
Transcript for Silas Richards diaries, 1846 May-1855 July, Diary, 1849-1853, 1-36

A Journal of the travels of the 1st Fifty 2nd hundred 3rd fifty of the Camp of Israel Organised at Winter Quarters July 7th 1849 for the purpose of traveling to the Salt Lake Valley[.] Silas Richards was elected Captain[,] Moses Clauson [Clawson] President, Hiram Clark & Simeon Carder [Carter] his counsellors, Moses Clauson [Clawson] Capt. lst ten[,] Wm. D. Huntington, 2nd ten[,] J [Augustus] Farnham 3rd ten[,] Sam[ue]l. G. Clark 4th ten[,] Elam Lud[d]ington 5th ten[,] A[lbert] P[erry] Rockwood, Marshall[,] Lyman Stevens Captain of the Guard[,] [.....] [Joel] Harvey Capt. of the herd.

Sunday July 8th lay in Camp, had meeting. much instruction was given [page torn] to our Journey. weather warn [warm] [page torn] dry South wind. about 50 <Oto> indians came to our camp but was not permited to come in, they held a beggar dance, I directed the captains of tens to make up a contribution of provisions for them and lay it before them[.] I then directed them to retire to their camp. they requested permission to remain all night but I would not consent and they moved off a short distance but remained in sight[.] I directed the guard to keep them out of camp which they did

9th we prepared wagon timber to carry along with us. done our smitting. prepared coal to carry along, &C. weather hot and dry. South breeze.

10th The camp started at 8 O clock[.] we traveled 12 miles. camped on the prairie[.] Strong wind from the south

July 11th delightful morning. started at 8 Oclock. haulted for noon at the papea [Pappea]. 7 miles from our encampment. Started at 2.Oclock. traveled 7 miles to Elkhorn River and encamped for the night. very warn weather. our manner of encampment is to form a Coral with our wagons, into which we put our Cattle[,] horses & sheep and keep a sufficient armed guard dividing the watch night into two watches.

12th morning very warm & clear[.] we prepared for crossing our wagons on a raft. and at 6. Oclock in the evening had 35 wagons over safe and some of our cattle & horses which we crossed by swiming. the wind turned and about 5 O'clock and blew strong <& cool> from the N.W. our camp being a portion on each Side of the river and the coral broken whe had a strong guard placed to keep the cattle.

13th morning cool N. wind. we Crossed all our cattle except some Oxen to draw the wagons to the raft & work it, from 9 O clock till 2 <we> crossed the rem[a]inder of our wagons (34)[.] at 3 oclock gave orders for bringing up the cattle ready for yokeing. was ready to start at 1/2 past 4 & went about 3 miles to a delightful Camping ground on a small Still Creek. water very warm[.] no springs[.] weather delightful

14th morning clear and fine[.] Cal[l]ed a Council of the officers of the Camp & gave some instructions and adopted more spedy & efficient regulations for the guard. ordered the Marshall to call out all the men of the camp at 4 Oclock in the evening & inspect their arms. Council dismissed[.] evening beautiful. Marshall made report of inspection of arms as follows[:] 61 men in camp. 54 on perade. 44 well armed[.] 4 in bad order. 3 without arms

Sunday July 15th morning some clouds[.] wind south. camp assembled for meeting at 10 Oclock A.M. much good instruction was given and a good spirit prevailed, the president, his counsel, & all the captains spoke and expressed themselves satisfied with the Camp Rules. (which had been read) and recommended a strict adherence to them[.] in the evening Capt. Jones & Capt. Hopkins arrived at the [Elk] Horn.

16th I went to the [Elk] horn this morning with a number of Our most efficient men to assist our brethren of the back companies in crossing. about 10 O clock a violent thunderstorm with hard wind was upon us. which lasted about one hour but the sun was soon shining again & our faithful men were hurrying the wagons over, when I left them at noon, wind blowing strong from the S.E. another heavy rain storm about midnight

17th morning wet & cloudy. I went to the river with some letters to send to Kanesville by Wm Hewett, who had came to camp for the purpose of carrying the mail back. President G. A. Smith directed me to move my company forward and a little before noon our camp was in motion (except Capt. C[l]ark's Company which waited for some wagons that were behind.) and we traveled eleven miles to the Platte River and encamped for the night. good watering place. <Near this place there was a large indian encampment, which appeared to have been made some six or eight weeks ago. there are a number of fresh indian graves near and we found three sculls and other human bones lying about the wigwams also a number of old Buffaloe skins[.] it appeared like the dead body's had been left without any other buriel than being covered with skins & grass.> wood plenty

18th morning very foggy, Capt Clark Company not having arrived, we lay in camp, till noon, when the company came up & we went five miles and encamped at the head of a long lake, evening fair & beautiful.

July 19th morning cloudy. wind S. at a quarter past seven our Company started, and before noon halted where the road strickes the Platte[,] opposite an Island of heavy Cottonwood timber. here we determined to remain till morning, that the companies we lift [left] at the [Elk] Horn might gain on us. heavy thunder shower about 6 O clock

20th morning fair and cool N wind[.] traveled 10 miles to shell Creek. road good[.] evening fair. this is a good place to camp

21st morning cloudy & some rain. camp started at 9. O clock. cloudy all day. road very bad in the afternoon[.] reached the Platte at 6 O clock and encamped having traveled 12 miles today. rain through the night.

22nd Sunday. morning rainy. did not travel today. Cattle restless[.] some of them got off 6 miles.

23rd morning & day cloudy, traveled 11 miles & encamped on the Loup Fork near Sarpee's old trading house at 3 oclock[.] a beautiful place & good for camping[.] here we sent a detachment of men to examine the river to see if a ford could be found and one of the men (Col Rockwood), came very near being drowned. they reported no chance of fording.

24th morning cloudy, we traveled to Looking Glass, Creek, against noon[.] in the after noon we traveled about 5 miles & encamped on the prairie near a long pond on the south side of the road, having traveled about 15 miles[.] evening warm & clear.

25th morning foggy but soon cleared & we started at 8 O clock[.] encamped in the evening at the Pioneer's ford. having traveled 13 miles. heavy rain tonight

26 mor[n]ing cloudy[.] started at 8 Oclock[.] some rain about 9. Cedar Creek deep. blocked up the lowest wagons and Crossed over by 10 Oclock[.] encamped at Old Pawnee Vilage having traveled 13 miles. no wood except willow brush. not a good place to camp.

27th morning fair. this morning we sent several men to examine for a ford. about 7 O clock they returned to camp and reported that the bottom of the river through the deepest watter was rock and that the fording was the best known on the river. we accordingly went to work to dig the bank down, which is about 40 feet high. and by 11 O clock began to drive down & cross and against night. had our whole camp over, & the camps behind us came up and all cross[ed] over the next day. (115 wagons[)]

28th lay in camp. day windy & fair

Sunday. July 29th, 1849. the two camps met together for meeting and received much instruction from Bros Smith & Benson. in the afternoon a discourse was delivered by Judge Appleby on the signs of the times.

July 30th. morning clear & cool[.] having left the road at this crossing, we had to travel a new route without a tract for 12 ten miles[.] I accordingly sent Scout [Philemon Christopher] Merrill a head on my horse to look out the way, and the camp started at 8 O clock and followed after. in the evening we had to turn off about a mile from our course to get water, where we encamped having traveled about 10 miles, not reaching the road.

31st started about 7 O clock. morning fair & very cool. came to the main road in about 3 miles, where we struck the sand hills[.] we also met the other company here who had struck the road a little before us. they traveled on the right hand track, we on the left[.] this day we traveled 18 miles to prairie creek, having traveled the forepart of the day over heavy sandy roads. in the evening, over broad wet flats.

August 1st, 1849. started a little after 7 O clock. Crossed the creek, which was very soft & muddy. day fair[.] traveled to wood River & encamped for the night having came 12 miles.

2nd morning fair[.] Prest [President] G[eorge] A[lbert] Smith came to our camp in consequence of some dissatisfaction that existed in the camp, relative to the president. after talking the matter over President Clauson resigned the Presidency & G. A. Smith moved that the first company of Our fifty join his company Moses Clauson being the captain of the first ten to which Bro. Clauson and myself consented thereby leaving the company of fifty without a Captain of fifty and a presidency. the company expressed their wish to continue <with> their captain. (I belonged to Capt Clauson's ten[)] President Smith then asked the company if they were willing to have me for captain, King, & Ruler, & and they submit to. and do what I said, & they voted unanimously that they were. then it was determined that all of the first ten that wished to do so, might remain with me and that I should lead the whole company. & the company all remained with me except Capt. Clauson & we proceeded on our journey & after traveling 16 miles we encamped for the night on the prairie about one mile from the Platte timber. a heavy thunder shower tonight with hard wind

3rd morning rainey. did not start till 8 O clock[.] fair through the day[.] road very bad for eight miles when we came to dry ground, also to the grave of Samuel Gully who died of Cholera 5th July 1849. he was well known to most of our camp and thus comeing to his grave by the way side, before we had heard of his Death Caused a general halt. and we gazed with feelings of emotion on the spot of ground that contained his body. this evening we encamped again on the prairie having brought a little wood with us. traveled about 15 miles today

4th A heavy thunder shower began about 6 Oclock with hard wind and considerable hail. after it ceased the camp started a little after 8 O clock[.] weather fair by 10. Oclock & roads good. traveled about 15 miles & encamped a little above the head of Grand Island[.] more rain & hard wind tonight

Sunday morning Augt. 5th 1849. morning fair. our situation not being good for Staying over sunday (there being no timber)[,] we traveled about 8 miles to Elm Creek. & encamped at 12 O clock, day warm, flying clouds, south wind. Cal[l]ed a meeting of the camp in the evening to give some instruction relative to tieing cattle at night, and other matters. The Cleveland O. company Capt. A W Rathbun with 13 other men joined our camp for safety in traveling. they travel with horses & carts.

6th morning cloudy and appearance of rain[.] became partly clear about 8 O clock. lay in camp till noon for the purpose of baking and making other preparations for traveling. our camp was in motion at 1 O clock & we traveled seven miles and encamped on the prairie, plenty of water in a slough for teams. we dug a well & got good water. night clear[.] weather warm. S. wind.

7th morning clear. South wind. traveled eleven miles by 1. O clock & stopped for noon on the bank of the Platte River. a little timber on an Island near road[.] good today[.] in the afternoon <very warm>. traveled 6 1/2 miles and encamped on the banks of the river opposite a long Island covered with willows. thunder & lightening tonight.

8th morning fair. wind N.W. day comfortable[.] tropped [stopped] for noon at willow Lake. encamped at [ - - ] having traveled 15 1/2 miles. evening appearance of rain[.] no timber for two days; plenty of Buffaloe signs

9th morning fair. day warm especially in the aftrnoon[.] stopped at 4 O clock, and encamped at a large marsh in the prairie, and encamped, having traveled 12 1/2 miles

10th morning cloudy. cool South wind. traveled over Sandy B[l]uffs. heavy drawing. we drove into Coral at 5. O clock, in a violent storm of rain and wind. we were thoroughly drenched with rain, and took every precaution to secure our horses & cattle. the rain continued most violently till 12 O clock at night. we anxiously awaited the appearance of day, and glad were we to find that our animals were all safe, though many were standing deep in the water, as also were many wagons, then

11th The morning was clear and beautiful[.] we remained in camp till 3 O clock in the afternoon for the purpose of drying our loading & resting our cattle. during this time our hunters succeded in capturing 3 Buffaloe B[...]s [Bulls]. the first we had taken. traveled about 5 miles in the evening and encamped on the prairee.

12th Morning cloudy, with a little rain <& coolest wind.> started at 1/2 past 10 O Clock, traveled 12 1/2 miles, and encamped a little before 5 near the river & some small timber. several Buffaloe killed to day.

13th morning cloudy, cool north wind. lay in camp till 12 O clock for the purpose of resting the teams, baking & C[.] then traveled to Blackmud [Black Mud] Creek[.] passed over 1/2 mile & encamped at 5 O clock[.] evening clear & pleasant. this afternoon a wagon ran over a girl of Mr [Charles] Green's & hurt her considerable.

14 Morning Cloudy & cool. a Dragoon came into camp at day light[.] 3 days from Fort Laramie[.] one day from Capt Taylors Camp. reported the road as being very bad for 60 miles. he said he was going on express to Fort Childs. day cool[.] road good[.] traveled 15 miles and encamped at the west foot of Sand Bluffs, a good place for grass. passed a number of large herds of Buffaloe on each side of the river[.] we were scarcely out of sight of them during the day[.] cloudy & cool at sundown, S. wind.

August 15th This morning was cloudy with fog & mist of rain. we concluded to travel to Bluff Creek 5 <1/2 miles> & encamp for the remaining part of the day and procure some Buffaloe meat and we arrived at the Creek about noon having traveled over very sandy roads, very heavy drawing. a little after we stopped some of our hunters came in and having killed three Buffaloe (2 cows & 1 calf) and we immediately sent men & wagons to bring them in[.] afternoon fair & warm.

16th Forepart of the day. very still, foggy clouds. very warm. stopped in six miles for noon. east foot 3rd Sand Bluffs. in the afternoon went over the Bluffs[.] 2 1/2 miles to the River Bottom[.] by 3 O clock, our teams being very hot & fatigued we wished to encamp but were under the necessity of going a mile further to find feed & a suitable place to encamp. stopped for night at Petite Creek having traveled 9 1/2 miles today.

17th morning mostly clear & very warm[.] only traveled 4 1/2 miles to Duck Weed [Duckwood] Creek today, in consequence of the heat.

18th morning some cloudy & quite warm[.] a cool breeze blew up from the north about 8 O clock. day pleasant, road good, traveled 13 miles by 4 Oclock and encamped on the river bank in a pleasant place.

Sunday Augt. 19st 1849. Morning cool. fair and beautiful, west wind. lay in camp[.] in camp today had meeting & a very able & interesting discourse was delivered by Eld. Samuel Richards[.] night cool.

Augt 20 morning fair, wind west[.] started a little after 7 O clock, about 11 met Esqr. [Almon W.] Babbitt with the U S mail from Salt Lake to Kane Iowa, & stopped with him about two hours for the purpose of hearing the news from the Valley, and writing back to the States[.] Bro. Robt. Campbell, who was with the mail read a number of letters & interesting documents from the Vally which were gratifying & interesting to our camp, who were delighted & pleased to hear of the happiness & prosperity of the brethren in the west[.] we took leave of Bro Babbitt & Co, and persued our journey and passed over a sand Bluff which was very heavy on our teams, many having to double teams. encamped about a 1/2 mile from the w foot of the Bluffs. 10 1/2;.

21st morning foggy, some mist,--clouds thru the day, road good[.] grass good most of the day[.] camped on the River bank of the River about 2 miles west of castle Creek having traveled 15 miles

22nd morning foggy[.] day very warm[.] traveled about 6 miles to Mrs Hawk's grave. against 11 O clock[.] only traveled about 3 miles in the after noon and encamped on the bank of the river

23rd morning fair[.] air west. day very warm, traveled 9 miles and encamped on the River. good feed. thermometer at 90° today.

24th Morning cloudy, air south, lay in camp till 1 O clock today for the purpose of washing and baking. afternoon warm till 4 O'clock when the wind suddenly blew up from the north and it was cool and pleasant. traveled 7 miles & encamped on the bank of the river, a little from the road where there was a flat of good grass[.] the first we had seen for 10 miles except where we camped the night before

25 morning fair & cool; passed over Cobble hills & by Ancient Bluff Ruins[.] the country being dry & sterile, no good grass. today encamped on the bank of the river about 5 o clock, in the midst of a thundershower, having traveled 10 miles. middle part of the day very warm and hard on teams

Sunday Augt 26th morning fair & very cool, hard west wind[.] lay in camp to day. sun shined hot through the middle of the day

Here Messrs Thompson[,] Poor[,] [Joel] Harvey & [S.] Hutchens [Hutchings] left our Camp and traveled on with out our council or permission. they were not willing to comply with our camp rules & tie up their oxen and were disorderly & profane. the[y] left on their own responcibility. had meeting in the afternoon. Bro. Campbell (the express for the valley) came up with us this evening.

27th morning fair & cool, air south[.] day pleasant passed traveled 13 miles & encamped on the bank of the river about one mile west of W foot of low sandy Bluffs. feed not good

28th morning fair & cool, middle of the day warm & still, evening cloudy & cool[.] traveled 16 miles to day and encamped at the road about one mile from the river[.] drove our cattle to the river for water and guarded them near it through the night where there was good grass, the feed being scarce along the main traveled road all day. Though, plenty along the river from one to two miles from the main road, though many tracks turn off along the way & make for the river.

<Augt 29 morning cloudy & cool with mist & rain. more misty rain about noon. evening very cool. fair. encamped near Scot[t]s Bluffs having traveled 16 miles. grass good near the river>

2930th morning fair, heavy whitefrost, ice 1/2 inch thick in vessels, feed scarce today along the road, traveled 14 1/2 miles and encamped near the river. good feed.

31st morning fair & cool. some ice, air W. no good grass along the road. stopped for noon at a creek 200 yds s. of the road having traveled 8 miles[.] traveled about 5 miles in the afternoon[.] Crossed the Platte & encamped on the South bank near the grave of Cha[rle]s Bishop of Washington City.

Sept 1st 1849 morning clear. some frost, traveled about five miles and came to a large Village of Indians, lately located here also several Traders[.] the indians flocked round us in great numbers, wee passed on about Six miles and encamped, many of the Indians following to our encampment. The bony Frenchman chief of the Chienne [Cheyenne] band presented recommendations from Maj. Sanderson & others, soliciting presents as usual. I requested them to bring an interpreter the next day, & about dark they and the left us

Sunday Morning Sept 2nd 49 Morning fair. this place being the first timber where we could burn coal, we improved the opportunity and. set a great number of wagon tire, as it was necessary before we could proceed any farther. the indians crouded our camp, & Mr Reynolds come and interpreted. we had a talk & Smoke & gave them a present of flour, meal, beans, tobacco, sugar, coffee, lead, matches, handkerchiefs, clothing, &C &C. they continued about us through the day, trading &C, and appeared very friendly. they were a band of Sioux with their principal Chief Whirlwind, and a band of Chienne's [Cheyenne's] with the Bony Frenchman their Chief.

3rd Morning fair, wind west. lay in camp to day, setting tire & repairing, &C. in the evening Bro. Benson's Co came up with us, all well, they intend stopping a day or two[.] set tire &C. feed scarce. two oxen died here.

4th morning fair, S. W. wind. Bro G[eorge] A[lbert] S[mith]'s Co. came up about 8 O'clock just as we were starting. all well. about 9 O'clock we met a large train of Traders with horse, mule, & ox teams, going to Scotts Bluffs, together with a vast number of indians, hauling their lodgepoles and other effects, with horses, dogs &C. Crossed Laramie Fork near the mouth & encamped on the Platte having traveled 14 miles[.] very little feed.

5th traveled Morning fair[.] N Wind[.] traveled ten 11 miles and encamped on an Island near the fork of the road, found a little feed by driving our cattle over the river

6th Morning fair and pleasant. took the right hand, or river road which was hilly & rocky for several miles, turned off the road 1/2 mile and encamped near a creek, where there was water, considerable timber, and midling good feed

7th traveled about six miles, turned off the road to the river by noon[.] here we found plenty of timber, and good feed on the opposite side of the river. we cal[l]ed a council, determined to stop a day or two, burn coal for ourselves and Bro. [George A.] Smith's and [Ezra T.] Benson's Co's. and set the tire that was necessary[.] Accordingly 13 men were detailed from the several tens to chop wood & prepare the coal under the direction of the Marshall, Col Rockwood, the blacksmith was set to work with some coal that was brought along our animals regaeling themselves on the excellent pasturage. near by feed having been very small for several days along the road

8th morning fair & pleasant. today all hands were busy, repairing wagons, hunting, washing &C. about noon Captains Jones & Everette came up a little in advance of Bro G[eorge] A[lbert] S[mith]s Co. who soon arrived & stopped for noon. but declared doing any Smithing here, Consequently did not want any coal as they intended to go deer Creek where they could get stone coal, before they stopped to do much Smithing. They reported Bro Benson's Co. about 7 or 8 miles behind. Bro G. A. S. talked with us some time in good spirits. thought it was not advisable for us to divide our Company yet on account of the s[c]arcity of feed, (which some have thought might be necessary) and if we found it necessary to divide in future, he recommended only two divisions of our Co. he considered, that there was as much danger of indians now as there was two years ago. the opinion of the member of Congress to the Contrary notwithstanding Bro Smiths Co. drove on about 3 miles to a spring & encamped. one ox & one cow died here

9th Morning fair & pleasant. our work being done, our cattle rested we started on in good order, health & spirits. as we passed Bro Smith's Camp we were informed that they had lost an old gentleman the night before, and many were engaged in hunting him. Bro Smith requested him to go ahead of our Co. & examine for the old man's track which I did & about 11 O clock, discovered a man on foot about 1/2 a mile from the road. went to him[.] took him to our wagons, and immediately dispached a man (Mr Stickney) on horseback to inform the other Company that he was found, that they might cease hunting and travel on, after giving the found man some refreshment we left Mr [J. F.] Bell with him till the camp should come up. they waited until about 4 O clock & no appearance of them. when they started on to make their way to us on foot noght [night] set in and it being dark & cloudy (there having been a little rain and much wind this evening) they lost sight of our campfires & Mr Bell left the old gentleman at the road and ascended an emence [eminence] to see if he could again see ou[r] fires[.] when he returned to the road his man was gone and he could not find him[.] after searching some time he made his way to our camp, when Bros. Sam[ue]l G. Clark & Philip Garner went in search, and after diligent hunting for some time, found him about 3 miles back, some distance from the road <and brought him in>. next morning I requested Col. Rockwood to take him back to the camp which he did & met them about five miles back[.] the Col. came up with us in the evening after we had stopped

10th morning cloudy and warm[.] appearance of rain. traveled about 3 miles, then left the main traveled road & crossed the river to the N. Side taking the trail mad[e] by the pioneers two years ago as they returned from the Valley. It appears like it had not been traveled since[.] encamped this evening <early> near the river. rained a little, after we stopped. Game very plenty. several Antelope Killed today. also one Buffaloe, --

11th Morning cloudy & very cool[.] road very rough to day. saw many antelope & Killed 11 several, only traveled about 10 miles in consequence of the roughness of the road, and the braking of two axeltrees; new ones were soon put in. encamped on the river bank. evening clear & cool. N Wind

12 morning clear & warm. Bro Bensons Co. within two miles of us. Bro Smiths Co. came up with us this morning & traveled in company with us to day. Crossed the river about 10 O clock. made [illegible] entire new track to day to avoid crossing the river twice. traveled [..] miles & encamped near the river good feed. Bro Smiths Co. camped by us. here a bank of stone coal was found of excellent qualety on the north bank of the river, and Bro Smith concluded to remain here a day to do some Smithing.

13th day fair & warm. late start[.] traveled slow having road to make[.] encamped on Bourse Creek about two miles above the mouth only having came eight or 9 miles. feed scarce

14th travele[d] about 16 mil[e]s & encamped on the bank of the river. turned our cattle over the river[.] feed short but gre[e]n and fresh.

15th morning clear & warm[.] some cattle missing this morning found up the river 3 miles. late start. traveld about ten miles in a low timbered bottom[.] feed good and extensive. this was about 1 1/2 miles west of muddy Creek

Sunday 16th Sept. 1849 Started in good season. stopped on the bank of the river in a grove of timber at two O clock about 3 miles below the upper ford, for the purpose of examining ahead[.] Capt [Silas] Richards, Col Rockwood, Capt. Rathburn, Messers [Francillo] Durphy & Vandyke. set out to search from the Platte, & for a new route from the Palatte [Platte] to the sweet water expecting to find better feed farther south than the common traveled road. they soon met a train of wagons. from Fort Bridger & were informed that they had came the route we anticipated searching and that the feed was good when farther search was abandoned

17th we set out this morning as usual[.] followed the main road about three miles after fording the river, when we turned to the left.and struck the Platte in about 3 miles. the route being sandy & very rough, over sage. the de[s]cent steep but not very bad we continued up the river about two miles and encamped late, the last part of the road being difficult for the first wagons. this encampment was about one mile below the red Butes, the feed being good though not extensive.

Capt. S[amuel]. G. Clark proposed stopping for the night with his co. where we decended to the river. as they had a sick cow, and there was a small patch of good feed over the river, this was agreed to. after the camp stopped at night it was ascertained that Capt [Elam] Ludington's Co had also stopped, with Capt [Hiram] Clark.

18th This was Capt Clarks day to lead, he being behind we though it best to start along as the rout was to be searched out and road to be made[.] I repaired Capt Hiram Clarks Co led

18th we waited till he came up, then traveled about 3 miles & our rout leaving the river we thought best to stop till morning. Bro Smiths co come up near us this evening. weather fair warm & pleasant.

19th morning fair[.] both companies started on[.] Capt. Richards co ahead[.] men went ahead. from both companies to look for feed. we come to the road between mineral spring & Rock Avenue but found no feed except that impregnated with Alkali. on the north of the road between Rock Avenue & Willow Spring and thinking it unsafe to use it we drove on to the willow springs which we reached a little after dark. feed scarce

20th morning fair. we were sometime gathering up our cattle as many had wandered off several miles in search of feed. the night being dark the guard did not keep them in. both companies traveled to greasewood creek, crossed it and encamped about 4 miles below the ford on the right bank. feed good about one mile from the main road.

21st Morning fair & cool, some frost & ice. Our two companies traveled about 4 miles and coraled together and appointed meeting at 1 O clock. just as the congregation was assembling for meeting Bros. Fulmer & Joseph Young rode into our large coral from the Valley. they were greeted with joy and soon informed us that a train of 16 wagons, 60 or 70 Yoke of oxen were nearby coming to our assistance. this was welcome news to us, as also the good news from the valley. in the evening we had a dance & general time of rejoicing[.] at our meeting it was proposed that we all remain in camp tomorrow and send from 50 to 100 Youke of oxen to assist Bro Benson's Co up to us, which was done in the morning.

22nd morning fair & pleasant, day warm[.] Sent 65 yoke of oxen back to meet Bro. Benson[.] he came into camp about 2 O clock[.] we then distributed the wagons. Teams & Teamsters among the several companies. 6 wagons, 6 teamsters & 23 yoke of oxen to Bro G. A. S[mith] Co, 6 wagons 7 teamsters & 22 yoke of Oxen to Bro B's Co. 4 wagons, 7 teamsters, & 20 yoke oxen to Bro R's Co.

23rd Sunday, morning fair, day warm. The whole camp started between 10 & 12 O clock[.] we encamped one mile above Independence Rock, Bro. Bensons co. ahead[.] Bro Smiths behind. feed not good

24th morning fair. late start. Bros Fulmer & Young left with the mail for the valley, encamped about 5 miles above Devil's gate[.] feed plenty

25th morning fair, day pleasant[.] road very Sandy & dusty. traveled about 10 miles and encamped on the bank of the sweet water 2 miles west of Sage Creek, feed short.

26th day fair. road sandy & dusty, traveled about 10 miles & turned to the right & encamped on the river two miles below the first of the 3 crossings, feed good.

27th determined to lay in camp today & rest & send back to meet Bro Smiths Co. which we did & met them 7 miles behind. they camped three miles below us.

28th day fair & warm. traveled to ford No 4 & encamped. Bro. Benson having left this encampment this morning & left a notice for us, directing to good feed one mile NW. off the river

29th day warm. & pleasant, traveled 15 miles & encamped one mile below ford no. 5[.] feed short, night very windy

30th morning cloudy. cold & windy[.] squall of snow from the North. traveled six miles & came up with Bro. Bensons Company, where they had encamped for the last 24 hours. feed being good, they moved on & we encamped about one mile farther up the river on excellent feed.

Oct 1st morning cloudy & very cool[.] freezing considerably[.] crossed over the rough rockey ridges, and encamped on creek one foot wide. drove our cattle down below one mile, for fee.

2nd morning pleasant. Started at 11 O'[cloc]k. Soon after clouded up, cold wind from the N.E. saw snow falling on the mountains on our right. encamped on willow creek at 4 O clock, began to snow & blow violently & continued for 36 hours a violent storm from the N.E. snow very deep in drifts[.] probably at least one foot of snow fell. continued in camp the two four next days. the snow not melting[.] many of our cattle perished in the storm[.] in our company 17 were found dead and six missing

6th the day being fair and pleasant, in the afternoon we traveled 5 miles to sweet water and encamped, night being keen & frosty.

7th morning fair and after 9 Oclock very pleasant[.] traveled about 7 1/4 miles and encamped on the Sweet water, near the south pass

8th day clear and pleasant. traveled 11 miles & encamped on Pacific Creek 5 miles below the crossing. plenty of feed

9th morning cool. day fair & warm, traveled 16 miles & encamped on little Sandy, one mile above the crossing. feed plenty one mile south near dry sandy.

10th morning pleas[an]t. some cloudy. day warm[.] traveled 11 miles & encamped on Big Sandy three miles below the ford. plenty of dry bench feed.

11th day cloudy & cool[.] traveled 11 miles & encamped on Big sandy 1/2 mile south of the road (in company with Bro. G[eorge] A S[mith] Com[pany][.] Some rain & hail in the evening[.] feed plenty

12th morning cold and Cloudy[.] wind west[.] traveled to Green river 13 miles[.] had meeting at night. Bro G A S. preached and advised us to travel in companies of ten

13th morning cool. day cloudy & windy[.] traveled about six miles and encamped at one Oclock where the road leaves Green River[.] some snow fell tonight

14 morning cool & cloudy. snow melted off through the day. very chilly South W traveled 14 miles & encamped of[f] Blacks fork

15 day cloudy, cool & very windy, traveled 16 miles <in tens> and encamped on Blacks fork

16th morning cool. day cloudy. cold west wind. Sprinkled rain several times through the day[.] traveled 16 miles & encamped 1/2 miles below Bridger in the willows.

17th morning cloudy. day very windy[.] traveled 11 miles to Muddy Creek & encamped

18th day fair, & cool. traveled 17 miles to Sulpher Creek, night clear, cold & frosty.

Morning fair & beautiful, day pleasant[.] traveled 16 miles to Cache Cave

20th started about 10 O clock, day very pleasant. traveled about 10 miles and encamped on Echo Creek. grass, water, & wood plenty.

Sunday Oct. 21st traveled to the mouth of Echo creek. Huntington's co, in 1/2 mile

22nd Morning fair & frosty. Travele to Kanyon Creek.--

23rd day fair. road bad, many steep places crossing creeks. encamped in the revene 2 miles E of summit of the mountain[.] traveled 12 miles

24 day fair & pleasant. traveled to the west fort of last mountain

25th Arrived in The City