
Transcript for Robert L. Campbell, Journal extracts (30 June-19 October 1848) in Historical Department office journal, 1844-2012

Mond July 3

Pleasant warm still morning[.] E[zra]. T[aft]. B[enson].[,] G[eorge] A[lbert] Smith at Drs [Willard Richard’s] waggon 9 A. M.

Yoking up – Heywood teams came back for Drs waggons

G. A. S.[,] Levi Richards[,] L[ucius] Scovil & E J B parting with Dr. R[ichards].

hitching up yoking &c started out after sundown to encampment down over the bridge – along side of the mill creek left road 2½ miles out. got out about 8-½ [.] The Dr arrived at same time[.] B[arnabas] adams waggon tipped over the bridge

travelled 2½ miles


Tuesd July 4th

Camp walked 4 a. m. hunting cattle all near the waggons – good feed plenty water – Swine Pigs – <Turkeys> Poultry – Ducks sheep & about 15 horses & mules in Camp[.] 60 waggons – almost a round circle. cattle allowed to go anywhere


S. West Wind – very hot day. cool breeze[,] no flies in comparison to what was in Winter Quarters

Dr. R. in bed all day – cattle do first rate here.

L. Scovil & Levi Richards visiting Camp 1 P. M. they bid us good bye

sundown, Wm Henry Adams son of William Henry Adams 3 years old by Robt Wilsons drawing his fathers pistol & it going off shot thro the right knee went immediately below the cap <between Bone> of the knee thro & thro & one ½ inch into the opposite knee[.] A[ndrew] L[oosee] Lamoreaux cut it open & Phinihas Richards extracted the Ball[.] carried to br. Rs waggon, ordered him to be prayed for[.] put some sugar & Salt on the 3 Bullet holes. Buck shot Bullet – & poured brandy on it[,] F[rankling] D[ewey] Richards putting it on[.] child very patient. Bro. Barnerd [John P. Barnard] & guide start for Elk horn this a.m.

Cattle all brought up & put within the square or circle. guards outside & one inside to keep the cattle from getting away & frighty[.] cry the time every half hour –

wild gooseberries, grapes, strawberries found up the hollows near the mill creek – hazle nuts growing in abundance[.] very warm day, air very warm eve


Wed July 5th 1848

S Wind Pleasant morning –


Camp called up by blowing the horn at 3 a.m. yoking up, milking cows[,] making breakfast – Blacksmith shop a going – A L Lamoreaux – Bro John P. Barnard arrived about 5 A.M. brings news of Amasse [Amasa] Lymans Co. crossed the horn waiting for us & would until Thursday noon – & give us all the assistance possible –

Elk Horn fordable

Hitching up began at 4½ A.M. Rolling <C> out until 10. went scattering along the Prarie – a portion of the Company reached the Lapion [Papillion] while Dr Richards crowd encamped at the fork of the road where Parleys cut off meets. a little timber left by some who had encamped there –

Sun half an hour high

sprinkling of rain, heavy clouds – passing to the South accompanied by lightening[.] a few drops of rain when forming camp[.] Dr R stepped out the Camping ground[.] water in hollow to the North West – heavens hazy to the East, N East & South East, other points clear & Red[.] good feed – drove the cattle to the outside of the waggons where they lay down[.] Dr R. giving directions to Captn of Fifty F D R to start in the morning & travel to Lapian for breakfast

guard stationed

travelled 10 9½ miles


Thurs July 6th 1848

clear moring. Northerly wind – cool – Camp called up at the blowing of the Horn 3 a.m. soon gathered up the cattle, hitched up & started[.] 1st Ten starting lead – Sun rising Pleasant travelling – arrived at Lapan 8½ – found [John Solomon] Fulmers ten & the others starting for the Horn – crossed – & found good feed – easy to water cattle – not miry. clear soft water[.] Plenty timber for Camping purposes


fires kindling – Cooks cooking. Breakfast at 10. better bridge for crossing than where we crossed last year also easier to water cattle.

11. Captn [James M.] Flake with 5 of Amassa’s [Lyman] Company came to our Camp, report 108 waggons over the Horn. plenty fish, very good ford &c.

11½ started for the Horn. Pleasant cool travelling – Dr R waits till the Camps leave start & with Bro [William] Kays horses hitched to his buggy overtakes & passes the Camp[.] arrived at horn sun two hours high forded the river doubling teams[.] found Amassa & Co. carrelled on the NW bank 108 waggons – also Fulmers ten & others formed a half carrel & we filled it out – all crossed & carrelled 8½ P.M. Water soft – grass good – in our carrell 60 waggons – this evening horses & mules tied inside of the carrell. cattle outside near the carrell. 4 on guard out of one ten – first guard from 9 till 12 – next from 12. till 3 a.m.

travelled to day 15 miles

Dr R had yoke of cows left behind


Frid July 7. 1848

N. Wind cool morning.


Camp called up at 3 – milking commencd – 4. Cattle going out to herd –

Fires mending – cooks a cooking –

all appear healthy & well –

Carrelled in a pleasant level spot.

timber on each side but S. West – cotton wood plenty[.] orders from Captn. Kay to our Ten – our carrell the first to move this morning at 7½ a m began to move – all the cattle on hand – Fulmers & [Benjamin]Wilcox’s ten moving out first.

The creek we struck about 1 mile – having forded 1 mile above where the Spring Co[mpan]y last year did – Good bridge – good roads – about 4 miles on, soft –; wheels go into the Hols on the track sometimes: fine cool breeze – coming near the Platte which we strike[.] very Sandy. Sand blowing, heavy to pull. Dr R passed about noon – says Amassa’s carrell coming after us – arrived at the Liberty pole 3½ P.M. watered teams & started on –

got up to circular Lake or Pond about 5 P.M. formed Carrell [corral] half formed by Wilcox & Fulmers ten. breezy – cool – fine camping ground deep grass mixed with Rushes – boys catching strings of fish in the lake – & swimming – cattle soon fill themselves – Amassa with several of his Coy came up at night to our Camp reported they had carrelled at the Liberty pole on the Platte & [illegible text]

Dr R been sick to day.

heavy dew to night. cattle scattering – but gathered up – clear moon

travelled to day 16½ miles


Sat July 8. 1848

Northerly wind – Grass wet with Dew –


cattle uneasy thro’ the night –

hitched up & started at ¼ to 8. A M. Captn Kays 1st Ten leading. Roads tolerable good –

where Sandy heavy to pull. Table Land, North 10 miles to the Hills or Bluffs which runs along parrallel with road & river – Road about 1 mile & ½ from Bluffs on South side of the Platte –

Platte not so muddy as Mo. [Missouri] but as broad[.] full of islands, sand bars, snags &c: Wild roses[.] arrived at R R & T about 1 P.M. formed carrell, water teams, bringing wood – banks crow[d]ed with women washing

boys swimming – channel shallow.

inside of carrell – Turkeys – Ducks. Hens. Pigs – cats & Dogs[.] Pleasant camping ground Sandy: Waggons 20 rods from river in the cotton wood. rushes on the islands among the willows[.] 3. P.M. Amassa’s Coy driving past. formed carrell 150 rods West – clear moon

Travelled 9 miles


Sab July 9th 1848

Fine morning cool – Breezy –


Camp called up at 3. heavy dew

Women still washing, clothes drying –

meeting between the carrells, at 10. A M Prest W Richards. & Amasa Lyman. J[ames M[adison] Flake. Meeting called to order by Amassa Lyman – sung “Glorious things of thee are spoken”

F.D Richards prayed –

A. Lyman man for the convenience of transacting the business on hand let those who have travelled with Dr R take seats on the right. first item – be to have an expression of the feelings of the Camp in relation to the General office or Captn of Hundred J M Flake, he does not feel to act without an expression of the Bal of the Camp with us now – if it be the view of Drs Camp that J. M. Flake act as Capt. of 100 & manifest uplifted hand – unanimous vote

one thing we would wish distinctly understood that the measures men sanction by this vote be expected to stand up to like men. the making of officers is that they may be used. & they are expected to be explicitly obeyed. it is the only principle that will keep peace in camp[.] next officer Capt of Fifty. F D Richards all who are in favor of this – unanimous vote – F.D.R. if in order I wish to say – that I have not known myself only Captn – of 40[.] A Lyman. one Captn of 60 in our of equal Captn. of Fifty[.] The officers next to be considered are Captn of Ten[.]1st Wm Kay. call out your ten – called them out all present. & all voted unanimous he should be their Captain

2 William McBride[.]call out your ten – called them out all present. & all voted unanimous he should be their Captain

3 John S Fulmer[.]call out your ten – called them out all present. & all voted unanimous he should be their Captain

4th Benjamin Wilcox[.]call out your ten – called them out all present. & all voted unanimous he should be their Captain

moved & seconded that Robert Campbell is historian for the Camp – unanimous vote – <A Lyman> nominated James H Rollins clerk for the 1st Fifty unanimous vote – <F D R nominated> Robert Campbell clerk for 2 fifty <his forty> unanimous J S Fulmer. I <object to> opposed his nomination till there is Fifty. forty had not ought to have a<notes> clerk

A.L. Bro give attention & I will read some rules on the leading items pertaining to our safety & convenience on the journey. read item by item. & voted on them, a Bro: made a few remarks on ther rule. explicit obedience to the officer of Camp – – recalled the vote, & voted as at first implicit obedience to the officers be required of every man in camp. Dr R I offered the objection be required & substitute be yielded to see if any objections - & now I have got my object accomplished got you to talk & get an understanding – & have feeling on this subject therefore I done so – I vote for it as we had it at first. Bro: Amasse Lyman spoke on that subject very points & good

12 rules called. & all agreed to & voted unanimous[.] A.L Let every Captn keep an account of the misdemeanors or disorderly conduct – so that we may report when arrive at Head Quarters. this Dr R in favor of that much – no women nor children, to go away far from camp[.] not safe see copy rules adopted.

John S Fulmer started an objection as to our Fifty going with only 40 – when. 60 in another – while our Camp is the weakest & decidedly most helpless. & for the other strong camp to move on, looks like ill policy he could have moved out with the large coy but preferred to wait to help on & do good

J L Heywood [ditto to above paragraph]

Amassa I did not influence any to come nor to stay back but had calculated the Forty to go a head this week – that understanding tween Dr & me.

Dr Richards – I will have no feelings. it will be all right – & if the teams coming from the Mts able to do us our Coy will become stronger[.] want a teamster – Brother Casteel furnish one this week

Dr spoke considrably about Indians Graves & said he would guarrante us safety – for horses if all of us be diligent – keep guns ready – wants the privilege to fall in any where when riding on his carrage. 2 P.M. Meeting for all at each carrel at 4 P M

12 That every member of the Camp be at their Quarters at 9 o’c and that the guard cry the correct time without making any unnecessary noise.

Amassa said Bre you may consider yourselves dismissed – copy of the Rules adopted – “Rules adopted for the benefit of the Camp of Israel in travelling from Winter Quarters to the Salt Lake city –

Rule 1st That each ten shall travel a head alternately according to their numbers –

Rule 2 That all lost property when found shall be brought to the Captn of Fifties quarters

Rule 3 That all the Dogs shall be tied up at Dark to prevent the annoyance of the guard – except a portion of them without the Camp as the officers shall direct

Rule 4th That no man shall be allowed to leave the Camp by himself nor without the consent of his Captain

Rule 5 That it shall be the duty of the Captains of Ten to instruct their men to attend to their family prayers at night sounding of the horn.

Rule 6th That it shall be the duty of the Captain of 50 to see that the guard shall be placed around the Camp at ½ past 8 oc each night to relieve the Capt of the herd whose duty it shall be at the sound of the Horn in the morning with the men & boys exempt from guard duty to take charge of the Herd until the night guard are again posted –

7th That the sounding of the Horn in the morning shall be the signal for the Camp to arise and attend to the duties of the morning –

8th That the Camp shall be ready to start each morning at ½ p[ast] 7 oc.

9th That implicit obedience to the officers be required of every man in Camp

10th That each man owning Horses or mules be required to bring them into the carral at sun down, and make them fast.

11th That it shall be the duty of each Teamster when the herd is driven in at night to see that his Team is on hand or in the herd without fail

Meeting in Drs carrell at 5 P – M but few assembled – F. D. R. read copy of the the Revelation given Jany 1847 – also copy rules & made a few remarks on economy[.] Dr R. I move that Bishop Heywood preside over our religious meetings in this Fifty[.] seconded & carried unanimously – agreed that we have the sacrament on such occasions – Bishop Heywood at liberty to call any other Bishop or Elder to his assistance & council when he nominated FDR no Bishop being present – Captn Richards made some good remarks on keeping the Sabbath – good Spirit present

Meeting dismissed a little after six – when all the males from 6 upwards in 2ndD Fifty called together –

F.D.R. giving orders as to the Herd – & guard[.] Agreed that 10 men guard carrell & cattle every night & that it begin at 10. No 1. & so on employing a ten each night. two watches in the night 1st from 8½ to 12. midnight[.] next from then until 3½ when the Captn of the Herds relievs the guard

Voted that Joseph Shipley be Captain of the Herd & that the Captns of Ten give in a list of invalids & boys exempt from guard duty for Herdsmen & boys

clear moon light


Mond July 10th

calm morning – heavy fog – still –


a ox of [blank space] Curtis having given out with his hip disjointed was shot in Drs company & butchered. meat distributed to Captns of Tens From them to families gratis – Blacksmiths forge a – going[.] Joseph Shipley took charge of Fifties cattle & herd at 3½ & took them out to eat where dew on the ground before milked – greasing wheels – & Breakfast – cattle in at 6½ – considerable difficulty in yoking them all up –

got ready to start about 8½ – Captain McBrides ten leading out – for 3 or 4 miles road sandy – afterwards pretty good – space & tracks to travel 2, 3 & 4 a breast – passed Indian grave north side of the road about 1 P M[.] Amassa’s Company following in our rear – got to shell creek about 3 P.M. camped on the West side

very warm day. hot – & still – no wind Hunters brought in a deer –

Levi Willard Richards got his arm broken (supposed to be) <son of Levi Richards age 3 yr> at sundown by falling from waggon ladder –

tolerable place for watering cattle – water soft – feed good – beautiful landscape[.] Travelled to day 10 miles

Table Land – South to the Hill or Bluffs runing parralleel with the Plat[t]e about 80 or 10 miles – all level – to the left or North the Platte & bluffs on the shore or within a mile & half – clear moon light –

Bro: adams boy shot thru the legs doing well[.] right leg almost good as ever – the other the boy don’t use much –

July 1848

Distances travelled per day –

Mond 3 From Winter Quarters up Mill creek 2 miles


Wed 5 Mill creek to forks of the road. Parleys cut off. Prairie 10miles

Thurs 6 Prairie. to Elk Horn 15 miles

Frid 7 Elk Horn to Circular Lake or Pond 16¼ miles

Sat 8 Circular lake or Pond to R R & T 9 miles
Travelled 1st week .....52¼ miles


Tuesd July 11 – 1848

clear still calm morning – cattle uneasy for part of last night – & guarding them – 3½ herd going out.


4½ fires mending – cooks – preparing

6½ Breakfast over – cattle in – yoking up started at 7½ – 3rd Ten leading – good roads – very hot – little wind[.] Cattle [sentence unfinished,]

met single waggon 2 yoke of cattle & 2 men – coming from fort at Grand Island[.] Reports Pawnees not to be seen – killed a Buffalo heifer yesterday – no water for cattle – best days road had yet – arrived at Long Lake South road sun 2 hours high – Amassa’s company right at our heels – Poor grass for miles coming along tried the Lake for fish with nets but too deep. few caught with lines & Bate – clear moon light – Boys bathing – good feed 1 mile North

Travelled 12¾ miles


Wed July 12 – 1848

cloudy cool morning –


6 a.m. cattle yoking up & hitching –

7 – carrell broken Captn starting lead[.] cool – don’t see the 4 or 5 miles of <heavy> sandy road, good roads[.] got to Lake south of the road at 11 a – m – water teams[.] Amassa & J M Flake passed on horseback – came up to Loup Fork <Lake & timbr> in A – M – unhitched 1½ hours – watered teams

very hot – most oppressive day. sweat from every pore –

Easterly breeze on the Prairi[.] Got to Looking glass creek a little after sundown[.] Poor feed this side – good cool water, very soft

all hands worn out with sweat & fatigue

Travelled 20¼ mils

cloudy threatening rain – lighting in the North

Frid 14 July 1848
Cool morning –
Yoking up at 4 a m. all cattle on hand[.] starting by sun up – Captn Mc Brides Company leading[.] Pleasant cool travelling[.] good roads – got to Plumb creek by 10 a.m. R C got his forn [front] axle tree broken – went on to ash creek where we carrelled. but finding water bad.

26 Omaha Indians. Old elk & Young Elk – with chiefs & braves – afterward – squaws & other Indians came on foot – Dr R went & found a [page torn] on the Loup Fork – & in an hour & half hitched up & went to Cedar creek – Indian taking us to the old Pawnee village where they are living now – Captain Shipley expects [page torn] have run off the tor [illegible text] white cow –

Carrelled at sundown on the beautiful [page torn] [illegible text] good grass near water –

Amassa’s company passed us at ash creek & camp [page torn] mile beyond us <on> cedar creek. cannon fired [page torn] on guard to night 10 each watch

[page torn] . W. Richards
guards fire before crying time each hour

Travelled 12½


Sat 15 July 1848

cool cloudy morning – N E Wind.


good feed on this encampment – grapes abundant soft water. Co.y of men from Amassa’s encampment on horseback with spades joined by a few from ours to fix the Loup Fork Ford.

Indians all round. Women washing. Wagons fixing – getting up Blacksmiths shop double forge –

10. a.m. Amassa co.y coming back past us to the ford near the mouth of cedar crick and in 4 hours crossed 110 waggons – doubling teams.

cool pleasant day

P.M. Captn. Wilcox ten of Drs 50 crossed

guards stationed with orders to fire gun every half hour before crying the time.

cattle drove into the balance of the carrell. still evening – clear moonlight.


Sund 16 July 1848

2 A.M. yoke of cattle got a wash tub full of iron & tin ware on their heads. frightened the cattle. when they rushed out thro the guards run half a mile. when guards headed them – all brought back safe. 10 men on guard – 5 from 8½ to 12. bal 12 to 3½ when horn blowed – Saints pray, cattle taken out. Breakfast cooking – Wheels greasing – Blacksmiths forges very busy. unable to set ½ tires taken there. Lamoreaux. & McBride’s Waggon broke down. wheels off. not much damage done. save to medicines & in waggon.


cool still day. Indians about Camp[.] Waggons moving to Ford as they are ready. early P.M. Amassa Lyman, & Captn. Flake came to Drs wagon, report brought teams to hitch on to the wagons of the 1st Ten. take them cross & down to encampment. while the teams of the 1st Ten help 2d Ten went to Ford nearly a mile

struck into Cedar creek 75 rods from mouth[.] went down Cedar creek to Island or sand bar in the LOUP Fork. then struck up Loup Fork S.W. 20 rods to sand bar, then direct S or S.E. to S banks of Loup Fork, not over knee deep all the way. only two soft places[.] all got safe over – Indians wiguams [wigwams] right on the banks. they have lost a pony – Omaha’s. Dr R got Coys No. 1-2 four a breast. Stood in his carriage looked out at door, & with cup in his hand said – Here’s health to the Saints. I drove the last of you out of Winter Quarters, & drove the last of you over the Loup Fork. worst stream got to Ford – all safe. thanks to the Lord[.] drank, invited all up & treated them to some alcohol & water.

Moved on to Amassa’s encampment[.] heavy sandy roads. 3 miles[.] carrelled before sundown on banks of Loup Fork – good watering places excellent feed. timber ¼ mile on both sides. Indians followed down[.] Omaha’s when we Forded L F came to us with his pail fulls & his plate ful of ripe choke cherries, wishing Salt, Bread, Fish hooks Etc in exchange selling Moccasins for prints shirts or cotton cloth[.] boys bathing Sandy & Rocky bottom – some bul–rushes by the river side other rushes sprinkled among the grass all along[.] moonlight evening. cloudy.

Travelled to day .......4½ miles

after all the wagons had crossed the Loup Fork & while the Dr’s carriage going to cross – a smart looking squaw with a noble looking papuse [papoose] came up. said the Papuse was sick & wanted Dr to do something for it. took it up in his arms. blessed it. handed it back. drove on. leaving them astounded & looking after him. had no doubt but it was healed.


Mond 17 July 1848

West Wind. Pleasant morning – Amassa’s Coy starting – our Fifty following[.] No. 4 Captn Wilcox leading – late start[.] Sandy encampment. but thick covered with grass South of encampment to Bluffs or elevation ¾ mile[.] 58 Wagons in our encampment. heavy sandy roads watered teams 4 miles & picked up little wood. then strike for & ascend the Bluffs. good Prairie road. very dusty passed dry feed – spare.


took down a little to old Pioneer encampment on the Loup Fork. & slough running into it

Travelled to day 14 miles

just as came in sun hour high. Amassa & Captn Flake arrived from the upper Ford. whither they had both went with a letter from T[homas] Bullock giving Extracts from Camp Journal –

Dr had Camp called together – F D R read it[.] boys bathing. Rocky & Sandy bottom. some places 7. 8 & 9 feet deep. dry grass, spare[.] herd taken to where good feed

Amassa’s carrell but a few rods distant. cattle together


Tuesd 18 July 1848

cloudy. still morning. Sun emerges. Warm. Amassa’s Co.y start Sun 1½ hours high Dr’s Coy start Sun 2½ hours high


Sun clouded, cool. several miles good road travelled South. S & by West. struck some Trail as it were coming from the upper Ford – heavy deep tracks. dry spare feed.

Moved direct South or a little by East over rugged knolly hilly broken road – very Sandy & heavy. hard pulling – 3. 4 & 5 tracks sometimes – drizzling rain, cloudy, cool, smart shower 1 P. M. Dr. & Kay came forward stopped 1 hour bated teams. the shower as good as creek for cattle. desended to Table Lands good road travelled 5 miles then came to near Prairie creek – found Amassa carrelled. Sun down – 1 hour – Level spot ¼ mile from Creek. no timber[.] teams had no creek to water in at noon halt. & had heaviest road yet. but no cattle lolling & moved in the last 3 miles quicker than the first three miles

Travelled to day 20 miles

The Lord favored us much


Wed 19th July 1848

Still morning. Sun strong. good feed little ways off. late start. Amassa’s carell move first ours start 20 to 10. very warm – level ground[.] Dry grass interspersed with sage – struck road 2 miles from Platte angling from road to Platte. fine rush bottom – green – on the North dry thin feed – arrived at Wood river – sun 1½ high – heavy crossing[.] Amassa Lyman came up here to Dr.s carriage exhausted & nearly gone. he and Brothers [blank space]


3 Deers passed within few rods of camp[.] Captn Mc Bride found skull – marked with red chalk – “21st June 48 – all’s well – very dusty T Bullock[.]” got cross Wood river by Sundown. travelled 5 miles after crossing. dark night. came to encampment, after waiting ¾ hour for a pilot at 10 P. M. Dr & Kay behind tending to Amassa this hunter[.] good roads all day. Dusty, struck down from the road to Camp – plenty grass, timber & water on sand bar[.] on the islands rushes in abundance, large kind. some antelope caught & shot. Cattle some worn out

Travelled to day 16¾ miles

Oliver Wilcox of the 4th Ten 2d fifty reported for disorderly conduct sleeping on guard


Thurs 20th July 1848

cool morning, N.E. Wind, stiff breeze – Dr R cooking antelope – Amassa’s carrell late at moving off – 2d Fifty waiting – 11 A M – on the North Dry grass – spare, like Prairie in November. but to the South near river & timber, good feed – tall grass & rushes. Prairie on fire


got all thru without harm. & camped near the river. Plenty timber. good grass: on the islands rushes abundant, without any grass mixed. heavy kind of rushes – all cotton woods & willow[.] Deer shot.

Wm HenryAdams who was shot thro’ the legs getting better[.] in good spirits all the time. left leg about quite well & the other is getting fast better. it is believed it wont affect the use of his limbs

Levi Willard Richards whose right arm broken little above shoulders, bone knitting. boy in first rate spirits. lively all the time. Amassa very sick to night unable to speak –

Travelled 10 miles


Frid 21st July 1848

Warm morning. still, smart shower early. Women preparing for washing. Blacksmith’s forge up in Amassa’s company. Fixing wagons.


Amassa better. 20 to 2 P.M. start. good roads dusty – mostly good feed. John Eddings broke <waggon> tongue[.] Dr. R & W Kay fixed it up. very cool day – Pleasant travelling, but late before we got to Camp 9 P.M. then had to wade across Platte & bring fire wood on our backs from Island. 1. 2. to 2½ feet deep[.] Sandy & some Quick sand spots –

Plenty game. Deer Antelope & Elk abundant – but in our ten few have time to shoot. in consequence of Dr R having only boys & borrowed teamsters[.] on low lands near river feed excellent – but seldom good on the 2d Table. highland like Prairie in Nov.

Travelled 12 miles


Sat 22 July 1848

cloudy morning. sprinkling of rain – chilly S. Wind. breezy. Cattle look well all hitched early. 7½ Amassa’s carrell broken moving off. our Fifty rolling out into line – no timber, good roads – stiff breeze – blowing dust right from us. Cool in wagons – where circulation of air. Sun 3 hours high came to low bench Plateau p[l]enty of water & willow timber – watered cattle Struck North 6’ Deep ravine with steep descent.


Passed thousands of Prairie dog holes – saw several also a skunk few rods South of track. dogs worried it. smelt dreadfully. travelling in dark. tens apart – turned South for river. passed deep dry c[r]eek about 9 – P. M. Captn. Flake going back to Pilot hind tens – Captn F. D. R. piloting us on[.] Got to encampment about 10 P. M. no timber – Plenty water & grass – platte waters cold – Skull found. Dispatches dated 23 June. T B Hosea Stout

Travelled to day 22 miles


Sab 23 July 1848

cool morning cloudy – S Wind, breezy this morning as Captns Flake & Richards going to find a better location for washing & cooking. expired the return team[.] Co.y met them, found Captn Daniel S Thomas & 13 men with 10 yokes of cattle 1 cows & 4 wagons – Captn Thomas reports Co.y a head doing well, said Brigham told him we should meet in ten days. this the 10th day in the morning. Buffalo plenty a herd for miles – feed scarce. Pawnees on a hunt South. the Soldiers at the Fort expect them back on the 297h to draw something from government.


Peace in Mexico. Soldiers withdrawn. Pawnees sold Grand Island. & the length of it on the N side of Platte back to Bluffs to Govt. Dr R. drove round to Amassa’s quarters found him better, but hardly able to speak loud enough to be heard[.] read letter from B[righam]. Y[oung]. & H[eber] C[,] K[imball] to Dr also copy letter Council in valley to B. Y. & letter from Squire Wells to J L Heywood. 4 buffalo killed, & brought into Camps. no meeting, hunters done so much execution, the meat to be attended to.

Boys killing Deer & antelope plenty & Elk some herds Buffalo seen, some washing – boys after wood. report not any [illegible text] – Platte nearly ½ mile accross. Warm, sultry, cloudy, plenty feed

Captn William Kay reports George Longstroth disobedient to orders.


Mond 24th July 1848

chilly morning. N. Wind. Plenty meat in Camp. Windy[.] Captn Thomas gathering up guns for defence of his small Co.y thru Omaha country. got 4 or 5 muskets. misty, dull, teams gathered up & ready to start when Council met at Amassa’s carrel [corral] – did not settle matters soon – agreed to unhitch – graze cattle & come to gether in an hour – see Minutes –


Buffalo herds come in sight – Captn Thomas waits with us. ppl writing letter to send home – several Buffalo killed, ppl drying meat. good feed – plenty water. timber at a distance[.] cool cloudy summer day – Herds of Buffalo seen by all in Camp approaching, also Herds of antelope running on the Prairie.

Two soldiers in from Fort after lost horse found by Captn. Flake.

a. m. meeting see minutes

council decide all travel together


Tuesd 25th July 1848

S Wind. cool chilly morning – cool thro’ the nights[.] Breakfasts cooking early for to start soon – Gave Captn. Thomas despatches for E T Benson[,] 1 letter for G A Smith he enclosing copy of Camp journal or Extracts therefrom up to yesterday’s date with copy letter Council in the valley to B.Y. also copy of B.Y.’s & HCK’s letter to W. R. – Dr R’s Co.y leads[.] S. Wind. see small herds of Buffalo – late prenoon start. very windy.


Augusta Braddock daughter of Sister Ann Braddock aged 14 run over the body both wheels striking the right shoulder & clear over her breast, thinks her left arm must have been up towards her head for no appearance of its being touched. She was reaching forward from the tongue to buck up the lead cattle when she believes the wind blew her off. after being run over she got up & walked a rod towards the waggon when she fell down & the Teamster having jumped out laid hold of her when her mother & Jane Hall also came out of the waggon to her assistance. The Dr coming up prayed for her – put her into his carriage. & when Uncle Phineas R[ichards] Came up had him tend to her.

Prairie a head on fire. Thunder, lightening & smart shower of rain

Came to good Camping place for cattle. Plenty grass – near river not far from road. Sun 1 hour high – good roads. By the guide & our calculations Travelled 24½ miles[.] no timber. some Buffalo chips. all Coys correlling together[.] This morning we passed about 20 Soldiers from Fort Child who had been hunting. Col Powell Commands fort expected to be relieved in few days. Pawnees expected at the Fort on the 27. to receive payment from Government who had bought land on this side the Platte extending from the letg length of Grand Island & S to the Bluffs –


Wed 26th July 1848.

S. Wind, very cool & chilly. 9 A. M. starting[.] while passing R & R 244½ saw a small post stuck in the ground. written on it. “Willard Richards. Amassa Lyman, 27 June 1848. alls well. T[homas]. B[ullock]. Gave it to Franklin who took it to Dr R. & got a letter continuation of Camp Journal No 1. cool & cloudy. good Prairie road. 2 a breast. Plenty Buffalo grass and short Prairie grass. Watered at Willow Lake. dusty. herds Buffalo seen <all> over the Prairie. one killed out of a herd crossing our track


forming carrell at sundown [.] Travelled 16 miles

Sidney Tanner aged 6 son of Sidney Tanner killed when driving team. wheels ran over his body lived about half hour after accident


Thursd 27 July 1848 –

cloudy, raining. Sun broke thro starting at 9½ lead Coys going double file[.] cool. Pleasant travelling. Watered Teams at small slough or Pond by the way side – pass good feed[.] Plenty Buffalo herds – 4 P.M. river not far from road[.] went up near to road & river near Sandy Bluffs turned back ¾ miles & encamped near river


Travelled (not reckoning our turn back) 17½ mi

This last ¾ miles we turned back, the heavest sandy roads we have passed.

Sheep get lame – feet sore.


Frid. 28 July 1848

Heavy rain last night. cool morning. one Buffalo shot. 2d. Ten waiting to take care of it[.] 12 noon – starting. cross Sandy bluffs, but descend to river side where road heavy but not so bad: these Sandy Bluffs very hard pulling.


Travelled to near mouth of Skunk creek 3 ½ miles

good encampment. Plenty wood for camping purposes on island close by. grass tall & good – 2d Fifty all hands turn out & put up about 2 cords of wood on the island – burn coal pit at night 8 P.M. heavy shower thunder & lightning considerable rain:

Lizards on these Sandy Bluffs

this A. M. Sidney Tanner buried on one of the Bluffs South side of the road – near river about ½ mile West of our encampment.


Sat 29th July 1848

Pleasant cool morning.


Hunters being organized and Fleshers, for to obtain Buffalo meat to dry –

Cattle doing well[.] Fine encampment – Wells dug – Fine cool water.

Buffalo meat drying & smoking[.] all the Coy.s caraled together.

M Rubidou with 3 horses arrived in Camp & with introduction letter from Mr. [blank space] to J[oseph] L[eland] Heywood. desirous to travel with us: from Council Bluffs in 10 days travelled alone[.] is a trader at Fort John whether bound

Heavy shower, thunder & lightning, rained 1 hour & half incessantly

Hunters but little success


Sab 30 July 1848

Pleasant cool morning –


Hunters starting – meat drying –

Pleasant day. Gave Amassa copy of T. Bs last letter – or rather original

Meeting in A.M. as to division of Camp – 1 2 3 & 4th Tens of 1[st] fifty travel together. 5 & 6 Tens of same Coy with the 4th Ten in 2d fifty travel together, see minutes

Augusta Braddock able to walk out


Mond. 31 July, 1848

cool morning. Still.


Lots being cast which of the 3 Divisions of the Camp should travel first – lot fell on Division No 3 – Captn F[raklin] D Richards’ Cattle missing – all horses available in search of them. found little after noon[.] move out – Captn [William] Kays ten leading – waiting on 2d ten A[ndrew] Lamoreaux’s cattle having given out & having had loan of cows & they taken from him, also having F D R’s horse which he could not spare to day. in a dillemina what to do.

Dr R sent word for another yoke of his cows to be taken him,

one of Lamoreaux’ horses died this A. M. start at 2 P. M. good road. See Buffalo[.] cool – reached Skunk creek sun 1 hour high[.] cross over easy. caraled on West Bank. Good feed. Buffalo chips plenty

Captn Cunninghams Coy come up to East Creek

Travelled 6 miles


Tuesd 1 August 1848

cool. heavy dew on the grass. Still, Sun 1 hour up. gathering up cattle.


sheep start a – head. Wolves howling last night. saw 3 Buffalo up the creek, a skunk, & Wolves a plenty. start 20 to 8. A. M. Passed lakes, & 2 very good Springs cold water. each of the Springs South of road & 100 yards from Bluffs. heavy travelling[,] cool[,] cloudy. Good road from Carrion creek to R[blank space] R[blank space] & T [.] Camped before dark. Heavy shower[.] Poor feed. Wolves howl[.] a Buffalo killed.

Sheeps feet give out

Travelled 16½


Wed 2 Augt 1848

Wet roads, & encampment. cloudy. heavy rain last night –


Meeting this A. M. at Dr R’s carriage. Dr R voted in Superintendent General of the Camp. voted sustain F D R, and all the other officers. late forenoon start in consequence of rain last night & threatening this morning. Warm, air oppressive, moved out for miles meet Bruellie [Brulé] Band of Sioux. Little Thunder chief, about 50 men & horses. first question asked Dr R “Have you seen the Pawnees”? Dr R gave them small piece of tobacco from Pocket. told them, poor[,] driven away. long journey to go. & wanted to move on. shook hands & passed to the right of them. cleanly noble Indians. dressed in Blankets &c with Bows & arrows 2 or 3 Rifles & few swords & spears.

Indian encamped near road & river near a Bayou. while passing over Black mud creek saw 3 or 4 wild horses at the Bluffs. horsemen go to see what they are. good roads all day. Camped sun 2 hours high at road & river joins. Cuninghams Coy come up & pass on a mile[.] Buffalo killed <R C>

Travelled 11¼ mi

good rodds[,] feed poor[,] few Buffalo.


Thursd. 3d Augt 1848

W. Wind. clear cool morning. early start. foggy


travel near river. good roads[.] reached North Bluff Fork. Cuningham’s Coy crossing. doubled teams. moved over lively. Poor feed. travel over heavy sandy Bluffs. cool. very hard on teams

Camped past Sandy Bluffs west Foot 2 miles on river side[.] sun 2 hours high.

The leading Ten kill a Buffalo each night[.] Tolerable good feed – Lizards on the Sands[.] Augusta Braddock able to walk over Sandy bluffs[.] William H Adams able to walk. legs better. only scar[r]ed

Travelled 15 miles


Frid 4th Augt 1848

N. Wind. cool morning. misty: sun rises red. feed tolerable good[.] Start at 8 A. M. pass over Sandy Bluffs[.] double teams for a mile. heavy pulling[.] Mr Rubidou here passed us[.] told us Amassa’s Coy coming a – head finely – but few miles back. he saw the Sioux & said he told them where the Omahas were –


Pass over Bluff creek.

Met Brother Abraham Washburn at Sandy Bluff[.] Saw small herd of Buffalo near camp[.] cool. doubled teams at small creek running between bluffs & pass on to Bluff Spring & creek ¼ of a mile. Sulphur Spring at the Bluffs, carraling before sundown. dark when last move in – tolerable feed. Plenty water. Buffalo chip fuel.

Worst days roads yet, hard on men & cattle. best teams stall.

Dr R able to help wagons out of the Sand[.] tolerable feed.

Abraham Washburn being unable to keep up with Cuninghams Coy fell back into ours – 2 wagons.

Travelled 12¼


Sat 5 Augt. 1848

Cool clear morning. still


early start. found near Petite creek “July 6. H C K. Camp all well. W Thompson” from Duck weed creek to Shoal stream (dry) seems long 2 miles.

Moved up to <river bank opposite> cedar Bluffs found good new grass. Camped at river side. Plenty dry cedar on the other side. good encampment[.] Carraled 1½ hours before sundown.

our forward teams overtook Cuningham’s Coy just as their hind teams had started from Rattlesnake creek.

found at this creek “6 July noon clear cold day, all well. going ahead T Bullock”

Passed at Goose creek William Hawk. Sandford Jacobs, Nathan Hawk & Richard Slater who left the valley Sunday last 3 weeks since 28 days ago with about 20 mules & horses. gave copie California Star April 1st to Dr R.

Travelled 11½ miles


Sab 6th Augt 1848

clear moring. S Wind –


Good encampment[.] good well for digging 2½ feet[.] Forge up, Blacksmiths & Lamoreaux & Mc Bride mending chains[,] yokes, & fixing few tires.

4 Sioux came down from their encampment 3½ miles above to see us. one of Cunnighams Coy came with them. informed us they had done good deal of trading in Robes & Moccasins that the Indians appointed guards of themselves to keep their men & selves from stealing from our waggons - &c.

Meeting in afternoon – Dr R preached[.] see Minutes[.] Pleasant day[.] some washed.


Mond 7 Augt 1848

clear morning. Blacksmiths forge a – going[.] Breakfast eating. sun rising – cattle coming up[.] 7 A.M. stringing out into line. roads little sandy. got up to neighborhood of Indians camp by 10 A.M. forward carral. turned cattle out to graze. Indians clearing the way thro their Camps for us. large herds of horses[,] mules[,] Ponies &c.


Antoine Reynal Jr Interpreter informed Dr R the Indians had all come up and they were ready to speak with him where he should say. they all sat down – long string, women & children standing at their backs.

4 chiefs in the middle –
“Whirlwind” head chief of the Ogallalah Band
“Kasetunga”: – Kanka Tunka or Big Crow: Cow dung – Gentle:

W Richards said thro’ Interpreter – [“]We are glad to see you, are your friends, the best friends of all good Indians, like them and will do them good so far as we can[,] are poor, have come a long way, are to go a long way, make you little present[,] wish We had more to give you – our women and children, have a great way to go[.] when at home and Indians came to see us gave heap. Have been driven away from bad whites – who drove because we good[.] have – got little with us. we r mormons. been driven away from good homes and had to flee. when given you the present – our folks will trade then go on”.

Smoked pipe with them, they did not say anything in reply but nodded about to all said as it was interpreted to them[.] they spread robe & blanket to receive present[:] 30 lbs. Beans – Pail of corn[,] half loaf & 4 Biscuits, 4 lbs Sugar[,] 3 of coffee & Dr handed them 1 plug tobacco

Rey<n>al says there r 150 lodges – he thinks about 2000 in all. some arrapahoes [Arapaho] and Cayennes [Cheyenne.] Buffalo robes, moccasins & Larrates [Lariats] bogt[.] in 4 hours (about 2 P M) cattle got up and started – few following half – mile or so – Passed on, good roads – went to Camp creek West bank. coral forming Sun 1½ hours high – feed tolerable. Good swift current. Pleasant evg

Jane S Richards very sick. riding in Dr Carriage

Travelled 9¾ miles


Tuesd 8 Augt. 1848.

cool morng strong Northerly wind. Good feed here. 7 A. M. camp starting[.] Pass good feed. cool. breezy.


doubled teams up the hill at Sandy Bluffs[.] Amassa came up to Drs carriage at foot of Bluffs reports Coy doing well within 2 miles of us – &c –

went to ash hollow <ct> tolerable roads – grass spare.

Caraled 1 hour before sundown – tolerable feed – river banks boys going cross the river to ash hollow bring abundance choke cherries currants ripe & thick.


Travelled 17 miles


Wed 9 Augt. 1848.

strong N Wind – cool. cloudy. forge agoing. tire setting &c


start about 10 A. M. Sandy roads[.] spare feed. doubled teams at Castle creek in 1st Ten – Amassa’s Coy coming up as we moved over last teams[.] Camped near river Sun 1 hour high. good feed, good roads[.] Lizards on the sands[.] Dogs catch them. Prickly pears when accidentally tread on them go thro’ moccasins into feet – No Buffalo. nor game. Dr R. sick, fatigue & exhausted.

Thomas Charlesworth & George Longstroth reported for disorderly conduct. in 1st Ten & for using disrespectful & unbecoming words to their Captains when called upon by them to deliver up the choke cherries they had obtained while they should have been on hand in Camp – having been absent without permission. Captn kay requesting Bro Charlesworth to do it who said he would be dam’d if he would

Travelled 13 miles


Thursd 10th Augt.

cool cloudy morning. N Wind.


Moses Whittakers cow dead in the carral this morning[.] Band of Indians coming from Bluffs horseback about 50 gathered round waggons. 8 A. M. starting[.] good roads. cool. 11 A. M. sun broke thro’ warm[.] some Sandy in places. watered at river. noon[.] Pass on: cool. good roads – drove to ¾ miles past small Lake. South of road. good encampment at river. carroled 5 P.M.

Travelled 11½


Frid 11 Augt 1848

clear morning. N Wind. Dr R. still very sick[.] Camp start 1 hour high. Jane Baker aged [blank space ] wagon run over her arm. splintered.


heavy roads. these dry creeks heavy sandy – hard on heavy loads. Pass over Cobble hills. & over a dry creek 3 times at the West foot, heavy pulling. watered near ancient Bluff ruins – cool – cloudy. S Wind. Move on to where Road & River joins. some heavy pulls – Drs Bull team stalling all day. & his other heavy loaded waggons think it short 10½ miles to where R[oad] joins River. before Drs teams got there[.] Thunder lightening & shower of rain. Shower over – Sun broke thru[.] forming carral. good feed on the Sand bars small islands &c.

Travelled 18¼ miles


Sat 12 Augt 1848

misty thick morning.


Drs Bull waggon getting lightened. Bret[hren] taking in some loading. Fulmers 10 too near half load[.] Start about 9 A M. cool. tolerable roads spare feed – no game – a few wolves to be seen & Rattlesnakes. watered teams at West foot of Sandy bluffs[.] grazed 1 hour. start on to find good encampment – no chips here. Good roads[.] met party of Ogallalah [Ogallala] band of Sioux; “tobacco” name of chief. recommends from HCK & RW & other Captns. of July Coy. Pass skulls with July 14, 16 &c on them. Pass round pail while Camps moves on for a small present to these Indians[,] about 20 of them – lodges near river. Travel till dark[,] cool – breezy. Strike for river on a bye road. went to within 2 miles of opposite chimney rock, 1¼ from the river. rain coming on. Corral formed dark. Poor feed. no chips. nor wood. no water.

Archibald <Bell> Moss run over this P.M. by his Mothers light wagon – over the back. not serious

Travelled 21 miles


Sab 13th Augt 1848

cool. cloudy. Gathering in Cattle by sun–rise[.] Camp starts out. to find a place suitable. move angling back to road. cool travelling. Cattle hungry. Good roads, see Cuninghams Coy carraled by river[.] move down & corral half mile below them on river bank – tolerable feed – little fuel. nearly noon – a Band of Indians pass us while carraling. Pack horses & mules laden with robes &c also 2 waggons – drawn by cattle[.] these Indians were families belonging to whites French and Americans, some of the men came to Dr R for medicine. cloudy – rainey. Brethren Doctoring their cattles sore necks. and shoeing their feet with leather – some cows lame. Sheep very bad with feet


These whites told us enteirely out of Buffalo range

Travelled nearly 6 miles


Mond 14th Augt 1848

chilly morning. S.E. Wind. cloudy – drizzling rain. few Buffalo chips – no drift wood[.] 8½ A. M. Cuninghams Coy starting. ours follow.


Sister Elizabeth Moss’ wagon gave way spokes, filies[felly’s] & Hobs[hubs] separating, wheel gave way –

pass spare feed – excellent roads. watered at river, little after noon – cloudy – cold – Pleasant travelling – near Scotts bluffs Prickly Pears abundant. Sun hour high begin to caral direcct opposite Scotts bluffs on low land[,] river side – Feed pretty good. few chips & some drift wood[.] Dr R some better. able to be about tonight[.] Captn F D R’s nigh cow gives out – went back for her found her half eaten by the wolves.

Travelled 15 miles


Tuesd 15 Augt 1848.

clear morning. early start. pass tolerable feed up to road. good roads to Spring creek. water at noon halt at river. some good feed on banks of river – warm – move on and camp ¾ mile from Lower Sandy bluffs. feed spare – drift wood plenty on the islands. cattle guarded outside carral.


Camp healthy.

Travelled 15¾


Wed 16th Augt 1848

cold morning. Start about 8½ a. m. travel at the foot of low Sandy bluffs. not very hard pulling road being more stony.


tolerable roads. Pleasant travelling. no water[,] not noon halt.

Sister E Moss’ wagon still going on 3 wheels.

reached Timber north side river about 4 P.M. no water near. move on thro’ heavy sand for about 2 & ½ miles – & carraled on river banks[.] Dry wood abundant. feed tolerable. no chips.

as we moved to encampment saw Captn Cuninghams Coy crossing about ¼ mile above striking down river to nearly opposite our carral

Travelled 19½


Thursd 17 Augt 1848

clear morning. Cattle much scattered. Captns. in search of a ford cross the Platte. find no better than below Camp a hundred yards & strike up to where Cuninghams came out.


8.0. Cattle

8½ Cattle all hitched waiting orders.

10. beginning to cross. water not up to lowest beds of wagons by few inches.

all over by noon safe. & ready to move

Move on to Oregon road. & haul a few hundred yards when strike for river banks to encamp. caraled 1 mile from where crossed about 2 P.M. feed spare – dry wood abundant[.] Captn Richards organizing Coy to go up river banks ¾ of a mile & put up a coal pit to be burnt[.] Women – Washing. cloudy. strong gusts of wind[.] Westerly breeze. Few drops of rain – clouds pass over. clear night.

Travelled 1 mile


Frid 18 Augt 1848

North wind. Camp up early. clear morning. some Blacksmithing found to be wanting.


late in A. M. (10) before Camp moves. halt at coal pit. take coal[.] Roads hard but hilly. ascend a hill mile long steep in places. descend to good bottom. Good breeze feed spare. Prickly Pears & wild sage. seems the only product of this soil. reached a creek or slough North side road 1½ P.M. watered & bated teams 1 hour moved on to within ¾ mile of Fort John. caraled at Sun – set on S bank of Laramie fork. feed spare[.] clear river water. fuel plenty.

Dr R rode up to Fort John received letter from T.B. dated [blank space]

Traders come & visit Camp. But go away soon – say there was no grass here till after these rains we had lately. Breth. ahead gave them seeds to plant but could not raise anything – Said their hunters been out that day[,] killed 3 Deers.

Dr had meeting in his wagon of the officers. read letter. gave them instructions – pointed in his remarks about – having early starts. good order. obedience to requirements – willingness to be used & property for good of Camp &c. &c. 2 hours.

Travelled 13¾ miles & reckoning same distance as on the other side


Sat 19th Augt 1848

Clear morning. Some cattle amissing.


Starting about 8 A. M. moved over Laramie fork at the Fort. rocky bottom. Shoal. water. only 18 inches deep. teams halt at Fort. all go thro’ the rooms store &c. no goods on hand save 2 or 3 bolts of checked cloth. Selling skin pants & Coats. few trades effected.

in an hour move on. took the left hand road over the hills – long hills to ascend – sandy. double teams[,] warm – Sun strong – few Antelope pass near Camp. Prickly pears abundant. strong bearded grass – think it barbed grass – stiff & sharp – grows in bunches – interspersed here & there – Dr. R ahead looking out cndt. [conditions] reached Warm springs before sundown.

Scarcely any grass. Plenty wood on the rocks & Sand hills.

Cattle always guarded from the minute loosed or unyoked until yoked again. watched outside of carrale all night. have all the chance possible to eat

when on the heights to day saw Cuninghams Coy caroled on river banks.

Travelled 14¼ miles


Sab 20th Augt 1848

clear cold morning. Sun rising. Cattle coming up[.] Breakfasts eating. some eat. cows milked. cattle yoked in ¾ hour – 1st Ten moving out.


double teams at steep Bluff. afterwards – good road till come to lower land – some Sandy dry creeks to pass over – found Bitter creek dry.

at second crossing some water. warm day. water teams. Choke cherries abundant – Pass on till within ¾ mile of “Bend in the road.” some smart new grass. O how good to find such feed – called a halt – <unhitched to bate teams> Sent R being a-head thought it best to stop here unless better feed forward – dispatched Messenger. reports no better feed a–head. Dr R & Capt Kay finding place for encampment. carraled early in P.M. near a Pond of cool water.

choke cherries – currants – &c – abundant.

Good feed – starting Blacksmiths forge.

fixing oxen’s necks – feet &c. repairing wagons[.] some Rabbits or hares caught. Roads over these hills filled or blocked up with cobble stones in many places tho’ many picked up & thrown to the sides.

Travelled 12¼ miles


Mond 21 Augt. 1848

clear cool morning. Forge a–going. Cattle Shoeing – Sister Moss’ wagon wheel being fixed – Dr Superentending affairs in Camp all day. some have gathered choke cherries & currants by the Bushel. choke cherry, & currant pies & puddings all the go –


33 – small (suckers) fish caught – dealt out for the sick. a Bear seen by several.

Cattle yoked up – 1½ P M.

Dr R preached see Minutes – all Camp present[.] forge stoped. about 4 P.M. start – pass over Dead timber creek – wild sage plain. Pass on a mile where road & Timber meets – Dr R & Captn Richards finding Camping place. Camped near road & Timber – Sun 1½ hours high – feed tolerable on bottoms – some places – good fresh new grass, near creek – Plenty dry wood. choke cherries & currants abundant[.] cattle guarded all night on bottoms.

Travelled 2½ miles


Tuesd 22 Augt 1848.

cold morning. calm. Cattle coming up. Sun rising – early start. 1st Ten leading.


no water at Small creek & spring. choke cherries bushes up this ravines. ripe & wholesome.

ascend steep hill, many cobble stones. Pleasant view of Laramie Peak and surrounding country.

Dr a–head finding suitable Camp ground.

1st Ten move on to carral ground little after 2 P M at Horse Creek and S [illegible text] eber’s Spring. no running water. but ponds all up & down the creek. Feed good in some spots. fuel Plenty. Bear seen. some cattle give out to day. Abraham Washburns wagon broke down twice –

choke cherries & currants abundant.

Pleasant evening, mild, cattle guarded out. Fire broke out about 9½ P. M. where guard watching – being customary for them to kindle fires to warm, & see cattle by. nothing serious happened, only little dry wood burnt upwards of 100 yards from carral.

Travelled 14 miles


Wed 23d Augt 1848.

Pleasant morning – when ready to start Dr R called all hands up to his wagon a minute. told them long drive perhaps no noon halt nor water. to double teams at hard places & to go it thro & if ox fail take the best in herd & supply place immediately – herd go near middle of traveling Camp. fill bottles with water &c. –


at 8 A.M. start out. 1st Ten leading as agreed on. doubled teams up Bluff ¾ mile to the summit – good view half way up. small stream of water comes from bluffs[,] many cobble stones. what a broken Sandy barren hilly country. hills black appearance from being studded with cedar & Fir or Pine trees. but all sandy & rocky[.] Pass creeks all dry. bated teams 40 minutes on 4th or 5th small creek. up it 300 hundred yards from crossing[.] Passed over succession of hills steep ascents & desents. but hard road . & cobble stones plenty for blocking wheels[.] see Buffalo about a dozen -- 2 or 3 here & there to the left[.] in 1st Ten a tire came off. & aunt Rhody[Rhoda] Richards hind axle tree broke half mile from Camp <Captn> F D R. <& W K.> getting 10 yoke of cattle & pole fixed to bring it in. Dr R superintending other tires come off & an ox gave out

1st Ten caraled by dark. on “La Bonte” others move in about 1½ hours after. Pleasant mild evening. the La Bonte not running. Ponds in places with muddy bottom. fuel Plenty. Sun clouded most of the day. no feed found near.

Travelled 17¾ miles


Thursd 24th Augt 1848

Pleasant morning. Southerly Wind. warm.


7½ am Cattle being gathered up. sun strong. men repairing wagons. fixing up. Blacksmiths forge being put up. Bear seen by several this a.m. Good place found for cattle 3 miles up river by Captn Miles of the Herd. Cattle carraled. milking. washing their necks. seeing which needs shoeing &c. Hunters being sent out. women washing. Buffalo. Hares or wild rabbitts & Ducks – plenty – Bears seen. drive cattle up river 2 miles & herd them. warm day – Hunters successful – wagon & horses go after meat

11 P.M. three families of Cuninghams Coy arrive. Edwards, Hunsaker & Kippin 5 waggons.


Frid 25th Augt 1848

clear morning. Sun rising. Dr R called Bret together[.] said nothing about yesterdays negligence by those who went a – hunting. who were most needed in Camp. but said, he saw we all felt like work this morning. told us how to go at it &c. so we co[u]ld roll in the morning tomorrow. Forge agoing. Cattle shoeing[.] wagon wheels being looped round filies.


Cattle taken up river to graze. Sun strong. Hunters out all night. Meat arrives – Bishop Heywood dividing same all round. Cuninghams Coy move off. wagons fixing – tire setting. some of cattle’s hoofs very bad[.] Captn Cuninghame & Coy (save the three families who came in last night) arrive at 4½ P.M. cattle look well. doing well[.] Captn Flake arrived at sundown. Amassa’s Coy move in & carral with us 1½ hours after – doing well

Captn Cuninghames Coy, don’t carral nor guard their cattle at night – they moved up on the river road till they came of by mistake to day –

at this creek Captn Fulmer had an ox, believed to be torn to pieces by Bears &c.


Sat 26 Augt 1848.

cloudy morning. cattle not driven out of carrel this morning[.] yoking up – 6 A.M. lead ten starting. Pleasant day. cool


Pass Cuninghames Coy carraled 1½ miles up river[.] Dr R & Captn Kay Pioneering & fixing roads. found branch of La Bonte dry – cool – at very small creek (594) found pond of water[.] Cattle would not drink not having eat to day[.] see Herds of Buffalo.

found water on the road “down the channel” of “very small creek.” currants & gooseberies here. Hilly roads but hard, some steep pitches –

one of Dr R’s family wagons tongue broken, fixing[.] do twice.

lead Ten arrive at “A La Prele” river at dark. all arrive after soon after but Captns fulmer & McBride & few others who waited to do some more Blacksmithing before they started.

Herd of Buffalo watering at creek when we arrived[.] good clear stream of water – no feed, but browzing[.] some fish caught by boys in the stream

Travelled 19 ½


Sab 27 Augt 1848.

cool morning. W Wind start near noon[.] found water at Box Elder creek. warm day[,] tolerable roads. fruit on the creeks. Buffalo. carral at Fourche Boise[.] Sun 2½ hours high. found a herd of Buffalo watering at creek as we came in. Messengers sent after feed report little or none. some Browsing – Bear seen. Hunters kill 2 Buffalo. some Hunters amissing – Dr. R firing his Pistols. causing fire to be built on hill – they arrive before 10 P.M. Singing in Camp in evenings


Travelled 8 ½


Mond 28th Augt 1848

cool morning. Sun rising. Cattle gathering up – yoking, & milking going on. hitching up – starting near 7 a.m. travel on 1 mile. halt – men being sent out last night to dress & watch one of the Buffalo’s killed near road – all wagons send a person for a piece of meat – in few minutes move on – hilly roads to North Fork of Platte river. here the Sheep driver kills a nice Buffalo heifer. halt. dress it. & carry it along. move up to Deer creek by 1 P.M. good road. Dr. R calls Camp together. said, wanted to have all hands at work immediately. some to have a tar kiln a going. others to look for hard timber such as needed for repairs – others hunting – some guarding - & a messenger despatched immediately to see if good feed 10 miles a – head & Some find coal &c. Deer creek beautiful place – but not much feed – creek dry in places. deep ponds in other places.


John Mercer chosen Captn of Hunters

Council in evg at Drs carriage all officers present. tar kiln represented as going a – head.

messenger reports no better feed ahead –

Hunters brought no meat home –

The Guard placed to watch the cattle & keep them from going above (George Longstroth) found a – shooting & the cattle above him – some good picking represented above on North side of river. David Rowe chosen Captn pro tem for Captn. McBride & Fulmer absent. yet – men receiving instructions from Willard & Franklin how to go a – head in the morning[.] Cuninghame’s Coy move in & carral a few rods above us on creek.

Singing in Camp.

Travelled 9 miles


Tuesd 29th Augt 1848

Westerly Wind – stiff breeze. Cattle brought up before Sun up & milked – cool. turned off up river with guard. all hands move off to their employ. warm day.


Capt. Cuninghames Coy move on

Captns McBride & Fulmer – with the other families behind move up –

Council in evg of officers at Willard’s carriage[.] representation of repairs needed & cattle to be shod made. Captn Fulmer a good deal to do[.] Lamoreaux thinks a great many oxen need shoing[.] Hunters bring in 1 Buffalo. report killed 2 others but got to the Bluffs before taken –

Tar kiln going on – Herdsmen think cattle can do [illegible text] up river another day –

The coal found not of any account

Willard sick to night

one of Dr. Willards cows die. others sick

near 11 or 12 P.M. wind blew tremendous hard. tho’t trees would fall almost


Wed 30 Augt 1848

S. W. Wind – cool Cattle brought up early. sick & lame turned to one side – others sent off. do but middling here, Cows fail in their milk. Forge being put up – stiff breeze – repairing & fixing going on – Dr R confined to bed – meat a – drying[.] coal pit a – burning


4 P.M. Amassa’s Coy move up & pass on nearly 3 miles –

John Mercers ox died of the bloody murrain.


Thursd 31 Augt

South West Wind. Frosty – ice over Pails ¼ inch thick[.] Forge a – going. Coopers &c. hooping wheels – taking off tires. Messenger sent to Amassa’s Camp for Bro: Spiers to help us Blacksmith, as McBride is but feeble – Captn. Mc Bride’s labors being too hard for him appoints David Rowe to be Captain of his ten. c


cool cloudy day. Dr. Willard up & about all day nearly.

The cattle look well to night[,] better filled. herded up creek[.] Meeting in evg at Drs. Carriage. all officers present[.] Coopers report nearly 20 Wagon wheels hooped[.] Some tire taken off & put together. others will be taken off early in the morning.

tar kiln represented – obtained about 2 Gallons & prospects of obtaining more to night.

Hunters not out to day

Blacksmiths report got but slowly on. McBride feeble: Lamoreaux made shoes & [sentenced unfinished

Dr Willard requested the Bre to be as easy on the Blacksmiths as possible, with their job work


Frid 1 Sept 1848.

mild morning – cool & cloudy – cattle turned on East side of carral last night, gathering them up milking. all see their team & cows on hand – Sick creatures better – those to be shod turned to one side[.] Sun breaks thro’– guard go off with cattle[.] wind rises – strong West Wind – Forge a-going tire setting. noon. strong gale of wind –


4 P.M. one of the Ten’s of Amassa’s Coy who were behind pass up – report 7 cattle died back a few miles & all look sickly –

5½ – heavy shower of rain.

cloudy – drizzling rain all night at times[.] Wheels hooping – Oxen shoeing – Tire setting[.] The tar kiln did not produce any tar being covered with Flags & sand, which got thru & stopped the crevices but they burntt pine knobs from which they got upwards of 2 Gallons. the kiln however produced good charcoal.

Amassa & Captn Flake visiting us. they find some good coal.


Sat 2 Sept 1848

Pleasant morning. Bear seen over the river from Camp[.] Hunters go & kill it & bring meat home – Cattle turned down river till we start –


repairing & fixing still going on Cattle shoeing. tire setting.

3 P.M. Cattle brought up. Orders to prepare for starting

N.E. wind. cold. Buffalo seen over the river[.] Hunters go & kill it. bring meat – repairs not finished – cattle turned out.

Blacksmith [Thomas] Speirs in Amassa’s Coy reports found good coal on North side of Platte up a ravine 2¼ miles West from Deer Creek


Sab 3d Sept 1848

Strong West wind – very Cold piercing morning – Cattle hitching up – wind so high can’t move[.] 10 A.M. move up to timber few hundred yards south of us – sheltered from the wind. Cow died this morning – Dr Willard had it opened – found the mett [meat] rotten.


the heart lights &c only touched by sympathetic affection. 2 oxen sick

Willard doctoring Brother Whittaker’s [ox]

Called the Camp together – teams hitched[.] for minutes of meeting see file of date

1½ P. M. cattle turned loose over the river, herded. Our cattle at this point not guarded at night, brought up to carral where they lay down.

4 PM. horn blowing. another meeting[.] Bishop Heywood Presided – Dr Willard & Capt Richards spoke[.] see minutes – Wind lower – cattle gathering up


Mond 4 Sept 1848

Whittakers ox died this morning.


Pleasant morning cool & calm.

6½ 1st Ten starting.

Passed over deep ravine moved on 3 miles found Amassa’s carral moving a-head. 2 of their cattle gave out & laid down as we went up – these the 18th they have lost[.] Grove of timber on banks of river – no grass –: no grass on crooked mudy creek. some browsing tho’

mudy creek three feet wide. no grass dry. moved on 1½ miles & turned to the right encamped on river banks. Sun hour high. Pleasant spot – good place for feed. Amassa’s carraled few hundred yards above us[.] Good roads but hilly & steep in places

Cattle guarded out all night

no Buffalo – see Antelope – Wolves a plenty, Sage & Prickly Pears. the only product of these Prairies

Travelled 18 miles


Tuesd 5 Sept 1848

cool Pleasant morning still.


Captn Flake requests our division to move out first[.] Dr Willard has an ox died last night. found it this morning torn up by wolves. 5th creature died in our Camp – in 1st Ten every cow yoked up but one – it has the hollow horn.

2 or 3 creatures sick – some cattle amissing

nearly noon before start.

met Benjamin Rolfe – Orson Whitney, John E. Forsgreen[,] Ephraim K Hanks – with despatches from the 1st Camp

as we came near creek 5 feet wide Captn. Allen forming his carral the return teams Coy we passed on.

tolerable roads. rough & steep descents. Pleasant day. crossed over the Platte – single teams –

forming carral Sun 2½ hours high. tolerable feed.

Camp called together – letters read from valley &c Amassa made some very appropriate – & excellent remarks (too dark to write) Dr Willard did the same – good Spirits[,] Camp healthy.

Travelled 10¾


Wed 6th Sept 1848

Pleasant morning W. Wind – Cool. ascend hills – hilly road – early start[.] very warm.


roads good. but uphill most of the way – some cattle sick. others worn out – lame &c[.] went past Mineral Spring & Lake and carraled on hill[.] 1st Ten Sun 3½ hours high

drove cattle 2½ miles towards river. excellent feed[.] Plenty of it. on ravine or creek banks. carry water 1 mile some carry it 2 miles.

Calvin Miles kills 2 Buffalo – a cow & heifer. meat dressed & horses & men pack it into Camp 1½ miles no fuel, but wild sage. scarecely any Buffalo to be seen

Travelled 13


Thursd 7 Sept 1848

cool morning. Bishop distributing meat.


7 a.m. cattle coming up. very full. they grunt bad. warm. move out about 8 a.m. slow[,] the cattle so full – tolerable roads, some steep places & some Sandy. 1½ miles on found spring of water few rods left of road.

at Alkali swamps & Springs found 2 Brethren one going to help his Brother in Amassa’s Camp. Pause[,] hard getting along in consequence of weak, sick & lame teams

Carraled at Smal stream of clear spring water[.] Sun 1½ hours high – scanty feed – no fuel but sage[.] cattle guarded out.

Travelled 13 miles


Frid 8 Sept 1848.

cool morning. Cattle gathering. Sun rising.


Early start– Moved on to Willow spring. one of Dr Willards oxen give out. herd halt. a cow yoked in its place to mate a Bull on the tongue. this animal could not be got on. little feed here.

at Bad slough Captn Fulmer’s ten – make noon halt to graze! at Creek 300 yards South of road. The 2 other Ten’s halt & graze.

In this creek one pail full of fish caught (Suckers) with a sheet in half hour. tolerable bate for cattle moved off road to Lo creek left of the road – all Tens carraled about sundown

Cattle feed[.] no fuel. but sage

the cattle that are feeble & weakly – not in our Ten[.] I cannot report much about – for have not his time this week to go round & enquire – other things seem to be for me to do all the time

Travelled 9¾


Sat 9th Sep. 1848

Pleasant morning – early start – had some doubling to take wagons back to road – heavy Sandy roads –


Pass over griase wood [Greasewood] creek. find roads heavier hard for to get along –

Changing teams in 1st Ten - several times on Aunt Rhoda Richards wagon. met 2 Wagons <with> families apostatizing[.] when got to Alkali springs & Lakes – found little Saleratus – but 2 miles further on in a lake South of road – Camp gathered[.] great deal caked with Salt petre. the surface or dust on the top[.] good however.

some changing loads as well as Teams to day[.] see herds of Buffalo on this large plain bounded W N & S by Rocky mountains

Got to Sweet water [Sweetwater] River. before sundown – hind teams however late – Cattle generally done out

Travelled 12


Sab 10th Sep 1848

West Wind – Pleasant morning – Boys crossing River for wood. Forge being put up –


Meeting in carral at 10 a.m. see minutes

Tire sitting – fixing & repairing.

Hunters out – Buffalo killed. cattle have feed a plenty. grass pretty dry however

A. M. meeting see minutes –

Amassa’s Camp moves up carrals ¼ mile below us on river banks.

Amassa & Captn Flake visiting Dr Willard – who is writing long letter to B Young & H C Kimball[.] R[ichard]. C[ampbell]. Copying letter to B Young & H C Kimball and writing out Sketches to send with letter to B Young & H C Kimball.


Mond 11th Sep. 1848.

Pleasant morning. still. cattle full –


Sun ¾ hour high – Camp starting.

heavy sandy roads.

crossed Sweetwater at Independence rock.

move on heavy roads.

noon reached Devil’s gate. pass over both creeks. & on 2 miles. Sun hot. still. carraling 2 P.M. near bend in river on bluffs. Plenty grass but looks dry & white. no fuel but sage[.] Teams hard to get along

Meeting in A. M. adjourned till to morrow.

Wolves sing us asleep about every night.

Travelled 10¼


Tuesd 12th Sep 1848.

cool morning. Camp starting. Sun rising. cloudy. heavy roads. while passing over Deep ravine & creek. raining. 1st Ten formed carral. cleared a little[.] move off commenced raining again continued about 2 hours. till after carraled near where Road leaves the river – about noon. Hunters sent out. kill Buffalo[.] good feed – no fuel.


Sunny afternoon. 4 P. M. Express arrives[.] Brothers Rolfe[,] Fossgreen [Forsgren] and Hanks say they’ll stay with us to night & go on in the morning.

Did not observe 2 deep ravines & creeks ¾ mile apart – but passed over a creek more than a mile before came to deep ravine & creek.

In the report of our Thirty. sent on to day by express[.] Total says. 160 Souls, 48 wagons. 7 Horses. 3 mules. 156 oxen[.] 89 cows. 23 loose cattle, 120 Sheep, 9 Pigs. 47 chickens[,] 2 cats[,] 17 Dogs[,] 2 Turkeys[,] 2 Ducks[,] & 3 Doves

Travelled 8


Wed 13th. Sep. 1848.

very cold morning –


Visse shot this morning – by George W Lane. who said he mistook him for a wolf. Dr Willard at the time asked him if could not see it was black. answered yes there was a Black wolf where he come from

West Wind - - two cows & two oxen found dead this morning.

Gave Brothers Fosgreen[,] Rolfe & Hanks by the hands of Fossgreen 5 Packages addressed to T Bullock & one to Prests. Young & Kimball.

Sun 1½ hours high they start

8½ lead ten starting. very heavy roads[,] deep Sand. nine <wagons> of Amassa’s Coy who drove a head of us this morning – carraled near where road joins river[.] passed 1 of their best oxen dropt dead on the road

passed on to crick 3 feet wide – 1st Ten carraled 4 P.M. good feed. 1½ hours the other Companies move in – report. Captn Fulmer had a cow died after we started & Captn McBride an ox. 4 yoke of cattle go after him – come <in> at 12 midnight. Cattle not guarded to night.

very cold & chilly.

Travelled 9¼


Thursd 14 Sept. 1848.

cold chilly cloudy morning. one of fa: Rowe’s oxen dead this morning. the best cattle that die off.


¼ to 7 A. M. Camp starting. Pass over dead heavy sand few miles. Bitter cotton wood [Cottonwood] creek dry. drizzling rain clouds envelope & hide from our sight the tops of the mountains. Northerly Wind –

Teams go better cool weather, & appear to be a little recruiting owing to better feed since we reached Sweetwater & short drives[.] Leave the old road & ford the river, about 14 inches deep[.] Pass on ¾ mile – Carraling 1 P.M. all Coys in 1 hour after. Good Camping place. Plenty grass – Cattle love it. Plenty fuel – & good water.

Sun breaks thro’

Cattle give little – but very rich milk – all yoked – another of McBrides best oxen died here – and a cow of Brother Washburns.

Dr Willard had large fire built. & all the Camp invited to attend meeting when he preached – & thanks was returned to the Lord for his blessings to this Camp[.] said he bore testimony to the goodness of this Camp. every one had walked up to the mark, & helped his Brother till all the cattle yoked up – not such a thing on record to his knowledge – believed the Lord would open up the way for this Camp. too dark to write –

Travelled 10


Frid 15 Sept. 1848

cool morning. W Wind.


7½ Camp started. Pass between rocky ridges and ford the river twice. river 6 – 8 – & 10 inches deep. see 3 or 4 Buffalo. Pass good feed. deep. tolerable roads.

see snow on the mountains West.

2 Tens carraled on East bank of Ford N. 4 by 1½ P.M. 3 wagons of Amassa’s Coy move ahead.

When we ford No. 4 its the 5th time we crossed

tolerable feed – no fuel but sage.

some weak teams late moving in –

Hunters kill 2 Buffalo. meat brought to Camp. see Plenty sage hens.

Dr Willard calls it the Plague or cholera with which our cattle are afflicted and die –

Travelled 8¾


Sat 16th Sept. 1848.

cool morning – calm. Bishop distributing meat. Sun 1½ hours high – Camp starting. river 8 inches deep – some heavy sandy road. near Ice Spring roads good[.] Two oxen & 2 cows dead this morning –


See Several Buffalo. Plenty antelope, & wolves.

Sun strong – S.W. Wind.

all carraled before sundown few hundred yards left of the road on small creek – near swampy spots[.] Two or three weak teams move in about dark. Buffalo killed. but little feed – sage & few Buffalo chips for fuel

Boys find 1½ <m> up creek at its source some Warm springs.

Travelled 12½


Sab 17th Sept. 1848

Pleasant morning. Wolves attacked a calf last night. another of Captn. McBrides oxen dead this morning & a cow of Bro: Adam’s. Cattle not all drove down. Sun 2 hours high – start –


tolerable roads – gravelly – Sun strong. move to the right to avoid steep descent from the Bluffs.

carraled N Bank of river near upper crossing – Good fording place below 8 inches deep – one of Dr. Willards oxen die & another of Captn. McBride’s

Meeting in carral in consequence of feelings had by some of the Bre since David Rowe apointed Captn. of the 2d Ten. Captn McBride voted in again as Captn. of 2d Ten – The Coy agreed to Hunt in 10’s for this week – vote not unanimous but carried by majority – William Kay baptized Elizabeth H McBride for the remission of her sins & for her health. She was also anointed with oil & said anointing sealed & confirmed on her[.] She has been afflicted for a long time – but experienced relief

Travelled 4


Mond 18th Sept. 1848

Pleasant morning – S. W. Wind.


Sun 2 hours high Camp starting. cool Wind. but strong sun. ascend high hill. gravelly roads. river low – 11 inches deep. good fording places. carral <near> where road leaves the river about 2 P.M. Good feed – Plenty fuel – clear mountain water. this evg after dark. several men belonging to American fur Coy with one or two Breyhren [Brethren] camp below us. they have great number of mules & horses[,] about 70.

Singing in Camp. another ox of Captn. McBrides died[.] Wolves and antelope abundant.

Travelled 10


Tuesd 19th Sept. 1848.

Heavy wind thro the night. Pleasant morning. cloudy. start at 7½ A.M. ascend hill after hill[.] Pass rocky ridges safe – Sun breaks thru[.] cool breeze.


no water at soft swamp & very small creek.

at creek a foot wide. Plenty water.

met John Scott & other 9 Brethren hunting thier horses[.] found Creek two feet wide & strawberry creek both dry.

after we passed Rough rocky ridges the road hard & gravelly. first rate roads.

Quaking aspen creek. dry. Passed on 1½ <miles> & carraled on road. water in hollow to the right. & good feed. Plenty dry fuel in groves to the left of road.

See Wind river chain of the Rocky mountains N.W. little or no snow on them. all encamped before sundown. cold evg. hard frost. starlight.

all carraled 1 hour before sundown – but one or two wagons who move in hour after


Wed 20th Sept. 1848.

Ice 3/8 of inch thick on Pails. Frosty.


Cattle hard to find in the brushwood – Plenty water. sun strong – warm day – fuel Plenty[.] bring water ½ mile[.] cattle all gathered up in afternoon. good feed.

towards evg some see Amassa’s Coys cattle back – Bon fire built in carral. Horn blows. at dark. Saints convene – when Dr R addressed them[,] said – glad to see Camp together – what pleasant weather[.] that of going up here last July warm thru’ the day. but the keen blasts from the Mts. came in the evg’s like the chill of death. O how blessed this Camp has been in everything – pointed to the emigrants who went thru & at one other - & other emigrants - & then to our circumstances – it is because we are united – told them if united & help one another to the last – nothing could withstand us nor be an obstacle in our way – but we would triumph in the Lord & go safely thru[.] you are all comfortable to night round the fire. its pleasant the doings & blessings of this little Camp be handed down from gener[ation] to gen for God & his people to read forever[.] Some think of having a dance – if feel so. Is all right.F D Richards led in the Mormon dance. another figure danced – then closed. DW Richards – talked of the Saints dancing – the 10 tribes coming home. dancing with the power of God on them. & thereby showing forth gratitudue and praise to the name of the Lord. as to his being called upon by Prest. Young when sick to dance. he went on the floor & did as he was told. tho unable to dance. dismissed before 10 P.M. good Spirit prevailed & melted to tenderness & kindness the hearts of those present[.] Brother Nickerson Violinist.


Thursd 21 Sept 1848

Cattle all found. Pleasant cool morning.


Sun 1½ hours high Camp starting.

Passed over Branch of Sweet water [Sweetwater]. met several wagons. & about 30 horses. some Saints going back to the States & some in the employ of American fur Coy[.] Say left valley 2 weeks ago. met B[righam]. Y[oung]’s. Coy 60 miles this side[.] Pass over Willow creek. excellent roads. hard & gravelly. Pass deep ravine – steep descent. Pleasant day for travelly – cool Westerly breeze had only my Pants & vest on. not cold enough for overcoat. see little or no snow.

carraling 2½ P.M. on West bank of Sweet water. drive cattle back over the river & graze on side hills. tolerable feed – strong breeze.

crossed at Lower ford of Sweetwater – stony bottom – 2 feet deep.

Amassa’s Coy are in sight – encamp above us. Dr Johnsons wagon tipped over in Willow creek to day – none of his children hurt tho’ bed & flour bags on the top of them

Travelled 8¼


Frid 22 Sept 1848.

Pleasant cool morning. Sun 1 hour high Camp starting. cool Westerly breeze. Pass between the twin mounds at noon. Sun strong. warm see no snow on the mountains.


tolerable roads. Gravely – stony in places & rough. Camp very healthy – but 2 or 3 sickly

cloudy & cold.

carral on Pacific creek Sun 2 hours high. creek foot deep – & about 2 wide – clear stream small fish in it – Plenty sage on its banks – thunder lightning & rain. smart shower for about an hour. cloudy evg. but warmer after rain

Willard & Captn Kay in carriage a–head looking out encampment feed &c. this they have done all the time generally – but more regularly since we came on to Black hills – since which time Captn Kay’s ten has taken the lead every day. Captn Richards not a–head to day – tho’ he is all the time generally looking out encampment feed &c.

Travelled 13¼


Sat 23 Sept. 1848.

cool morning – cloudy. Southerly wind.


7 <h> cattle gathered up – drizzling rain – smart shower. started between 9 & 10 a.m. clearing up – and – L Lamoreaux had his hounds broken crossing Pacific creek. fixed up. & move on.

strong Easterly Wind. heavy shower of hailstones. afterwards rained 1½ hours heavy. tolerable roads. gravelly[.] 1st ten carraled on Dry sandy near 3½ P.M. the two other tens came in 1½ hours after getting all the rain – when Dr R’s carriage – & Brother Mercer & Calvin Miles reached Dry Sandy clear stream running past encampment. but above a mile & below a mile no water to be seen in the creek. When Coy’s reached it. plenty rain water in it. tops of mountains all white since hail storm. Afternoon cleared up – but cold[.] plenty wild sage – feed tolerable on the hills to the left of us.

Cattle left out nights sometimes without guard


Sund 24 Sept. 1848.

cool morning. cloudy. drizzling rain – 8 A.M. clearing up. camp starting –


Mountains white with snow.

very open country. see as far as on any other part of the journey – or farther. tolerable roads gravelly & Sandy.

North East Wind – Pleasant travelling. cool[.] carraled at crossing of Little Sandy – Sun 2½ hours high – other tens move in 1 hour after.

muddy water. Ford 10 inches deep – Plenty willows & wild sage. Plenty bunch grass ½ mile to the left of encampment – on the Prairie – Passed feed on the sage plains to day.

Cold Easterly wind – chilly –

we struck Little Sandy 1¼ before encamped. came on right side of the Bluff.

Travelled 13¾


Mond 25 Sept 1848 –

Cold morning. Easterly wind. drizzling rain. Cptn Mc Bride unable to move. Captains go & labor with Joel Johnson to let him have his cattle for cows.


9 A.M. Camp moving cross Little Sandy. ascend hill see the 4 wagons belonging to 2nd Ten which did not come up last night coming at our heels. Antelope Plenty. look a head! see boundless Prairie – like the calm ocean[.] sight lost in the distance. tolerable roads – sandy & gravelly. cloudy. drizzling rain. clear up

cross Big Sandy – 3 rods wide 1 foot deep. Sandy. carral on W Bank 2 P.M. other tens move in shortly after – Good feed on Prairie to the right. bunch grass. Willows – & sage – clear sunny afternoon. East Wind. cold.

Dr Willard called camp together – Short address as to vigilance in our duties to our Saviors (the cattle). afterwards all hands move up to Prairie – gather up cattle – water them. cattle look firstrate – full – good feed – turn them loose on Prairie.


Tuesd 26 Sept. 1848.

Pleasant morning cool. Sun rising. Cattle gathering up. calm & clear. See smoke of Amassa’s carral back where we camped last night. Captn Mc Bride lost a cow here[,] died[.]


7½ Camp starting. warm. sun strong. nearly noon met 8 Battalion Brethren. Brothers Hatch’s. Dunn, Muir &c with about 30 horses & mules in excellent order.

good roads. some sandy, & few cobblestones[.] Hunters kill 2 Antelope

carral on the road. near where some have moved down to river. ¼ mile from river[.] Plenty feed - & wild sage – between 2 & 3 P.M. Calvin Miles with Captn Richards a–head Pioneering to day.

Dr Willard & Captn Kay a–head all the time[.] one has gone with Captn Richards seeing they find the feed on the sage plains & some places has it more profusely. tho’ all day on the road could perceive tolerable feed mong the sage.

Travelled 10


Wed 27 Sept. 1848 –

Pleasant morning. Sun rising – cattle gathering up. some amissing. Bro: Washburn lost a heifer.


¼ 8 A.M. Camp moving – 2d Ten leading. in consequence of cattle amissing being in 1st Ten. open country – sage plains. heavy sandy roads. very warm, sun strong. Struck Big Sandy. alkali substance appears to be all over the surface of bottom land here. pass on 2 miles carral about 2 P.M. near river. good feed to the right on higher land ‘mongst sage – Wood near - & willows[.] Cattle filled themselves.

Travelled 9


Thursd 28 Sept. 1848

Pleasant morning.


7 A. M. cattle starting. heavy sandy roads. fine day. road tolerable. reach Green river ford about noon. double teams. move over 2 feet deep. find detachment of Amassa’s division encamped here[.] women say the men went a hunting yesterday & not heard anything from them.

move on 1 mile carral at river banks in grove of timber about 2 P.M.

Hunters go out from each ten but kill nothing. Robert Wilson caught a Sorrel horse <white face & three> white feet. 3 years old. Supposed Indians or californian horse

Singers convene round fire in carral & sing hymns[.] Dr Willard preached about the good weather – prosperous journey and blessings that had attended this Camp &c. &c.

Travelled 9


Frid 29t Sept. 1848

Pleasant morning – still


Dr Benjamin Johnsons cow found dead. supposed to be killed by the wolves 300 yards from the camp. other two cows attacked by the wolves & pieces eaten off them. one unable to be yoked to day.

Camp hitched – horn blows. men gathered. Captn. F D Richards said waiting on some one to tender a yoke of cattle to Captn McBride for a yoke of cows[.] waited 2 hours. Joel Johnson volunteers to let him have his cattle which he has had lately – & get McBrides cows & 300 lbs loading taken for him. Loading taken by William Rowe. Thomas Charlesworth & Geo W Hickerson.

Start at 10½ A.M. Pass rough roads – sun strong – very warm day. carral where road leaves green river 1 P.M. drive cattle 1½ miles on road on high land. good feed. Forge agoing[.] Amassa’s camp comes in sight & carrals.

Cattle gathering up – Sun setting – half hour afterwards camp started. travel an hour – carral on hill. dark. good feed. Lovina [Lavina] Ful[l]mer 10 years old run over by fore wheel of wagon[.] bruised a little but playing about to night.

Travelled 6


Sat 30th sept. 1848.

Camp called up before light. day dawns. men scattered to bring up cattle. 7 A.M. Camp starts[.] cattle had no water. cool – tolerable roads – some sandy. & rough, heavy roads when wet. Amassa & Captn. Flake pass us. Sun strong[,] very warm. carraling on Black’s Fork 3 P.M.


good feed over the river on higher land. little willows. river deep cattle swim across in places.

Amassa’s camp moves in carrals ½ mile below us on the Fork. their cattle look well.

Travelled 13½


Sab 1st October 1848.

Pleasant morning. still. some cattle mired[.] Amassa’s cattle mixed & ours. noon before all got up[.] Meeting at Dr Willards carriage. Bishop Heywood and Captn. Richards spoke. Willard not well enough to get up. but said a few words.


Amassa’s camp moves a-head – cool. cloudy[.] wind rises. N.W. few drops of rain.

evg cattle brought to water from Bluffs on the right[.] excellent feed. cattle not guarded thro’ night. one at a watch guards carral.

Willard sick.


Mond 2d Oct. 1848 –

cool morning. Sun rises – chilly. Westerly Wind[.] Sun hour high Camp starts. tolerable roads. Pass Hams fork foot deep. reach Blacks fork again before noon. Amassa’s camp not all started – some cattle amissing. carral N.E. side. Hunters start but only kill a hare or two. a portion of the detachment from Amassas camp that we saw on crossing Green river passes us. Good feed. bunch grass. plenty.


Sage & willows plentiful – warm. sunny afternoon. Willard in bed all day.

Travelled 5½


Tuesd 3d October 1848 –

cool pleasant morning – still –


6½ A.M: Camp starts. crosses river foot deep. sun clouded. tolerable roads. move off lively. cattle improve. cows increase in their milk – Warm. Sunny. Snow on mountains before us. have seen it 3 or 4 days. no water in small creek – Pass on to Blacks fork third time – cross 2 feet deep[.] 2½ P.M. difficult to cross. teams stall. Amassa & Captn. Flake at encampment waiting on one of their creatures supposed in our herd.

Willard little better – able to be up this A.M. Brother Joel Johnson sheep doing well. only 2 sickly. but looses less or more all the time. Wolves get them[.] carral forming S W bank 3 P.M. good feed. bunch grass.

Travelled 12¾


Wed 4th October 1848 –

cool cloudy morning. cattle brought up early. Sarah wife of Willard Richards delivered of a son[.] all well


8 A.M. Camp Starting 2d Ten leading. crossed Blacks fork foot deep. tolerable roads. crossed stream 2 rods wide foot deep. wind rises S. E. dusty & Sandy – Haws on the hawthorn bushes – sweet & good – carral “at a bend” of Stream; about 2 P.M. Plenty willows – & feed. Passed beautiful feed to day on the Praire amongst the sage. Bunch grass green[.] commences raining. rained all evening –

about sun down Capt Jedidiah M Grant <& 3 men> reached Camp with 9 yokes of cattle 6 mules & 2 wagons. to help the imigrants into the valley. left one of Dr Willards oxen at Muddy – unable to come farthur.

Travelled 8½


Thursd 5 Oct. 1848.

clear morning. calm & still. clouds pass away – loading up extra wagons. Captns. arranging loading – late start about 9 A M. Captn J M Grant gone a-head to stay Balance of teams at Bridger where Amassa encamped. very cool day. tolerable roads.


reach Bridger by 2 P.M. pass Fort. & carral 2 or 3 hundred yards above on stream. Plenty timber, grass & good water. sleety – very cold.

W. Servasens [Vasquez] in charge of Fort – discharged his other hands and engaged 2 or 3 mormons. a woman at the Fort said to be one of the Oregon – emigrants wives who died on the road & she left on the Prairie with her team – few skins – says he used to see Buffalo round Fort few years ago

Meeting in evg & country dance. Dr. Willard & Jedidiah addressed us. see minutes.

at this point we got 5½ yokes of cattle & another wagon[.] Sterling Driggs & his horse went with Amassa’s Camp[.] he considered (by his actions) that his mission was at an end when he reached Amassa


Frid 6th October 1848

cool morning. Loading wagons. arranging teams[.] Mules amissing. late start about 9 A.M. Strike Robison’s cut off. ascend hill: Sleety. Mountains white with snow. when up to Summit of hill & see the <dry> grass all over looked like Prairies in the States[.] very bad hill to go down[.] long & steep. full of stones. 2 or 300 yards before we strike little muddy. fa[ther] Longstroth’s had his King bolt in wagon broke when coming down. 1st ten carral at Little Muddy about 3 P.M. other tens detained in consequence of herd not being tended to & brought on. had to go back & bring it up. came in 2 hours afterwards & carraled[.] Good feed. Plenty fuel & water


Meeting round bon fire in evg[.] see Minutes, dancing. found the ox of Dr Willards left.; at this point mired & eaten by wolves behind.

Travelled (Some say only 9 other 10) 11¼ miles


Sat 7th Oct. 1848 –

Pleasant morning. Easterly wind –


Cattle brought up early. start 1½ hours afterwards. 8½ A.M. crossed Muddy Fork. ascend long hills & steep descents. drink out of copperas or Soda Springs at foot of hill[.] Passed Spring of good water to the North of road. snowing – road slippery. Joel Johnson’s tongue Bull got his neck broken coming down hill. near the rocky turn. at the foot of which hill we strike the old road

Carrraling 1st Ten before dark on Sulphur creek. near Sulphur Spring. feed South West ¾ mile – good. Plenty sage & Juniper resembling Cedar. other tens move in little after dark. still snowing.

Travelled (some say 22 & 23 by this new road) 19¾ miles


Sab 8th Oct 1848.

Ground white with snow. snowing. Camp quite sheltered by the hill East. not cold.


Sun breaks thru’ skys clear. snow ceases.

Meeting of Males at Dr Willards carriage. Bre’ don’t feel like travelling to day. Messinges sent to look out lest few – others. to put up Forge to make shoes for cattle. some to dig out coal. and a few to get the Camp a few Gall[on]s of Tar or oil from Spring. Wagon unloading to take wood & Kittles there. the Bal[ance] of hands to bring up the cattle & bring wood for the families of those otherwise engaged[.] Tar or oil Spring 1¼ from Sulphur creek in the direction pointed out by guide. Good many Bre have gone over. its doing well. there is a small creek near it with a spring at its source & a grove of timber ½ mile South West of it. Plenty dry wood.

the coal obtained from the mountain (above the sulphur spring 6 rods from the edge of our carral) not good[.] Forge a going. all busy in Camp



Mond 9th Oct 1848

Pleasant morning. clouds pass away


Bre working at Tar spring all night. obtained upwards of 16 gallons. divided by Bishop H. 5 Pints to a wagon[,] forge agoing. repairing wagons &c.

late start about 9 A.M. double teams up steep hill. see Amassa’s Coy moving off. sleety & rainey. Ford Bear river. go over single teams, shoves hard Tender & worn out feet of the cattle[.] reach summit of ridge Sun breaks thro. Pass thro’ a nice long bottom – see the Spring. grass dry – & short. Pass over yellow creek at foot of overhanging rocky bluffs. very high & Perpendicular above road & creek – cross again & carral Sun 1 hour high – nearly dark before all carralled – Plenty feed – good water – little fuel. roads good – to day & pleasant afternoon cold clear starlight evg

Travelled 11 miles


Tuesd 10th Oct. 1848

Frosty – ice ¼ inch thick. misty. Cattle gathering up by day break. few small flakes of snow falling


8 A.M. Camp starting. ascend hill – double teams descent steep. good roads. Pleasant day warm – Pass cache cave. & ascend hill. descent very steep – go up ravine – beautiful bottom high hills on both sides – Pass good many springs. double at Deep ravine – & at places in Echo creek. Pass below deep ravine 4 miles & carral. Plenty water in creek. Willows & sage Plenty – & some cedar on hill sides – feed tolerable – some places firstrate – all carraled before dark – Hailstones – shower of rain. Frosty night –

Travelled 15


Sickness in Traveling Camp.

R<h>ody Richards taken sick 31 July with chills & fever dumb ague & all its attendant consequents. which she continued treating with Quinine Pills &c. but still it forsook her not – when reached Sweetwater had Mountain fever for 10 days. chilled at green river followed with high fever.


Elizabeth H McBride taken very sick on Sweetwater with Winter fever. which continued 2 weeks violent[.] baptized by Captn Kay anonited & blessed by Phinehas Richards & Bishop Heywood[.] experienced immediate relief. tho still weakly –

Archibald Bell in care of Sister Moss. had Mountain fever about 5 weeks. began at Deer creek.

Barbara Jolly aged 50 taken sick on the Sweetwater with the Mountain fever – & pains in her limbs. is weakly yet able to be about.

Isabella [Isabelle] Rodgers aged 15 run over by wagon wheels near her ancles & over right arm near old Pawnee village[.] no bones broke but badly bruised. measurably recovered in a few days. at reaching Sweetwater her leg near her body gathered & when lanced discharged freely. since has nearly recovered. tho still delicate.


Wed 11th Oct. 1848 –

hard Frost. grass white. misty morning. cold. cattle climb the side hills for feed. Amassa’s cattle coming back. start 8½ A M. Pass down Red creek kanyon – difficult crossing creek. muddy & steep banks. stop ½ hour whole camp fixing[.] very muddy place – Pass Amassa’s camp carraled. Mountains each side of us all day. several hundred feet high. narrow Kanyon some bad turns in road thro the brush –


Pleasant day – calm & still in the kanyon. reach Weaver [Weber] river. Pass on a mile towards Ford & carral on Bluff. Plenty timber & water below[.] good feed all round –

Captn Kay found letter from T Bullock stuck in the road. dated 7th curt.

A negro from the valley yesterday came into Camp pretty loquacious & intelligent. Got supper in Camp. Meeting of officers at Dr Willards’[.] decided stay here to morrow do up repairs recruit cattle &c

Heber John baptized by his father Willard Richards for the remission of his sins.

Nancy wife of John Mercer delivered of a daughter 1½ <miles> before striking Weaver. stoped 5 minutes then drove on. doing well

Travelled 13


Thursd 12th Oct. 1848

Pleasant morning. Hunters a Coping. Sun rising. Women washing. wagons fixing – S W Wind. fine day – Camp healthy. eat ½ more than when in Winter Quarters. cows increase in their milk. Salt very scar[c]e in camp. Amassa’s division pass us at this point.


Willard Richards baptized 12 in the Weaver river to night. See file.

Meeting round Bon-fire this evg – J M Grant preached – good meeting – Willard & Franklin made a few observations. confirmed 13. as members of the church. Pleasant meeting clear moon-light – Pleasant –


Frid 13 Sep[Oct] 1848

Pleasant morning – calm & still. 9½ A.M. Camp starting – Sun breaks thro. tolerable roads – cross Weaver easily.


met 2 wagons with mules & several Bre going to Winter Quarters – dusty roads – meet Bro: Lee. very warm day – Sun strong carral where Bridge was over the creek – nearly 2 P.M. other Bre come into Camp from the valley. some going thro to W[inter]. Q[uarters]. Meeting in carral evg Captns. all addressed us <Captn> Kay feels better. also Jedidiah & the Dr. some teams of our Coy late coming in another wagon – Brethren come in late.

Tolerable feed – Plenty fuel. muddy water –

clear moonlight evg[.] Elijah Clifford come to visit Camp & go in with us & assist.

Travelled 6¾


Sat 14th Sept. [Oct.] 1848.

Pleasant morning. 9 A.M. Camp starting. fixing roads[.] met Captn Egan near summit of ridge. read letter to the Saints in Pottawatamie Co. delivered him mail of 12 letters – descend from Summit of ridge all the way to Kanyon creek. fixing roads some. don’t discover where the road turns North ¼ mile then West & ascends steep hill –


Pleasant day – warm. carral on Kanyon creek by 3 P.M. some came late moving in – Plenty wood over the crossing dry & good. Pure cold water. feed on side hills good –

Travelled 7


Sab 15 Oct. 1848

Camp up early – gathering cattle[.] late start. cold morning[.] move down Kanyon. some of the crossings bad.


Pleasant day. Captn. Kays lumber wagon had hind axle tree broken. some short turns & bushes in the road.

A L Lamoreauxs family wagon tipped over – one child smothered a little[.] carral formed on hill nearly 1 mile before leaving Kanyon creek. Cattle sent back after broken down wagon[.] Plenty water. dry wood – & feed on the mountain[.] George Allen came into Camp. his wife here

Travelled 7


Mond 16th Oct. 1848

Frosty morning. very cold. Freezing.


early start after cattle – Camp moving early 7½ A.M. Captn McBride’s ox lost. his ten wait to hunt up – Fixing roads up mountains. removing rocks. leveling hollows[.] 2 tens got to top of mountain. all fixing lock chains for off wheels – start down fixing roads. & bad places[.] wheels run against trees & stump locked had to be cut down. very stumpy roads & short turns.

Bishop Nobles & family came to camp. gave him letter to take to President Young & Kimball – Warm & pleasant day[.] one of father Rowe’s wagons tipped over –<nothing hurt> one of Dr. Richards wagon tongues Broken at the hounds. Got dark on us before we got good Camping place[.] 1st & 2’ Tens carraled at dark.

Messinger sent to tell Captn. McBride to carral first opportunity which he did ¾ mile back – Plenty feed on the side hills – fuel plenty. lots of dry wood –

Travelled 7¼


Tuesd 17 Oct. 1848

Pleasant morning – mild night. Cattle all over the mountains. late of getting them up – all found however before noon[.] Camp starting – fixing roads.


Sunny day. Pass Cold Spring on Brown’s creek[.] Good roads cold. Sleety. travelled 3 hours carraled ¾ mile before leaving Browns creek. Plenty feed. & dry wood. & good water. some repairing & fixing in Camp.


Wed 18 Oct. 1848

Pleasant morning. mild thro the night. Cattle got up well filled – start about A.M. double teams near summit of last ridge. lock both wheels down. fixing crossings of last creek[.] meet some Bre going to Bear river. Warm Sunny day. Fa Richards worn out ox left this morning


carral at dark in road 1 mile from mouth of Kanyon – 2d Ten few hundred yards behind

Meeting round Bonfire. all present. Voted we continue Camp organization until duly disbanded. arrangements made about return teams yokes chains & to morrows doings.

Dr. Willard suggested the idea of all going forward at one time & being baptized ea[ch] Captn. leading his ten men into the waters of Baptism. Spoke as to drinking much cold water for a while. injurious especially to children. 3 men volunteer to guard cattle after they are driven out to morrow. & Captn. Fulmer Volunteers to unload a wagon for them. early start to morrow. vigilance required. &c. &c. &c.

Travelled 6½


Accidents on Journey

July 20th.
July 25th.
July 26th.
July 28th.
July 30th.
Aug 3rd.
Aug 11th.



Thurs 19 Oct. 1848

Pleasant morning, mild – cattle amissing – start before 8 A.M. reach mouth of Kanyon 1 mile then Pleasant road to the Fort – down hill


Warm day. Sunny. move in all close together. many Bre. come out a mile or two to see us. all on horseback. see them hauling their corn – threshing – hauling large Pumpkins &c.

carral by 2 P.M.

Squire Wells & Captn. Grant receiving the return cattle & driving them off. weather like summer. Prest. Young. Bro: Bullock & others visiting camp. Cattle sent off with herdsmen North.

Two births reported during the journey, to Dr. W Richards a boy & <to> John Mercer a daughter

Travelled 6