Transcript for "The Immigration," Deseret News, 15 August 1860, 189
The Immigration.
The following are the names of persons in Capt. John Smith's company of immigrant saints, as per his report forwarded to President Brigham Young from Laramie on the 27th of July:
John Smith; Lorin, Lovina, Hyrum S. [Smith], Jerusha C. [Celesta], Edwina M. [Mariah], Emma T. [Irene], William A. [Arthur] and Sarah E. [Ellen] Walker; Minor J. [Jewett], Lucy M. [A.], Sarah [Adelia], Eliza [Alida], and Francis Prisbrey; Mary Ann [Marianne] Pearson; Minor G. [Grant], Mary Ann [Hershey], Joseph [Smith] and Lucy Ann Prisbrey; Nathan [Cutler], Isabella [Wells], Wingaliea [Wingallea], Carey F. [Cora Isabelle] and Lydia B. [Lydia Rebecca] Davis; Alfred Holmes; William [B.], Ann [Annie Hayes], Thomas Stennett], Sarah Ann [Stennett], Martha [Stennett] and George [Joseph] Popfelton [Poppleton], Milam [Milan Lucian], Elizabeth [Sanborn], Edgar, Norman, James, Julia [Ann] and Alma [Milan] Fillmore; Daniel [Babcock], Thankful [Ann Grant], Martha [Minerva], [Daniel] Ranson, Marantha, Rosille [Thankful Rosella], Oscar [Newman] and Antha [Elmira] Fillmore; Orin Stoddard; Osmar, [Mary] Jane, Lucy Ann, Andrew J. [Jackson], Clarence [Augustus], Eveline [Augusta], Osmar G. and Charles [Merrit] Lamb; James O. [Orrin], Mary Jane [Fillmore], Jerome [Truman], Caliste [M.] and Denver [Orrin] Lamb; William and Mariette Burbeck; Karl G. [Gottfrid], Anna [Henrietta Meith], [Karl Frederick] Reinhard and Ortille [Anna Ottillie] Maeser; Camilla [Clara] Mieth; John [Jacob] Slaugh; William [Wilkinson], Mary [Ellen Stones], Hannah and Clementine Tuke; William and Jane Knapp [Knopp]; John and Susan Reynolds; John, Anna [Eva Dittmore], Henry, Mary [Elizabeth], and William Herbert [Herbst], Henry Didmore [Dittmore]; Mary and Henry S. Sheen [Sheets], William, Ann, Sarah, Thomas H. and Albert H. Starkey; Elizabeth Dunavan [Donovan]; William, Dinah [Ingham], John and William [Ingham] Nutter; Nancy [Nutter] and Elizabeth [Ann] Stemworth [Stanworth]; Henry, [Agnes] Francis [Goble], Joseph, Henry S. [Sidney] and Harriet J. [Jane] Howell; Eli, Martha and Ruth [Alice] Whitely; Thomas and Sarah Morgan; George and Eliza Gunn; William, Caroline [Hutchins] and Charles Brozier [Brazier]; Mary Ann [Gunn] Adey; Ann and Benjamin Gunn; John [C.], Caroline [Barham], John W. [William], Louisa B. [Barham] and Priscilla [Barham] Gunn; William, Emma [Baker], William [Baker], jr., Louisa, Fanny and Betsey Gunn; Betsey Judd; Cornelius, Frances [Hobbs], Jane [Caroline] and [Frances] Lucy Traveller; William [James], Jane [Gadsby] and Sarah J. [Jane] Panter; George Harrison; Nicholas, Julianna, Levi, Mary and Jane Lesater [Lasater]; John, Sarah [Blecher], Elizabeth, Louisa, Alice, Joseph, Hyrum and Esther Charrington [Cherrington]; John, Sarah and Ann Hughes; David, Ann, Sarah and John Evans; Philip [Phillip], Margaret [Davies], Elizabeth and Joseph [D.] Naughan [Vaughan]; John and Ann Beer [Beers]; James and Elizabeth Thompson; Henry, Caroline [Good], Malinda, Nancy A. [Ann] and Benjamin Hershey; Xavier F. and Mary Schlage; [James] Henry, Jane [Allen], John H. [Henry] and Mary J. [Jane] Blackner; Joshua, Elizabeth [Hoskins], Mary [Carter], Ellis [Davies], Benjamin [Hancock], William H. [Henry] and Caroline Salisbury; Mary [Whitehead], Mary A. [Ann] and Adam Chatwick [Chadwick]; James and Jane Sewell; Henry, Isabella [Elizabeth Archibald], Elizabeth and Henry [James] Anderson; Ellen [Easton] and George [Lawson] Scott; William, Eliza [Jane Broadbent], Frederic [William], Miranda [Jane], Mary [Elizabeth] and Sarah [Ann] Mullin; Mary E., Mary [E.] and Eliza Shawan [Shewan]; William and Ellen Young, Ann [Slater] Bunding [Bunting], Ann, John and Alfred Fenn; Stephen, Jane [Ellen Glover], James [William], Sarah, Margaret, Jane E. [Ellen] and Eliza [Elizabeth] Shelton [Skelton]; Benjamin, Phebe [Phoebe Davis], Margaret [Jane], Mary, Ann, Sarah, Emma and Thomas J. [John] Isaac; Daniel, Margaret [Evans], Ruth, Margaret, Samuel [H.] and Anna Williams; John O., Margaret [Jane John], Elizabeth, Emilie [Emily Caravena] and Chas. [Charles Cogan] Thomas; John E., Mary [Davies], Thomas, Evan [E.], Jane and Gorner [Gomer Isaac] Rees; Richard Williams; John [Haines], Sarah [Jane Davis], William [Davis], David [Davis], Thomas J. [John] and Ann L. [Anne Lianne] Williams; John Williams, sen.; William and Eva [Morgan] Bath; John Jenkins; Maria and Ann Bath; Hannah, Fanny and George Watson; Philip Bath; John, Hannah [Draycott], Mary A. [Ann] and Hyrum Bates; Joseph and Sarah Bradley; Evan and Margaret Thomas; John [Phillip] and Rachel [Williams] Isaac; Theophilus and Mary Williams; Thomas [Daniel] Stephens; Mary A. [Ann Webb] Stephens; William D. Roberts; Rodney [Quinby] Shoemaker; William Willis and Herman Davis.
There had been three deaths in the company before arriving at Laramie. William Glover, aged 80, died on the 1st, John [Cartwright] Cherrington the 10th, and Emma Blackner on the 15th of July. The last two were children not a year old.
The following are the names of persons in the First Hand-cart company, Capt. Daniel Robinson, which left Florence June 6, 1860:
Robert Stoney and family, [William] Oliver Mawson, George Pacer [Facer] and family, James Cook, George Nash and family; George Rogers and family; Mary Ann Gorton, Charles [M.] Webb and family; Susan Lavender and family, Amelia Rothwed [Rothwell], John Wagstaff, Demas Ashdown and family; Emma Jackson, Alfred Birmingham, Henry Nichols, Sarah Nichols, Alice [Bryant] Hook and family, Harriet Taylor, Thomas Birmingham, Edwin [Morrell] Curtis and wife, Hugh Cousins, Mark H. Forscutt and wife, Maria Holmes, Ellen Payne, William Walker and family, Henry Harrison, Sarah Birmingham, Hannah Slater, Sarah Booth, George Wright, Jabez Faux, David Holder, Dorathy [Dorothy] Kipling and family, Joseph Bell and family, Annie H. Hobbe [Annie E. Hobbs], George Meldrum and family, Jane Meldrum, Edward P. [Pearson] Holder , Andrew [Walker] Higgie [Heggie], Charles McNeil and family, John [Black] McCulloch and family, James Beverland and wife, Ann [Pearson] Holder, Margaret Whitten, Henry Tempest and family, William Williams, Eliza Rogers, Levi Naylor, Mary Matthews, Mary Nash, Ann Richardson, Joseph Slater, Mary Ann Webb, Christian Christiansan [Christensen], Thomas Green and family, Elizabeth Parkinson and family, Jesse Wilgas [Wilgus] and family, William Hemmings and family, John W. [William] Townsend and family, Elizabeth Royall [Royale], Jane Baker, Christopher Gardner and wife, John Stonestion [Stonestrom] and family, William Falconbridge, David Moffit [Moffat] and family, Thomas Jones and family, John Lewis and family, John Gibson and family, Henry Jacques and family, Robert Siddoway and family, William [Walter] Shewar [Shewan] and family, [Foster] Thomas Hook, Ann Stevens, William Ordige [Ordidge] and wife, John Wardle and family, David Richards and family, Ann Jackson, Hugh G. [Greenleaf] Sibbell [Sibbett] and family, Fanny [Franz] & Mary Ann Robison, Richard Cough [Gough] and family, John Pilling, William Brownlow and wife, Hannah Cockin, John Siddoway and wife, Pridger [Pridgen] and Phoebe Thacker; [John] Joseph Welch and family, Conrad [Alma] Smith and family, Joseph Lapish and family, David [C.] Robison, Daniel Robison and family, William [R.] Corbett [Corbitt] and family, Augustus [Embley] Pierce and family, A. Dalrymple, William Robinson [Robison].
In the company there were 233 persons, 43 hand-carts, 6 wagons, 38 oxen and 10 tents.
The following are the names of persons in Captain James D. Ross' Wagon company:
James D. [Darling] Ross and family, George Smith and family, George Fawns [Farnes], Charles Budd, Harriet Husband [Husbands], Susan Husband [Husbands], Henry McEwan and family, Mary G. [Gilmore] White, Ebenezer Tucker, Frank Wilson and family, James Nibley and family, Thomas Dee and family, John Marsten and wife, John Frehand [Treharne], Wm. [William Bell] Barton and wife, Emma Walker, John J. Duke and wife, Wm. Cooper and wife, Sarah Clark, Henry Druce and family, Owen Jones, John Green, Richard Fry and wife, James Tucker and wife, Aaron Rigby and family, Wm. Robson and family, Richard Rankin and wife, Malcolm Donald and wife, Jane Allen, Wm. Ferguson, Joseph Graham and child, Henry [S.] Winson [Vinson] and family, Ann Haigh, Fanny Teaqnes [Teagues], Phillip Edwards and wife, Emily Davis, Thomas Parry and family, Edward Lloyd, Thomas Bolton [Boulton] and family, Thos. Hodgkins [Thomas Hodgkiss] and family, Valentine Rock and family, Thos. [Thomas Goldman Smith] and Benj. [Benjamin Franklin] Smith, Thomas [H.] Bradshaw and family, Mary Rumreal and daughter, Precila Blackatt [Priscilla Blackett], Rebacca [Rebecca] Murray and daughter, Winter Hastings, and family, Robert McCloy, Eliza Scalpin [Scelpin], Neils Snueson [Thueson] and family, M. C. E. Schaneveld [Edward Conrad Emil Schvaneveldt] and family, Nill [Nell] Fulson , Ola N. Lindgreen and family, Wm. Rodgers and family, Henry McCoy, Wm. Cooper and wife, Sarah Clark, John Croft and wife, Jesse [Jessie Sophia] Mitchell, Wm. Thornton and family, John C. Loosle [Loosli] and family, James Furriman [Fuhriman] and family, Annie Stiescheweld [Hegesveld], Ulrich Looslie and family, Maria Perenand [Perenaud], Louisa Perenand [Perenaud], [Johann] Rudolph Fley [Frei], Magda [Magdalena] Schneider, Johannes Diem and family, Caroline Schneeble [Schneibel], Conrad Huten [Hafen] and family, Daniel Benelie [Bonelli], John Hebbur [Reber] and family, John Stahele [Staheli] and family, Margaretha Vengar [Venger]; Samuel Hoffman and wife, Henuck [Heinrich]Kuhn[,] Sebrath Bar[,] Susannah Ledler [Sedler], Godleb Fley [Gottleib Frei], Maria Naf [Anna Maria Frei Naef] and family, John Stanfer [Staufer], Frederick Stanfer, Magdaline Kushu [Magdalena Kirsher] and family, Nicholas Huber, Wm. Stahele [William Staheli], Anna [or Hannah] Sidler, Eliza Stahele [Elizabeth Thalman Staheli], Christian Rerger [Berger] and family, F. Schapple [John Henry Schlappi] and family, Harnrich Schalerer [Heinrich Scharrer], and family, John Jnoser [Moser], Verena Ravver [Reber], Madalena Galli.
There were 249 persons, 36 wagons, 142 oxen and 54 cows in this company when it left Florence on the 17th of June.
The following are the names of persons in Captain Jesse [Easters] Murphy's company:
E. M. [Jesse Easters] Murphy and family, Jacob Dalson, Emanuel Bird [Murphy], Thomas E. Murphy and family, Thomas Stelfox and son, Fanny Stelfox, John Barnett and family, Margarett [Margaret] Lang, Jane Thomas, Joseph [William] Ovard, Nahima Holder [Nahum Cole Holden] and family, Elam Meecham [Mecham] and wife, Salsbury [Salisburg] Cummings, Sarah Jane Cummings, Mary Heuchett [Henchett], Wesley Norton, Benjamin P. Brown and family, Wm. Johnson, Emerett Sawyer and family, Margaret Denny and family, Edward Blair and family, Joseph Brown and wife, James Collins, Catherine Collins [Collings], Wm. H. Hunt and family, Jane Burden, George [Franklin] Jarvis and family, W. C. [William Cook] Reamer and family, Margaret Hardie [or Hardy], Jamesh [James Lippecot] Wilbert, Charles M. Webb and family, Wm. Lark and family, Robt. Clarkson and family George Spiers and family Rose Anna West, Eliza Smith, Anna Sherriger [Sherregar] George Ostler, John Crisholm [Chisholm] and family, Thomas [Benjamin] Davis and family, James Collins [Collings] and family, Mahonri M. Cumer [Collings], Robert E. Hartlett [Hurlett] and wife, John Eardley and family, Josiah Eardley, W. L. [Lot] Webster and wife, Eliza Williams, Thomas Overd and family, Thomas Smith and family, Isabella Reid, Joel S. Campbell and family, John W. Jenks [Jinks] and wife, More [Moroni] Campbell and wife, Dorthea Clark and family, John Kynaston and wife, Wm. [William Windsor] Jones and family, Frances Sprowl [Francis Sproul] and family, Lewis Taft and wife, Benj. N. Gavitt [Gavitte], Alonza D. Gavitt, Samuel Bee and family, M. [Mannery] Hulmes and family, Joseph Warburton and family, David [Giles] Roberts, Henry Hug and wife, Henry Buz [Benz] and family, Margaretta Wamftler [Wampfler], George Bouelle [Bonelli], Elizabeth Pankhausen [Frankhausen], John Uluck Stucke [John Ulrich Stucki] and wife, Henry Hafter and wife, Babetta Kunzei [Barbara Kuenzle], George Delthelm [Diethelm] and wife, Frederick Thencer [Theurer], Hendrick Gubler and family, Maria Benelli [Bonelli], Mary Huckstrasser [Hochstrasser] and family, John Gubler and family, Ulrich Traber and family, Maria Rutschi, Jacob Graf and family, Maria Stahl, Gottlieb Herschi [Hirschi], Ulrich Auer and family, Paul A. Schettler, Allretoo Bischef [Albrecht Bischoff] and family, Wm. Ostler and wife, Elizabeth Schneider, Edward Haber [Huber] and family, Damitile [Domitilo] Henriod, Richard Morris and family, Lettice Thomas and daughter Martha McCreery, Charles Miles, Joseph Morris and family, Christina Elliot, Caroline Goswold.
This company when organized consisted of 279 persons, 38 wagons 164 oxen and 39 cows and left Florence on the 19th of June.
The names of emigrants in the 4th wagon and 2d hand cart companies have been received and will be published next week.