
Transcript for Samuel A. Woolley papers, 1846-1899, Volume 6, 213-44 and Volume 7, 1-15

Florence[,] June 1856

Th[ursday] 5th [Thursday June 5th, 1856] Attended to camp duties as I am sergeant of the guard first. Bro Crossgroves letter received one from my Nephew F.B. Woolley, from St. Jos. [Joseph] he expected to be here about the 12th inst I was pleased to hear from him. he was going to assist Br Kimball & Grant in driving cattle. I commenced to answer it but got to Sleeping & went to bed. Cleaned when apart of the camp started out today, Capt [Philemon Christopher] Merrill returned this afternoon, &c

F[riday] 6 Some more of the camp startd today. fixing around. Br [Jeter] Clinton & Mr Goulding & Turner returnd bringing the 3 yoke of oxen and a small cow. Price as follows[:] oxen, $89.50 $87[.]00. & 77$ & cow 25. very hight. Turner charged $2.00 per yoke for bringing yoke an of but little account. had a heavy rain & storm last night. I borrowed $20. of J.E. Goulding gave my notr payable in 4 months with interest at 10 percent from date &c blowey and cool

Sa[turday] 7 th Got two yokes paid 4.25 for them then faten them up in shape ready to use. Tried my best to get cattle for Bro Taylors wagon but did not. took the cattle out milked & got Bro. Hinsmen to hall Sister [Caroline] Johnsons chest, it weighs 73 lb paid him $7.30 to take it to the valley. Bro Clinton paid $5.00 toward taking her through. I received a letter from Sister Sarah Maria Monday, I was much pleased to hear from her, & all of them. all was were well. & heads up for the valley. Nothing new up, only Bro Lloyd has got the wool patch over his eyes again by his wife she say they have good meeting &c

Su[nday] 8th Had a heavy rain this morn[.] Mothers letter to Sister Sarah Maria Meousley in the after noon loaded my wagon[.] bot two more sacks of flour for $8.50 & 26 / p [pounds] sugar for 3.55[.] paid 2.00 for an ox yoke & lost my cow &c &c

M[onday] 9th Went out at 3½ oclock to hunt my cow did not find her[.] Started for the valley at 8½ A.M. Bro. Clinton & Goulding & in Co. the main camp are at the Horn waiting for us. got out to the little Papeo [Pappea] & found my load to heavy so I Borrowed 88.00 of J. E. Goulding & started back after another pair of oxen. Bot them of Bro Jening for $80.00 Stoped all night at the ware house[.] Sup[p]er at Bro Jenning’s. Sister Marvins gave me a bottle of Ketsup. I got a chain with the ox[.] Glorious & clear


Camp of Israel June 1856


Tu[esday] 10th Bro [James] Cooper & I left Florance at 4 oclo A. M. overtook on caught up to my wagon at the slew 4 mi. from the Big Papeo [Pappea] then went on to the horn. ferrie our wagon & swam our oxen, paid .50 per wagon then went on out to camp 1½ m found all right. Swapt chains per .50 foot. Cleer & warm.

W[ednesday] 11th A little rain in morn[.] rolled out at 7 oclock[.] came to the La Platt[e] stoped & later came on to grove of timber & camped[.] got here at 8 P.M. Distance 25 miles, detachd the guard & went to bed[.] Clowdy most of the day mostly good rain


on the plains June 1856


Th 11th Startd at 8½ A.M. got to Shell Creek to dinner, 10 miles[.] came on to a small lake near the river by 8 ocl P.M. & camp crossed one slew. raind good. cool rather clowdy & windy & I was up untill one oclock last night getting guard out right[.] found one man fast to sleep in the grass & do not feel well to day. traveled some 23 miles to day. sister Johnson not well


Camp on the Loop [Loup] Fork June 1856


F 13th had a tolerable good road[.] one bad slew[,] some sand[.] stoped & bated at noon at which time I rebaptised Charles Hammes [Hammer], got to the Loup Fork Ferry about 4 ocl P.M. Camp. I put out the guard detach then for the night & one man in Ballard’s ten threatend to leave[.] I told him to go, & good ridence & confirm Charles Hammes [Hammer,] Bro [Jeter] Clinton being mouth, & ordained him an Elde[.] also ordained Lewis Henry Mousley an Elder my self being mouth. & also proposed it. I got to bed between 10 & 11 ocl P.M. Clear & pleasant, good breeze

Sa 14th Spent the most getting over the Loup Fork. We got into camp on the south side about 4 P.M. Sister [Caroline] Johnson done some baking, washing, & paid 75 cts <per wagon> Farriage, forded our cattle took a bath in the evening. Had a meeting of the officiers of the Co & clear & warm


Camp of Israel June 1856


Su 15th Had meeting at 10 ocl A.M. Bros. [Jeter] Clinton, [Philemon] Merrill, & I spoke. Bro Clinton was appointd Chaplain for the Co & at 2 ocl P.M. started & drove on some 5 or 6 miles[.] Clear & pleasant

M 16th Camp started at about 7 A.M. b[r]oke down one wagon in Co which detained us an hour or so at noon to mend the wheel. then drove on[.] camped on <or near> the Loup fork. traveled some 15 miles. Clear & pleasant

Tu 17th Camped started at about 7 oclock A.M. stoped at noon by a slew & spring, or left of the road 10 M Camped at night not far from the river near a slew left of the road, some 8 miles. Whole distance 18 M[.] had some rain in the afternoon, & evening


Camp on the Loop [Loupe] Fork June 1856


W 18th Started early[.] we are the hind ten to day being head yesterday[.] Crossed over the Para[i]rie Creek, some 4 or 5 miles heavy sand Stoped a Short time at noon, no water from Loup Fork to Para[i]rie Creek, distance about 25 miles. No wood here[.] got o camp before dark[.] Clear & warm, our teams stood it tolerable well[.] one man broke a wagon tire.

Th 19th Started about 9½ oclock A.M. went up the creek some 4 or 5 m, & crossed over their nooned, then traveled on up the creek 6 or 8 miles[.] went off the road a short distance to the left & camped on Para[i]rie Creek again, wood water & grass. in the evening had meeting at which Bro. Clinton, Merrill, & I spoke. Attend to camp duties as usual. Clear & warm with a good breeze [e]tc. There was a team came up this morning going to Cala [California], they say the man has another mans wife &c


Camp on Pararie [Prairie] Creek June 1856


F 20th Did not get started untill about 9 ok A.M. crossed tow [two] or 3 bad slews, stoped an hour at noon[.] crossed Wood River & camped[.] good feed, wood & water, crossed on a bridge fixed a wagon tire for Bro. [Samuel] Crain, detailed guard as usual, got to bed at 11 ok P.M. good road Clear & warm, good breeze[e]tc. There has been a claim made at this point some plowing done & Distance some 15 miles


Camp No. 12 Wood River June 1856


Sa 21st Started at 8 A.M. traveled about 5 or 6 miles & Bro. Crain’s tire broke again, so we camped[.] Sister Johnson washed <Baked &c> I got wood water &c, change my cloths &c Lewis went Hunting but 8 at hand had meeting in the evening, Clear

Su 22nd Started after 8 ok A.M. traveled about 20 miles camped left of the road 300 yard on the La Platt[e] good feed an wood Clear & Warm. Bro Sowell & some others went out & shot a Buffalo[.] Bro N. accidently shot his horse worth $150.00 tc.


Camp No 13 June 1856


M 23rd Started at 7½ traveled some 17 miles & camped on Buffalow Creek. Bro Lewis & some of the Boys went out & Killed a Buffalow, so we have plenty of meat. Poor feed no wood, good spring where we first came to the creek. I put on a double guard, as there are thousands of Buffalow around here. Clear & warm[,] road good

Tu 24 Started at 7½ oclock[.] came some 3 miles[.] crossed Buffalow [Buffalo] Creek[.] tolerable good ford then drove on about 13 miles to the La Platt[e] one mile or near it / off the road to the left & camped[.] good feed no wood on this side of river good road. Clear & very hot. I am not very well I have got my hands poisoned[.] I administered to Sister Johnson as she is not well[.] late into camp


Camp No 15 & 16 June 1856


W 25th Had a small stampead among the cattle last night some 17 head miss[ing] this morning[.] I sent out two different lots of men to search for them. I called all hands at the time of Stampeed at 12 ok [o’clock] the guard giving the alarm. corelled the cattle &c very dark & rainey[.] before I got through had men out all day in different directions. they found & brought in 6, 3 of which were found in a herd of Buffalow. There are tens of thousand of them around us[.] we had to fire on them twice to keep them out from our cattle. Correled our cattle in the evening. I was busy all day attending to the camp & my own matters. Sister Sina baked [e]tc. Clear & warm. rain in evening


Camp on La-Platt[e] June / 56


Th 26th Concluded to lay in camp & sent out men to hunt the lost cattle which we did in our carriage & some six or 8 on horse back. two men returned in the after noon with one cow of Br. Clinton & one of some one else. Sister Caroline washed <& baked some> & got wood & water &c set the Guard & attend to other duties of camp &c &c yesterday I gave Bro [F.] Raymond a note payable six months from date (Date June 1st) for $50.—I borrowed at Florance. also one to Jonathan E[merson]. Goulding [Golding], nine months from date, with interest from date at 10 percent (Date June 9th / 56 / for $88. Some more came in from Hunting cattle after dark, but found none. Had meeting in the evening I talked a while after which Capt. Merrill talked. I made arrangement for six men more to start out to hunt in the morning on horseback & gave general orders to the camp &c &c Clear & very hot. Some one shot a Buffalow. Correlled our cattle, took a bath in the river,


La Platt[e] River, June 1856 <244 miles>


F 27th Some of the men Shot a Buffalow this morning. Started the men off to hunt the cattle, Some returned in the after noon with 3 oxen & one cow, the others returned in the night without any. Spent the most of the after noon in my wagon. As it is exceeding windy, & I not very well. detailed my guards & & Clear & warm. had a council meeting talked right plain to John Mead who had broke some of the camp rules & concluded to send out 8 men more tomorrow to hunt cattle. & to move on the camp 3 or 4 miles &, I have to see that these men start to hunt at 5 A.M. [illegible] It is 12 years to day since Jos & Hyrum Smiths were martyred for the truth & testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of Prophecy. May their Blood yet be avenged on this generation.

Sa 28th I started the men out to hunt cattle. At 9 A.M. Camp started, being detained near an hour by <the> rain. came up 6 or 8 miles & camped on the river again[.] Some of the hunters returned with out any success. had meeting[.] I spoke to some length[.] then the Capt. D L Clinton & Capts of tens & concluded to start on in the morning & let the cattle go, tc[.] Clear most of the day, attended to my camp duties &c at 11 ock P.M. Bro Mousley & Mr. Fictus returned brought two oxen one Bro [Enoch Bartlett] Tripps the other Bro [Joseph] Clarks[.] I got to bed at mid night as usual


Camp No. 17 245 miles LaPlatt[e] June 1856


Su 29th Arose at 4 ok A.M. , as usual camp started at 8 ok traveled 10 M. & nooned near the Platt[e]. Started at 2 ok P.M. traveled 9½ miles & camp on the Platt[e]. good feed at both places[.] Some wood at the latter. I feel rather unwell to day[.] road good most of the way some sand. Clear & pleasant as evening; Start a stampeed at 10½ P.M. all run, both Horses & cattle got them all by 12 oclock, into correll again.


Camp No 18 & 19 Platt[e] River, June 1856


M 30th Started at about 8 ock A.M. drove 13 miles to a fine large spring of good cold water, where we nooned, then drove, 4 miles crossed Carrion Creek. thence to the river 3 miles. & camped a little south of the road. good grass no or but little timber, at either place, road tolerable good, some sand. Commenced to rain soon after we camped & continued all night, very hot & clear during the day

Tuesday July 1st 1856. Rained all last night. & some this morning. Started at ¼ after 9 ok A.M. Crossed some bad slews & black mud creek. nooned near the river had some heavy sand &c traveled some 12 miles & camped on the river. good feed no wood. Clear most of the day & very hot.


Platt[e] River July 1856


W 2nd Started at about 8 ock A.M. drove Six miles to Bluff’s Fork Creek quite a stream. Some 6 rods wide & two feet deep. just as we were crossing the creek Sister Betsey [Lamb] Avery wife of Gilbert Avery died[.] we buried her on a sand nole [knoll] south of the road about 2 oclock P.M. had a meeting at which Bros Clinton Merrill spoke. when we administered to her yesterday I am not think she would ever get well which I told Bro Clinton & Sister Johnston[.] We started on at 3 ock P.M. traveled some 5 miles camped near the river again. Had heavy sandy roads the most of the day. over sand bluffs &c [.] Clear & hot most of the day. Some rain in the evening or after noon before we camped. up untill near mid night. Caroline was baking. I had call the guard &c &c


La Platt[e] July 1856


Th 3rd Started at 7 ock A.M. nooned at a small creek some 6 miles. Traveled on some 5 miles & camped on the river[.] had heavy sandy roads all day ovr to sand bluffs & then sand on the Btom [bottom] . I am not very well to day. got into camp about 4 ock P.M. Sina done some more baking &c I doubled team at one place. Clear & very hot.


La platt[e] River below Ash Hollow July 1856


F 4th Started at ¼ after 6 A.M. traveled some 10 miles. & stoped for noon, then drove on some 8 miles & camped near the river on a creek[.] crossed a number of small creeks, plenty of water & grass all the way. heavy sandy road’s most of the day. Some of the boys did some firing of guns & as it is the fourth. I open a bottle of Lemon Syrup & we drank it[.] Bros J. Clinton treated to brandy to just for his Co[,] I mine &c[.] commenced to rain about 7 ok P.M. & continued untill near mid night. had another Stampeed about 10 ok P.M. got the cattle all back about 12 ock M. Clear & warm during the day.


Camp of Israel below Ash Hollow July 1856


Sa 5 th Started at 6½ A.M. traveled some ten miles over a heavy sandy road most of the way & Stoped for nooning on creek. Started again at about 2 P.M. went over a Sandy bluff where we had to double team for about ¾ of a mile, very heavy drove on about one ½ mile & camped, about 5 oclock P.M. on the river, plenty of water & grass all along, but, no wood. I attend to my camp duties, details, guard & setting them at 10 ok P.M. tc tc & am about tired out. not being well. Clear apart of the day

Su 6th Went to the river took a bathe came back, met in council with the Chaplain, Capt, & Capts of tens[.] concluded to divide the Co in to three so as to be able to travel faster, with the same labor. &c had meeting in the after noon. laid the matter before the camp. I spoke to the people as also Bros Clinton, & Merrill, Capt. Merrill made a selection of the wagon to travel together, in the evening our Co meet & appointed a Capt Bro Clinton & I spoke. I then motioned that Bro Cooper be capt. & Bros Clinton & Tripp, his councelors carried. I was sustained as Capt of Guard tc[.] Clear & warm.


Camp on LaPlatt[e] July 1856


M 7th Started about 8 ok A.M. traveled about 10 miles & stoped to bate[.] Started again at 2 P.M. traveled some 6 or 8 miles & camp. some little distance from the river tolerable feed. Passed ash hollow. & castle creek &c the other two co. are camped in sight. Clear most of the day. & very warm


Camp of Israel July 1856


Tu 8th Started between 6 & 7 oclock A.M. drove about 10 miles & stoped to bate[.] Sina baked some biscuit in Bro Tripps stove. Started on some 8 m & camped on the river. good feed, road mostly sandy & some places heavy driving, &c Clear & warm[.] Sina washed in the evening. I attended to baking biscuits & Borowed some coffee not for my own use, or Sina’s.

W 9th Started at 6 ok P.M. drove 13 m. & camped for dinner, passed over cobble hill. Started on at 2 P.M. passed Bro [Elisha] Edward’s division in camp; drove on one mile & camped on the river[.] good feed. drove about 9 m. after dinner, had had some rain in the after noon. heavy sandy road most of the day, & particularly in the after noon. Clear & warm most of the day.


Camp of the Saints July 1856


Th 10th Started at 6½ A.M. Bro Edward division passed us just before starting[.] traveled some 8 or 10 miles, stoped to bate at West foot of Sandy Bluffs to bate[.] we started <again> at about 2 P.M. & drove on some 8 or 9 miles again. Camped on the river road mostly heavy sand, we had a head wind all day, the worst I ever saw on the plains, very strong & raw, & cold with all, we are in camp 4. 5. ms below opposite Chimney good feed. but no buffalow chips. Bro Clinton division ox very sick, got to bed about 11 ock P.M.


Near Chimney Rock July 1856


F 11th Started about 7 A.M. traveled some 12 miles & stoped & bate[.] drove 8 m the after noon. Camped below Scotts Bluffs, good feed no wood & Buffalo chips scarce up untill near mid night[.] Clear & warm. cool evening[.] sandy road a part of the day

Sa 12th Started at 6½ ok A.M. just stoped a few minutes at noon as we were not at either grass or water then drove on[.] struck the river at 4 P.M. & camped[.] good feed, flood wood, Buffalo chip scarce. I got out my stove put some of my load forward &c road mostly good some heavy sand. Clear & warm, cool, evening. had meeting in evening[.] I spoke


Camp of Saints July 1846


Su 13th Spent the day in camp, wrote 4 letters one to my Dearly Beloved Wife, one to my Sisters in Ohio, one to Sister Sarah Maria Mousley & one the Post Master of Ft. Kearney to forward any letters that there may be there for me. got wood water & put in my stove packed my wagon & had meeting in the evening. I spoke to some length on the law of Consecration & Bro Clinton & Cooper spoke & had quite a rain in the after noon. Sina done some baking of Bread, pies, &c


Camp of the Saints July 1856


M 14th Started at 6 ok A.M. drove about 14 miles to noon. then drove on some ten mils further. & camped. not far from the Platt[e]. road some sandy, some very heavy wood & water not very good grass. Cl[e]ar, most of the day

Tu 15th Started at 6½ A.M. drove on to the river opposite Ft. Larimie [Laramie] by 2 ok P.M. where we stoped until 5 ok P.M. I went over to the Fort in [E.] Brunsons wagon came back with Goulding. I got the watch fixed I carry, paid $1.50[,] bot 1 lb raisins for .50[, ] tin cup10[,] candy 10 Hair Pins 25[,] mailed the 4 letters I wrote on Sunday last. I received a letter from my Dearly Beloved Catherine[.] I was truly pleased to hear from her & that her & the children were all well, & it caused my heart to rejoice to read the sentiments of affection & confidense, reposed to me & that all things move on well at the home of the Saints. & that crops are generally good tc tc[.] We overtook the other two divisions of the camp Bronson went on with them. I paid him, 50 cts. for his share of the Bake oven. We drove on some 3 or 4 miles & camped near the river, poor feed, plenty of wood. road sandy &c Clear & pleasant.


Fort Larimie [Laramie] July 1856


16th Started at 4½ ok A.M. drove 4 or 5 miles to where we found good feed (grass)[.] here we found the other two divisions. the wind blows very hard so we camped for the day, Spent the day doing jobs in camp got up one ox[,] fixed his feet where sore. Broke the chystal [crystal] out of my watch I find $1.00 for[.] yesterday rain fell about 5 P.M. In the evening the camp had a dans[.] I went to bed before it was over. Clear & pleasant


Camp of Saints above Larimie [Laramie] July 1856


Th 17th Started at about 6 ock A.M. drove some 12 miles to where we struck the river, over a very bad road rough rockey up & down bluffs, hills, &c had to double at two hills; one quite long campd at the river. no grass plenty of wood. We stoped at the foot of the long big hill & eat a bite[.] no water there. there is a spring off of the road a little about mid way, we did not see it in time to get water. Clear & warm. Some of my oxen are tender footed.


Camp of the Saints July 1856


F 18th Started 15 minuts before 6 ok A.M. drove about 11 or 12 miles to some Springs of good cold water at an alder clump. Stoped rested our teams water &c no grass here either to speak of[.] all 3 divisions are here, stared on about 2 ok P.M. drove on to a small creek some 6 or 8 mils & camped[.] some grass no wood close by, but buffalo chip[.] good crossing, had some rockey points to pass over. Some sand & some good road. the other two divisions passed on further. Clear & warm, up at 3 ok A.M. got to bed after 10 P.M.

Sa 19th Started at 6 ok A.M. drove to where the road joins the river 8 miles, & stoped for dinner. Started at 2 again & drove about 5 miles & camped on the river[.] had tolerable good road some sand & some Hills & stones tc. We passed the 2nd division. They passed us in the eving. Clear & warm, grass poor


Camp of the Saints July 1856


Su 20th S[t]ayed in camp all day. I fixed my wagon houns & toung [tongue]. As the bolts had broken that held them together. had to take it all apart. & cut an iron rod to make bolts of. I fell near used up fixing it. as it was quite a job having no tools. Sister Caroline washed <Baked &c &c[.] carried some water.> &c had meeting in the evening[.] I spoke to some length lectureing the camp on their duty as saints & told them where in they did not do it. & how they could obtain a celestial crown. refered to the suffering of the Saints in the rise of the Church, &c &c Clear & warm


Camp of the Saints July 1856


M 21st Started at about 7 ok A.M. drove some 12 miles, & stoped[.] turned our cattle over the river to bate, Started again before 2 P.M. & drove about 8 miles, & camped on the river[.] drove cattle over, good feed, road tolerable good, some sand. U strands had council, in the evening, decided that Woodward should not travel in our Co. at the report of <relating to> him & Mrs. Laycosh [Susannah Pilling Laycock] are not good. Bro Clinton was the committes to inform him & her. & I to see if the Fields wishes to travel with us as he had came into the Co. &c Clear & warm.


Near upper Platt[e] Ferry <near Deer Creek>
Platt[e] River Camp of the Saints
July 22nd 1856


Tuesday 22nd Started at about 6 Ok A.M. had a rough stony, hilly, Sandy, mountainous road for some 10 or 12 miles, stoped at noon near river, poor feed. Started in the rain about 2 ok P.M. which lasted over or near an hour. I got all wet. drove some 8 miles, & camped on the river. drove the cattle across[,] good grass over there. I was about sick this after noon. Woodward, & the yankee left the camp this morning[.] Bro Clinton & I took the lead with our teams as Coopers is too slow &c

W 23rd Started at 6 ok A.M. had a tolerable good road. Some heavy sand. drove about 12 or 14 miles & stoped to bate in a cotton wood grove on the river. had some rain while here, drove on


Camp of Saints La Platt[e] River


some 6 miles further, some heavy sand & camped some distance from the river, but little grass plenty of wood &c[.] rained in the evening.

Th 24th Started at 6½ A.M. drove some 8 miles & stoped near the river waterd cattle. good grass, & plenty. let the cattle eat some time then drove on some 12 or 14 miles[.] had some of the heavest sand to day we have had, over hills &c Camped on the river[,] drove the cattle across the river[.] good feed. had a heavy shower of rain & hail[.] Snowed on the mountains around. Clear & warm, most of the day, cold evening.

F 25th Did not get started untill 8 ok A.M. as one of Bro Coopers oxen was missing[.] found him dead[.] drove about 9 miles & stoped & eat a bite. it rained then drove on untill some time in the night to find water & grass but had to stop as one of Bro[.] Clintons oxen gave out. tied up & went to bed by about 12 ok. I was up four times between that & day light to see to the cattle. Whole distance to day about 25 m. passed rock Avenue. Alkali swamps & mineral springs &c clowdy & cold.

Sa 26th Started at day light drove to the Willow springs there stoped[.] watered let the cattle eat a little[.] got Breakfast & then drove on to a creek left of the road. 5 miles before breakfast & 3 after[.] little or no grass at the springs. tolerable good feed at the creek. two cold spring[.] got there about noon & stoped the rest of the day. Clear & warm. passed some dead oxen.

Su 27th Started at 6½ ock A.M. drove 6 miles to Gre[a]sewood creek. stoped & bated on good feed. Then drove on


Indepencence Rock on Sweetwater


passed Saleratus lake (got some) to Independence Rock 12 miles & camped on south side of Sweet Water river[.] grass scarce being cut off. Clear & warm

M 28th I took Caroline over on to Independence Rock to view it. Camp started at 6 ok A.M. I went through the Devils gate to see it[,] had to cross the river three times. in so doing drove onto some good feed near the river & stoped bated distance 10 miles. Stoped 3 hours then drove on 7 miles & camped on the river near the forks of the old pioneer & new roads[.] we took the new road to avoid 7 miles heavy sand. passed some dead oxen. very windy & dusty sand blowing tc, very disagreeable[.] Clear. 2nd division camped at the same place last night[.] sound heavy sand


Sweet Water Camp of Saints


Tu 29th Started at 6 ock A.M. drove 18 miles (stoped & waterd once & camped at 2 ock for the rest of the day, some sand[,] heavy drawing. Clear & warm. We passed 2 divisions nooning & they passed us after we stoped. grass not good, willows for fewell [fuel], here we take the new road[.] all usually well[.] Clear & warm during the day. passed lots of dead cattle to day. had meeting in the evening. Capt Cooper W 30th Star took a stiff s[t]and so that we had to take him down a little But he soon gave in to the council so all was right.

W 30th Started at 6 ok as usual drove on 9 miles. Crossed the creek or river twice. passed through between a pass of rocks. Stoped & watered then crossed over the river. I went up 3 miles & camped. this is not on the road. Good grass. Clear & warmThe road leaves the river for 16 miles where we last forded


Sweet Water River Camp


Th 31st Camp started about 6ok A.M. drove 15 miles to where we came to the river again as we left it when we started. Stoped some two hours to[o] late. Grass poor. Then drove on 5 miles & camped. good feed. no wood but plenty of Buffalow chips. I walked up the river in search of grass. The teams went over the Hills [on] the old road but there is a splendid road up the river, & quite as near also but we did not know it. the road the first 15 m. tolerable good some heavy sand[.] The last 5 mi rough steep hill to go up & down. Can be avoided on the river road. Passed some dead cattle. I had to go after cattle as all except two of the journey men (J.W. Hammer & Benjamin Brown) refusing to go[,] by not doing is at the call & sound of the horn[.] Clear & warm, I do not feel able to do much today.


Camp of Israel on Sweet Water River
Sunday August 1st1856


Camp started at 6 ok A.M. drove to where we leave the river for 20 m. & watered, then arose a long hill, took the right hand road to avoid the Devils back bone as it is called. Drove to some good springs. Distance some 12 miles watered eat dinner & drove on to good feed. about a mile & stoped about an hour[.] I wedged my hind wheels as the tire seems loose. Down on across Strawberry creek. [a] branch of sweet water to Willow creek some 12 miles & camped. tolerable feed up the creek[.] road mostly hilly. Some sand[.] had a little rain, mostly clear & warm. we caught up with the other two divisions of Co. The road we came is a little further. But many good springs & good grass on the way


Camp on Sweet Water August 1856


Sa 2nd Started about 7ok[.] drove 5 m. & crossed the river for the last time[.] followed up it some 7 miles (leaving the main road) & camped illegible willows for fewell [fuel] I took a bath & bathed Frank[.] Clear and warm

Su 3rdCamp started about 7ok A.M. came 5 miles to the Pacific Springs passed them & some traders & went some 5 miles down the creek & stoped & bated Then drove on down the creek (as we took the left hand road) some 8 miles & camped on creek for night. poor feed, no wood, water brackish[.] had a shower of rain about 2 P.M. road some sandy

M 4th Started at 6¼ ok. traveled over heavy sandy road for some 18 miles to big Sandy. No grass, watered, & drove on 2½ ms & camped about ½ m from the Creek. [illegible]


Camp on Big Sandy & green River July August 1856


Grass & sage for fewell [fuel.] Cooper stoped back at the creek. Clear most of the day & warm.

Tu 5th Started at 7 A.M. drove some 3 miles & crossed the creek then drove some 8 more & stoped & nooned. then left the creek, & drove to green River, 10 miles & camped. feed good, wood plenty, road some Sandy. Clear, rain in the evening & night & [illegible] Traded 2 oxen for a cow. I was quite sick today from my lungs.

W 6th Clowdy morning. Had no gard out last night. Started at 8ok A.M. crossed the river (not high & drove down 5 miles & camped[.] I saw Bro[.] Stephen Markham, & Barber From St. [illegible] clear in middle of day & some rain in evening. Caroline washed baked &C. I shifted some of my load forward. Grass not very good[.] I docterd my Jenny ox & etc. etc[.] mail passed to the east. I wrote Lorie


Camp on Green River August 1856

I received a letter from my Dear Wife[.] was much pleased to hear from her & that all my Family were well & that my Son Sam [illegible] was coming out to meet me[.] &c &c I wrote an answer to send to her to night etc etc[.] Bro Woodward brought the letter


Th 7th Started at about 7 ok. A.M. drove to Blacks Fork 15 miles[.] stoped some 2 hours, good grass & water then drove on to Hams Fork 4 miles & camped. good grass water clear & cool. Willows &c Clear & warm.

F 8th Started at 6 A.M. crossed the creek[.] passed Leavington [Livingston] trains & came to Blacks Fork again[.] 12 m stoped one hour to bate[.] grass thin then went on about 2 miles crossed the creek 2 miles farther crossed it again. Then drove on 3 miles to a stream[.] crossed it & drove to Blacks Fork close by & camped. Whole distance 20 m. I doct my ox (Jeany) tolerable good grass some willows & Buffelow chips for Fewell [fuel]. I sent my letter to my wife by Mr Levingston wrote in this journal &c Clear and warm

Sa 9th Started about 6½ ok A.M. drove to Fort Bridgers 12 miles & camped. I saw Lewis Robinson & some others from the valley. Shod Bush & Berry this after noon, on their forward feet. went over to the fort &c Sina got ½ lb butter I paid, 20 for it. she baked &c Clear & pleasant[.] Bot 7# fresh beef paid .85 &c

Su 10th Started at 5½ ok A.M. drove over a rough road to Big Muddy. Crossed a small stream about 8 m. Then crossed little Muddy. 2 miles then big Mdy 3 m. & on to or near some springs 3 miles & nooned[.] then assended a long hill 2 m. then over a hilly road to yellow creek[.] (ascent) long) distance 16 miles. Got into camp after night. clear & warm[.] feed good, water poor


Bear River August 1856


M 11th Started after 8 ok A.M. drove about 1 mile, when I met some teams from the valley[.] with my Son Samuel Henry was with them to meet me. (he came out with Lizene Ensign. I did not know him at first sight being absent so long, & he having grown so much. great was our joy on meeting & I thank God my Father this did & has preserved us to Enjoy this great Boon. We stoped a short time with the Co. then passed on to Bear River 4 miles[.] had to double teams at one hill. Very steep going up & down & rocky road mostly good. Nooned here & came on 5 m to some cold springs & camped. had potatoes and beets for supper[.] Sister <Sarah> Malin sent them to me by my son[.] clear & warm


Ecco [Echo] Kanyon [Canyon Weber River &C August 1856


Tu 12th Was called up at 2½ ok A.M. the man not knowing the time. Started at 5½ ock A.M. drove to Cache Cave to noon. 11 miles. Road good. One long hill to go up & down, we follow down a creek for some 4 miles. We then came down Ecco Kanyon, some 13 <or 14> miles & camped[.] good feed, water, & wood. I feel about used up. Clear, warm & dusty as usual.

W 13th Started at 5½ ok A. M. Drove some 9 miles, & stoped to bate. Met some Brethrn from the valley going out to See the Indians and give them presents &c as is costomary to do. <among them was Wm Thompson>. drove on ½ m to Weber River thence down 4 miles, & crossed, thence out to spring creek 3 m. & camped[.] met a lot of apostates going to the States, among them was Jonathan Grimshaw[.] I gathered a lot of hops & currants to take home

clear part of the day, & warm


Camp of Israel August 1856


Th 14th Started at 6 ok A.M. passed over the ridge to Willow Creek some 4 miles thence down it 4 miles[.] stoped & bate then one miles to East Canyons Creek thence up it some 5 miles & camped above the first cotton wood timber[.] crossed the creek a number of times [.] road rough much of the way & bad crossing & passed Morrills camp. Clear & warm, most of the day[.] Cool morning

F 15th Started about 5 Ock A.M. drove some 2½ m to the foot of the Big Mountain then assended it 5 m[.] road rough & stoney. Here I met my daughter Mary Pamelia & Sister Sarah & her sons[.] I was much pleased to see & meet with them. Then decended decent steep & rough a part way. When about half way down I met my Dear wife & daughter Rachel Anna. Great was my joy on meeting them. Sister Chiston was with them. They came out in <& with> Bro E.T. Benson’s carriage & horses which his good wife kindly loaned to her mine, went a little below log Canyon & camped. got dinner[.] had some melons they brought out & Bro Clinton & I then left our teams & went into the city with our wives in the carriage[.] it commenced to rain when we got about half way up the little mountain & rained most of the time until we got home[.] distance 16 m. Met my Bro E.D. & 4 of his sons about 7 miles out. spent the evening with my Dear Catherine[.] Clear in the forenoon &c


Great Salt Lake City Augst 1856


Sa 16thSpent the morning about the house. E.D’s son Sam[ue]l went out in my place to meet the wagon. I went up to the Gov office [.] he was not in. called at E.D’s & Jo’s Simmons[.] came back spent the day about house, My wagon got in about 4 ok P.M. took some things out of it & lots of folks were to see[.] we had some rain today[.] a cloud burst on the mountain[.] I enjoy my self much in the Society of my Beloved Wife & children. I pray God to bless us with [illegible] that we may ever enjoy our selves together throughout time & all Eternity in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.