Transcript for Sangiovanni, G.G.R., "Overland Trips Across the American Desert," Young Woman's Journal Aug. 1912, 428-29
Travel was a little different from Omaha. Instead of yoking oxen, we went on the Union Pacific to North Platte. Indians were bad that year. The Round House and everything was fortified. There were already two hundred Mormon emigrants camped ready to start for their mountain home. We were on the south side of the river, when all of a sudden our "picket" called attention to a long crooked, black streak in the distance coming towards us. Everybody got out their glasses. Brigham Young, Jr., said, "Yes, they are Indians on the warpath." There were about one thousand cattle and horses down by the river. The herders were in swimming. Such a rush as there was to get between the stock and the river. We could see the Indians pretty plain by that time, most of them were stark naked, and painted. They were humming their war chant. All of a sudden they changed their course and left us alone. There were about five hundred of them. We made forts with our freight and baggage that night so that if attacked we could make the women and children lie down inside, and throw bedding and other goods over them. But no attack came.
We reached Salt Lake Oct., 5th, . . .