
Transcript for "The Immigration," Deseret News, 13 September 1865, 397

THE IMMIGRATION.—The first company of this season's immigration left the frontiers on the 28th of July, composed of about 400 souls, mostly Scandinavian, with Elders M[iner] G[rant] Atwood; Captain, Charles B. Taylor, Assistant Captain, A[nders] W[ilhelm] Winberg, Chaplain, and John Swensen, Commissary. This company was passed by Elder T[homas] Taylor, on the Platte, about 150 miles this side of Nebraska, when it was getting along nicely. The second company, of about 200 souls, started on the 12th of August with Elders Henson Walker Captain, and Robert Pixton, Chaplain. The third company, likewise of about 200 souls, started on the 15th of August; Elders W[illiam] S. S. Willis Captain, and F. W. Cox, Chaplain. These two companies are expected to travel together for protection to each other, and are mostly English with a few American families. Elders George Sims and Alfred Lee started in the last company with a mule team, but they calculate to overtake and pass the first company before it reaches this city.