Transcript for Rollins, James H., Sketches from camp journal of Pres. Amasa Lyman's Company [24 July 1848 report], in George Albert Smith, Papers, 1834-1882, box 4, fd. 11
July 24th 1848
Started from winter Quarters June 29-[18]48—6 P.M. went 3 miles when an Axtel tree [axletree] was Broken in Leathur Lormire wagon[.] left waggon and went on 3 mi. and Camped. then some went back for waggon
(30th) fine & pleasant some cattle in the mire— camp called together and organized Capt. 100 Ja[me]s M. Flake Capt 50 B[arnabas]. L. Adams, Capt 10s 1st C[hapman]. Duncan 2nd Ja[me]s. H. Rollins, 3rd [Peter] Meseck [Mesick,] 4th Jno [John] Brown 5th Esra [Ezra] Clark 6th A[ndrew]. Cummingham not present---did not travel this day Capt. [James] F[lake]. returned to town Cattle very troublesome through the night
July 1st started on and crossed the Papia [Pappillion] noted our team. went on 2 miles came up heavy rain stopped 1 hour---went 1 mile and camped without wood or water
(2nd) Cool and Airy started early arrived at the Elk Horn at 9 OC [o'clock] turned out our teams and breakfasted near old rafting place—searched a ford and found one ¾ mile above water from 4 to 20 inches deep[,] fixed Banks[,] & returned and camp moved up and commenced crossing and finished about sun down all safe and sound[.] after dark several trains came from winter qr [Quarters.] we assisted them in crossing
(3rd) Pres. L. [Lyman][.] Capt F. [Flake] went to Burying grounds—Indians dug into Sis Taylors Grave[.] Body not disturbed—fixed them[.] anxiously waiting for Dr. R.
4th went a fishing Burnt Coal—warm and pleasant
5th Clear & warm Jno Scott and others saw about 20 indians
6th A[ndrew]. L[amoreaux] with several others started back on to meet Dr R. & Co[.] after traveling 3 miles found Bro Barrow & others say 40 waggons stringing along from ¼ to 1 mile apart went on found Dr R. with 28 waggons on the Papia[.] they soon started from here and arrived at the Horn about 2 oc and camped Bro Smithing done all ready to Roll in the morn
7th Capt L. called for volunteers to go into Dr. R. Co that their numbers might be increased and ours reduced[,] But none volunteered[.] Capt. L. then proposed that they should go in advance—they accordingly went 2 miles ahead[.] Camp traveled to Liberty Pole on Pate 11¼ miles and Camped—Dr. Co in sight[.] they camped 4½ ms in advance of us[.] A. L.[,]Capt. L. and others went to Dr. R. after dark agreed to travel on next day and rest on the Sabbath[illegible] near [illegible]
8th weather warm camp started at 8 oc Traveled 14½ ms and camped ½ mile above Dr. R
9th Both camps met together[.] meeting opened by F[rankling]. D[ewey]. Richards. Dr. R's Co organized Clerks Chosen for Ea Co, Rules adopted for benefit of Camp. Pres L. & R. gave good instructions—Pres L. wanted to do all the Quarreling on the road.
(10th) Morning fine camp all well and all ready to start at ½ Past 7" But obliged to wait until 9" for Dr. R.s camp several of their cattle were astray—Traveled 10 miles to shell Creek & Camped[,] very warm[,] 2 fine Hogs died with Heat—Capt L killed a fine deer
(11th) Clear & warm[.] Camp started at ½ P. Eight[.] Camped on Fisher slough
(12th) Started at 8 OC. warmest day we have had[.] Capt. Adams Lost Two fine Pigs By heat[.] some oxen nearly overcome[.] Camped about 3 OC.
(13th) Morning very warm[.] Camp started at 8 OC. went to Looking glass 9½ ms. and watered[.] from thence to Beaver River 8¼ ms last Teams till dark getting in[.] some teams near give out—Exceding dry & Dusty
(14th) morn cool started 9 OC. drove to Cedar River Passed the Pawnie [Pawnee] Station and village, found here a Band of Omahas 2 Elks & their Braves, 1st 10 ahead crossed cedar then finding ford good on Loupe[,] returned and with the rest Camped on Ea side of River, after Port day very warm and dusty, Dr Camp ½ m. S.E.
(15th) A Lyman[,] J. M. Flake & 12 or 15 others went to the Loupe to find a route across[,] which they did in a short time[,] the water not being more than 2 feet in deepest part[.] after staking the route and fixing banks returned, camp started at 10 OC. Precisely[.] teams commenced crossing at 11 OC. and continued until ½ Past 1 OC. when all the teams were without any accidents- 9 Lodges Omahas on this Bank of River—Camp rolled on 3 ms up Loup and camped in good season, The day has been cloudy and cool sprinkles a little J[oseph] L. Robinson had a birth in family 1 hour before starting
(16th) Capt J. M. F. Rec.d a line from Cap F. D. R. requesting the aid of teams in crossing Loup[.] Accordingly 12 teams of 4 to 6 yokes ea were sent and Dr R's Co are here safe—I since went to Milsion to get Plank & coal—Cloudy and Warm
(17th) started at 9 OC Pioneer trail very dull, Pres L. & Capt F. went ahead to upper ford also to search best route. after B L. Adams Piloted the camp, traveled 15 ms and camp on Loupe, Pres L. & Capt. F. found a Letter from first camp at upper crossing giving general information concerning camp and all pertaining to it Both man & Beast, several antelope were seen today
18th 3 first tens to go ahead started at ½ P. 7[,] traveled S.W. 4 ms. and struck and struck trace of spring Co followed the same to Prairie Creek and camped[,] it making for 34 ms this day[,] it has been Cool and fine for our teams, Rained 2 hours handsomely Part the Road and hills, all arrived and Campt at—7" OC
(19th) Morning fine But warm Left Prairie Creek at 9" OC went to wood river 11¼ ms Watered and thence 7 miles up G. Island[,] all teams did not get in till 9 OC. 1 of P. Lymans best oxen sick and left 2 ms. back of G. Island
Capt. J[oh]n. Browns ten went 1½ ms beyond camp G. and returned a back[.] Pres. L.[,] Capt. F. and W[eeden]. V[ander]. Hakes left camp this morning to Hunt[.] after going 8 miles Bro H. killed an Antelope[,] got on Capt. F.s horse he became frightened and Both Horses broke from them and Ran Back one mile beyond P. Creek, there Bro Hake caught them, Pres G. & H. started for train on foot and was near perishing for want of water and overcome by excessive hea[.] Pres L came near the foot of the train but came near Perishing before he could by signals make them see him when he did[.] Dr. Richards came to him with his carriage and took him in—But could take nothing him that would stay on his stomach—Capt. F. found Bro Hakes lieing in the Prairie helpless 4 miles from Train, found the spring camp Crossed wood River June 20 and camped There, found on a Buffalos head with Bro Bullocks & Webbs Names on to it—and all well.
20th started from Camp at 9" O.C. Traveled say 9. miles. Bro L quite sick not-able to be up, Quite warm and sultry[,] several waggons came near being Burned by fire in the Prairie, after stopping[,] men went to putting up forge for B. Smithing and setting Fire—
(21st) This morn there was 14 or 18 w. fire to set-consumed the fore noon[.] Entire Camp Commenced starting at ½ P. 12. Traveled 12 ms. up Platt[e,] Camped at 8, O,C Clear & warm until night—then cloudy some Thunder, found on a Bulls Head[.] Camp had passed June 22 all well[,] signed Hosea Stout
July 22) Camp Commenced starting at 8 OC, last ten 9" went say 11 ms and watered[.] Before we got to the Platt our teams were nigh done over, no wood if had wind Blowing to hard grass dry & long 22 ms. this day, Pres L Better also Bro H. Passed several dog Towns this day, several teams in Dr Rs Co did not get in till next morn also herd of Cattle & sheep Capt. F. & B[arnabas] L A[dams]. found a dragoon Horse all equiped, Buffalo came near Dr. R.s waggons in the night
23" strong wind from South (Cool) dangerous having fire, This morning 3 waggons from valey & first Camp Met us, D. S. Thomas[,] H. Peck & others staid through the day with us, 4 Buffalo[,] 7 Antelope were killed By our Camp this day[,] meat Plenty[,] it Being the firs Buffalo Taken, Pres L. Better[,] not able to speak Loud, 4 OC fires burning[,] women cooking (wind gone down
24th Morning Cool and Pleasant[.] Officers called Together to adopt measures for dividing Camp for convenience of Traveling[,] came to no Conclusion in fore Part of the day[,] meting called again at 2 OC and desided Both Companys should travel together until we passed through the Buffalo Country as Dr. R. & others considered there was danger from them
Annexed to this is a Brief and correct List of all the souls Man and Beast in our Camp at this time Vi No of men women & children (white) in the fifty is two hundred & fifty two (252) Cattle[,] Five hund and fifty one (551) No of Blacks Twenty One (21) Horses Twenty Eight (28) Mules Fifteen (15) Sheep one hundred and ten (110) Pigs thirty Nine (39) chickens fifty seven (57) Dogs Sixteen (16) cats eight (8) Ducks (5) doves (21) Capt A Cunninghams 6th Ten in company has souls (66) Cattle (135) Horses (5) Sheep (35) Pigs (13) Chickens (27) Dogs (10)
Bro George A Smith the camp is Generally well[,] has been no deaths in camp[,] all in good spirits and going ahead—Dan[ie]l P had a Letter from T. Callister and all was well—My respects to yourself and Bro Benson and Family.
I Remain as Ever Yours Amasa Lyman
Jas. H. Rollins Clerk for fifty
P. S. we have in Company One hundred and eight Waggons in Tollerable good Order