
Transcript for Theobald, William, [Autobiography], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols., 28:136-37

After a ten week passage landed at New Orleans. Then we got on board a river boat and in two weeks landed at St. Louis Missouri where we arrived some time in April 1851. We stayed there avout two weeks then started for council Bluffs where we arrived in May of that year. Here we got our outfits to cross the plains.

Here I must relate a dream or vision I had before I joined the Church and while I was investigating the principles of the gosple I dreamed there was Joseph he brought me across the plains and showed me all the camp grounds all along the road from the Bluffs into Salt Lake City, and very strang I never thought of my dream from the time I left England until I was helping to drive up our work oxen preparing to start across the plains and it all came to me like a flash that I had seen those cattle before in a vision. Allong the road I knew the camp grounds and when I came to the point of rocks at the mouth of Emigration Canyon I knew it perfectly. Joseph brought me unto the bench east of Salt Lake City and pointed with his hand and said there is Salt Lake City, and I was left there along [alone].

We joined Kelsies Company of One Hundred and Isaac Al[l]red's Company of fifty we had three stampedes and one of which there was a woman and child killed my oxen under took to run I took hold of my leaders horns and held them so that they could not get away and there by saved my teams from the stampede. After one of them we found our cattle twenty miles away.

October 3rd 1851 after a tedious journey we arrived in salt Lake Valley.