Transcript for "The Mormons," The Mormon, 16 June 1855, 2
FROM the best information we can gather, Atchison is settled upon by these people, as the permanent starting point for all future emigration. This has been decided upon, after thoroughly canvassing the various advantages; and experienced travelers have declared, that no point on the Missouri river, from St. Louis to Council Bluffs, offers more inducements to the emigrant than the city of Atchison.
During the stay of the Mormons in our midst, they have conducted themselves in such a manner as to entitle them to credit. We have the first dispute or quarrel to hear of, and no bad feelings between the citizens and these people have taken place. Considering the prejudices of the Missourians and Mormons against each other, this result could have hardly been expected. But the good behavior on the part of the Mormons, and their strict attention to their own business, gave no room for misunderstanding, and we verily believe that a much better feeling exists between them, than when first they landed. The time has now come when they will be compelled to take up the line of march westward. With the fine teams they own, and the excellent water and grass that abound in this vicinity, we predict for them a safe and prosperous trip to the land they claim to be the "promised." Following the Mormon emigration, will be a number of Salt Lake merchants. Their stock is now on our prairies, and their goods between this place and St. Louis. The total number of emigrants starting form Atchison this spring, must be in the neighborhood of five thousand.—[Squatter Sovereign]