Transcript for Rudy, Martha Timothy Gardner, Autobiographical sketch, in Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Camp Orem, comp. Adell H. Fielding, "Original and native pioneer histories, camp history, locality history, Camp Orem," 201
The party continued on by train to Omaha, Nebraska and waited there two weeks for the ox teams in order to start the long journey to Utah. The company was named "Dan Jones" after its captain. The wagon assigned to father carried two families and included fice [five] adults and nine children. Father had to walk all the way to lead a cow which he had purchased in order that the children might have milk.
It was during a raging storm the night of August 3, 1862 along the Platte River in Nebraska, that I was born. Mother was in the wagon and the children were in a tent which kept blowing down with the storm. It is impossible to enumerate the many hardships they endured while crossing the plains.
Late in October 1862, we arrived in Salt Lake City and unloaded in "Public Square."