Transcript for "The Last Company," Semi-Weekly Telegraph, 13 Nov. 1865, 3
Our train will camp within five miles of this place to-night. Capt. Orson Arnold and company came up to us yesterday morning at Antelope Springs—all well—with two teams and flour from Ogden. Bro. Arnold and company are here with all the women, children and men we could spare; all in fine traveling condition. We have all the supplies now that we shall require, also teams. A thousand thanks,
In a later telegram, Elder Taylor adds that the emigrants expected to be at Sandy on Saturday; weather was remarkably fine. Squires and Hutchings' train was passed eighteen miles east of Rocky Ridge, on the 8th. They had had difficulty with bad roads, but were now coming along well.
The first telegram above was in answer to the President's enquiries and will be perused with much satisfaction by our numerous readers.