Transcript for Smith, John Lyman, Diary in John Lyman Smith, Papers, 1845-1875, vol. 2, 102-117
Wednesday 10th Child died this morning Son of S[iste]r George which was buried by Br. Neslen. The Train moved at 2 P.M. and Travelled 2½ Mile[.] one tire fell off a Waggon, a Teamster was knocked down; the Waggon run over his leg and Arm, but did not break any Bone.
Thursday 11th The train stayed in camp all day, to wait for 8 Waggons to join us from Wyoming, belonging to Messrs. Humpreys & Stickells, who made me a present of a revolver
Friday 12th The Saints left Camp at [blank space]. Went ahead of the train ½ a mile, and a Prayer Meeting was held in English & German, and suitable instructions were given concerning our journey. The train traveled 9 Miles & camped, Meeting in the Evening[.] prayer by Br. McCune.
Saturday 13th The Saints left Camp at 8 A.M. and held Meeting a short distance from the train. Captain Hyde sent word for us to stay, as some of the Cattle were missing[.] Travelled 12 Miles & Camped.
Sunday 14th An Express was received from Wyoming that we were not to travel beyond Salt Creek until Captn. Snows company reached us on Account of the Indians being troublesome on the road, a Meeting was held in the Afternoon, in the Woods, which was addressed by Captain Hyde[.] 4 Persons were buried at camp this day
Monday 15th A heavy thunder Storm during the night[.] Sent an express back to Wyoming & lay by all day.
Tuesday16th Lay bye to day awaiting the return of our express. The 6th person died here who was buried
Wednesday 17. Camp Moved out of the bottom & Camped on a ridge in the pra[i]rie ½ mile from Salt Creek. Where bro. Snows train arrived in the Evening.
Thur. 18. Moved on 5 miles & Stoped to Bait.
Frid. 19. At 9 A.M. Moved on 5 miles[.] Baited & at 2 p.m. moved 7 miles & camped for the night. [blank space] 12 miles
Sat. 20. Left Camp at ½ past 7 A.M. traveled 9 miles & Camped.
Sunday 21. Left Camp at 7.20[.] Traveled—14 miles. I took a fine bath here.
Monday 22 Traveled 7 miles & baitd p.m. 8 miles & Camped. In the evening buried 2 persons
Tuesday 23. Moved 8 miles & Camped for the Night. Meeting in the Evening bro. J.W. Young & the bretheren arrived at 6 pm[.] the[y] addressed the Saints.
Wednesday 24. 8 Miles Crossing Several bad Creeks[.] Camped for the day—Health of Camp very poor. Each morning before the Camp left Camp I called the people out & we Sang & had prayers & gave such instructions as were necessary untill the camp were ready to move.
We received instructions from br. J.W. Young to travel near together on account of Indian depredations reported from the road a head of us. Some of the wagons of bro Snows Company were left & one or two were broken. I babtized 18 persons & confirmed them <in Co. with Alex[ander] Ross> at the waters Edge. 17 of them were of the Rotterdam Hollanders—
Thurs. 25. Traveled to Beaver Creek 16 miles. Meet a large Freight Train Enroute returning to the Frontiers from Denver. I was quite un-well all day.
Friday 26 At 7.30 A.M. Had prayer's in German & English. ½ past 8 Camp rolled. Sent Men back to look for lost Cattle. Traveled 16 Miles & Camped on the head waters of beaver Creek.
Saturday. 27. 26 Mile drive before us Said to be hard road: no water: poor feed: &c. At 10 a.m. passed a well & watered our Teams at a Slough. I walked the whole route; reached Camp with all the Waggons except 2 at 10 p.m. A german Sister was left behind with her little girl, She came to br Snows Camp Early on the 28th.
Sun. 28 Wagons were brought up: Traveled a few miles to better feed & Camped all in the neighborhood of Each other. Bro Snows Camp. Cap. Hydes Camp. & Several other Smaller companies of Freighters.
Mon. 29. On the Move at ½ past 7 am[.] 8 Miles[.] Nooned & moved 8 miles & Camped for the Night. Camped near the main platte river. ==16 m
Tues. 30. Moved 9 Miles & nooned p.m. passd Fort Kearney & Camped for the Night having made 21 m= to day[.] I met Several Friends at Adobie town Among Whome were Pypers from Florrence [Florence]. We learn that many of the people from the Towns & Stations in the advance had been driven off & were now at Kearney.
Wed. 31. Trains Moved at 8 A.M. On account of Indian depredations reported: We traveled double file 8 miles & nooned—p.m. 7 miles. & Camped for the night.
September 1864 Thursday. 1. After burying a child of bro. Niffenager [Jacob Gottlieb Nieffenegger] Camp moved at 8 a.m. 10 m. & nooned. P.m. 5m & Camped. A number of soldiers with Some Indians (friendly Indians) pasd to Strengthen the Stations a head.
Friday, 2. Traveled at 7 A.M. made 7 m & nooned. passed Several hundrd troops in lazy Camp. p.m. traveled 8 m = 15 m to day—I was down with Headache
Saturday 3. prayers, as is general, at 7.30[.] moved at 8 a.m. traveled 8.m. nooned p.m. 7 m & Camped. = 257 m.
Sunday 4. Prayers. Moved at 8. Indian guards on the Hills &c[.] traveled 8 m. nooned[.] p.m. 4 m. & Camped = 12 m.
Monday 5. Moved at 8 a.m. Mary Steiner was buried[.] Zilla [M.] Smith died; & was buried at noon[.] passed Cotton wood Creek & a large force of Vol. 21 miles to day—Thunder Storm 21 m.
Tues. 6 Camp broke at 8.30. 5 m. & noond[.] p.m. 7 miles & Camped. 12 m
Wed. 7 Passed platt[e] Junction: Traveled 8 miles, Nooned. P.m. Traveled 10 m & Camped: buried a child of Niffenagers this morning.
Thurs. 8. Camp Moved at 7.30. 8 miles & Nooned. Br Haynes child died. P.m. 5 miles & Camped = 13 m. no prayers in consequence of Storm
Frid. 9. Moved Camp at 7.30 AM—10 m & nooned—p.m. traveled 8 M = 18 m. A Sister Waller [Diana Waller or Walter] died this Evening. Notice was given that br [sic] JW Young would leave the train with a few others to go on to prepare & Sent teams to meet us with provisions. [blank space] = 18, m.
Sat. 10, J. A. Young left for G.S.L. City with Several others who were rich enough to have teams for the purpose. Camped[.] mooved at 7, a.m. 10, m. p.m. 7 m & Camped.[blank space] = 14, m.[blank space] 368 m. W—
Sun. 11. Camped[.] Mooved at 7.15. A.M. 10, m. p.m. moved 10 m. [blank space] = 20 m Meeting & Instruction in the Evening
Mon. 12. Moved at 7 A.M. 10 M. nooned. 2 miles to Julesburg[.] At 3 pm crossed the South platte, At 6 pm. All Safe over[.] just as we were over a Storm burst upon us—part of Capt. Snows on the other Side—One of our <wagons> (Capt. Hydes) train tiped over but nothing Serious occurred. = 10 m.
Tues. 13. A number of Cattle Strayed which delayed the Camp till 11 am = 9 m. crossed Pole Creek—Camped at 4 p.m. = 9 m
Wed. 14. Train 7 A.M. Moved 9 m. & Nooned[.] p.m. 9, miles & Camped[.] Br W[illia]m. Norgale [Norgeate] was found dead in his Wagon this p.m. he was well as usual at Noon & eat a hearty dinner [blank space] 18 m.
Thur. 15. Moved at 7.30 A.M. 9 m. pm. 9 m. & Camped. at noon we left the road forks Which turn to Laramie 27 miles from platte Crossing west of Julesburg. Made to day = 18 m
Frid. 16. Train Moved at 7. a.m. Traveled 10 miles & Nooned. P.m. 7. m & Camped. pulled over heavy Sand hills[.] a Sudden hail storm of 20. m[inutes]. Duration
Sat. 17. Train moved at 7.30 am[.] Traveled 9 m. & Nooned[.] p.m. 9. m. & Camped[.] 478. m. W. [blank space] 18 m. west
Sun. 18 Moved at 7.30 A.M. 8 m. nooned[.] pm. 9 m & Camped [blank space] 17. m[.] over Sandy road 4 miles from Ceder [Cedar] point
Mon. 19 Moved at 8 am. 16 M. one drive. An antelope Shot each day for Several days[.] Meeting in the Evening. [blank space] 16 m.
Tues. 20. Several Cattle lost[.] Started Late[.] Moved 17 miles. I was sick with chills &c all day
Wed. 21. 6.30 a'm Started[.] Traveld 12 m. & nooned[.] pm 12 miles = 24 m being a heavy drive—
Thur. 22. Started at 8 Am. 12 M. & nooned[.] pm 6 m & Camped at the last camping ground on pole creek at the Edge of the Black hills.
passed a number of wagons loaded with gold diggers, ruffians in appearance[.] [blank space] 18, m.
Frid 23. 7.30 A.M. 10 miles & nooned[.] Crossed the Black hills & drove down the Slope of the hills to Big larimie [Laramie][.] 17 miles thro' the B Hills & to Big Laramie = 23 m.
Sat. 24 Started at Noon[.] drove 6 miles[.] Nooned 2 hours & drove 10 miles to Little Laramie & Camped [blank space] = 16 m[.] at meeting the pollycy [policy] of dividing the Train discussed.
Sun. 25. Traveld 8 m. & camped for the day
Mon. 26 Started at 7.30 A.m. 7 m. pm 9 m over a very rough road [blank space] = 15 m
Tues. 27. Started at 6.30 A.m. over a rough & hilly road 15 miles. Sister Koller [Kohler] was found dead [in] her bed & burried at night = m. 20
Wed. 28. Started at 11 Am[.] passed fort Hadek & Camped at rattlesnake pass. Sharp frost at night. [blank space] 12 m.
Thur. 29 Started at 8 am[.] 8 miles & Camped for the day on pass creed[.] 4 years to day Since I left my family in G.S.L. City. [blank space] = 8. m.
Frid. 30. Started at 8 Am. 16 miles & Camped on the north platte [blank space] = 16 m
North Platte
Sat. 1. Train Started at 8 am. Crossed Platte & drove 20 miles to Sage Creek at 1 drive. Camped late [blank space] = 20 m [blank space] = 737 m. W
Sun. 2, Cold & Snowing[.] 3 inches Snow fell[.] Traveled 8 miles & Camped at Pine grove, after a hard & cold days work made [blank space] = 8. m.
Mon. 3, Train divided: Indidendan [Independent] teams[,] 25 in no. placed under charge of Bro John Stewart—7 miles & nooned[.] p.m. 8 miles & Camped—crossing Bridgers Pass & down hill at least where the waters run to ward the Pacific Ocean [blank space] = 15, m.
Tues. 4. Started at 9 am. 10 m. & nooned on Muddy Creek. Pm 10 M & Camped[.] Meet 2 wagons & 16 yoke of Oxen from G.S.L. City to the assistance of the Churc[h] Trains. 4 yoke remained with our Train[.] the others went on to br Snows Train [blank space] = 20 m
Wed. 5. Several Oxen lost[.] some were found 12 miles from Camp. The Train did not moove to day
Thur. 6. Train Started at 9.30 am—traveled at one[.] drove 20 miles & Camped at 6 pm at Sulphur Springs[.] I walked all the way & part of the time Carried part of a large Buck antelope [blank space] = 20 m[.]
Geo. Q. Cannon & Jn You[n]g passed us this morning
Frid. 7. Started at 10 30 am. 22 M at one drive & reached the head of bitter creek. This Morning before leaving Camp the Stage passed in which were passengers. Geo. Q. Cannon John W Young & Ab Sharp for GSL City [blank space] = 22.m.
Sat. 8. We met 2 wagons & 33 head of Cattle here from G.S.L. City Enroute to meet the Trains—we drove 7 m & Camped for the day[.] feed very poor & Scattering [blank space] = 829 m. W.
Sun. 9. Started at 9 A.M. 18, m. at one drive & Camped for the day.
Mon. 10. Train started at 12 noon & drove 16 miles at 1 drive[.] loss of Cattle causing delay. [blank space] = 16 m.
Tues. 11. Train Started at 9, am. 17 m & camped[.] 2 mule teans [teams] with flour met us which came in good time & we have not enough to deal rations to day. Several Yoke of oxen passed for Snows Camp. [blank space] = 17 m.
Wed. 12. By request & permission of Capt Hyde, I arranged my things & took my trunk & bedding & Started with the valley teams & drove 4 miles to Green river & Camped with other teams who were awaiting the arrival of the Companies. Br. Phillip Smith from Provo Valley having requested me to accompany him to Wm. Kimballs—in the vicinity of Silver Creek park.
Thur 13. Started at 11 am[.] drove 16 m. & Camped on Blacks fork[.] a Cold Storm during the night
Frid. 14. Started at 20 m to 9 am—Hams Fork Station 18 m. nooned 1 hour[.] drove to tall Timber & camped. = 35 m
Sat. 15. Drove to Bridger & Stoped 3 hours & drove to Cotton wood 25 miles = on the Chalk Creek route
Sun. 16 drove 20 M to Willow Creek. Passed muddy & drove to Bear river <[Bottom]> 20 miles & Camped[.] very cold[.] feed good. [blank space] = 40 m.
Mon. 17. Drove to Coleville [Coalville] at the mouth of Chalk Creek & put <up>>at Wm. H Smiths for the night. Road good most of the day[.] met Several small parties Enroute for the East [blank space] about [blank space] = 40, m.
Tues. 18, Drove 17 m to Wm. H. Kimballs Where the bretheren for Provo Valley left me & went their way[.] I took Supper with br Wm. H. Kimball & staid all night
Mr. James Bromley Over land Mail <Rd> agent gave me a passage to the City in a Buggy with him to the city free.