
Transcript for Siler, A. L., [Letter to the editor], The Mormon, 23 Feb. 1856, 3

January 29, 1856.

To the Editor of the Mormon:
DEAR BROTHER—The snow is now two feet deep here, and the weather is cold enough to require fire at all hours. The Missouri river is now frozen over and has been ever since the 24th of December—teams are crossing all the time; unless there is very warm weather, lasting for several days, the river will remain so for some time yet; if the snow extends west to the mountains, the Missouri river will certainly overflow the bottoms this spring. While I write, the conversation in the room is in regard to late fights in Kansas; the war cloud has not entirely blown away yet. The Saints in Atchison and Mormon Grove are enjoying good health, with peace. There is no work, and but little business of any kind doing.
I remain,Your Brother in the Covenant,