Transcript for Snyder, Elsie Pamelia Jacob, Autobiography 1889, fd. 2, 18-22, 27-28
George and [Sarah]...remained in [St. Joseph Missouri] three, years, then started for the "Valley of the Great Salt Lake" where they arrived in Oct. 1849...
In July 1854 an acquaintance of ours by the name of R. H. Porter, with his family and their outfit came past our place enroute for Salt Lake Valley, and as it did not seem very likely that Geo[rge]. [Snyder] could close up his business and move from Cal[ifornia]. that year, we concluded it best for me and my two children to come with them; so Geo. paid Mr. Porter for bringing me and my two children; we were two months on the road. . . .
Geo. and family started for Salt Lake a month after Mr. Porter and family and myself and arrived there the same day we did which was Sept. 16, 1854....
[George Snyder] received an appointment to go on a mission to England in company with Samuel W. Richards to call home all the missionaries; they left home Aug. 13 and were gone about nine months.