
Transcript for Semi-Weekly Telegraph, 14 May 1866, 3



If you are desirous of becoming a proficient in the art of bull whacking, an adept at the use of the spade, shovel, pick axe and crow bar, all that is necessary for your education in this line is to hitch up four yoke of wild cattle and start some rainy, slippery day from the mouth of Weber kanyon, and take the road as we found it to this place. Your education in this line would then be complete, and you would obtain a proficiency that might be equalled, but never excelled.

Our losses you will imagine are unusually severe. I will give you a list of them, but I pray you break the news gently to the owners of these teams, or they might imagine themselves in a state of insolvency—had a wagon bow, one ox yoke, four dozen eggs, and a large amount of bow keys are the extent of our losses.

Our fit out is complete with the exception of black snakes and whiskey, the supply of which is very limited. As substitutes we use kindness and cold water. We are loaded to the bows with mirth and good feeling, and are more than satisfied with our Captain.

E. B. FULLER, Clerk,
Capt. Horton S. Haight's Company.

P. S. An ox wagon in motion bouncing over rocks is not the best office imaginable. Be patient while deciphering this scrawl and consider whence it came.
E. B. F.