
Transcript for "The Mormons," New York Daily Times, 31 July 1857, 3

THE MORMONS.—The Peoria (Ill.) Transcript notices the arrival, at that place, of about four hundred Mormons, on their way to Salt Lake City. Most of them are English, and on being conversed with [...pressed] dissatisfaction at the prospect thus far, and intimated a determination not to proceed to Utah. The Liverpool Albion informs us that a few weeks since, about nine Mormon elders visited Rockdale for the purpose of holding services in the open air. The opponents of the creed were also in attendance. A cart was brought upon the ground for the accommodation of the Mormon elders, when a wagon was placed by its side, for the convenience of Mr. HAWTHORNTHWAITE, who recently published a book upon Mormonism, in which he exposes the evils of the system.

The Mormons moved their cart, when the wagon was also moved. One of the Mormons began to manifest symptoms of uneasiness, got out of the cart and ran off. The people chased him, caught him in Whiteworth Road, brought him back and placed him again in the cart, and compelled the whole lot to listen to Mr. HAWTHORNTHWAITES’s expositions on the abominations of Mormonism. During the proceedings the people became excited and demonstrated their abhorrence of Mormonism by blows and kicks, and one or two gentlemen who were mistaken for Mormons were handled rather roughly. It would seem from the forgoing, that our brethren on the other side of the water are beginning to understand the real nature of this imposture, and to treat it and its advocates accordingly. The iniquities of this system cannot be too thoroughly exposed.