Transcript for Robinson, Joseph Lee, Autobiography and journals 1883-1892, [manuscript:] vol. 1, 60, 66-67
The Prophet Brigham said "we have found a land that will do for the Mormons". and it came to pass that after loosing so many cattle and some horses that I only could muster up teams enough to start three waggons by hitching up or yoking cows, one waggon for each wife and family
1848 in this Spring we again left our homes in the city of winter quarters, were organized in Amacy Simans [Amasa Lyman] Company[.] we set out and traveld west upon the Mormon trale, we were divinely Inspired to go ahead in the name of the lord, we had Faith in God and Great love for his Cause and People, we hade an asurence[,] yea we knew that God was with his People therefore we had great joy, and much rejoicing, with all our sorrows and tribulations, for surely our tribulations were Great and many, but nothing daunted nor discouriged us[.] we never looked back, nor repented that we had taken upon us the name of Jesus Christ which the world calld Mormon
Let us now return to our traveling camp west of the Misora river[.] as we had set sail from winter quarters we traveled on very slowly but moving west wardly toward the promised land[.] had some hinderment in crosing River and passing throough some Indian towns and loop fork of the Plat[te] river and other streams, and on beaver Creek my third wife Laurinda M[arie Atwood Robinson] was delivered of a child[,] a find daughter we named her Jane Geneve [Geneva.] the mother and child doing well, she was born the 14 day of July 1848 but the mother had to suffer a good deel as the child was born I the morning and the camp moved on the same day but we blessed her and the Lord blessed her and she was strengthend so that the camp was not hindered[.] We very soon got into the Buffalo country when we obtained a plenty of meat which was certainly a great blessing to us, now we are traveling into the wilderness[.] Now the Lord is not feeding us on many from heaven direct as he did the Children of Israel but he is feeding us upon substantial food nevertheless just as good if not better an we can discern his hand in his marvelous powr in protecting and in feeding this people and in leading them to a land of Peace which our god had certainly prepared and was holding it in reserve for his beloved saints where he purposeth to feed and nourish them[,] train and disapline them and bring them under the [-] of the wicked and into the bond of the covenant when forty years expires or soon after the expiration of forty years he shall bring about the redemption of Zion and while that is being acomplished[,] a still greater manifestation of the powr of God will be manifest in the great destruction of the wicked and in the building of a Holy Temple where the concecrated spot in Jackson Co. Mo and then the work of the work of the Father commence among all Nations to gather them to the land of their Fathers & even to Zion and Gerusalem [Jerusalem] and their shall greater miracles be rought[.] yes[,] far greater than was wrought by the prophets in leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt into the promised land[.] by that time the Latterday Saints, will have a large experience and will possess great faith[,] will possess mighty Power[.] then great and mighty miracles shall be performed and God shall Get to himself a Great name and very much honor[.] now the little stone[,] very small at the beginning[,] and the faith of the saint, were weak and many[,] very many have fallen away because of the power of the Devil and the wickedness of the world and the littleness of their faith[.] yet for all that[,] there has been a constant addition to the little stone[.] as all that are born Saints and all that are baptized are joining[,] on which is enlargeing the kingdom and it shall never sease growing untill it shall become a great mountain and fill the whole Earth and it shall become so large that it shall grind every other kingdom to powder and the dust shall be blown away and there shall be nothing left to show where they stood, amen
now we are traveling along[,] all the same singing[,] prophesying and praying and rejoicing be cause God is certainly with his saints, they shall rejoice and it came to pass we pased through larima [Laramie] and the Black hills and on Sweet watter[.] we found the devils Gate and an abundence of saleratus and many of our cattle got Atcalied and died[.] we had to use a great Deal of precaution to save enough to get through to the valley[.] I lost several being alcalied and one by wolves but still we traveld along pass over green river[.] here a few of us stoped and and went up the river on a hunt[,] killd some Elk and antelope[,] saw some of the Lamanite hunting[.] they looked rather sour but did not molest us[.] they might have sised us up[.] they rode all around us and hoped to see and learn our strength but the Lord preserved us, we returned to camp[.] found all wrigh[.] only one of my cows killd by wolves[.] we traveld along very finely[.] crosed sevral fine streams[,] hams Fork[,] Bear river and webber, through Echo[,] a very diverting and curious Canion, and up Canion Creek and up and down and over the mountains[.] surely it was rough and tumble, but through the Blessing of God we reached the height of the last mountain before dropping into the great Salt Lake Valley which was destined to become the Center Stake of Zion[.] in the mist of the rocky mountains, we halted, and gazed with much wonder and admiration and with tears and much joy, there was an emotion of feeling in our bosoms that we cannot desscribe[.] Sufise to say the valley looked very good to us then, we desended and entered the valley the first of Oct 1. 1848. drove into the fort, the Brethren had built a fort that they might protect themselves, the next day I went south 6 or 8 miles to see some corn that John our coulerd man had raised, as he had raised some crop for us so that with what we had brought, we were obliged to make it do us untill we could rais something the next season, the next day took a trip north some 6 or 8 miles to see the country[.] Saw the President, told him where I had ben and what I thought for the present[,] if it should meet with his aprobation, he said all right[,] go ahead
consequently on Saturday we drove up to the mouth of North Canion and camped for the winter, Sunday with a part of my family atended meeting at the fort and on Monday we took our teams[,] went and gatherd our corn to secure it as we discovered there had ben but little raised in the valley and it stood us in hand to save what we had that we might [-] starve to death of [sentence unfinished]
Susan [McCord Robinson] my second wife was delived of her second Daughter, a promising child[.] we hailed the Same with jot [joy,] very glad we had found a resting place[.] the mother and child doing well[.] in this month we got out timber and built one house[.] we enterd into it with some satisfaction.