of the Ridge Which divides the Waters of the Great Bason [Basin] from the Colorado. an Ox Belonging to Captain Gardner' s ten Died While Grazing in the Herd. this Morning there was also one Black Cow found and Brought into Camp in good Condition, Several of the Brethren Camp [came] into Camp from the City to Meet there friends[.] Meeting was held in the Carrell at 1/2 p[as]t 7 P. M.
Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Morning breaks the Shadows Flee after prayer by Elder West. Camp moved out at 8 A.M. and traveled untill Noon. Came through a deep Ravine and encamped on Sulpher Creek to Water & Rest our Cattle[.] at 1 P.M. Resumed our Journey[.] Came upon a very bad hill When all the Spare Men were required to push up the Waggons[.] Came over Bear River and Encamped for the Night about 3 Miles below Yellow Creek Where there was Excellent feed for the Cattle.
Met for Morning Prayer and Sung Redeemer of Israel[.] Prayer by Elder Joseph Westwood[.] Camp Moved out at 1/2 p[as]t 9 A.M. and traveld untill 2 P. M. Stopt an hour at Cash Cave to Water & Rest our Cattle[.] Resumed our Journey and traveld untill 6 P. M. and encamped for the Night in Echo Kanyon [Canyon] about 6 Miles above Cash [Cache] Cave, plenty of feed for Cattle along the Road this day[.] Elder Gardner['s] Ox died about 1 Mile below Cash [Cache] Cave
Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Redeemer of Israe[.] Prayer by Elder Pitt[.] afterwards Camp Moved out at 8 A. M. and travel'd Untill Noon[.] Stopt an hour and half to Water and feed our Cattle[.] Resumed our Journey and traveld untill 1/2 p[as]t 6 and Encamp'd for the Night Beside Weber River[.] Lydia Stevenson, Wife of Bro Joseph Stevenson was Confined of a Son Soon after Coming into Camp Which lived about 1/2 an hour[.] an Ox Belonging to Captain Mayer['s] ten died this Morning, during the Evening a public Meeting was held in the Carrell
Met for Morning prayer and Sung Come let us anew[.] Prayer by Elder Pitt[.] Camp Moved out at 1/2 p[as]t 9 A. M. and traveld untill Noon and Stopt for the space of about 3 hours through heavy Rain[.] at 3 P. M. Resumed our Journey and traveld untill 1/2 p[as]t 5 and encampd for the Night Beside a Creek about 9 Miles from the Big Mountain[.] there was a fat ox Which we got at Bridger[.] Kill'd and Serv'd out to the Camp
Met for Morning Prayer[.] afterwards Camp Moved out[.] traveld about 6 Miles and encamp'd for the Night about 4 Miles below the Big Mountain[.] at 7 P. M. the Sacrament was administerd and pasd. Counsel and instruction given by Many of the Elders
Met for Morning Prayer[.] Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer by Elder Pitt. Camp then Moved out at 8 A. M. Came over the big Mountain and encamp'd between the Mountains about 4 P. M. About 1/2 an hour after arriving into
Met for Morning prayer. Sung Come let us anew our Journey Pursue[.] Prayer by elder Ballantyne after Which Presidants Snow and Ballantyne address'd the Saints for a Short time[.] the Camp then Moved out at a 1/2 before 9 Came over the Little Mountain and Encamp'd on the Public Square Great S[al]t Lake City at 6 P. M. In good health and first rate Spirits