
Transcript for "Still Later from Salt Lake and the Plains," Frontier Guardian, 22 August 1851, 2

From Salt Lake and the Plains.

Tuesday morning, 19th inst., seven hearty, and hardy, good-looking men dropped in upon up us, about six o'clock. They left Salt Lake on the 15th ultimo, making the entire distance in thirty-four days.

Their names are as follows: Andrew J. Langley, from Salt Lake; Peter Shelton, formerly of Warren Co., Illinois, late from Oregon; Harvey S. Allen, of Jackson Co., Iowa; G. A. Thomson, of Kane Co., Illinois, George Griffith, of Kane Co., Illinois; Alexander J. Ford, of Mishwauki Co., Michigan and Hyrum F. Dunham, of Milwauki, Wisconsin, late from California.

The gentlemen from California say; that they were nine days in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Snow; during which time they fed their horses on one pint of flour per day, to each horse.

Mr. Langley says; that the inhabitants of the Valley, lost by Indian depredations, cattle, horses, and mules, to the amount of twelve thousand dollars. These Indians infest Little Salt Lake; also Brown's Settlement-at both places, it is stated that they stole considerable, to the serious inconvenience and loss of some of the residents of those places.

They report the crops in the Valley, more especially wheat, to be super-abundant and very heavy this season; the health of the citizens there is very good; while peace, union, and harmony, are the prominent features in their social circles.

Mr. L. says; that they met Phineas Young, and General Brown of this place, five miles this side of the Valley; A. W. Babbitt and Company, fifty miles this side; President Hyde and his company, thirty-three miles on the other side of Fort Laramie, getting along remarkably well, enjoying good health, and buoyant spirits.

Met a company of Oregon, and California emigrants, twenty-six miles on the other side of said Fort, enjoying the same blessings as the former, and progressing on their journey without any trouble.

Captain Smith and his company, were met on the 1st inst., four miles on the other side of Laramie; Stevens' company, five miles east of the Fort; Captain Day's in sight, and Captain Cumming's company of one hundred wagons, ten miles on the other side of Ash Hollow. Shirtliff's [Shurtleff's] company of fifty wagons, were met five miles in the rear of Cumming's train; and Captain John Brown with the emigrating, twenty-two miles this side of Ash Hollow. Wilkin's merchandize train consisting of ten wagons, with a Scotch company in the rear, were met at, or near, the same place they met Mr. Brown's company; also Gordon's. Next day, they met Father Allred's company, the other side of Cold Springs, and Elder Orson Pratt's company at the Springs, proceeding on their journey finely.

Mr. Shelton, one of the company from Oregon, met six hundred and seven wagons between Williamette Valley and this place, for Oregon; also 72 wagons, from the junction of the roads; the latter were bound for California.

The spirit manifested by this last company from the Valley, is of an entire different character, from the one exhibited by Mr. Bateman, and his company.

Mr. Langley, and his associates bring news of a cheering character; while Mr. B. brought nothing but darkness, gloom, and dissatisfaction. We can easily account for the difference; Mr. Bateman came here, cut off from the Church for disturbing the peace, and quietude of the Saints in the Valley, and for assuming the character, and position, of Elijah the Prophet; all the representation he could give, was like himself, of the darkest kind; everything there, was out of order in his estimation, and the Saints would not allow him to set matters right. No wonder! If we ever saw a fool and a liar, embodied in one person; we are satisfied that we are not mistaken when we say, that both appear very conspicuous in the personage of this would-be Modern Elijah, alias the great Thomas Bateman, who, not many years ago, ran through the streets of Kanesville, as crazy as a loon, with a red flag in his hand. The Saints should beware, of this modern dignitary, he has been hurled from this standing in the Church of God, and now, like Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, he goes about accusing the brethren in the Valley; and seeking whom he may devour.

Some say; that he intends to visit Washington and lay his grievances before the President; but we venture to say that he, like BILL SMITH, is only laying a snare for others; into which he, himself, will ultimately fall.