Transcript for Smith, John, Journal, 1846 Feb-1854 May, fd. 4, in Papers 1833-1854, 40-52
Saturday 19 Started & came to the Platte & joined the Encampment this morning[.] Sent 2 Persons to Winter Quarters on Business Alfred B Lambson & Jacob Wetherbee
Sunday 20 to day a A B Lambson Returned that Stated that about 2 miles beyond the Papio [Papea] Bridge & about 14 miles from winter Quarters 3 Indians Overtook the 2 men & 2 Indians In company Ran by them & cocked ther guns[.] at that Jacob jumped for one & Alfred for another[.] Pounded them Pretty Severly[.] the 3 one Stood by & looked on for five Minnents when he Raised his gun & fired the turned & Ran all 3 of them as Sight as they could[.] But the Ball Passed through Jacobs Body Entering in his Back just above the hip one Side of the Back Bone pased Straight through his Body[.] a meeting as usual[.] News has Since arived that he Died about 9 oclock this morning[.] this is Truly a warning to us to be wery [wary]
Monday 21 We are waiting for the artilery to come up[.] Pres P[arley] P Pratt & Spencer haven back to meet them & have Returned[.] bring word that the Artilary are nigh at hand[.] the artilery arrived[.] all well
Tuesday 22 all Hands Started for the Mountains[.] Came about 16 miles & Encamped on the Bank of the Platt[.] all in good Spirits
Wednesday 23. All on the moove again Came about 15miles[.] Crossed Shell Creek & Camped about 4 miles from the Loupe fork of the Platt[.] according to our Estimate we are now 72 miles from Winter Quarters – went about 1 mile for wood then got only willows
Thursday 24 Camped by a Slough on Pond[.] Started & came about 8 miles 72 [plus] 8 [equals] 80[.] Stoped & Camped about 1 oclock to organ Get the Companies together & Pass Some Laws
Friday 25 Little grass traveled 15 miles all in order[.] Heard the cattle night & morning[.] Plenty of wood & water[.] Loup fork
Saturday 26 Traveled 98 <18 > miles made 1 Bridge Plenty of Dust & Some Rain with high wind
Sunday 27 Halted on Beaver Creek[.] held Publick meeting[.] Still Continue up the Loup Fork of the Platt
Monday 28 Crosed Beaver Creek[.] One wheel broke in the Company[.] Traveled about 8 miles & Encamped about 2 miles from Pawnee Station
Tuesday 29 Pleasant morning Traveled 10 miles Crosed Creek Some bad Slough camped on the Loup fork <of old Pawnee vilage just Burnt > Pased the Remains
wednesday 30 Prarie very much Broken have seen no Indians[.] a Terable Sight of Dust which makes our Eyes very Sore[.] Traveled 12 miles Encamped on the Loup fork[.] Pleasant Scenery & nice weather & grass good
Thursday July 1 1847
This morning the Brotheren have been Searching Out a ford to Cross the Loup as the way is he[d]ged up on this Side by Impossible Ravines so that we think it would take 8 Days to travel 5 miles[.] John L[yman Smith] & Som Others have gone to hunt Buffalo[.] Returned without Seeing any but Saw Innumerable heards of antelope[.] crossed the River by Doubling Teams[.] all over Safe at 5 o clock PM
Friday 2 Pleasant Morning grass good Traveled 18 miles[.] Experienced a very heavy Thunder Shower[.] Camped without water[.] was very Dry[.] Caught Rain water for drin[kin]g no wood only
Saturday 3 had a Cup of Tea & Some Puding Boiled with a false wagon tongue[.] Traveled about 2 miles Cut some hay & Threw into a s[l]ough <or creek> for a bridge <and a number on Sotood on it to keep from floating away[.]> the Catle Drank heartily as well as our Selves although the water was not very good[.] Saw a number of antelope the first we have seen[.] Captain Sessions Killed one. Camped on a Part of Platt River[.] plenty of wood & water & grass good[.] an uncommon Accident hapened Last Evening wrestling (Martin Dewitt[)]
Sunday 4 the 4 of July we Do not feel to celebrate it as the Birthday of the Independence of the united States As we have been Driven from her because we worship God according to his laws[.] a Publick meeting 2 PM[.] Some very good Remark from El[d]ers Pratt & Taylor ConSweaning [concerning] & with Regard to the laws of God in general[.] all very good teaching
Monday 5 Started at 10 AM traveled 15 miles[.] Camped about 600 yds from the Banks of the Platt found a board Bearing this Inscription
April 29 Camp of Pioneers grass Short but Plenty[.] watch Indians 217 miles winter <Quarters> watch the trees near own Encampment
the First traces of our Bretheren who have gone Before us & were highly [strikeout of undreadble word] Pleased[.] crosed wood River to Day[.] Roads good but Dust Plenty
Tuesday 6 Traveled untill noon[.] Baited 1 hour Camped at 7[.] Traveled14 miles good feed plenty of water &c[.] Saw a number of Antelope & 2 Elks & a Small Animel Resembling a Small Puppy Call[ed] Prarie Dogs[.] they Burrow in the ground[.] their head & feet are just like a S[q]uirels the like a Puppy[.] had to wade the Platt to an Island to get wood
Wednesday 7 Slight Showers of Rain[.] Cleared off very warm Traveled over a very Barren Prarie little or no grass atall[.] Saw antelopes & Prarie Dogs the ground is almost full of their holes[.] Traveled 17 miles camped on the Platt[.] found Pioneer Marks[.] highly Pleased to Camp where they had
Thursday 8 Traveled 2 miles Stoped to water[.] Bri[d]ged 2 Sloughs with willows[.] found 2 horses which Brothers Pratt & Taylor caught[.] Saw a heurd of Buffaloe for the first time[.] Traveled 14 miles[.] wood & water Scarce[.] all well[.] a Shower with rain high wind
Fridy 9 to Day Brother Bass lost an ox[.] Bro fuller lost one[.] one month to day Since we left Winter Quarters[.] Traveled 14 Miles[.] 262 miles according to our Rec[k]oning Traveled 17 Days in the month
Saturday 10 Started at 11 came 6 miles[.] Some of the men gone to hunt Buffalo & the Camps are washing[.] Plat River north Bank[.] good feed
Sunday 11 Publick meeting[.] Bro Pratt out of health & Did not attend[.] Elders Taylor[,] Rich[,] Grant Spoke upon various Subjects[.] a child of Bro holmes Buried to Day[.] ben Sick for Six or 8 months[.] the hunters Returned Killed 3 Buffalo 1 Calf
Monday 12 Had Some Buffalo meat for Breakfast the first we Even tasted & thought it Excelent[.] Started at 9 the warmest Day we have seen[.] Perfectly level as far as the Eye can Extend[.] 14 miles camped upon the Bank of the on the North Side of Braidies [illegible] wood & water Plenty
Tuesday 13 made 18 miles[.] unpleasant Riding on account of the numerous Buffalo Trails crosing its road[.] 12 Hunters Sent out & Returned killed 3 Buffalo
Wednesday 14 Bretheren gone to catch Some Stray horses Seen on the Prarie[.] Traveled 6 miles waiting for the Rear of the camp to come up who have Broke Tong[ue] of their waggon[.] Men Returned with out the horses[.] Found a letter Directed to Gen Rich or any one in authority in the Church & no one Else had any Right to It[.] much pleased to hear from them again[.] the Heard in Bro Grants Hundred Took fright Broke out of the karal upset one wagon of 30.00 Broke 2 wheels killed one cow Broke of a great many horns but no Persons hurt[.] the letter Dated May 10
Thursday 15 Came 15 miles Camped on a beautiful Spring no wood but Buffalos Manure Dried which makes a good fire
Friday 16, Traveled about 13 miles Saw a Large heard of Buffalo[.] This evening a Heard of about 20 Buffalo Came abou Running in to our Heard but they were Hart [hurt] more than the catle[.] One Killed[.] the Company gathered around to a Dead Buffalo thought it a great curiosity but Persumed to day that we have Seen all of 10000 During the last week
Saturday 17 Cloudy Slight Showers of Rain & Thunder During the Night[.] Stoped to Bait at noon killed a Buffalo & Thousands of Buffalo Seen Daily[.] this Evening a large Heard crossed the River making a Teraible noise & Racket[.] the men were called up but no harm Done
Sunday 18 Pleasant morning[.] a Publick meeting[.] a number of Persons Baptised[.] 1 couple maried[.] Received leters from Pioneers by traders heard from Brother Grant Hundred Broke coral & 40 or 50 head of their Catle lost which cannot be found
Monday 19 waiting for Captain Grants Company[.] they have not found their catle
Tuesday 20 Feed & wood is Scarce <Consequently moved> Traveled 10 miles good feed & water[.] the Companies called together to See what could be Done for Bro Grants Company[.] Still on the Pioneer Trail
Wednesday 21 Crosed Some Bad Sand hills traveled 12 miles Crossed 3 Small creek killed 1 or 2 Buffalo camped under the Bluff & S[l]ough water[.] Dark before we stoped
Thursday 22 found a nother letter from Pioneers in North fork of Platt Postoffice the Traveled about 10 miles[.] for the first time Indians are & appear very jovile [jovial.] they are Soux [Sioux] & appear neat & clean & gaily Dresed[.] they were fed with some Bread[.] Some Rain During the night[.] the cannon fired the [Indians] gone to their lo[d]ges
Friday 23 Waiting for Captain Grants Company a Large Company Indians visited us Som Traded Horses for mules[.] They Sung & Danced – we fired the Canon & the Indians world [whirled] away about 40 Rods & then Returned again[.] there were Some very nice Squaws among them
Saturday 24 Traveled on & Passed the Indian Town on the opposite Side of the River[.] Crosed a Small Creek they have Beades & moccasins to trade for Bread & as they ccalled Toback. Traveled 12 miles feed poor the Bretheren traded Horses for Some Catle which the Indians had Either found or Stolen
Sunday 25 Cool morning[.] Some men from Pioneer Publick meeting Read letters from Pioneers they had Crossed Green River & Some 5 or 6 men were Left at the ferry on the Platt about 150 miles above Ft St John
Monday 26 Traveled over the worst Sand hills we have Seen[.] Traveled 20 Miles Crossed a Small but beautiful River Encamped on the bank of the Platt
Tuesday 27 Good Road[.] Traveled 20 Miles to Day a Large Company of Indians overtook us wishing to Trade Some with the Camp[.] there were a great many Buffalo Robes bought of them
wednesday 28. Good Road Good feed met 2 Men from Oregon on their Road to the States[.] no news[.] Crossed Some More Sand hills & a great many Dry Creek Beds[.] thundered all the after Noon
Thursday 29 The Country has quite a Romantick Appearance appearance[.] Traveled about 20 miles crosed a Pleasant Prarue [prairie]
Friday 30 Good Roads the Bluffs on the South Side of the Platt looks like ancient Ruins[.] A Pleasant View of Chimny Rock & Scotts Bluffs[.] Spent Traveled about 20 Miles[.] Spent an uneasy Evening because of the abscence of John L [Smith] & Silas [Smith] & Jessee [Smith.] they returned about 12 at night bring with them Som mountain Sheep meat which John L had killed on Scotts Bluffs about 4 miles Distant acrost the River
Saturday 31 Saw Some oregon Men going to the states[.] Traveled 16 Miles Camped oposite Some very high Bluffs
Sunday August 1 Some of the Camp have gone over the River to View the Mountain[.] J L & Silas went they Saw Larime [Laramie] Peak 160 miles of the Platt[.] no meeting
Monday 2 Started at 8 traveled over a Rough & baren Desert Destitute of any Vegetation Except the Prickly Pear which grew in great abundance[.] Came 25 miles no wood or feed of any consequence[.] the Heard left to Roam where they liked[.] Two oxen Died one was P P Pratts
Tuesday 3 Some grass Pigweed[.] 14 miles from Salt[.] night Camp[.] Plenty of wood
Wednesday 4 Sandy Hilly Road[.] very warm[.] found a Board left by the Pioneers 15 miles to Larime[.] Saw Some of the Mormon battalion on their Return to Winter Quarters[.] Traveled 12 miles[.] Soon after Camping the Indians Came with their Red & White flag[.] Council Said Give them Some Bread but not trade with them
Thursday 5 got a view of ft Larime [Laramie.] Traveled 6 miles Crosed the Platt & Passed by an old fort built of Adobies on unburnt Brick[.] there is another fort about a one ½ mile Distant which looks well[.] the [Indians] followed us untill Camping Soon after they all Returned to the fort Some 4 miles Distant[.] here Saw an Indian Buring Ground which was formed of Reeds woven into the Branches of a tree[.] the Indian wraped in his buffalo Robe with his Bow & arrows & beads & Some other Trinkets & laid upon the mat[.] Here we Saw Pinetrees [pine trees] for the first time
Friday 6 Started about 8[.] One Particular accident hapend[.] one <of> Bro Pratts Children got Run over <but not hurt>[.] Some bad hills Camped Early Set up a Coal Pit for the Purpose of mending up our Broaken waggons before crossing the Black hills
Saturday 7 Commenced Repairing the waggons very Early[.] Some Bears ben Seen they made considerable Noise[.] Plenty of wood & water
Sunday 8 Very warm no meetining[.] Some Rain[.] Traveled 6 Miles went Down a very Steep hill[.] Camped Close by Some Perbendicular [perpendicular] Rocks[.] the first Sunday that we Traveled on
Monday 9 Hilly Bad Road Some very Stony hills[.] Crossed Som handsome Roling Prarie[.] Pased <no grass> a large Rock with Several names written upon it June 14 1847[.] 3 waggons out of Repair to Day Stoped to fix them
Tuesday 10 arose Early & finished Repairing wagons[.] Started forward waited to find an ax[.] Crossed Some Deep Sand which apears to have bin a creek bead in Days gone by about 10 miles then left it & went up a Stony hill[.] no water <or> feed for catle[.] Camped Late after covring about 15 miles[.] after Some Search found a clear cool Spring but feed Short
Wednesday 11 Cow lost[.] all the Company out of Sight[.] traveled 3 miles Camped on a hill 2 miles from feed & water[.] one wheel Broke[.] came up the worst hill that there is on the Routee
Thursday 12 found Rough & hard Traveling one Continual Rotation of hills & <Dry> Creek Beds came 17 miles[.] Plenty of good water feed & wood but Some Dista[n]ce off[.] a heavy thunder Shower During the night
Friday 13 another wheel Broke in Company[.] Camped 2 miles ahead[.] Sent back in the morning for the wagon[.] traveled 18 miles[.] late camp [illegible] mush & milk Puding & milk
Saturday 14 Pleasant waiting for some Repairing to be Done[.] Good water
Sunday 15 Publick Meeting[.] heard from the Pioneers
Monday 16 Cool at noon Saw the Platt River again Traveled 15 miles over the Black hills camped Early on the South bank of the Platt found a bed of coal[.] crossed the River for feed & wood[.] lost an ox
Tuesdy 17 Thomas gone back for the lost ox but Returned with out him[.] Came 14 miles
Wednesday 18 Crosed one bad Creek & Several Bad Places[.] Came 15 Miles
Thursday 19 One of own oxen Died before we thought him Sick[.] Some trouble in geting a long[.] came 7 miles crosed the Platt[.] Encamped
Friday 20 I Crosed the River & went to the Men that were Stationed there to ferry the Emigrants over[.] Returned with 3[.] the Company all out of Sight but but the 3 ten[.] Traveled 12 Encamped near a Spring[.] Some Called it the Passion Spring
Saturday 21 traveled 14 miles no feed nor water[.] Encamped on a Small Creek water tasted of some [illegible]
Sunday 22 Stoped at noon to Bait[.] the Bretheren Dressing a Buffalo which P P Pratt killed[.] Traveled 15 miles found water[.] feed short[.] oxen sick
Monday 23 Rested to Day to Repair wagons
Tuesday 24 Traveled 12 miles halted to feed Rest our teams on account of them being so weak[.] no feed <only A bush every> or water or wood[.] found a few weeds to boil a little coffee for Breakfast[.] Started & went 12 miles & found Saleratus Lake[.] it was aparently a frozen pond about 2 Inches Thick[.] it has the same Properties as Saleratus[.] we Camped on Sweet water [Sweetwater] Rock Indipendence [Independence Rock]
Wednesday 24 <wednesday 25> Crosed the River Traveled 13 Miles[.] water more than a mile off
Thursday Friday 27 Traveled 10 miles good feed & water
Saturday 28 Crosed the Sweet water 4 times to Day[.] Traveled 10 miles
Sunday 29 traveled 17 miles without baiting or water[.] the oxen beter than they were
Monday 30 Some of the Pioneer Camp of Israel Camped near us on their Return for winter Quarters[.] they the Pioneers had been to the valy of the Great Salt Lake & the 12 had laid out a city there &c &c
Rough Road Hills & Ravines 11 miles
Tuesday 31 Some very long Stony hills the Stones set up Edge ways 10 miles[.] more Pioneers near us
Sept 1 1847 wednesday good Road 14 miles Camped on Sweet water is a Pleasant Place
Thursday 2 Pleasant[.] JL gone to trade with the Shoshones or Snake Indians[.] JL Returned bough[t] him a poney[.] 12 miles Encamped at the Paficic [Pacific] Springs the water now Runs toward the west Instead of the East
Friday 3 Deep Sand & the wind blows very hard[.] Cook with Sage[.] all well[.] Traveled 25 miles[.] one of Bro Pratts oxen Died[.] it was 8 oclock when we camped[.] crosed Litle Sandy went to bed without Supper
Saturday 4 Cool Morning[.] Started forward to find feed[.] Moved 2 miles & halt for the Day[.] the 12 Pioneers met us here all in good health & all glad to See Each other[.] a Publick meeting gave a favorable Report of the land we were Traveling to
Sunday 5 Just Parted with the 12 with heavy hearts[.] 8 miles camped on Big Sandy again
Monday 6 heard Scatered[,] high wind & a big dust[.] 17 miles camped on Big Sandy
Tuesday 7 Cool night had good Road one continual Dry Sage bed untill we came to green River[.] here we found Plenty of Black Currants[.] crosed the River & camped
Wednesday 8 Picking Beries[,] washing[,] hunting[,] Resting our catle & Reparing waggons
Thursday 9 Traveled 14 miles Toleraby good Road Camped om Blacks River
Friday 10 good level Road 7 miles camped on Hams fork
Saturday 11 15 miles crosed Blacks & Camped on & found Plenty of feed
Sunday 12 8 miles Camped Early[.] heard a lecture from Elder PP Pratt on the laws of the Church
Monday 13 warm & Pleasant high wind & lots of Dust[.] Traveled 8 miles Camped on Blacks fork Near Fort Bridger[.] Some french & Indians Seen here
Tuesday 14 Some of the Catle lost this morning but were found[.] I found 2 Bad Places Hills[.] Traveled 13 miles Broke 2 waggons
Wednesday 15 windy & Dusty Traveling but a god good Road for a mountainous one[.] 15 miles No water of any consequence
Thursday 16 found a good Spring this mornin[.] Started Early bad hills 7 or 8 miles Camped on Bear River[.] Some fi[gh]ting in camp. Disfellowshiped Sever
Friday 17 heard from the vally No Particular news[.] Catle found[,] 5 miles[,] a meeting Called & 3 of the Brethern Disfellowshiped for fiting & not making proper acknowledgements[.] John & the Boys gone a hunting[.] Returned without any thing
Saturday 18 the 3 Brethern Requested to leave the Company[.] granted[.] O P Rockwell & John Green from Pioneer Camp Reccent have brought word that the Pioneers had lost 50 horses by Indians
Sunday 19 Late Start Some Bad hills & hollows[.] 11 miles feed wood & water Scarce plenty[.] very unpleasant[,] Riding in the night
Monday 20 Roughf Traveling 15 miles on Weaver [Weber]
Tuesday 21 waiting for Elder Pratts waggon to be Repaired[.] bad Roads crosed the Stream often[.] 8 miles[.] J L up Set his waggon & Roled over once no one hurt[.] Augusta [Smith] just Saved her Self by jumping out In consequence of Traveling in the night
Wednesday 22 Cool morning[.] John & Thomas gone back to Right up the wagon which was Tiped over[.] 4 miles Pased through a handsome grove of Timber tall & Straight[.] crosed a Stream 2 times in 2 miles
Thursday 23 Cool morning Ice 1 Inch Thick[.] Crosed a creek 2 times in 2 miles[,] the worst Road we have[.] Bro Brinkerhoff in Riding his waggon went up a mountain which was very long & Sidling Slow getting along[.] Double teams to go up the mountain[.] when we got up on the mountain we could See a Part of the Valey 25 miles Distant[.] took all the catle off but one yoke to go Down the [mountain.] J L broke his wagon Tongue[.] Ran the wheel into a hole & upset his waggon[.] Several waggons broke[.] Camped part of the waggons on one side of the creek & part on the other Surrounded by Mountains
Friday 24 crosed the creek Several Times broke an Exlatree [axeltree.] took 2 waggons up the mountain one At the foot here Bro Claudius Spencer from the valey which arived Some 3 Days before Returned to help Someone[.] He took the loading out of the Broken waggon & Returned to the valey
Saturday 25 Started Early to go Down the mountain[.] Crosed a bad Stream a great many Times & finaly came out into a Broad Expanse of Prarie which was a Pleasant view to us[.] we could see the Great Salt Lake the fort of the Saints & we felt to thank our heavenly father for Preserving us to behold the Scene before[.] about Sun Down we arived at the fort where we met Bro Hess who guided us to the house here I shall put up for us[.] we Expected to find it Ready but it was not finished