
Transcript for "The Immigration," Deseret Evening News, 11 September 1868, 3

THE IMMIGRATION.—By letter from Captain Gillespie to President Young, with which we have been courteously favored, we learn that his train passed Fort Bridger on the 8th. All the company were well, except a few who had diarrhoeha slightly, although there were no serious cases. The trip has been a very prosperous one, and the cattle have gained in flesh by the way. He had left for Captain Mumford's train thirty-one sacks of flour, twelve hundred pounds of beef, and a few sacks of peaches. There was one death in the train, on Little Sandy, that of an old lady, named Mary Clayfield, 71 years of age.

Captain Gillespie has a stove and a box or two in his train, for which there is no owner in his company. He will bring them carefully into the city.