Transcript for Sixtus E. Johnson Emigrating Company journal, 1861 July-September
Copy of a diary from BYU about the Sixtus E. Johnson Company across the plains in 1861, George Teasdale, Clerk.
A portion of this company left Florence on Sunday the 14th of July 1861 and camped at little springs 3 miles out. It was principally the European Company or Swiss under the direction of Jabos [Jabez] Woodward [Woodard]
Monday 15th It was joined by 5 other waggons who camped with them for the night.
Tuesday 16th at early morn the horn blow the cattle were corralled prayers were said cattle yoked up and off we roll to our mountain home[.] travelled to Ellc [Elk] horn where we camped for the night.
Wednesday 17th arose early and duties finished travelled about 12 miles and nooned for dinner weather fine health of camp good and spirits fine[.] after dinner started off again and camped near the Platt[e] 7 miles up. for the night
Thursday 18th Started early and travelled to the North bend 9 miles w[h]ere we nooned for dinner[.] Elder Yates, Jonas, and Spencer visited the camp; and a Frenchman David Nicholas was drowned whilst bathing[.] every exertion was made to find his body but without success[.] We stayed some time and at last the call for cattle was sounded we yoked up and travelled on to the Platt river about 5 miles where we camped[.] It was about sundown and there arose a storm[.] Lightning very vivid and thunder loud[.] the rail [rain] poured in torrents[.] the wind blew very hard and some of the waggon covers had to give way to its strength[.] Lasted about an hour and half. Travelled 17 miles.
Friday July 10th 1861. A fine morning[.] Elders Pratt, Snow[,] Joseph Young and others rode up in mule teams and Breakfasted with us[.] Attended to our usual morning meeting. Up to the Present time Jabos [Jabez] Woodward [Woodard] was recognized as President assisted by Alfred Longman and John Beale [Beal] to attend corralling finding camp ground and guarding with all the duties pertaining to camp duties[.] The health of the camp has been good and we have travelled thus far without accident to cattle or waggon but one death[,] the unfortunate Frenchman who was drowned. At the meeting this morning we were informed Sixtus E. Johnson was behind with a few waggons and would overtake us in a day or so[.] He was Appointed Captain and that Jabos Woodward would be Chaplain[,] Geo Teasdale, Clerk[.] Gave some exchortation and left us in good spirits we then yoked up and travelled 9 miles where we nooned on the Platte about ½ mile below the Pensylvania house[.] About 2 hours started again and camped about 5 miles from Columbus[.] Travelled 19 miles[.] cattle good[,] health of camp good[.] Prayers, guarding herding as usual.
Saturday 20th. Morning duties passed[.] we fix up and roll out[,] travel on 5 miles and meet Elder Jones who informed us Joseph Young's Company had crossed the Loupe fort [Fork] the previous evening and camped. We rolled on up to the ferry and crossed without accident[.] Stayed on the other side a short time until all was over and rolled out overtook a small company who joined us and we travelled on till we came up to Joseph Youngs company where we camped after travelling 14 miles[.] The weather was rather wet[.] We were visited by Elders Snow[.] Pratt[,] Gates and several from Joseph's camp came to see their friends.
Sunday 21th Did not start so early[.] Joseph's Camp rolled out and we followed we travelled about 2 miles and came to a difficult hollow[.] One of the waggons belonging to [Thomas Alfred] Jeffery and [Robert] Ellwood broke down at the hind asceltree [axletree] and had to be unloaded and moved out[.] The road was mended atd the rest of the teams passed over in safety[.] A new axceltree [axletree] was furnished and John Deal [Beal], [William] Davis and others had to stay behind to repair it[.] whilst they were at work Sixtus E. Johnson and Company passed on. The waggon was soon mended[,] the luggage replaced[,] and the camp overtaken at noon where they was camped on the Platt near eagles island[.] It was here that a general organization took place[.] Sixctus [Sixtus] E. Johnson Captain[,] Jabos [Jabez] Woodward [Woodard] Chaplain[,] Seth Johnson Seargent of the Guard. Captain's of tens[:] 1 Alfred Lougman [Longman,] 2 Jabos Woodward[,] 2 [3] John Beal[,] 4 Seth Johnson [and] George Teasdale Clerk. Yoked up travelled on to the Platt[e] where we camped[.] Travelled this day 16 miles[.] health of camp good.
Monday 22 July Left the Platt[e] at early morn and travelled on about 9 miles[.] camped on the Platt for dinner[.] Yoked up again and rolled to the warm slough. Joseph Youngs Camp being fixed on the Platt we were obliged to pass them and camp at the slough. Musquito's in plenty, too plenty to be pleasant[.] The weather has been very fine rather hot[.] The nights are rendered beautiful by the moon and stars[.] It is almost as light as day[.] Travelled in all 18 miles.
Tuesday 23rd. After our Washing[,] breakfasting[,] praying etc we hitched up[,] roll out[,] and travel on to the lone tree a distance of ten miles and with great zeal turn out the cattle to water & food and hasten to feed ourselves[.] After getting refreshed and rested some we hitched up again and rolled out[.] Travelled on and camped on the Platt[,] Travelled in all 16 miles[.] Joseph Young's Company passed by us[.] Several of the swiss in their train joined some in ours and the[y] formed a choir and sung several of their native hymns with great sweetness and judgment. The night is clear and soft, the guard is formed, the prayers are said hymns are sung and all is peace and calm in the camp.
Wednesday 24th July. Rolled out early and travelled 10 miles nooned for dinner on the Platt[.] Having refreshed man and oxen we hitch up and roll out travel 10 miles and camp on the banks of the Platt. Wm Pyper drove up in a horse team and camped with us for the night. It being a delightful eve and the 24th we had a dance and song which passed an hour very pleasantly. Travelled in all 16 miles.
Thursday 25th Breakfast etc over we rolled out[.] crossed wood river without accident, and camped 2 miles from wood river crossing for dinner. Dinner over and cattle corralled and yoked[.] Three were missing[.] The camped moved on[.] Cap. Johnson and John Deal [Beal] hunted up the missing cattle and brought them on[.] We camped this night within 5 miles of wood river centre[.] Travelled in all 11 miles. A little rain fell in the evening.
Friday 26th . Arose and started early passed Joseph Young's Company[.] Friends in both companys passed the compliments of the morning congratulations etc. We journed to wood river centre where we camped[.] Joseph Youngs company passed us. S.E. Wooley's Company of Scandinavians Saints were camping at wood river[.] We stayed here and a general washing clensing and clearing up time took place. The camp so far has been healthy the stock in good condition. Trav. 5 miles[.] Elders Arson Pratt and Erastus Snow visited the camp.
Saturday 27th We remained at wood river centre until 2 p.m.[.] Forwarded an account of the company to Salt Lake City. It was here the 5[th] ten waggons [of] J.E. Johnson's company was to join but only a portion was ready. Travelled to Boyds Ranch Nebraska centre 8 miles. Weather fine health of camp good. A fine moonlight night.
Sunday 28th Morning duties over we rolled out and travelled 12 miles up the Platt where we camped on the banks of the Platt[.] It being a delightful day and the roads having been very dusty, the Emigrants took the opportunity of bathing and cleansing themselves. In the evening a meeting was held[;] hymns prayer and addresses from Cap. Johnson, J. Woodard [Woodard] and others. The sun sets, the guard is on and once more the camp is hushed in repose.
Monday 29th Left at 8 oclock and travelled on to a slough about 8 miles and stayed for dinner[.] Dug for water which was not very good. Hitched up and rolled on to Elmer [Elm] creek where we camped for the night. Travelled in all this day 20 miles.
Tuesday 30 Left Elm creek about 7 a.m. Travelled 13 miles and camped for dinner on a slough, water bad. After refreshing man and beast we hitched up and travelled 5 miles to the banks of the Platt where we camp for the night.
Wednesday 31th Morning duties passed at ½ past 7 we roll out and travel 8 miles when [where] we stop for dinner on the banks of the Platt[.] The weather is intensely hot[.] the wind from the South rendering it wearisome for man and cattle. After dinner we travel 9 miles and gladly camp on the Platt. Travelled 17 miles.
Thursday 1st August. We started this morning at 8 oclock and travelled on 8 miles the weather still very unhealthy hot[.] We nooned on the Platt[.] Many were sick even the strong were weary[.] We stayed 2½ hours and started again[,] travelled 6 miles more. Whilst we were correling on the banks of the Platt two teams took the stampede and started off running[.] Cap. Johnson headed them and stayed their progress or in a few moments there would have been a general stampede. Travelled in all 16 miles[.] A weary journey.
Friday 2nd Started at ½ past 7 and travelled 7½ miles up the Platt where we took a rest[.] The roads were very heavy it being very sandy[,] gave the cattle some work[.] We rested for 2 hours and journied on to Skunk Creek where we camped for the night. Travelled in all 14½ miles.
Saturday 3rd Left Skunk Creek and travelled over sand hills to the springs a distance of 7½ miles[.] The heat was very oppressive[.] the wind blowing from the South a faint damp heat. We camped on the springs. Sister [Ann Holmes] Baty being very ill we travelled no more this day which gave the sick and weary a rest for [from] the intense heat and a day or two bad water caused many to be sick.
Sunday 4th Usual duties over we hitch up[,] leave the Springs[,] and travel 8 miles where we camped on the banks of the Platt. Here we had a visit from Chief Blue Bear and some of his tribe from the Sioux who wanted flour, meat[,] Sugar etc. After begging until he thought is was no use any longer he moved off. Sister Batey [Baty] was baptized for her health by Br. Woodward assisted by Cap. Johnson, Seth [Johnson] and Stephen Barton. A meeting was held in the evening and interesting addresses were given by Seth Johnson, Jabes [Jabez] Woodward [Woodard] and Cap. Johnson on the objects of the gathering[,] camp duties etc . This night the mosquitoes swarmed us and very little sleep was had by the emigrants.
Monday August 5th This morning we arose early glad that morning had come to escape from our persecutors (mosquitoes.) Hitched up and travelled 9 miles and camped for dinner on the Platte near the Islands. Being refreshed we roll on again for 7 miles and correll. We have crossed this day 2 very bad sloughs without accident, travelled 16 miles.
Tuesday 6th. This day we travelled 10 miles over a bad sandy hilly road[.] We camped for dinner on a slough and then travelled 4 miles and camped on the Platt. This night we were visited with a violent storm of wind and rain accompanied by lightening and Thunder[.] Travelled in all, 14 miles[,] a hard days travel.
Wednesday August 7th Left the Platt and travelled 4 miles to Bluff fork and one mile and a half to the sand hills[,] 4 miles and a ½ over the sand hills, and one mile and nooned on a spring where after resting about 2 hours[.] we commence a difficult travel through sand hills (after 3 miles pretty smooth road) and arrived at the west foot of the hills about sundown where we had scarcely got camped when a violent storm of rain, Thunder & lightening passed over the camp. Travelled in all 17 miles.
Thursday 8th August. A fine morning but very muddy under foot. Brother Heber Kimball came up with a company of 9 waggons some of which belonged to this company. We had at Wood river centre 40 waggons[,] 189 oxen[,] 24 cows[,] 4 mules and 6 horses. 166 persons in the company. There was 10 more waggons to join us at wood river centre that were not quite ready[.] Some came up this morning the others are close behind. We travelled 8 miles over a very band sandy road and camped at some springs at the foot of the bluffs where we staid all day. We had quite a bad storm of rain accompanied by lightening and thunder the rain pored down in torrents, the lightening was very vivid and the thunder very loud.
Friday 9th. We did not start this morning until 9 oclock in consequence of the illness of Sister Batey[,] she seemed so near death. We travelled 8 miles and camped on Rattlesnake Creek. At ½ past 2 p.m. Sister [Ann Holmes] Batey died of inflamation of the lungs, in the 50[th] year of her age after an illness of 14 days. We travelled no more this day. In the evening another storm passed over the camp drenching the ground[.] The lightening and thunder was very vivid and loud. The rest of J. E. Johnsons camp arrived.
Saturday 10th. This morning Sister Batey was buried on the west bank of Rattlesnake creek about ¼ of a mile from the crossing near the banks of the creek on a small sandhill about 8 a.m. followed by nearly all the camp[,] Jabes Woodward [Woodard] Chaplain. A coffin was prepared out of 2 boxes and she was buried as well as could have possible been under the circumstances. Died this morning Arnold Looser 18 months old[.] He had been ailing for some time past. We did not leave this morning until 10 oclock when we traveled 9 miles and camped on a small creek. The child was buried on a hill. Some rain fell in the evening so much rain has rendered the roads very heavy for travelling.
Sunday 11th. August. Usual duties past we roll out and travel on about 5 miles or 6 when passing over a heavy sandy piece of road the fore axletree of the waggon occupied by Cooke and Teasdale broke down[.] John Beal, Wm Davis, and Thomas Cowan stayed behind to fix on a new axletree[.] The rest of the camp travelled on to Wolf creek where they nooned for dinner[.] Travelled about 8 miles after dinner [.] We passed over a very heavy sand hill. Each company of 10 doubled teams taking half the waggons over at a time after travelling some little distance about 15 to 20 waggons took the stampede and rushed off for some little distance through the Prarie, happily it was a pretty good road so that but little damage was done[.] A few of the spokes of a waggon wheel or two was broken. We camped this evening on the Platt after having travelled 11 miles. This evening we had another storm of rain accompanied with lightening and Thunder.
Monday 12th. This morning we started at ½ passed 7 and travelled 8 miles when we camped for dinner on the Platt opposite Ash hollow[.] We stopped her[e] for 2½ hours then hitched up travelled 3 miles and crossed quicksand creek. We camped for the night opposite castle bluffs on a spring creek. An axletree gave out in a waggon driven by Thomas Howard[.] supposed to have been broken in the stampede the previous day and it had to be replaced with a new one. We travelled 16 miles this day.
Tuesday 13th. August 1861. This morning we started at 7 to 8 and travelled over a pretty good road for 12 miles when we staid for dinner on the banks of the Platt for 2 hours when we rolled on again and travelled for 6 miles when camped for the night on the banks of the Platt. This evening a violent Thunder storm visited the camp making every thing as wet and uncomfortable as such visitations generally do. The health of the camp is on the improve[,] the weather has not been so oppressively hot. The wind in the North East. We travelled 18 miles.
Wednesday 14th August. Prayers & Breakfast over[.] the cry is heard "Oh! Yes gather up the cattle" off go some of the "boys" with their whips in hand, the cattle are corralled, yoked up, hitched up and off we are on our journey once more[.] it is 8 oclock[,] a fine morning[.] We travel over a pretty good road for 8 miles cross shoal creek and once more stay for dinner which very important business being dispatched off[,] we roll again and pass over the cobble hills a distance of 2 ½ miles[.] Here we saw some of the finest scenery we have seen on our journey. The Platt winding at our feet the sun shining on it causing it to look like a river of silver[.] the surrounding hills and masses of rock in all shapes like ancient ruins form quite an interesting picture. We travel on until another 8½ miles are passed and we once more camp on the Platt for the night. It is a lovely moonlight night and supper being over we all assemble together to hold a meeting opened with singing and prayer addresses given by Cap. Johnson and Woodward and arrangements are made to provide the Cap. with a horse to seek camp grounds[,] feed etc. meeting dismissed all retire to rest and we traveled 10 miles.
Thursday 15th . August 1861. A fine morning. When all our duties are over we roll out again at ½ past 8 continue our journey over the plains; we travelled over a pretty good road for 9 miles when we camped for dinner on the Platt[.] staid 2 hours refreshed and rested man and beast hitched up and travelled on[.] Saw castle rock and chimney rock in the distance, the general scenery all round is good and interesting[.] We travel 9 more miles and camp once more for the night. It is a lovely moonlight night and the health of the camp is on the improve. Thank God for all.
Friday 16th Sun rises—camp guard calls up the people and in a short time all are busy cooking breakfast, washing, dressing children and preparing for the days journey. Horn blows for prayers, breakfast is dispatched, the voice of the Cap. is heard "Oh yes get up the cattle" a general bustle to clear away pack up and get ready to start. The cattle is corralled, yoked up[,] hitched up and out we roll once more at ½ past 8 on our journey to the gathering place of the saints[.] Travel 7 miles[,] correll[,] water the cattle get dinner hitch up and off again over a rough road for 8 miles and correll once more get supper and as it is a fine moonlight night[.] got in groups sitting round the fires talking merrily, horn blows[.] we assemble for prayers and instructions are given relative to our duties by Cap. Johnson interpretated to the Swiss by Bro Woodward[.] the evening hymn and Benediction closes the scene and all retire to rest.
Saturday 17th. Morning breaks and darkness disappears and once more there is a busy hum of voices and the usual cooking etc. is going on[.] Prayers[,] cattle hitched up and out rolls the first waggon and soon the whole camp is in motion[.] it is ½ past 8 and we travel on with all the velocity of ox teams for 8 miles when we meet 4 red men an one half caste who want to trade[.] Some of the boys got moccasins and buckskin[.] we are on the banks of the Platte and we noon for dinner[.] The water and feed has been good for the Cattle so far[.] Having rested and satisfied the inward man we get the cattle up and again we are on our journey over a pretty good road for 9 miles when we again camp on the Platt a little above Scotts Bluffs. There has been a long black cloud of smoke with a deep fringe of red fire which we discover to be a prarie on fire. Some dark angry looking clouds above our heads continually sending forth vivid flashes of lightning and peals of thunder now send forth rain but it passes over without making any thing very wet[.] The clouds break away the moon appears and all is serene and quiet.
Sunday 18th. We did not start until ½ past 8 this morning when we travelled 7 miles and camped on Swamp Slough near the Platt. We did not travel any more this day. The women taking advantage of the rest washed up their clothes[.] Bro Frank Clark came across [text missing] He started in Andru's train but has been detained in consequences of an accident happening to Sis Silver (one of his passengers) who has been seriously hurt by a waggon passing over her. Frank desired to join our train as Sis Silver will not be able to go through this year[.] As the sun set in the west tinging the clouds with the most lively colours. There arose in its place the moon lighting up the Prarie with its pale beams. The horn blow and we assemble together to hold a meeting[.] the sweet, mellow, hymn rises in the air as the swiss open the meting with one of their pretty hymns[.] Prayer by G. Teasdale and follows an excellent discourse by Cap. Johnson, the Chaplain (Bro Woodward) follows with some excellent remarks and Bro Seth Johnson finished with a good exhortation to carry out the instructions advanced[.] Another hymn is sung. Benediction and all retire to their tents or waggons[.] thus finished another day.
Monday 19th. Morning breaks and all are busy. The cattle are corralled and soon the camp is in motion, it is ½ past 3 [8] and we roll on over the vast Prarie until we have travelled 8 miles we are near the Platt and we stay for dinner. Dinner being finished off we roll again and travel 8 more miles when we correl by a small creek south of the road[.] get supper[.] the horn blows for prayers and we retire to rest.
Tuesday 20th. We awakened this morning by hearing the rain Pattering on the tent and waggon covers down it came strait and pittiless a regular soaking rain which continued all day. Human nature requires food to sustain the body and in spite of rain and weather the emigrants found ways and means to satisfy the cravings of hunger. Cap. Johnson has been afflicted with a bad foot arising from a kick from the mule he rides[.] he having taking cold in it has been very painful. He desired much to roll and 5 miles but the pelting rain frustrated his good intentions[.] so we staid there all day.
Wednesday 21st . When we arose patter, patter, came down the rain, but Cap Johnson was determined not to stay there any longer. The cattle was got up and out we rolled by 9 oclock[.] As we travelled on the clouds broke and it ceased raining partially[,] the ground was wet and soddened but the cattle travelled fine and we rolled on for 12 miles before we corralled[.] We camped for dinner on the banks of the Platt[.] 4 Sioux Indians visited the camp they had 4 fine horses and squatting down stated they wanted something to eat etc. They were supplied and when we hitched up and rolled out they rode by the side of the waggons begging in their usual fashion. We travelled on until the sun went down and the moon arose[.] We camped by moonlight on the banks of the Platt near to some 12 Indian lodges or wickaps[.] We were of course visited by several Indian men and women. There being plenty of firewood we has some splendid camp fires. The evenings begin to feel chilly and many gathered round the fires and sung, songs, and joked merrily round. Surly there are times of merriment and pleasure in camp life as well as toil and anxiety. Thus it is in everything lights and shadows, "Sunshine and tears" making life valuable, with its experiences. Days travel 18 miles
Thursday 22nd Arose and prepared breakfast many Indians came down and sold moccasins and traded, there was an half cast who could speak English very well. We did not start until ½ past 9 this morning when we rolled out in good spirits and travelled 8 miles[.] Camped for dinner on the road near the Platt[.] Dinner being finished [illegible] we roll again pass fort Laramie which we see on the opposite side of the river. The road is heavy and sandy and we roll slowly on the sun sets, and the moon rises and still we go on every mile bringing us nearer our mountain home[.] We have passed Laramie 3 miles. The food and water is good and we camp for the night once more. Wood is plenty and in a shorttime there is a lurid glare and the camp fires burn brightly. We have travelled 15 miles to day and we are half way on our journey[.] Surely we have been much blessed. May the remaining part be as successful and we will reach our mountain home in Safety.
Friday August 23rd 1861. The usual duties being over, and the things being once more packed out we roll at 9 oclock and travel on 4 miles when we come to the Platt crossing. The teamsters roll up their pants and off start the teams across the river, some try to keep in the waggons and drive across get too low down and are fast on roll the teams and in a short time all are safely over we travel on for 2 miles and descending a steep hill come to a pleasant open plain surrounded by bushes an trees here we came for dinner. After our usual rest we hitch up and the camp is again in motion[.] We pass the telegraph train that is camping on the road side pass the centre Star Station and begin the ascent of the black hills[.] Over we roll now on an eminence now in a vale over rough stoney ground, locking the waggon wheels frequently. They boys drive well, and after travelling 6 miles we camp in the midst of the hills near some springs. The camp fires burn cheerfully and the days work being finished supper is dispatched with a good relish. A large fire is lit in the centre of the correll, the horn blows, and we assemble together for a meeting by fire light. The evening hymn sounds prettily amongst the hills[,] prayer is said by Bro. Bridges and instruction are given by Cap. Johnson interpreted to the swill [swiss] by Chaplain Woodward[.] Singing and benediction closes the meeting and an early start is resolved on in the morning. A young man visits the camp who is walking from Salt Lake City to the states. The fires begin to burn low and but few are seen about and in a short time all is quiet. 12 miles.
Saturday 245 [24th]. Morning had scarcely dawned when the camp guard aroused the camp[.] Everyone is alive and busy at half past Six out we roll and continue our travel over the Black Hills. The mountain air is fresh and invigorating. The scenery is fine where ever you gaze the hills arise on all sides studded with trees looking very picturesque and grand. The Cattle travel well and we journey on. As we are going down a difficult descent one of Jacob Eafen [Hafen] drivers run in front of his cattle when they were geeing roun off the track and snaped a waggon tongue[.] Another was supplied and some of the swiss remained behind to help fix on a new one[.] Having travelled 10 miles we camped for dinner on little Cottonwood. The feed is beginning to grow scarce more sandy ground and sage brush than grass feed. Dinner being over we roll out once more and over hill and [illegible] train from Camp Floyd or Fort Crittenden as it is called) Utah[.] They are well laden and have good Cattle (mules)[.] we Camp for the night near the springs no feed for the cattle much. The telegraph train passes us[.] One of their waggons had broke down in the hills, a wheel smashed, extra guard to keep the cattle together. Prayers and to bed.
Sunday August 25th. Our usual duties over the Cattle were corralled and it was discovered that 5 head of stock 3 horses and 3 Mules were missing. Search was immediately made and the cattle was found but not the mule or horses. This detained us until 9 a.m. when the train moved off leaving some men behind to hunt for the mules & horses. On moved the train over a pretty good road passed horse shoe creek station and then took the right hand road. Travelled on to the Platt river and camped 5 miles from the fork of the road, making this day 12 miles travel. The emigrants taking advantage of the recess washed and cleaned up generally. The missing horses and one mule was brought to the camp by the men we left behind to hunt them up, but, two mules belonging to the Swiss Company were still missing. The sun sunk in the west and the horn was heard summoning us to meeting[.] The saints gather round a hymn is sung Cap. Johnson pray's and addresses are given by Bro's Woodward (Chaplain) [and] Cap. Johnson[.] another hymn and benediction and the people retire at midnight[.] An expedition is started to search for the missing mules John Beal, Father Baty, Dan Johnson (the Indian) and James Longman went off to try and find the missing mules.
Monday 26th. A fine clear morning[.] In consequence of the mules being lost we did not start until the afternoon[.] The saints enjoyed a good sleep and did not rise very early. Waggons were greased, boots mended, for we had a shoemaker along with us and every advantage was taken of the recess. We rolled out one mile and changed our camping ground. The expedition returned late at night, but no news of the missing mules although every exertion had been used to recover them.
Tuesday 27th. We arose early this morning to make an early start. Captain Johnson wrote a letter to Mr. Whitcomb at the Station asking him to have the mules hunted up and forwarded, in order that no exertion should be spared to recover the mules for the swiss company. Two or three waggons passed our camp and the letter was dispatched by one of them, the driver informed us there were ten companies of soldiers on their way from Utah. We started about 8 oclock and had not traveled far when we met the Gentlemen (!) with 7 or 8 small pieces of brass ordinance[.] The[y] invited some of the sisters to return with them instead of going to Brigham which invitation was not accepted[.] Having passed these "sons of Mars" we rolled on and crossed the Platt, after travelling 9 miles we camped for dinner on the Platt. Large companies of grasshoppers passed like a cloud over the train as we were rolling along, it was quite a matter of conversation the number we saw on all sides of us. After dinner we travelled 7 miles and again camped on the Platt. Evening spent as usual cooking Supper, prayers, and to bed.
Wednesday 28th. Before sunrise the voice of the Captain was heard "Oh yes everybody, time to rise." The camp guard takes up the cry, the people are around [aroused], and by ½ past 7 the camp is again in motion[.] We travel on over a pretty good road and then a heavy sandy one, surrounded by hills very picturesque[.] On one seems to be the ruins of two fortifications[.] We pass some teams and loose cattle from camp Floyd[.] After 9 miles travel camp on the Platt for dinner[.] 13 U.S. waggons pass us from Forts Bridger. Dinner being dispatched we travel for 2 miles and have to cross the Platt, it being quicksand each 10 under the direction of the Captain double teams and perform a successful crossing. Four mule teams passed us laden with telegraph wire going to Deer creek. Travel 5 miles more and camp for the night on Schapperelle [Chaparral] creek, good water and feed; duties as usual.
Thursday 29th. At early morn we arose "hustle, bustle" Breakfast, prayers and again we are off at ½ past 7 travel for 10 miles and nooned on Poose Elder creek. We passed some Indians who were moving and had cars fixed to their horses formed out of their tents[.] the rolls being fixed on either side of the horse and dragging on the ground a car was formed and the children and goods carried. The road was hilly and one place we passed over very bad. Having satisfied the cravings of hunger we rolled on again for our afternoon trip and after a journey of 8 miles camped on the Platt. Came back into the main road. The Telegraph Company camped behind us. Some of the "boys" visited their friends in the evening. Our usual duties being over we retire to rest.
Friday 30th. "As the old Grandames" in the "Old Country" say "Friday is the most unlucky day." I have to record the death of the first ox in our company[.] It belonged to Bro Alfred Longman and was left on the camping ground. At ½ past 7 on we rolled again travelled 4 miles and passed deer creek station kept by Bissnet; did some trading in oxen and Buffalo skins[.] On we went over a dusty road for five miles and nooned. Here we experienced some of the dust tribulation for there was plenty of dust and scarce any feed for the cattle. It is glorious when you have spread out your dinner on the ground Gipsey fashion and sit down to enjoy a "good feed" to have everything covered with dust or you have just cooked a nice fry pan full of bacon, wind and dust! how comforting it is to have it well peppered with grit; dreadfully trying: The cattle is called for off we go again 8 miles more and again camp on the Platt[.] Cooking again; supper and prayers and retire. But darkness is covering the earth I must leave.
Saturday August 31st 1861. Breakfast over we commence another days journey by 8 oclock. travel on for 9 miles pass the lower Bridge of the Platt and noon for dinner on the Platt. Afternoon, travelled 6 miles and came to the Platt bridge[.] The water was not very high, so they let the 82 waggons pass over for $16.00. We camped on the banks of the Platt. Supper finished and guard set. There are two guards Camp guard and Cattle guard. Two of the "boys" go on from 7 or 6 until 12, when they are relieved by two others, for camp guard and 3 or 4 go on for cattle guard; hours the same. It is not unpleasant on a fine starlight night, with good sociable companions to go on guard, but like everything else it has its opposite, its "Lights and Shadows." In the evening we held a meeting an address was given by Cap. Johnson interpreted by Chaplain Woodward. Benediction and retire.
Sunday September 1st. 1861. This morning we started at 8 oclock from the Upper Platt[e] bridge and bid farewell to the Platt, it has been a great blessing to us for many is the time that we have camped on its banks and its waters have refreshed and quenched our thirst and that of our cattle. We traveled 12 miles over a rolling road and Camped on a small spring of mineral water[.] there was not much water, but, the Captain explored the place and found water and good feed about 1 mile south-east of the spring. We filled our water Bottles and travelled along for 4 miles and camped in a small dry valley[.] For prayer by Bro. Bridges addresses by Chaplain Woodward and Cap. Johnson an early start is called for in the morning and all retire. J[oseph].E[llis]. Johnsons cow died this day.
Monday 2nd. Morning had scarcely begin to break when we were aroused from our slumbers and "look sharp" was the order of the morning, fires were speedily lighted by those who delight in a cup of coffee or tea before starting and a piece of bread and meat is enjoyed, standing, like taking a "snack" at the railway station, the more drowsy ones turn out just in time to see the cattle being yoked up in the correll and now an observer can see the difference between the early one that has enjoyed his coffee and the drowsy one who has in the perspective a fast until noon. The sun has scarce began to peep at us from the East when the train is in motion[.] On we roll for 10 miles when we reach Willow springs where we correll for dinner which was enjoyed by some with extra zest. Having rested and satisfied the inward cravings, off we roll up a pretty steep hill; met 9 U.S. waggons rolling to the states, we were zionward and travelled 6 miles nearer our mountain retreat and camped on "fish or "goose creek" where we went through our usual evolution of booking [cooking], feeding and sleeping to prepare for the morrow duties.
Tuesday September 3rd 1861. This morning an ox was found dead by the side of the creek it belonged to Bro. Wm. [Derby] Johnson. At 8 oclock we rolled off our camp ground and travelled 9 miles partly over a very good road and a heavy sandy one[.] We camped for dinner on grease wood or Horse creek. In the afternoon we traveled over a heavy sandy road for 7 miles where we corelled for the night we had our usual duties, it was a fine starlight night enlivened by the music that was poured forth from the throats of two flocks of wolves "making night hideous."
Wednesday 4th. As the sun peeped at us over the hills it found us busy, but as the cattle had been enjoying a walk we did not start until 9 oclock[.] After a travel of 6 miles we arrived at the "Devils gate" where we camped for dinner; several of the folks paid a visit to the famed place, but as some wit remarked "his majesty was too byt in the states (United(!)) to receive them. This day we crossed the sweetwater at Independence rock. After dinner we travelled 6 miles more along a very dusty road[.] We seemed to be travelling in a thick fog, or in the clouds (perhaps clouds would be more appropriate considering we were enroute for zion) but every "tribulation" has its beginning and end ours ended by us camping for the night on the sweetwater mar the station and here "old boreas" favoured us with a "stiff breeze" which considerably inconvenienced the camp fires etc.
Thrusday 5th. A fine morning and an early rise; rolled out at ½ past 7 oclock and travelled 8 miles over a sandy road nooned on the sweetwater enjoyed a rest and dinner, then pursued our journey over 7 miles more and camped in the field near to the Station where last winter 3 men were hung for horse-stealing. It appears a train passing had some of their horses stolen, part of the company returned and finding their horses at the Station hung up the three men burned down the station and took all their horses. If I mistake not they were notorious for finding (1) horses.
Firday 6th. Our usual ro[u]tine accomplished we are off again and before we noon for dinner the distance is shortened by 8 miles and we are at the 3 crossings of the sweetwater where we stay "to bait". In the afternoon we cross the sweetwater 3 times, through very romantic rocks embellished with the names of individuals who had passed that way and wished all who should follow after to be reminded of the fact but truly it is an interesting spot for the lovers of natures beauties. 7 miles travel over a sandy rolling road brings us near to the 5[th] crossing of the sweetwater and here we camp. A cow died belonging to J.E. Johnson.
Saturday Sep. 7th 1861. An ox died[,] one of the John Beals first 5 waggons. Poor old "Dick" he was the most noble looking ox in our team l.e. The team that drew the little worth intrusted in my care, my "household go[o]ds" he was the last ox in the team we should have thought would have died for he was such a fine looking fellow. At 8 oclock the train was once more in motion and we were off to the Ice springs; 7 miles travel brought us to correll once more near the springs and the usual dinner, getting up the cattle and yoking up and we are again on the move[.] Passed 4 waggons returning from the place we are so anxious to arrive at; on we roll over good roads and heavy sandy ones until we have lessened our journey 10 miles more[.] The sun has sunk in the west we have again crossed the sweetwater (5th time), and now we camp on the same for the night. Our usual duties performed we retire to rest and in our slumbers all fatigue is forgotton.
Sunday, Sep. 8th. A fine morning but cold. Went through our usual routine of cooking, breakfasting and prayer and started off to give the cattle a run and further us some on our journey; we were going but one drive and then camp for the day. We travelled 10 miles, crossed the sweetwater 3 times more and camped above South Pass City at the foot of the rocky ridge a very pleasant camping ground plenty of wood and water, which the folks took advantage of and washed, cooked, cleaned up, L.c. as this is the only time they have for such things. In the evening we held a meeting opened by singing and prayer by Seth Johnson. Addresses by Cap. Johnson and Chaplain Woodward[.] The night is very cold and the wind blows keenly we have a camp fire in the centre and the folks sit and stand round[.] We receive good practical instruction suited to the occasion and we are dismissed with a benediction [and] retire to our Waggons and Tents.
Monday Sep. 9th. Arose early this morning[.] Cap. Johnson sent a letter to the Deseret News describing our Camp, prospects etc. at ½ past 6 we started; but, left 2 oxen dead J.E. Johnson and John Sniders; we rolled up the hill and then took the right hand road called the Mr. Graw road, thus avoiding the rocky Ridge we travelled over a hilly road for 6 miles and nooned for dinner on a hill by some springs. In the afternoon we travelled over a similar road for 7 miles when we came to rock creek and here we stayed for the night. Performed our usual duties and retired. Tuesday 10th. When we arose this morning every thing was covered with white[.] the weather had been rather cold and here we had our first white frost, but we had plenty of wood and in a very short time the fires were burning very brightly in all directions round the camp[.] as the Sun rose in the East it became warmer[.] By 8 oclock this morning we were wending our way towards our mountain home[.] Travelled 2 miles crossed willow creek[.] 6 more miles passed brought us to the last crossing of the sweetwater which we crossed and then stopped for dinner and cattle being refreshed we go on for our afternoon roll[.] Travel 8 miles and camp ¼ of a mile from the sweetwater ½ miles from the summit of the South Pass[.] A fine starlight night, but very chilly.
Wednesday 11th. There are some days that might be termed black days or unfortunate ones in the affairs of life. This is one of our black ones. We have been thus far very fortunate with our cattle few having died, considering the large herd we have, coming through the Alkali but a sickness or murrain seemed to seize some of the favorite and best cattle. This morning we started at ½ past 8 and travelled to the Pacific Springs a distance of 4 miles over the South Pass, where [we] watered the cattle, here an ox belonging to the swiss company died, went on for 5 miles and stopped for dinner a dry camp and but little feed for cattle[.] We had brought water along, therefore fared better than our oxen. Just as we were starting one of T[homas].A[lfred]. Jeffery's "muleys" (oxen) died[.] This was a favorite ox and caused a sadness in the family especially amongst the "small fry" with whom "muley" was a "pet." They had but 2 yoke of oxen and were not amongst those who are blessed (or cursed as you please) with "dollars and dimes" wealth[.] Bro. [William Henry] Kelsey (William from London) who drove behind him practically illustrated the "golden rule" (Do unto others etc.) by unyoking one yoke and lending Jeffery an ox[.] This was the 3rd ox to day as there was one left on the camp ground this morning belonging to the swiss company (which I neglected to mention)[.] Off we roll leaving poor "muley" to feed the wolves like many had done before him, but, we had not gone far when one of Bro Baty's oxen died and then one of [Jabez] Woodford [Woodard] and Hughe's making 5 today, but, the train cannot be stopped they have to fix up the best way they can and roll on to sun down[.] Our misfortunes were not yet at an end for us[.] Sister [Esther Huggett] Street's little boy was getting out of the waggon he slipped and was run over, but, fortunately did not break any bones[.] We travelled 9 miles and as the moon was up we camped for the night once more and thus ended this eventful day.
Thursday 12th Sep. The camp guard always arouse the folks before the sun rises in order to give them time to get breakfast etc. Some turn out briskly whilst others are not so eager as the mornings are rather cold. The cattle guard brought in news of the death of an ox which proved to be Bro. Kelseys, or rather Sister Street's for Bro. K is driving his sister in law's team[.] it looked bad now for Jeffery & Ellwood to whom she had but her cattle to assist them but "muleys" companion went in her team and she lent them a cow & steer which made a tolerable yoke and enabled them to "go on their was [way] rejoicing." We started out at 7 oclock this morning and travelled on to little sandy where we watered the cattle and as the feed was not good travelled 2 miles down the stream and camped for dinner having travelled 13 miles[.] appetites being pretty good we did justice to whatever came on in the casting line for the camp is enjoying pretty good health and the mountain air is an excellent substitute for "bitters" to "dyspeptics." Started again at 4 p.m. and travelled 2½ miles and camped on "little sandy"[.] A meeting was held in the evening opened by singing and prayer by Bro. R Salmon[.] Addressed by Cap. Johnson & Chaplain Woodward suited to the occasion.
Friday September 13th 1861. This morning two oxen were found dead[.] Wm. Johnsons and one of John Beals first five waggons (that he has the care of). Started out at ½ past 8 and travelled on for 4 miles when we [arrived at the] "sandy" (big sandy)[.] a fine road 4 miles more and then a rest for dinner camped in the road rolled on down a steep hill passed through "corell hollow" w[h]ere the government waggons took fire in 1857[.] 8 miles more brings us near to the sandy and here we camp for the night[.] An ox belonging to the swiss died and a cow belonging to J.E. Johnson 4 more[.] Surly Friday must be an unlucky day.
Saturday Sep. 14th. More mortality[.] another ox of John Beal's five waggons died. At ½ past 8 we were again on the move went over a sandy road for 9 miles when we nooned on the sandy[.] As we were rolling along this morning we passed a woman travelling alone with a bundle on her arm and she inquired the way to the Platt bridge asked how many teams were behind, and if we were going to the City but refused to tell where wh [she] came from. It seemed strange to see a woman travelling along on this road. J.E. Johnson being behind with his mules waggon stopped to talk with her [and] discovered she did not seem exactly right in her mind offered to take her to the City, as she said she had left there to make some purchases at the Platt bridge[.] She consented and came back with him. This is the second person we have picked up on the road[.] About 20 miles before we reached Laramie an old gentleman by the name of Pierce (the name he gave us) was handed over to us from one of the Stations; he had some vim and had l[o]st himself, at other times he stated he had children in the states he wished to see and was walking down to visit them. We took him along J.E. Johnson took care of him at first and then each ten took him for a week and provided for him. But, to "return to our sheep" as the french say. In the afternoon we travelled 5 miles and camped for the night one mile above Green river crossing. It was a fine moon light night wood and water handy tolerable feed for the cattle so there was no credit due to anyone if they did not grumble.
Sunday Sep. 15th. The sun arose smiling on our camp and soon all was bustle and motion. When the cattle were corralled Cap. Johnsons ox and J.E. Johnsons cow was reported dead, 5 horses and 1 mule missing. This delayed us until about 10 oclock when the Captain drove them up, they had strayed to where we nooned yesterday. Off we rolled crossed Green river and camped for noon etc. about a mile up. Wood and water plenty stayed until 4 oclock when we commenced the 20 miles without water, i.e. for the cattle for we filled our cans and prepared for the "dry camp"[.] the sun sinks behind the hills and the moon, lamp of the night, lights up over road 9 miles are accomplished and our file leader is waiting, he heads the first waggon and the correll is formed[.] there is plenty of good "bunch grass" so if the cattle are without water they are not without feed. Camp fires are soon lit supper dispatched and all is hushed in sleep. I would like to observe here that since our "dark" or "black day" several oxen and cows have died. Cap. Johnson: Stephen Barton, Seth Johnson, and Alfred Longman have shown some little interest in their brethren by assisting them with occasional loan of cattle. This was strongly advocated by the Captain in one of his evening discourses.
Monday Sep. 16th. 1861. Song [Long] before the sun arose the voice of the camp guard was heard "Oh yes every body time to arise"[.] we all know it was an early start as it was a dry camp and we had a long way to go. Bad news again an ox dead. This proved to be "Tom" out of our team[,] the 5th waggon under John Beal's charge[.] strange that this disease should take off our best and most reliable cattle. We always used to say "Tom will go through" he left pretty well at night and in the morning he was dead, we have but 2 yoke now and one of the best lame. Faith in cattle verses Faith in God. We did not get well started until ½ past 7[.] our ten i.e. No. 3 or John Beals ten was lost today and it seemed to be an unfortunate day with us for we had not travelled far when the waggon reach of the first waggon broke. It was temporily fixed until noon when it was to be mended[.] As we roll over a bad road in a desolate country that would remind anyone of the Deserts of Arabia (we read about) another stop and another ox gives out and altho' everything is done to save him he died. This detained us some time[.] The sun poured down its beams reflected on the sand caused it to be very hot[.] our water was exhausted and both Cattle and people suffered from thirst on we roll. I could not help thinking of the Pioneers. One of the swiss company's oxen had given out and two or three were behind slowly driving him up, when within a mile of the camp, one of their boys brought a keg of water, which we participated in[.] At last we reached the brow of a hill and there was the correll in a fine valley where there was plenty of grass and water and coming as we did from a barren sandy plain looked beautiful. John Beal with assistance fixed on a new reach and dinner was dispatched with considerable gusto.
We camped on blacks fork near the station after a travel of 12 miles. In the afternoon we went but 2 miles camped on Hams fork in the sage brush it was a fine moonlight night and there being plenty of sage brush we had pretty fine camp fires.
Tuesday 17th. We arose early in the morning but the cattle were in the brush we did not get off until ½ past 8[.] the wind blew strongly and the dust was very plentiful[.] We rolled over a barren plain for 10 miles when we came to Blacks fork where we camped for dinner. One of the swiss company's oxen died. And now we travel on by Blacks fork. In the afternoon we went 5 miles and camped on Blacks fork. After supper we hold a meeting, singing and prayer by Chaplain Woodward[.] some good instruction by the Captain which was interpreted by the Chaplain to the swiss and we retire for the night.
Wednesday 18th. By ½ past 8 we are again on the roll. Travel 7 miles and camp for dinner on Blacks fork, which is a very convenient stream for camping on. In the afternoon we travel for 6 miles and camp 2 miles east from Fort Bridger[.] we seem to be getting near home[.] Now the mortality amonst the cattle is not so bad.
Thursday 19th. A cow belonging to J.E. Johnson died. We got started at ½ past 8[,] past fort Bridger and went over several streams that had log bridges over them. Travelled 10 miles and camped by some springs for dinner[.] after dinner we rolled down a very steep hill and travelled on until we came to muddy creek when we camped for the night[.] It was a fine moonlight night rather cold. Days travel 13 miles.
Friday 20th. This morning 5 horses were missing[.] four of the "tens" rolled out at 9 oclock but the other (Alfred Longmans) was delayed[.] we travelled 10 miles went up the hill and crossed part of the ridge that divides the water of the Colorado from the great basin and camped on the road about half a mile from some springs in a deep ravine on the right hand side of the road. The Captain had hunted up the horses and the ten that was behind not starting until ½ past 11 did not come up until the afternoon was far advanced[.] We stayed here all the rest of the day. Seth Johnsons ox gave out. Evening spend round big camp fires.
Saturday 21st. Sept. 1861. We got started this morning at ½ past 8 and travelled over a varied road for 10 miles when we camped on Sulphur creek for dinner[.] In the afternoon we travelled 2½ miles crossing the bear river camped on the bench near the river[.] as soon as we roll in[,] off go the "boys" for wood and water and to take the cattle to water the women prepare for cooking supper etc. The guard is set. Supper dispatched[.] a large camp fire is built in the middle of the correll, the horn is blown, and the voice of the chaplain is heard "Camp come together for meeting" and the folks flock round the fire. The swiss open the meeting with singing, one of their company has a very fine toned ocordion which is introduced and sounds melodiously in the clear night air[.] All kneel down and prayer is offered by John Beal[.] the captain then gives some excellent instructions preparing the folks for their entrance into the "valley"[.] the Chaplain follows in a similar strain and song are given enlivening the evening[.] As time wears on the folks drop off one by one and all is silence in the camp once more[.] 12 oclock and the guards are relieved.
Sunday 22nd, Sep. 1861. We were off this morning at 8 oclock[.] Travelled over a hilly route for 8 miles when we came to a spring creek where we camped for dinner. In the afternoon we travelled 7 miles and camped head of echo creek, by cache cave, which was visited by several of the folks and particulary delighted the children[.] Also afforded an opportunity for the thinkoss to speculate on its origin. As one of J.E. Johhsons waggons was crossing the creek over the well worn log bridge the cattle "gee'd" off a little[,] down went the front wheel into the mud (a kind of mud hole) away pulled the cattle, a crash, and off came the tongue leaving the waggon in no enviable position[.] For the owner this was fixed up ready to start in the morning. It was a fine night and several of the boys from the mountains engaged in the telegraph operation visited the camp and were almost wearied (I should think) answering the numerous questions of friends the folks in the camp knew that had emigrated etc. etc. It being Sunday of course we had a meeting by camp fire and a good meeting we had[.] The swiss lead off by singing[,] prayer by one of the "boys" (We Intiro) a few words from the captain and a preach from the Chaplain. The camp fires burned late to night as friends were meeting friends and they had "lots to say."
Monday 23rd. 1 ox being dead belonging to Alfred Longman. The Telegraph company was close behind us. The cattle was hastily corelled and off we rolled at ½ past 7 Breakfast in hand[.] some without as we did not wish them to head us for fear of being detained on our journey[.] Passed over a ridge into Echo Canyon and here we found quite a romantic road[.] We travelled on for 12 miles and then camped for dinner on the creek. Just as we were about starting it came on to rain and poured down the road[.] was very bad so we only travelled 5 miles and camped for the night as the road was too bad to travel[.] Soon large camp fires burned brightly round the camp in spite of rain and weather and we cooked supped and retired considerable damp.
Tuesday 24th. Last night about 11 oclock the rain ceased and the moon showed her gladdening beams. This enabled us to travel. Started at ½ past 7 and continued our journey through the Kanyon and a rough road we had, saw part of the breast work erected in 1857 when the U.S. troops were going on to the valley. but were stayed[.] Traveled 8 miles and nooned on the Weber we begin to feel at home now and speculate upon the time when we shall reach the Valley[.] In the afternoon crossed the weber and rolled along a pleasant road being newly settled[.] We travelled 6 miles and camped on the creek[.] In the evening we had a fine camp fire meeting.
Wednesday 25th. Sep. An early rise but missing cattle delayed us until 8 oclock when we continued our journey through a Kanyon [canyon] for 7 miles when we nooned on the banks of East kanyon [Canyon] creek[.] after dinner travelled 5 miles crossing the creek several times[.] some difficult places. As we camped Bro. Gates rode up and camped with us for the night[.] In the evening a meeting was held opened by singing and prayer by Bro Kelsey. The Captain spoke a short time and Bro Gates gave some excellent instructions to the saints on apostacy, the valley etc.
Thursday 26th Sep. This morning we started at 8 oclock travelled 12 miles crossed the big mountain[.] We had to double teams on toward the top of the mountain rolled on and camped at the foot of the little mountain. Wood and water was soon procured and camp fires and supper was the order of the evening.
Friday 27th Sep. An early rise for this day we were obliged to double teams and it was resolved for us to roll into the city[.] We started at ½ past 7 crossed the little mountain rolled on 12 miles and camped on the square in Salt Lake City and here we have arrived at our destination[.] All the excitement of the journey is over. We have been very much blessed for there has been but very little mortality when we consider our company[;] 54 waggons and near 200 souls but 3 deaths 1 man drowned accidently[,] 1 woman and a child[.] Amongst the cattle we have lost about 26 head of stock but we had a large herd. We have been favoured with very fine weather let all the glory be to [him] who has so highly favored us. And now Cap Sixtus E. Johnson adiex [adieu.] I shall not easily forget the pleasant times and conversations I have had in taking the days journeys and enjoying the chat that frequently followed the minutes of the previous days journey. I have finished for the present being your humble servant & Brother