
Transcript for Soren Jacobsen journal, 1855 September-1860 January, 8-23

[June] Tuesday 9, Arrived at Rockeland 6 a.m. A large beautiful city by a river. At 8:00 went over the Mississippi River and stopped a short time in a town called Davenport. Left again shortly afternoon and at 5 p.m. arrived at a place where we received our Handcarts, right off and went a short distance west to the camp, 7:30 p.m. We remained until, [blank space]

Friday 12, Just prior to evening we traveled nearly one mile and camped again. I wrote a letter to B. N. Christenson in Ravnholdt. The first letter written from America.

Saturday 13, Stayed. The company was divided into two divisions. Brother Deel over one and Bro. Roth over the other and Bro. Thomsten as Captain of the wagons. Bro. [James] Park presided over the whole company.

Sunday 14, Traveled 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Camped. Fine weather.

Monday, June 15, Broke camp PM and went ¼ mile to another camp, and stopped for the night. Good weather but cloudy.

Tuesday 16, Left 10 a.m. Arrived at camp at 5 p.m. Rain and quite cold. Traveled mostly through forest. Camped at 6:30 p.m. Cloudy and some rain.

Wednesday 17, Left 9:30 a.m. Soon went through a large town. Traveled till evening before camping.

Thursday 18, Went back almost ¼ mile to help a hand cart. Did not reach camp until late at night.

Friday 19, Left early AM. Camped by a grove at noon for 15 minutes and traveled three hours before camping. Fine weather.

Saturday 20, The cow I bought yesterday ran away last night and this morning could not be found until just before we started. Thank the Lord.

Sunday 21, Stayed in camp, till afternoon.

Tues. 7, traveled 2 miles
8, traveled 5 miles
9, traveled 15 miles
10, traveled 15 miles
11, traveled 15 miles
12, traveled 10 miles
13, traveled 12 miles

Karen from Viele died last night. After holding a meeting we started about 4 or 5 p.m. and continued until sundown. Fine weather.

Monday 22, Left 4:30 a.m. Clear weather. The carts rested by a Grove at noon. Continued until about evening. Camped by a forest. Good weather.

Tuesday, June 23, Broke camp and between 5 and 6:00 and kept on till 11 a.m. Rested till afternoon. Started and kept going till it began to rain and the road became so muddy we soon camped by some trees. At noon the child [Joseph] of Potto Justs [Peter Anderson Just] died and was buried.

Wednesday 24, Became sick. Had watch at night and did not pull a cart on Thursday or Friday.

Saturday 26, Better, We journeyed over at a stretch of 12 miles where there was neither trees nor water.

Sunday 27, Traveled a.m. till 4 p.m. over same kind of country as yesterday.

Monday 28, Went in the morning until near noon, rested. Good going. Good water and forest. Camped by a small stream. Wood.

Tuesday 29, Traveled four English miles and through a town. Camped between 3 and 4. Then continued till nearly evening.

Wednesday 30, Beautiful weather. Camped at noon and continued until evening.

Thursday, July 1, 1857, In the morning a child died and was buried. I believe that was the twelvth since starting. Camped at noon and a bou [boy] died. That afternoon close to evening we reached a spot near Council Bluffs but we were not permitted to go through the town. Went South and camped in a grove.

Friday, 3, Left camp and soon came to the river. Crossed on a steamship. Traveled to Flourents [Florence] where we arrived just early afternoon. After a short rest we went three fourths of a mile to another camping place.

Saturday 4, Didn't move.

Sunday 5, Stayed today also. A slight change was made in the company. A child died.

Monday 6, About noon we traveled back to the place we had first reached and provisions were distributed.

Tuesday 7, Same today until near evening we started and went one half mile where we camped.

Wednesday 8, Stayed in camp till afternoon. Went well over a mile and camped by a small stream. Good water.

Thursday 9, Began 5 a.m. and went nearly a mile before we reached water again for three miles where we reached Elkov [Elkhorn] River. Half the company was ferried over. Traveled half an hour to a stream. The other half [of the] company did not cross that night but waited for morning.

Friday 10, After the other half [of the] company came and [after they] had rested some we again broke up camp and traveled until evening when we reached a large brook. There were several showers during the day and thunder.

Saturday 11, Began to climb in the morning and rested a couple of times for an hour. The water was poor till we reached a corner of the Platt[e] River in the afternoon, 4 p.m. Plenty of wood and water. Thundered and reained [rained] that day and likewise that night.

Sunday 12, Remained in camp until 12 noon. After a short meeting, we started and the going was good. Rested couple of times and arrived at camp about 6 p.m. Two children have died today and yesterday.

Monday 13, Started between 9 and 10 a.m. No water before noon where there was some left from the route. Rested a few minutes and reached a corner of the Platt[e] River between 6 and 7 p.m. There was wood on the other side of a branch of the main river and we waded over to get it. Alot of water and occasionally a house but not many Indians. We saw a host across the river which were said to be Indians.

Tuesday 14, Left camp 4:30 a.m. Traveled till 8 a.m where we halted an hour and ate breakfast. Here was water and wood. Traveled again till 12 p.m. and again woof [wood] and water. We passes [passed] more than twenty houses this morning. Water on all sides. Stopped two hours and went again until evening. The road was quite soft. Camped by the river.

Wednesday 15, Started about 8 a.m. Traveled till early afternoon when we arrived at lockfort [Loup Fork] River and camped. The going was quite rough. Although the country was flat. A settlement of the Saints was situated a short three quarters mile distance to our right.

Thursday 16, Taken over the river which took the whole day. The brethren from the settlement came and helped us with oxen and wagons. Stopped for the night just across the river. Thundered and rained at night.

Friday 17, Started going about 7 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. and rested for two hours. Weather warm. The road was smooth most of the time. Although, The country became rough on both sides of the river from which we were not far from. Some later we left the lower plain and traveled between the banks where it was a little hilly at first but became flat again. Less grass. Traveled along a good trail until sundown. Camped a little to the right of the trail, quite a distance from the wood. The trail was sandy in a.m. No Indians this side of the river.

Saturday 18, Left camp and traveled about one mile. Rested and refreshed with water which was far from the trail and the wood was still farther. Continued again 12 a.m. and went till 4:30 and camped close to Lukfort [Loup Fork] River. The trail good. The grasses was burned for a long way. The country flat and smooth. No water along the way. Traveled again 7:30. Very warm, stopped at noon and got water from the river which was some distance away.

Sunday 19, Left 8 a.m. again and kept on until noon. Rested an hour[.] The trail was rough and sandy. No water. In the afternoon there [were] many more banks or hills. There were a number of holes dug for water but very little to be had. The trail became yet more rough and sandy. Reached the first water near evening in a small brook by digging a few holes where we camped. The oxen company lost a large ox along the way. Alot of grass appeared along the way in many places. Small animals began to be seen such as rabbits and other kinds.

Monday 20, Pulled out 7 and 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. Reached a small river which washed over. The oxen company had discarded some clothing here where they had camped a short while. Afternoon traveled from 12 a.m. to 5 p.m. Had an excellent trail and camped by a brook, where plenty of wood was to be found. Don't feel well, ? [blank space with ? mark]. Last night a baby girl [Juliane Marie Sorensen] was born to N[iels]. Sorensen's wife [Anna Marie Andersen Sorensen] .

Tuesday 21, Left camp 6 a.m. traveled until 9 a.m. Excellent road[.] came to a corner of the same stream. Here we camped for an hour and a Half and ate breakfast. Later traveled till nearly 3 p.m. and camped by a stream where there was sufficient wood on the south side of a hill after going over a bridge. Had a good trail the whole distance. Just prior to this camping ground we had came over a small stream where we inspected our hand carts and prepared ourselves to go farther.

Wednesday 22, Left at 5 a.m. and kept going for two hours where we stopped and ate breakfast for an hour. Traveled ? [blank space] Hours and camped on a corner of the Platt River by the side of the Oxen company. Had a good road from breakfast until 3:30 p.m. but no water.

Thursday 23, Left camp 7 a.m. and traveled till about 12 a.m. went past the oxen company and halted by a stream. Good going, 10 miles. That afternoon the oxen company left first and we started [at] 2 p.m. till 5 or 6 p.m. Saw the first buffalo. 18 miles yesterday.

Friday 24, Started going 5 a.m. and kept on until 7:30 a.m. Good road and plenty of water on all sides. Five miles. Ate breakfast. Traveled again 8:30 a.m. until 12 a.m. Traveled just over 7 miles to stream where we helped each other over. The oxen company arrived at the stream and while they were crossing some went shooting for buffalo. In afternoon left 2 p.m. and went until 9 p.m. 13 miles. Had waste land to 25 total but later it became hilly and again came in flat country. Arrived at a brook and after crossing over we turned to the left and camped. The oxen company camped at the same place. No water after dinner. Many buffalo. Many of them were shot at but none fell.

Saturday 25, Didn't leave until 10 a.m. and continued till 3:30 p.m. The trail was good but not water and very little grass. Left the trail and went to the left toward the river and camped close to water and wood. The oxen company camped just ahead of us. 11 miles.

Sunday 26, Traveled 6 a.m. until 9 a.m. Six miles. The trail was quite sandy in places and met a sand storm. Started 10 a.m. till 12:30[.] 5 miles. Shortly we came close to the river where there was also wood…Kept going till we came to where the sand hills began. The trail was sandy all the way. Camped near the river. The sand storm stopped at the same place. Continued our journey again 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. 5 miles. There was just one hill and fairly a good trail. Traveled along close by the river. Camped by water but no wood. Burned Buffalo chips. Ate Buffalo soup that evening given to us by Bro. Kowley [Cowley] of the oxen company.

Monday 27, Left camp at 6 a.m. until 8:00[.] 16 miles. Started 9 a.m. until 1:30[.] 9 miles. Traveled along parallel with the banks. Some and along the road. Passed by water which ran from the banks. Traveled again at 3:30 until 7 p.m. 7 miles. Trail was little sandy. Total 16 miles. The oxen company pulled up just as we left our resting place and followed us to a stream where they camped. We dept [kept] on until we came close to the river.

Tuesday 28, Left 5:30 a.m. and traveled till 11:30, 12 miles. Kept going a while longer and in that time crossed over three small streams. That afternoon we traveled only two hours on account of the circumstances. We camped by the river, no wood. Four miles, total 16 miles. Thundered and rained. The oxen company passes us at noon and camped.

Wednesday 29, Left camp at 5 a.m. and traveled until 10:30 a.m. 10 miles. Traveled over a brook then later a larger stream. There the sand banks began not far from the river. Left again 12 a.m. It quit raining. The road began to get sandy and was sandy until we reached camp at 4:30 p.m. Close to the river. 4 miles, 14 miles total. The oxen company camped by our side.

Thursday 30, Started traveling 5 a.m. till 10:45[.] 7 miles. The trail was fair in the beginning but later became very sandy. Rested close by the river in the morning. Went over a little brook in the afternoon. Traveled 1:45 a.m. The trail was all sandy. Went over two streams and camped by the latter. No wood to burn.

Friday 31, Started at 6 a.m. and kept going until 12 a.m. 8 miles. The trail was sandy at the beginning. Went over two small streams. The trail was good for a way after that and then got sandy again. Passes [Passed] close by the English oxen company, which had been held up several days because the Indians had stolen between 40 and 50 oxen from them. They pulled out before us. Left 2:20 p.m. and soon caught up to the English company who had been forced to call a halt when 45 of their oxen had crossed the river. We traveled till 6 p.m. 6 M[iles]. T[otal] 14. The trail was smooth but sandy. Both companies camped together. We forded a stream. But very little kindling. Got water from a brook.

Saturday, August 1, 1857. Traveled from 6 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. 8 miles. The road was smooth but sandy. At first we crossed three streams and later some quite large sand banks. We rested shortly after crossing them not far from the river. Very little kindling wood. We saw the first rock in the edge of the bank during the forenoon. Started again at 3 pm after having rested and having helped the mule wagons across. The trail was sandy to begin with but at last became smooth and hard. Went until 6 PM, eight miles, 16 miles total. There were few sticks for wood.

Sunday 2, Traveled from 5:30 AM to 11:45 AM, 11 miles. The road began to be solid; although, there was some sand here and there. We forded a small Ford and rested. Left from the trail by brook. Left camp 3 PM and traveled until 6 PM, 5 miles, trail good. We went a quarter of a mile to the left near the river and camped. The oxen company camped there also. It thundered and lightninged and rained that night, 16 miles total.

Monday 3, Left camp at 8 AM and continued until 11:30, 6 miles. Reached an excellent road which ran parallel with the river. Yesterday we saw another company heading for the states. They came toward us and rested by the corner of the river. That afternoon we began the journey at 2 PM and went until 7:30 PM. 12 miles, excellent tracks. Crossed a small rivulet, good grass. The plain was wide, rock in the banks, turned to the left down to the river. It thundered and rained at night.

Tuesday 4, Started at 5:30 AM and had an excellent road until we reached a few banks a couple of hours later and had but a very little sand, again a good hard trail. Went left from the trail—13 miles. We were far from good water. Traveled in afternoon from 2 PM to 6:30PM—8 miles. Most of the time the road was smooth. Turned to the left and camped. The St. Louis Company camped a ways back of us—21 miles total.

Wednesday 5, Went from 6 AM to 11:30 AM—11miles. Good traveling. Turned from the road a ways from the left and rested. Peter Hansen, a tailor from Sealand, died and was buried. Left at 2 PM again and had a fair trail. A short distance, there were some mole hills. Continued till 6:45 PM and camped close by the river. Cowley's company was by our side—20 miles.

Thursday 6, Left the camp at 5:45 AM and traveled until 11:30—11 miles. The plains were flat but watery and cut by small washes and holes filled with water. We waded two of these places. In the afternoon we traveled from 2 PM to 5:30 PM. 7 miles. The going was good. We camped by the side of the oxen company close by the river.

Friday 7, Left camp at 6:30 and had an excellent trail until 10:30 AM. We halted for dinner a short distance from the river, half an hour's walk from the river. The grass dry. Wood is seen but seldom, however more today. Afternoon had good trail. Few mold [mole] hills. The plains wider and more grass. Traveled from 1 PM to 5:15 PM, 9 miles. The road ran parallel with the rive[r] where we camped by the oxen company. But little wood to cook with. Peter Madsen's wife was buried here. Thundered and rained at night.

Saturday 8. Traveled from 5:30 AM to 11:30 AM. 10 miles. Trail good. A few water puddles on the trail. Not much grass. We passed one place where people camped and watched cattle. There were also Indians again. Met a number of gold seekers (Prospectors). Rested by a small grave [grove]. During the afternoon we went from 2 PM to 4:30. Good road. 4½ miles. Camped by the river. Plenty of fuel. Both oxen companies camped by us. Had watch at night.

Sunday 9, Traveled from 5 AM to 11. 10 miles. Had a sand trail nearly all the time. No water along the way. Passed a couple of places where there were tents and people and cattle. One place had shoes and a number of small articles for sale. Rested at noon by the river. Enough dry fuel. Held a short meeting. Sand nearly all the way. Were just two miles from half the way. In the afternoon left camp at 2:30. Traveled to 6:30 PM. 6 miles. Sands nearly all the way and no water. Some fire wood and [---] Indianer. Cowley's company camped by us. NX (Niels Sorensen) gave our [out] and laid down by the side of the road. I was sent back twice to look for him.

Monday 10, Traveled from 5:30 to 8 AM[.] 4 miles. The road sandy. Brother Niels was not caught up by morning. We camped close by the river, not far from Fort Laramie. Some fire wood. stopped till 11:30 AM. Traveled till 1:30. Rested until 3 PM. 3 miles. There were many hardbanks. Stopped by the river. That afternoon we went over some very high banks. Continued until evening and found no water. We camped on a bank and water was found one half mile back, a very short distance from the trail we traveled. M. Rasmussen's son died that day. Old Folkemand [George Jorgen Christopher Folkman] was lost. Eight miles traveled.

Tuesday 11, Left 9 AM and a short distance from our camp we found water by a mountain. Then we came over hills and mountains of stone. We reached water by the Platt River again. Also sufficient kindling wood. The old Folkemand had not been found; although, he had been hunted. The three companies camped together.

Wednesday 12, Left camp 6 AM. Went till 12:30 PM—12 miles. The road was not as bad as the day before. Very hilly. Rested by a stream with good water and there were trees with berries on. That afternoon traveled from 2:30 to 6:30 PM—8 miles. Easier going. Camped by a brook, no fuel.

Thursday 13, Started at 6 AM and went till 11:30—9 miles. Good road. Sandy. At last rested by the river. Very little grass. Traveled a couple of hours in the afternoon and camped by the river, not much fuel. Oxen company camped by us by the road—4 miles. Many berries to be found. In the AM two brethren returned who had been looking for the lost man.

Friday 14, Far from the fjord at 11 AM. Traveled far from it until we rested on its banks. Beef was given us by Brother Lillianqvist [Liljenquist] and Mads Larsen of the Oxen company. Traveled in the afternoon from 4:30 to 7:30. 6 miles. Along the river, good road, a little sandy and hilly later. The old Folkemand, considered lost, was brought by the brethren from the settlement on the other side of the river.

Saturday 15, Traveled from 6:30 AM until 10:15 AM—8 miles. The trail was very hard going, banks and sand. I was very ill, stomach trouble. As the day before, I had watch. Rested by the river. Practically no trees to be seen. That afternoon we traveled from 1 to 5:30 PM—9 miles. The road was mostly good, slightly sandy. There were no trees in the country to speak of. There were berries by the river in most places on one side or the other. We camped by the river with the oxen company. I felt somewhat better in the afternoon.

Sunday 16, I changed from the handcart to the oxen company. We drove from camp at 6:30 AM and halted at 2 PM—15 miles. The road was good. I became very fatigued because of the stomach trouble which hung on. Camped in a fine place by the river. There was plenty of fuel. I road in the wagon the last part of the day.

Monday 17, Traveled from 8 AM to 11 AM. Crossed the river 1¼ miles, and neared a settlement only six weeks old. The hand cart company and those who were in need could obtain provisions enough to last until the next such place. Went from 3 PM to 7:30 PM. The trail was good. Camped by the river by a forest and grass.

Tuesday 18, Moved at 6:30 AM. Halted again at 12 noon—10 miles. Rested by the river, good road. The cow was gone. Two men were sent to look for her. Moved again from 4:30 PM until 8 PM, good road—8 miles—parallel with the river all the way. Met cattle herders coming and going that day. Some Indians crossed the river and camped on the other side. So did the hand cart company.

Wednesday 19, Moved at 9:45 AM. Got on the wrong road and had to turn back for a ways. Kept on until 1 PM—6 miles. The road was a little hilly and sandy. We moved in the morning along close by the river and in the afternoon farther away. We rested under a large hill by the river. Continued on from 4:30 to 6:30—5 miles. Two wagons were left behind during the morning. When we left the noon camp, help was sent to them. Continued along the river and camped.

Thursday 20, Traveled from camp at 8 AM. After an hours time we stopped for two hours with the cattle men (Brethren). The road was at first hilly and sandy but became smooth. Twenty oxen, young and old, had died on the way. Continued until 5 PM before striking water, a spring to the left of the road.

Friday 21, Moved 6:30 and traveled until 11 o'clock, 14 miles. Banks and smooth hard sandy trail—10 miles. Passed the American freight wagon. Rested to the left of the main road. There was a stream and grass but no fuel. Continued on from 1:00 to 4:30 PM—8 miles, little sandy. Crossed a small brook. Camped by the road and the hill, no trees. Two brethren remained behind and joined the brethren with the large bunch of cattle.

Saturday 22, Moved from 8 AM to 12—8 miles. The road was sandy and almost level. Passed a mountain of stone. An ox died yesterday and one was butchered today. Three oxen were shot in one afternoon. Passed a river and rested. A bridge was partly built. Here was the remains of an Indian camp which had been vacated while we were but a half mile back. Moved two miles in PM. Good road. Arrived at a settlement and camped.

Sunday 23, Traveled from 1 PM to 6 PM. Smooth road. 7 miles. The road was soft from a rain last night but dried out some again. Camped by a small stream.

Monday 24, Went from 8 AM—12 noon. 8 miles. Good going. Went both away from and close to the river. Camped at a beautiful spot. Good grass. Started again at 2:30 and stopped 6:30 PM. 9 miles. The road was mostly level, a few banks. A solid stone mountain parelled the river.

Tuesday 25, Moved from 8 AM to 12 noon. 8 miles. Went through a narrow pass between the Rocky Mountains. At noon we crossed the river, went aways and crossed back again. Rested until ? Moved on till 7 PM. Road sandy[.] crossed the river and camped. 8 miles. But little grass. One ox died at night, another today.

Wednesday 26, Traveled at 8 AM to nearly evening. No water[.] we passed only one little ripple which twisted between the hills but not allowed to get water. Nearly no grass at all. After traveling two more hours and reached plenty of grass by a brook. 16 miles.

Thursday 27, Left 8 AM. Moved to 11:30. 6 miles. The road very rough with stones. Camped by a brook. Moved in PM from 2 PM to 7:30. 10 miles. The road at the beginning was rough, but after a while it was smooth and hard. We camped on a large river. There was grass and fuel. Some brethren from Zion camped here too.

Friday 28, Moved at 8:30, Traveled 8 miles. The road was hard but easy going. We reached a one time settlement a short distance from the river. Traveled that afternoon and had a good road—8 miles. We camped on a bank by the river.

Saturday 29, Moved 8 miles. The road was good. There was plenty of grass on all sides. Crossed a stream and reached a flat place flooded with water. The water was not very good. Rested here that afternoon.

Sunday 30, Traveled from 7:30 to 12:30—10 miles—some sand and banks. One place [there] was some water but we didn't use any of it. Rested until 2 PM. No water or grass. Moved on and had a good road. It was almost level. Traveled until 6:30 PM and camped—10 miles. Camped by the river which we crossed. Here was a little grass and wood for our need.

Monday August 31, Traveled from 7:30 to 11:30, good road. 10 miles. Crossed river and rested. Traveled that afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30—6 miles. The road was smooth. Moved to the left to a stream. Stopped on a dry hill, practically no grass.

Tuesday Sept. 1, 1857; Started at 7:30 and had ¼ mile to go to the main road which was sandy and somewhat rough. Moved to the river at 1 PM—11 miles. Some grass and fuel by the stream.

Wednesday 2; Traveled from 7 AM to 2 PM—14 miles. Moved south with the river, crossed it and had banks and sand on all sides. Reached a large river and crossed it. There were houses and people. There were houses and people. Indians lived near. Remained that afternoon.

Thursday 3; Traveled from 7 AM until 3 PM—15 miles, rough road.

Friday 4; Moved from 7 to 9—4 miles. Rested an hour, crossed the river. Hilly road all ways. 13 miles. We saw riding Indian every day for the past few days. To our left were peculiar clay banks. Crossed the large river and camped. Fuel enough.

Saturday 5; Started 7 AM, kept on until 11:30. Crossed 9 miles the river and back again in the next two hours. Continually by the river. Camped. In afternoon moved at 2 PM and at 5 PM reached a flat valley and later a settlement. Good grass and water—8 miles.

Sunday 6; Rested and secured flour for the trip. One could also get potatoes, a few vegetables and butter. Moved from 2 PM until almost evening. The road was good. It was slightly up hill almost to camp where there was a large stone mountain—11 miles. There was good grass, water from the hill and firewood on the mountain side.

Monday 7; Moved from 8 to 12—8 miles. The road was rough. Rested on a hill. It was nearly one-fourth mile down in a valley to water. There was good grass for the animals. Traveled from 2 PM to evening—8 miles. Traveled over a flat mountain, came down and camped between the mountains. Water in a hill and good grass. Trees covered the mountains.

Tuesday 8; Started at 7 AM, halted again at 1 PM.

Land, 75
Cows, 125
Wagon , 45
Sheep, 200
Mule, 80
House, 150

Wednesday 9; Left 7:30 and traveled until 12:30—10 miles. The roads went down between two mountain chains. There was a creek bed but no water in it. Crossed back and forth over the creek and rested by a spring which gushed from the mountain. 941-25. In the afternoon started at 3 PM and went over a great number of small washes. Traveled on between the mountains passed grass and water. Went down in the valley at 5:30—5 miles.

Thursday 10; Started at 8 AM and kept going until 1 PM. Crossed a hill twice—10 miles. There was a lot of water. Came upon a hill and then steadily down. Crossed the hill again and down to the river. We reached there at 11 AM. There had been a house there. Left following the stream and crossed a[t] 12 AM, camped. Met some brethren at 1 Pm with oxen who came to help us home. In the afternoon we turned between two chains of mountains toward the south. Water ran between. Here were several bad drop offs in the road. Traveled upward and then down again from 3 PM to 7:30 PM—8 miles.

Friday 11; Left at 8 AM traveled until 1:30—10 miles. We stayed between the mountains and as yesterday crossed the hill several times which had become large by now. There was much fuel and many trees on all sides. Camped at the foot of the mountain.

Saturday 12; Broke camp AM and continued until evening. First four miles were up continually until on top of a large mountain. Traveled from there down to a large valley where there were several houses. We reached Salt Lake and crossed through it between 4 and 5 PM.