
Transcript for "The Other Side of the Question," The Mormon, 14 Apr. 1855, 2

The Other Side of the Question.

We learn from the St. Louis Luminary, that "our agent," has located four claims about four miles from Atchinson which is to be the place of outfit for the Saints. We think Atchinson [Atchison] a good point to start from. On Monday March 12th, one hundred and seventy-five Danish Saints were shipped in St. Louis, on the Clara, destined for that place. Elder [Richard] Ballanynes' company had arrived on the 27th about two hundred and fifty of which would be shipped as soon as possible to Achinson [Atchison].

In a letter from Dan Jones, to the Luminary, we learn that great numbers of the Welsh people were enlisting for the Crimean War, that in one village they had gone at the rate of one hundred per week, that there had been a slight shock of an earthquake.From the St. Louis Luminary of April 7th

Elder Ballantyne arrived in St. Louis on the 27th ultimo, and on Sunday the 1st inst., gave a very interesting and descriptive narrative of his late mission to Hindostan, to a large and deeply interested audience.

In consequence of the rivers being low, boats were scarce, and fares high, and it was with considerable difficulty that we finally succeeded in shipping the company to Atchison, the point of outfit. The unprecedented rush to Kansas and Nebraska has materially increased the rate of fares, and the difficulty of shipping to the upper country.

On Saturday, March 31st, we shipped on board the "Admiral" forty Danes, under the presidency of Elder Hogan.

On Tuesday, April 3d, we shipped one hundred and ninety-one souls of the same company, in charge of Elder R. Ballantyne, with instructions to land at Atchison, and to take the general charge of the P. E. Fund passengers now under his charge, and those that may be hereafter shipped to that place.