Transcript for "The Companies on the Plains," Deseret News, 15 August 1860, 188
The last company started from Florence, the same day that Elder Cannon left (July 20th) under the presidency of Elder Wm. Budge.—In addition to a late start from England, this company had been somewhat detained in quarantine through sickness, which caused it to be beyond the usual time in leaving Florence; but from the character of their outfit and the reliability and prudence of Capt. Budge, they are expected to make good time and arrive here in September.
Elder Cannon and friends passed Hooper and Eldredge's ox train of merchandize—H. D. Haight, captain, 22 miles out from Florence. The mule train of the same merchants.
John Y. Greene captain, was passed 120 miles out. Elder Asa Calkin and family were traveling with this train.
The second Hand-cart company—Captain Oscar Stoddard—126 persons, 22 carts, was 250 miles out on the evening of the 26th, 40 miles below Ash Hollow. On the same day, they passed a small company, under Capt. John Taylor, from Iowa City—the company was principally from that region.
On arriving at Deer Creek on the 5th inst. they saw Capt. James D. Ross's company camped on the north side of the Platte. Elder Cannon crossed over and learned that Capt. [John] Smith's company was about a day's travel behind that of Captain Ross.
They overtook Capt. [Jesse] Murphy's company at Greasewood and camped with them on the night of the 7th at Independence Rock.
The next evening, they camped with Capt. Franklin Brown's small company near the Three Crossings of the Sweet Water. The Hand-cart company Capt. [Daniel] Robison, was at the same place.
The companies had been greatly prospered in traveling. With the exception of Capt. Smith's train, which was not visited, there is no loss of cattle reported, save two in Capt. Ross's company. The wagons with 2500 lbs. of flour and 500 lbs. of bacon, sent out by President Young to the first Hand-cart company were met five miles east of the Weber river on Sunday afternoon.
Those who expect friends can rely on the foregoing statements as a basis for calculation.