
Transcript for Symons, Charles William, [Autobiography], in Juvenile Instructor, Sept. 1931, 519

After inspection by Custom officials we were directed to railroad cars to convey us to the Frontiers. It was no small job to locate a company with freight, but finally two sections were formed and we were on our way. Travel on cars was not very commodious and not very clean. It was also slow for bridges and railroad tracks were torn out by Confederate armies, and freight had to be carried across rivers and creeks where train crews awaited to convey us to our destination. At Saint Joe we were placed on a Missouri River boat which carried us to Wyoming, Nebraska, and outfitting point for the journey cross the plains. For two weeks we lived in a little brush shelter awaiting preparations for the journey over the plains, loading of wagons, with freight of 900 people being tedious and slow. It required 120 wagons with from two to four yoke of cattle. Finally one train of 60 wagons and oxen was in shape and Captain Hyde placed in charge. On account of Indian depredations they halted and waited for the next train to overtake them so that they would be stronger in case of attack from Indians.

"I was engaged to drive one of the teams to Salt Lake, the agreement being my fare and board as well as that of my mother for my services. This was new work for me as I had never seen any oxen yoked before, but by watching old teamsters it soon became easy. Experience taught me that kindness to oxen availed much for the cattle came to know my voice. While many accidents occurred, I had no trouble from the Missouri River to Salt Lake, Mother rode in the front of the company and I with the rear guard, so she had a fire started an hour before I came into camp at night and something hot ready for a meal. One night coming in I found no fire nor supper and found mother very ill. She said, 'I am afraid I shall not live to get to Zion.' I answered, 'Yes, mother, you will live to get to Zion and will live for 20 years among the Saints,' which promise was fulfilled.

"John [Moburn] Kay, president of the company on the ship 'Hudson' died on the plains and we made a rough box and dug a hole for burial. Other deaths also occurred and I assisted in their burial.

"We arrived at the 8th Ward Square where the City and County building now stands, on November 2, 1864 in Captain Warren S. [Stone] Snow's wagon train. It was a cold reception for we had no relatives or friends to greet us.