
Transcript for Susanna Musser Sheets to Anna Bitner, Aug. [1847], in Musser family letters, 1847-1849; 1877

Dear Mother And friends at Winter Quarters

[- -]. Thinking that you would like to have a shote [short] Sketch of our travels. I thought I would tell you some of the out lines. We got over the [-] and organized. Redy fore a start on the 18th of June. And we generly travel from 10 to 15 miles a day. We have had some sand hills to cross. And some few swamps but not many. Oure roads have generly been good. We have generly had good luck only Bro Grants Company lost about 20 yoak of cattle[.] And some 20 count of Young cattle wich detained us some days. And they have not found them as yet only 2 yoke. And sos each hundred furnished 5 yoak a pease [piece] wich makes it equal all around. We have all been well excepition of tow [two] or three persons. And I believe that they are geting well. We have traveled 300 & 50 miles[.] We are about 100 and 50 from Lareyme [Laramie] yet. we are a going to go in fifties and we Shall go faster from this on, there is no Danger of the Indians from this on And we have only seen one band of them since we have left you of about 300 And they ware very friendly, They ware a band of the Seus [Sioux]. And the moost genteal Indians I ever saw. And some real prety squaws into the bargon. Ther was six or 8 of the pioneers returned to us this morning And one was g[e]orge Woodert And Funious [Phinehas] Young And el[l]sworth & etc[.] They brought good news from the rest. Tell Marey hure Husband Cloward is well. And tell hure fore me to bee of good cheare fore there is a better Day comming give my love to hure. Oure Fiftey has kiled about 20 Bufflows. And I suppose that we saw 10 thousand in one day[.] at one time there was a hurd of them run throw our hurd And you never saw what big clomsey [clumsy] things they are. And they look fritefull to see them[.] we could get quite close to them[.] We could of shot three times as many of them if we had of needed them. I do not know that I have got much more to say to you at the present[.] Farewell[.] may God bless you all is our prayer Night and day. Pleas let Franklen & Elizabeth see this And allso Bro. Malins give my love to them all. And except the same your selfe And children[.] From youre ever efectionet Sister and daughter.

E. F. Sheets. Susanna Sheets

pless excuse all blunders & Bad writing fore the Wind blowes the wagon so that it is imposibel to write. We expect to send this back by Bro. Young.