Transcript for Stokes, Henry, "Captain H. W. Miller's Company," Deseret News [Weekly], 22 Oct. 1862, 136
Permit me to inform you and your numerous readers of the safe arrival of Captain H. W. Miller’s train of emigrants at this place on Tuesday, Oct. 14th. The train left Florence August 8th and reached this place today, making the trip in 68 days.
Before leaving Florence, our camp was organized. Samuel Hargraves was appointed Chaplain; J[ames]. B[race]. Darton, Sergeant of the Guard; Richard Harper, Commissary; Elisha Helton, assistant Commissary; Henry Stokes, Secretary.
Our company consisted of sixty wagons, and about six hundred and sixty-five souls. Of these there were about 570 English, the greater part of whom emigrated from England this year, and the remainder of the company were Scotch, Welsh, Germans and Americans.
We had twenty-eight deaths, nine births and four marriages. The deaths were chiefly caused by fever and diarrhoea, and nearly all of them were children under five years of age.
I am pleased to say that the journey was very pleasant and agreeable, and that the providential hand of Almighty God was manifested towards us in a most wonderful manner, and my sincere desire is that the same blessings may be realized by those companies who have not yet arrived, but who are yet journeying to Zion at this late season of the year.