
Transcript for "Eliza Staker letter to Spencer Clawson, 2 July 1897", DUP Pioneer History Collection.

Mount Pleasant,
July 2nd 1897.


Mr. Spencer Clawson
Chairman Semi Centenniel Commission,
Salt Lake City.


Dear Brother,

Your favor of June 28th, received. I have not a handcart or any other relic. Our company was the one that was snowed in in the mountains, and had to shovel snow three or four feet deep for camp grounds. All our hand carts and utensils were left on the mountain and we walked in shoeless and almost without other clothes.

I suppose I will have to give up the idea of being numbered in the procession of veterans.

Thanking you for your kindness replying so promptly to my communication, I remain your well wishing
Sister in the Gospel

Mrs. Eliza Staker