Transcript for Sessions, Patty Bartlett, History of Patty Bartlett Sessions, mother of Mormon midwifery, ed. Leroy W. Brown, 102-3
Went to Wilkins to a party with E. Tripp and wife.
August 1, 1854
I went with them to meet P.G. and Sylvia, Lucina and David and Carlos came down. Camped that night alone beyond the big mountain. I slept in an open wagon.
Wednesday 2
Went on across Weber River seven miles to the north of Echo Canyon there we met them and a happy meeting it was. My son had been gone almost two years and been very sick most of the time and I had not seen my daughter for over seven years. We wept for joy and rejoiced exceedingly. We then came cross the river and camped.
August 4, 1854
We camped between the mountains. P.G. called his company together and thanked them for their good conduct on the way and bore testimony to them of the truth of Mormonism. Some of them were gentiles. They gave him a vote of thanks as he was their Captain.