
Transcript for [Springfield] Daily Illinois State Register, 28 Feb. 1857, 3

ARRIVAL OF THE HAND-CART TRAINS AT SALT LAKE VALLEY. – The N. Y. Mormon of the 21st inst. has received information that the last hand-cart train had arrived at the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. The following is an extract from a letter bearing date Dec. 6, which it publishes:

“The last of our hand-cart emigration arrived on last Saturday, the 30th ult. The so-called independent company, with ox trains, have not arrived, but are supposed to be at Bridger’s Fort; sufficient assistance has gone to their relief to bring them all safely into the city. The weather has been steadily cold since the 1st of November, and considerable snow south and in the mountains, but not much in the valley, or on the line of travel as far east as the pass, except the mountains, where it has been somewhat difficult to keep the road open.”

Gov. Young, in a letter to the Western Standard, of Jan. 17th, says:

”Notwithstanding the companies now out and the two last arrived hand-cart companies were caught in the cold and storms, owing to far too late a start from Florence, yet the relief so promptly, freely, liberally and timely sent from here, was so blest in rescuing them, that but few, comparatively, have suffered severely, though some had their feet and hands more or less frosted; yet the mortality has been much less than often attends well fitted animal trains traveling in good season.[”]