
Transcript for Smith, William G., [Interview], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols., 26:91-93

10. At what place did you join the company or wagon train with which you came to Utah?
10. They joined the company to come to Utah at Florence, Missouri.

11. When did it leave for Utah?
11. 1862.

12. What was the place of your destination in Utah? Why did you come to Utah?
12. They started for Salt Lake City, Utah from England with about 500 emigrants.

14. Who was the leader of your company or train?
14. Mr. McAllister was the leader of the emigrants. There were 52 families in the company to leave Missouri. Mr. McAllister appointed a leader to every ten wagons. The leader of their company was Captain [Henry W.] Miller of Farmington. Every night when they camped, Captain Miller would see that the head of every family would offer prayers for their safety.

15. Method of travel (handcart, ox team, mule team, horseback, etc.)
15. They came in covered wagons, each wagon had four yoke of oxen. Their speed was about 15 miles a day where the road was good but if it was sandy or they got in any gumbo mud they could only make about ten miles a day.