Transcript for Samuel Gully letter to Brigham Young, 3 July 1849
July 3rd 1849
Presdt. B. Young
Dear Sir
Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance Genl. G Blodget the bearer of this. Genl. G. accidentally fell into our company at the Mo. River and has traveled with us to this point. he now leaves us with his pack animals & leaves 4 wagons & Teams with the remainder of his Men, all in my charge. Genl. G has offered many friendly favors while we have been on the road and has acted the part of a Gentleman; any favors rendered him by yourself will [be] duly reciprocated by your friend.
I am sorry to inform you of the choleras being in our company. We have had several cases and lost 3 men of our company[.] Bro. Nelson Mc[C]Arty died at the Loup fork, Ambrose Kellogg at Prarie Creek, a Mr. [Moses] Hale on the Platt[e] 7 miles from this point. My desire is that we may no longer be troubled with this sad disease. Since we left Winter Quarters which was the morning of the 7th June the Horn on the 11th the rains have been so continued that it has prevented us from moving faster than we have and now we have had two nights of as heavy rains as I most ever saw, the Grass is Good, but the Roads most Horrid
Messrs [James A] Livingston & [John Henry] Kinkead is now with us, with the Goods mentioned in my former letter, and they wish me to renew the wish for you to have them a House ready for them to put there Goods in when they arrive. They are extremely anxious to return to St Louis this fall in order that they make an early start the next sping with at least one Hundred thousand Dollars worth of Goods. The season is now so far advanced that they fear if they have to go through to the Vally & then have to retail them out, it will be too late for them to return and they are therefore willing to sell them sooner if possible and say if you or any other person will meet them this side of the South Pass they would sell them for much less than they would in the Vally say at least five thousand Dollars. They have with them near $30,000 at St Louis cost consisting of a Genl. Stock of Dry Goods, a very heavy stock of Hardware for building purposes, with Groceries &c &c
Bro. Orson Spencer is now in our company and from the best I can learn has money with him sufficient to pay near half the amount. They will take Gold Dust at a Good rate
July 5th 1849
President Brigham Young
Capt Gully after writing the above left it uncealed with a view, if possible of obtaining, news from Ft. Childs which might be of interest to you, but on yesterday the 4th he was taken with the Cholera, and died this morning, the 5th inst at 5 O.c[.] on which account I have signed his name above and forward to you this sheet. The Camp is now in tolerable health. We now expect to start on our Journey in the morning, have laid here two days
Wm Hyde