Transcript for "The Immigration," Deseret News, 22 August 1860, 197
The following are the names of persons in the Second Hand-cart company, Capt. Oscar O. Stoddard, which left Florence July 5, 1860:
Carl J. [Johan Ellersen] Fjeld and family, Gustav Nilsen and wife, Gunil [Gunild] Larsen, Lorent e Goesh [Lorentz Gvesh], Ingbor Fredericson [Ingeborg Fredericksen], Lars Anderson [Andersen] and wife, Dorthea Petersen, Angette Ukermaur [Ukermann], Neils [Niels] Sorenson and family, Nils Bonderson and family, Jens Jensen, Lars Larser [Larsen], Anders Rasmussen and family, Nella Petersen, Hekael Olsen, and wife, Lars Haborsen [Halvorsen] and family, David Fisher and family, Zebidee [Zebedee] Hallam, William [Henry] Horn and family, Margarett [Margaret] Howard, Samuel Ashton and wife, Henry Jackson and wife, Stephen [King] Taylor and family, Francis Kerby and family Rasmus Rasmussen and family, James Fisher and family, John Hirshi [Hirschi], James Hubler [Hafter], Maria [Anna Maria Dietschweiler] Hess and family, Samuel Stuker [Stucki] and family, Honrad [Konrad] Alder and wife, Michael Roston and wife, Louise Chatloin [Louisa Chatelain], Anders Christensen, Soren Jensen, Rasmus [S.] Moller, Allen Olsen, J. [Johannes] G. Anderson, C. F. Anderson, Ane Chas [Chris] Sorenson, Ann [Ane] Anderson, Moroni Petersen, Ann Petersen, Bent Sorenson, Ane Sorenson, Bengt Bengtsen [Bengtson], Ane C. Olsen, Bent Benson [Bengtson], Christen Christensen, Gatfredine [Gotfredine] M. Jensen, Matt K. Moller, Soren Christensen and family, Peter Sorensen and family, Neils Anderson Dorthea Petersen, Maren [Thomasen] Olsen and family, Anders Petersen.
In the company there were 126 persons, 22 hand-carts, and 6 wagons.
The following are the names of persons in Captain Wm. Budge's Wagon company:
Charles F. [Frederick] Jones and family, Enoch Williams, David [W.] Evans, Ann Lewis, Elizabeth Staples, John McComie [McOmie] and family, Joseph Bennett and family, Surah [John] Drakeford and wife [Sarah], John R. Eardley and family, Sarah E. Overd, Elizabeth Armstrong, William Herbert and family, Francis F. [P.] Pascoe and family, Ann Shackelton; Thomas J. Jordon, Isaac [Wilson] Fox and family, Thos. Williams and family, Alexander Eckford and family, Isabella Gibbs and family, Martha Moore, Fanny McCorme [McComie], John Crostan [Croston]and wife, Joseph Colledge and family, James Davis, Isaac Chilton and family, Nephi Johnson, William Budge and family, Eliza Stratford, Eliza Jones, Thomas [Scott] Budge and family, John Hamilton, James Wood, Jane M. Buckley, Amelia A. C. Taylor, John Bourne, Jane [Day] Bourne, John Bourne and family, Joseph Humphrey and family, John Stock and family, Thomas Gurbutt, Thomas [Charles] Shirley and family, Thomas P. [Phillip] White and family, Charles Wood and family, Robert Bodily and family, Thomas Sandall and family, Harry Stringer and family, Clara [Wilhelmina] Huey and family, Samuel N. [Nathaniel] Slaughter, George Prince and family, Nicholas Paul and family, Elizabeth Hold [Kold] and family, Wm. Cooley and family, John Keller and family, James Hafften [Hafter], Maria [Anna] Traber, Gottleb Enz [Gottlieb Ence], Henry Reiser and wife, Mariana Rupp, Ana Muller, Christian Staffer [Stauffer], John Diethelm and family, Joachum Dietshwigler [Joachim Dietschweiler], John Alder and family, Fredrich Kruesi [Fredrick Kruse] and wife, Kathrina Naf, Henry Bar [Heinrich Baer] and family, Anna [Barbara] Abderhalden, Arnold Neesor [Neeser], Christian Wittver [Wittwer] and family, John Reidal, Katherina Stuki [Kathrina Stucki] and family, Peter Pfister and wife, Charles Widerborg and wife, Anna B. [Bolette] Thomussen and wife, Thomas T. [Frederik] Trane, Soren Madson and family, Jens Larsen and wife, Maren Olsen and wife, Neils Larsen and family, Jorgan Mortenson and family, Lars Williamson [Williamsen] and wife, Anders Rasmussen, Kirsten Knudsen, Lars Erickson and family, Stina Nielsen, Jens Nielsen and family, Ola Peterson, Mads Paulson [Paulsen] family, Anna Wardstrom, Lars Larson and family, Peter Frederickson [Fredericksen] and wife, Anna M. Jorgensen, Maria Madsen, Hans Pedersen and wife, Peter Peterson and family, Peter Petersen and wife, Christen Jensen and wife, Karen M. Goretsen [Jorgensen or Sorensen], Jens Larsen and family, Peter [Madsen] Jensen and family, Jens Sorenson, Hans M. Nisson, Jens Knudson and wife, Bodil Rasmussen, Maren Mortensen, Maren Chritensen, Anna Johnson, Ingwart Hansen and family, Anna M. Kraiberg, Soren Christiansen and family, Adolph A. Nickel [Adolph August Nichols] and wife, Johanna Stephenson, Anna [Anne] K. Madsen and wife, Ane [Anne] Hansen, Ingri Borg, Christian Jensen and wife, Hans Jensen and family, Maren Peterson, Elizabeth C. Madsen, Hans P. Madsen and wife, Anna M. Sorenson, Elsa [Else] Madsen and family, Christian Lilholdt, Christian R. [Peter] Larsen, Hans C. Stiselt and wife, Niels Christensen, Jens Petersen and family, Anna [C.] Bentson and wife, Jens P. [Pedersen] Aagaard and family, Susannah Peterson, Swan M. [Sven Monson] Lovendahl and family, Soren [Rasmussen] Moller, Anna Melsdatter [Nielsdatter], Jeppe Olson and wife, Niels Christensen and family, Dorothea C. Johansen, Johan F. [Frederik] Carlson and wife, Anna [Grethe] Gottfredsen [Gotfredsen], Raren [Maren or Karen] Christensen and family, Ols O. [Ole Olsen] Gaarder and family, Lars Larsen, Eric Eliason and wife, Swain [Sven] Carlson and family, Jens Jensen and wife, Elna Grourall [Gronvall], Pear [Pehr] Anderson and family, Andreas Anderson and family, Benta Swanson [Swenson], Elsa Neilsson [Elsa Nielsen].
In the company there were 394 persons, 55 wagons, 215 oxen, and 77 cows.
The following are the names of persons in Captain John Taylor's Wagons company:
John Taylor and family, Sarah Zalkner [Falkner], Mary [Taylor] Maddock and family, John Harris, Stephen Taylor and family, Levi B. Jones and family, William Hall and wife, Joseph Dockerson [Dickerson] and wife, James Camp and wife, John Isaacs, M. [Naomi T.] Brett, William Owen and family, Thomas Fisher and family, George Weaver and family, Charles Cad [Cox], Edw. [Edward] Jefford, Ann Jefford.
Jens Peter Christensen and family, Hilberg Christensen, Frederick Holst, Bergitti Holst, N. C. [Nils Christian] Holst, Christian Holst, Kristine Holst, Rasmus Rasmusen and family, Line [Sine] Madsen, M. C. [Mads Christian] Andersen and family, Marie Wogn and wife, Soren Wilson and family, Johanne Margrette [Margrethe] Kofort [Kofoed] and wife, Anders Larsen and family, Soren Jenson and family, Stine Larsen, Lars Jacobson and family, Ane Ellsine Kofod [Anna Elsina Kofoed], Marias [Marcus] Jensen and family, Paul Nielson and family, Christian Jensen, Ane Jensen, Hans [Archer] Kofod [Kofoed] and family, Hanne [Hannah Hemmert] Wilhelmsen and family, Christian Peter Nielson and family, Andreas Hammer [Hmer] and family, Jens Hanson Kofod [Kofoed], Jens Svenson [Swenson] and family, Anders Bloomdale [Blumdoll] and family, Kirstine Coombs, Mathilda Blumda [Blumdoll], Ane Staal [Svalle].
In the company there were 123 persons, 23 wagons, 61 oxen and 32 cows.