
Transcript for "St. Louis Wagons," Frontier Guardian, 11 July 1851, 2

St. Louis Wagons.

The class of wagons that came from St. Louis this Spring, we pronounce unfit to cross the plains with, without a great deal of inconvenience, expense and damage to those who brought them. When we advance these statements we say they are true, and hundreds of our brethren, who are now between this place and Allred's camp on the other side of the Missouri River, will bear witness to the same thing. Not less than twenty, did we see ourselves of this kind of trash broke down, within six or seven miles of this town, and through them, the owners almost discouraged to proceed any farther on their journey. The question might be asked what is the reason? The most effectual reason we can assign, is, that St. Louis wagons are made to sell, and the maker cares not, if he has got his money, how far they go before they break. We want wagons to cross the plains with, that will carry us safe through, without all this extra trouble, which is but seldom or ever calculated on by our emigrants; therefore we advise our friends and brethren to purchase their wagons at Kanesville hereafter; by so doing they may calculate on having a wagon that they can depend upon, and which will give them but very little trouble in the shape of repairs on their journey. We have wagon makers here, that will do the work as it should be done; also the right kind of timber, and we are told that arrangements are about to be entered into this Summer, on a large scale in this kind of business, so as to meet the requirements of next Spring's emigration. Our friends, and brethren abroad will please note this, and send on their orders this Fall, with a description of the kind of wagons wanted, &c., so as to give sufficient time for our Mechanics to take right hold and go ahead with them, an have them ready whenever they may be wanted. Our remarks on the foregoing subject emanate not, from selfish motives for aggraudisement, but solely from a conviction of the fact, that if this arrangement is carried out, a great deal of unnecessary trouble and expense may be avoided. Our policy is to live and let live; but when we find that other people's work does not suit us, we turn in and give it a trial ourselves. The Mechanics in St. Louis may execute their work in first rate order for that City, and the surrounding country; but when it comes to making wagons to go through mud-holes, sloughs, &c., it requires a workman that is acquainted with all these circumstances, and knows how to put the extras on for safety and dispatch.