Transcript for Thomas Bullock correspondence and papers, 1837-1857
North Side of Platte River
May 10, 1847
Dearly Beloved Wife
Having already sent you three notes which I hope you have received safe, and been comforted by them, I now commence a letter to be in readiness for the first opportunity that I may have to send back to you, and give you a little knowledge of my journey. You know I commenced to drive a team in Winter Quarters, & have had the management ever since—the only time I have to write my journal is when I am on Guard, protecting the cattle. I have a few minutes since closed this days journal & now commence this letter to you. The Camp is this day about 326 miles from Winter Quarters, and scarcely a lot of grass for our cattle. I will give you the our journey; first praying my Heavenly Father to bless, guide& protect you, & my dear little children, whom I love & praying that you may have a sufficiency to sustain & comfort you in my absence; that you may all retain a cheerful Spirit, & be patiently looking forward to my return, & then when I do come, that I may meet a loving, happy welcome, and live from this time out, during the remainder of our lives more to the honor and glory of God: that when our pilgrimage is ended, we may be crowned His, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. Amen.
On 13th April I gave you the parting kiss for a Season & blessed you & my babes, commending you all to His safe keeping & traveled 6 miles. 6 miles
14th I was attacked by four Omahas, had a race of two miles after a yoke of my cattle, saw many flowers, camp with Pres: {Brigham} Young & {Willard} Richards{.} 22 miles
15 Severe frost. Cross the "Horn" at 11—stuck in the mud with my team until G{eorge} A. Smith & G. Wardle help me out—I helped him out—Camp on the Platte. A Meeting held & Prest. Young spoke very affectingly a short time. 20 miles
16 A meeting held—50 men selected out for night Guard. Wrote a letter to you, also to Saints at Winter Quarters. Sent by Bishop Whitney. 4 {miles}
17 Ice an inch thick, I suffered severely. Found a nest with 4 Eggs in it. Camp organized into Regiment. I as Clerk to Pioneers{.} 8 {miles}
18 A thin ice on Water, wrote a letter to you, sent by Ellis Eames. Met 7 Wagons loaded with Buffalo Robes. & Captains made laws to regulate Camp. {.} 20 miles
1st Every morning at 5 o'clock, Horn to be blown, then every man to arise & pray, attend to Cattle & Brreakfast, & be ready to start at 7 o'clock.
2nd Every extra man travel on off side of his wagon, with his gun loaded, over his Shoulder; every driver to have his in Wagon, ready for a moments wagon with a piece of leather on the nipple, or in the Pan of his Gun—having caps & Powder Flasks ready.
3rd Halt for an hour about noon, every man must have his dinner ready cooked.
4th Camp to halt for the night in a circle. Horses fastened inside (& cattle when necessary)
5th Horn to be blown at 1/2 past 8 every night, when every man (except the Guard for the night) must retire to his Wagon, pray & be in bed by 9, when all fires must be put out.
6th The Camp to travel in close order, under their Captains of Tens, & no man to leave the Camp 20 rods without orders from his Captain.
7th Every man to feel as much care & interest in his brother's cattle, & preserving them, as he would of his own, but Indulge no man in Idleness.
8th Every man to have his Guns & Pistols, in perfect order.
9th The Tens to keep together, the Cannon Bring up the rear, the Company organized. Travel with it, & see that nothing is left behind at stop{p}ing place. These rules to be read at each Sunday's meeting.
19th Passed over a Lamanite Battle Field; about a mile long, one compact mass of graves. I received a letter from Robert Campbell.
20th Crossed Shell Creek. I turned washerwoman this evening. 18 {miles}
21st Cold east Wind 1/2 past 12 passed Pawnee Village. Wrote letter to you, but had no opportunity to send it. As I did not see any traders. My oxen very much scared at the Indians. From 2 to 4 a thunder shower made ground smell good. Camped on Looking Glass Creek. The Twelve & 50 men on guard till midnight. Expecting the Indians. 18 {miles}
April 22. I, & 50 others on Guard from 1/2 past 12, saw some Swallows, also an Eagle's nest. Crossed Looking Glass Creek & Beaver Creek & camped {1st page 116 miles} for the night at the Pawnee Mission house. Here were fields fenced in, 10 or a dozen Log houses built. Hay Fields Corn Fodder & a good watering place. The Lamison {?} company drilled. 20 {miles}
23rd Went to Pawnee Old Town, found 175 or 200 houses. Similar to the Dr's. Octagon (some much larger) burnt to the Ground by the Sioux. One of Prest. Young's favorite horse strangled by accident. 6 {miles}
24 Forded the Loup{e} Fork—doubled Dr's teams all got there without any accident. 4 {miles}
25 Held two meetings—a large Wolf passed a few rods off Camp during afternoon meeting.
26 Six Indians try to steal into Camp, fired at by the Guards. Crossed a many hails {?}. Willard Richards & Jesse C. Little's horses stolen at Sundown by the Indians. Several companies go to search for them, but return unsuccessful. 17 {miles}
27 O. P. Rockwell & 3 others go in search of the horses, discover their tracks & where they were hid in a lot of willows. Attacked by 15 Indians with Guns, & Bows & Arrows. Six of them fired their Guns at Rockwell & brethren, but they escaped. Camp crossed the Ridge towards the Platte River, the most heavy, sandy road we had. Camped at a creek at 6 where I caught a mud turtle. 18 {miles}
28 Grass in good condition here-a horse belonging to brother {Lewis} Barney shot by accident—came to Grand Island X to 3. a {12} rattled snake killed by Luke Johnson who gave me the rattles. 16 {miles}
29 Crossed Wood River about 8 a.m. Camp by a bed of Rushes on Grand Island. 20 {miles}
30 Crossed Grass Creek best grass here on our journey—see Buffalo tracks. Burn holes to burn Buffalo Dung & thin sticks. 16 {miles}
May 1 saw 3 Buffalo—then a Band of them, W. Richards counted 65—W. Clayton 72—saw a Buffalo Chase, beautiful sight. Hunters kill 1 Bull, 4 Cows, 6 Calves—good success for 1st time. Pass thro' a Prairie Dog Town 3 or 4 miles long. A cold day. I was sick. 15 {miles}
2 Another calf killed—Camp looks like Butcher's Shambles & drying meat. Camp removes for taller feed. 2 {miles}
3 Sharp frost—a still hunt, hunters kill 2 calves, 2 Antelopes, & a Wolf. Exploring Company discover a band of 2 or 300 Indians secreted in a hollow—Blacksmith Shops active, repairing Wagons—Cannon fired at Indians. 3 {miles}
4 Cannon fired at 4 a.m. Camp travel by Platoons, or 5 Wagons abreast—Wrote a long epistle to the Saints at Winter Quarters. I enclosed a letter to you. Sent to Prest. John Smith, or Alpheus Cutler. Sent a mail of 54 letters to Winter Quarters by some traders. 11 {miles}
5 At our noon halt, seeing two Buffalo Bulls very near Camp—Capt Grover & I went within 20 rods of them. Hunters kill 1 Cow & 5 Calves and Prest. Kimball & O.P. Rockwell succeeded in catching a fine Bull Calf alive—Came to within 2 miles of a Prairie all in a blaze. Right ahead of us. I felt to pray that the Wind might change, or else rain, that we may continue our journey tomorrow. 13 {miles}
6 Rain about 4 a.m. & wind changed to West—pass thro between the fires—get to plenty of dry grass for our Cattle. 19 {miles}
7 The word of the President to us is, "Kill no more Game until it is needed." A brother goes within 2 rods of a fine deer, but does not touch it. 10 min to 1 three small Bands of Buffalo run a race for a Sweepstakes, round the front of our camp & within 10 rods of us—caught a calf but let it go again. Thousands & thousands of Buffalo seen—very cold & chilly day. 7 {miles}
8 A young Hare caught alive, shown round the Camp & then turned loose. Buffaloes on South side of River, a dense mass several miles in length. Some of the brethren were rejoicing at Being on the north side; when turning a sudden hill we Beheld a few miles of Buffalo, right in our road. Killed a fine two year old heifer, that the report might scare a road through for us—got thro' but the grass was all eat as Bare as the front of any Gopher Hill—W{illia}m Smoot's horses ran away, among the Buffalo, which caused the Brethern some trouble to get them again—brother {Thomas} Grover caught them. Camp on a Sand hill, Grass all eat up No wood. 12 {miles}
9 Travel 4 miles, find some dry grass, halt for the Sunday—had a meeting. Then I read the laws to regulate the camp.
{Hereafter in margins, Bullock periodically tallies daily and total mileage traveled.}
10 Made out a list of events & laws— same as I have sent you—enclosed it in a box—fastened it on a {12 foot} hole and left it for the next Camp, to comfort them—wrote on the Post "Platte Post Office"—yesterday Luke Johnson, Edmund Ellsworth & a few others pulled a 4—year old Buffalo Bull, out of the mud. He showed fight, but Luke caught him by the Tail, & Ellsworth took a stick & "hawed" & "jeed" until they got him to the River, watered him & let him go. This morning Prest. Kimball & O.P. Rockwell chased a Wild Horse but we're unable to catch him. Killed a Buffalo & two deer, a little grass & trees in leaf here. 10 {miles}
11 A few of the Brethren dug out a den of Wolves, & found 4 fine cubs alive which they took to Camp—found a Skull bearing marks of the Arrow, Tomahawk & Scalping Knife. Dr. wrote an inscription for the next Saints. Camped 1/2 mile from {2 miles} on the North Fork.
335 miles
12 Traveled thro' the valley of Dry Bones, grounds almost covered with 4 weeks this night (from Winter Quarters North & South Fork{.} 333)
Dry Buffalo Bones & Dung at noon halt near 3 Islands on the North Fork—close by a nest as large as a Bushel Basket. Luke Johnson & President Young returned from hunting having seen more than 100 Buffalo Carcases, & a great number of dead calves—also Indian Poney tracks & men, women & children foot marks, without number, which shows that Indians were, or have been very lately in this Neighborhood. W{illia}m Clayton's roadometer fixed this morning{.} 12 miles
13 Horn was blown Before 4 a.m. I got up & went thro' the remains of a Sioux Town, found a pair of moccasins, Cross over a wide River where 3 Wagons stick in Quick Sand, doubled teams & using Spades dug them out{.} 10 3/4 {miles}
14 Thunder Shower commence at 7. Camp went round a hill & over some heavy Sand Bars. 1 Buffalo, 2 Antelopes 1 Badger killed. 8 3/4 {miles}
15 Took a winding course thro' a mountain of Sand—hard pulling. Descended steeper than most roofs. Found best grass—raining from 8 till 12 when it ceased. Camp dig several wells get good water—Hunters kill another Buffalo. 7 {miles}
16 General washing day—I saw a Buffalo shot. Luke Johnson got me the heart Case, and will tan it for me—at night meeting H.C. Kimball said he never was in a Camp that behaved themselves better, than these Pioneers. They are like clay in the hands of the Potter, can make any thing of them{.} Angels go before & guide & direct us.
17 Made up a mail for C.C. Rick & Company, & made up the "North Fork letter Box", & stuck in the ground, went round another bad Sand Hill, descended by a couple of steep des{c}ents. A young fawn caught alive Young going to rear it. Camp crossed several creek, sloughs & mud holes. Go over 2 Sand hills—dig 3 wells. Kill 3 Buffalo & 2 Antelopes. 12 3/4 {miles}
18 Crossed "rattle Snake Creek" and one or two smaller ones. At noon 41° 13' 44" N. Lat. Going to make a map of our route. 15 3/4 {miles}
19 Pass several Small Lakes—Cross "Wolf Creek"—ascend the steepest hill on our route—raining until 3 P.M. 8 {miles}
20 Pass a lone Cedar Tree (about 90 miles from the last Tree on this side the River) having the corpse of an Indian child in it, wrapt in Buffalo robes, & lashed to the Tree with Raw Hide ropes—noon, halt opposite where the Oregon trail comes to the North Fork. Cross another large Stream {"Castle Bluff River"} with Quick sand but rushed right thro'. I am satisfied Fremont made on the south side there are large Streams which he does not show on his map. Bluffs come down to the River in 4 places perpendicular. He does not show them where he comes to the North Fork, his Map show him about 4 miles from the River while in many places it appears as many rods our measurement to this place 92 3/4 miles from the Junction—while he shows the distance about {blank space} miles. However, we shall make a map of the North side, & our route, & leave the South to Fremont & the Gentiles to map & name as they please. 15 3/4 {miles}
21 Several swallows seen—Dr. Richards found the leg bone of "a Mammoth"—two Sioux Indians ride into Camp & fed—frogs sing{.} 15 1/2 {miles}
22 Left "Mammoth Bone Encampment"—cross "Crab Creek" Ascended a steep hill passing "Gravelly Point" and had a splendid view of some Rocks having the appearance of "Ancient Ruins" representing Towers, Castles, Obelisks, Altars, Chimneys, &tc. & a heavy thunder and lightning Shower beyond them{.} on descending the hill I killed a rattlesnake about 6 years old{.} many rattlesnakes killed this day. George A. Grant caught a young Gray Eagle & brought it into Camp it measured 46 inches between the tips of its wings. 15 1/2 {miles}
Sunday 23 at 12 oclock meeting commenced. Amongst a most excellent discourse Pres Young s{ai}d. "he never saw men pass along with as little difference in feeling as in this Camp" "this very mission will soon be considered as one of the "first Acts of the Church" and the people will be enquiring after the man who came this Journey. "I am perfectly satisfied with this Camp" "I want to see a City of faith, peace, & love; a City of men & women who will be always doing good." "I do not know one man in Camp to disobey my Council. I have only to say the word & it is done." G.A. Smith then followed in the same strain—he said he never lay down but he felt there was a good spirit in the Camp & by these few Entrads {entries} you may learn a little of our feelings & situation as a Camp. In afternoon while I was gone to the top of "Observation Bluff" to engrave the height "235" feet on a Tree—a one year old rattle snake, challenged me, in my path. I jumped away, & Luke Johnson turned round, & blew his head off. I cut off his rattles, & send them to you. On descending the hill, we discovered another Mammoth Bone. In the evening the weather very suddenly changed into a terrible Wind, thunder, lightning, hail & rain Storm, which xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
24 Left another letter in the "Ancient Ruins Bluffs" letter Box, for the next Camp. The Camp was visited by 35 Dacotah {Dakota} Indians, men, women & children. Clean, well behaved, peaceable & good looking{.} 16 1/2 {miles}
25 I wrote a Certificate of good behavior & gave to the Indians. Camp for the night 5 miles from "Chimney Rock" dig 3 wells. 12 {miles}
26 I dropped my ink bottle into a well. I had to empty 4 feet of water out. Then descended, groped in the mud & found it again. Camp pass "Chimney Rock", travel on barren road—no grass, wood away from the River; drift wood on River bank enough, with care{.} 12 1/2 {miles}
27 I saw two Parrots or Parroquets—planted a hill of corn at this place—another Barren road; plenty of Prickley Pear—rained{.} 13 3/4 {miles}
28 Many flowers similar to wild roses on our rout Pass "Trout Creek" where there were many speckled trout and other fish, a Beaver's House & Dam. Passed about a dozen Trees on the Islands. This looks like old times again. I wish you, my love, & my children were here with me & then I should be a happy man.
29 A mizzling rain until 11 a.m. some of the brethren having been too fond of dancing, card playing, Dominoes, Checkers, levity & swearing. The Prest. called the brethren together & gave a lecture, declaring he would not go any further with such a Spirit in the Camp—the Priesthood then were placed in ranks, and in regular order. Covenants with uplifted hands to humble themselves Before the Lord, repent of their sins, renew their former covenants & serve the Lord. It was a very solemn & impressive meeting. Camp then pursued their journey, traveling{.} 8 1/2 {miles}
30 Was a fast day—prayer meeting commenced at 8, continued till 1/4 past 10 then gathered up cattle; Sacrament meeting then commenced & continued until it commenced raining in the afternoon
31 I had an attack of ague & fever, commenced about 10-as soon as Dr found me out, he brought me a dose of composition, laid hands on me{.} at noon halt removed me into his wagon, warmed me up with composition Tea, Cayenne Pepper &tc{.} at night he prepared milk porridge than gave me a dose of Lobelia—the last dose gave me one rattling vomit & done with it. He sat up & attended to everything himself.
June 1st I had considerable fever all day. Dr prepared me some Tea & broth-at night gave me a strong dose of quinine. I was considerable better this evening—got up & walked about to look at Fort Laramie, and hear the news from some brethren who were come from Pueblo—we are full early at Fort Laramie, some trappers arrived 6 days ago at Laramie{.} reported that 6 days previous they had left their wagons in the Snow. on the Sweetwater snow is two feet deep. On the mountains, 20 feet deep. I was exactly 7 weeks traveling to Laramie from Winter Quarters
7 560 miles
80 miles a week
North side of North Fork of
Platte River
23 miles above the Junction
May 14, 1847 8 oclock in morning
My Dearly Beloved Wife,
As I have written you a long letter giving you a detailed account of our journey to this place, on another sheet of paper, which many persons may want to read, I now write another letter, for your own use, & which I don't want every body to see{.} I do now write to you as my beloved Wife, & my feelings I do not consider public property. I expect you will think there is a reformation in me when you know that I have commenced reading the Bible here. I have already read as far as 7th Chapter of Judges & express my gratitude to God, the Father of all good Spirits, that I have already received much light & intelligence, in things of which I have been a long time dark—the benefit I receive now, and thro' this journey, you will be the partaker of, & when you hear me relate my experiences by my own fireside, & all my dear family sitting round me—the songs of praise will rise to Heaven—& the Sabbath will be to us a day of rest in very deed. I enjoy a calmness, & serenity of mind that I never before enjoyed, & especially when I retire to my Wagon at night, to pray. Then I pour out my prayers to the throne of Grace in your behalf. I can then pray for you from the inmost recesses of my Soul, & instead of hearing, I can feel prayer: & it can flow to Him, who searches the inmost man who trys {tries} the reins of the heart, & into His hands as I commend your safe keeping, until my return to you, & until I embrace you all in my arms again. A short time ago I dreamed that you were having a baby, without any pain or sorrow which made me thankful then, & when I awoke I was also thankful to think that your next, will be without pain, in comparison with what you have before suffered. Last night 14th: I dreamed that you had a baby in your arms, dressed beautifully in long white Petticoats. & while talking with you, you said, "In a week we will have a Jubilee": these, and a many other things, causes me to feel well about you. I feel that the Lord will bless, & prosper my journey, & as I know I shall be blest in my Basket & in my Store; in my comings in, and in my goings out; in my lying down, & in my rising up; and as far as I am blest, you shall be blest; and as far as I am comforted, you will be comforted. There is one thing I do know positive, & that is this, I shall be very glad when I shall change both my bed & bedfellow; I suppose you think I sleep with the Dr., but its no such thing, I believe I have slept with him in his Wagon twice, I sleep in the Wagon I drive, & George Brown is my bed fellow, & the most uncomfortable one I ever slept with, if it was night only I could pull thro', but he is a disagreeable, saucy, idle fellow by day. I am tired of him & I pray God my return journey may be by myself or another person, not him. There are a few things I have learnt on this journey; I am not able to please, & give satisfaction, as I could do two years ago; but thank God, Prest. Young, Kimball, & others, are as pleasant as ever; brother Benson tells me I make a good ox driver & I have brother Kimball, tell brother Brigham, "Tommy has too much to do". By this you will perceive, there are some who notice how things are going on—all things will work together for good, & I shall come out "right side up, with care".
Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed
For I am thy God & will still give thee aid, &tc.
The next thing I will write of is, my clothes are getting all worn out, my boot I lost the Sole of, while wading thro' the Loup Fork, both my pantaloons have been ript from stem to stern. Brother David Grant, kindly patched me, my drab pants, & I put on a patch on my others, from part of my old coat tail which came completely off. I have suffered from the severe cold & my torn clothes; but I have been promised a Buffalo Skin by brother Luke Johnson, as soon as he kills a Buffalo & then I shall be warm. This is the coldest, & most dusty journey I ever traveled, I wash my hands & face some days twice, & three times, & yet I have been as dirty as a Sweep in two hours. I would advise you to save your veils, for you & the children next spring, or you will suffer from dry eyes{.} and dark colored clothes, & warm, are the best for this journey. If there should be a warm day, it is easy to throw something off, but we have not been troubled with more than two warm days on this trip, altho' I have been without my coat several times. I believe I have sweat only once or twice. These two last days have been wet, but if it was to rain severely it would not wet the ground in most places for it is all sand as to our living, we can get as much as we want, Buffalo & Antelope can be killed any time. I sometimes eat dry Buffalo meat without bread, but if I do not lose some of my teeth it will be a good job. Buffalo meat, fresh, is far better than Beef and Antelope is very good meat—having two Cooks, J.C. Little & G. {W.} Brown we get a variety every day, & both being professed Cooks, we have it done up nice—if you, and my little ones were with me, I should be a very happy man. But its all for the best—our separation will be the means of loving each other, more and more, & better & better, but as I said in a previous letter, "go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, ye may be also". Another thing I would say is, Before we start next Spring—we must try to get a small sheet Iron round Stove, to put in the Wagon; it will make you all comfortable, & be useful also. Another thing will be, to alter the Wagon Cover, so that you can get in at the South side, & not have to climb over the front of the Wagon. I shall also want some small steps, so that the children can climb in easily. I write these things now, that you may see & know that I am meditating what will make you comfortable & happy, & cause your whole Soul to rejoice. When we meet, I know you will say as you did in my dream, "never mind, in a week we will have a Jubilee", one thing I shall expect on my return home is that my children will be better Scholars, having the advantage of Sister Addison Everett's School, and you, not having so much to attend to, can assist a good deal in this thing, and thereby give me a greater sense of gratification on my return. I will get them some more books when I come back, & tell them, I expect them to be good children while I am away, and if they will learn their lessons, I will bless them & get them something good to eat. I will also bring them some Buffalo meat, and love them more for being good children. I want you to kiss them all for me, remembering me at the time.
When I left Winter Quarters, I gave brother Kay a few choice seeds. You can get from him all kinds of vegetables as you stand in need, & I want you, when you get some first rate melons, cucumbers &tc to save the seed. Get all kinds of seeds that you can, of this year's growth, & be careful in preserving them. Gather some pennyroyal Sage, Horehound, Catnip, Prickly Ash, & Black Cherry Bark; (if you can) that next Winter my Soul may bless you, while eating & drinking of the fruits of the Earth. Take good Care of the Cow, for you will find it the most useful animal on this journey that you can have. Enquire after "White face" & get her. Be kind to Robert Campbell in his affliction, he is tender hearted & will do you all the good he can. I think of him every day & I know he will be glad to see me again. Don't be afraid of asking Bishop Whitney for Flour, meal, meat and the necessaries of life, as he has had a strict charge to feed you the same as Dr. Richard's family. & when he left our Camp, he promised to attend to your wants—his heart was full of love, that he could scarce speak when he left us. He said he would do all he could for our families during our absence. William Haylors also had strict charge to see to your wants, and supply them. & if you run out, then borrow, & I will repay the persons next Winter.
You can share my other letter to any Body you please, but this keep to yourself. You can let Robert Campbell read this, if you like, and as it is almost impossible for me to write any thing to him in addition, he must rest satisfied with the perusal of these letters, for I should not have time to write as much to him. I therefore say, God Bless thee, Robert, & be kind to my family in my absence & you shall not lose your reward, and we will have a happy meeting, when I return. Ask Robert if a man brought two or three dollars for the Clerk. Prest. Young did a little business for him on a Sunday, he had nothing less than a 5 dollar bill, but said he would bring two or three dollars as soon as he changed it, if the money came, it belongs to you - as also Hunter's and other arrears, that you have on a list. Also pay for the Secton's lists that I made out for the High Council.
I commenced by writing last night's
I have read the Bible as far as the Book of Esther, and that brought to my mind Sister Esther Williams, you will recollect a conversation between you and I about her, if it is her wish to be with you, so let it be: when I return we can talk the matter over and attend to it in the next home of the Saints.
Sometime ago I had a curious dream about you, Lucy, the Dr. & several others. The finishing off was "I thank my Heavenly Father, Immortality and Eternal Glory is mine" I said three times, I caught hold of the wreath of Flowers & was caught up in the Clouds. I wrote the dream D!s the interpretation of it & will read it to you both if I find you both on my return. But the Dr said Immortality & Eternal Glory would be mine & he told me to comfort my heart about my family. I have also had other dreams about you & Lucy, & my children. I cannot write all in this Sheet of Paper, but I hope by next Christmas that I can tell you all, or as much as will be interesting to you.
I hope you will take care of my Records, Scraps & Papers—and all the clothing is thoro{ugh}ly aired. All the clothing I have with me will be worn out by the time I return, and then I hope to dress more respectable, and satisfy you in every thing. Now that I am absent from you I think of my female acquaintances often, but you are never out of my mind, & I sometimes imagine we shall have to go thro' our Courtship over again; leaving out the Snags & "Keeping bright side up with care"{.} I have profited much by this journey and expect my separation from you, will learn you many things also.
I enclose you the rattle of the Snake that was near biting me on the top of "Observation Bluff" Sunday 23 May 1847. take care of it. I am told wearing Snake's rattle will cure the head ache. At any rate it will not hurt you, to put it in your cap & try it.
Take care of my Scraps, Records & Papers—Air all the Clothing. take off the carpet & fix the Pitchers & make my little log house a Palace for my return, that we may sit as a King & Queen, & eat bread & honey. did you get that honey promised to me? My dearly Beloved, I send unto you my especial love and best of wishes, praying my father in heaven to take you into his care and protection, bestowing upon you the comforts of life, that you & my dear little children may be enjoying good Health & Spirits and have again the ruddy bloom of youth; that when I return, I may feel that my life has gone back ten years, that the ardor of our affection may be as great & as mutual as it was in June 1838, that we may be enabled happily & with great joy to carry out the instructions in the House of the Lord in Nauvoo; & from the return of this mission, ever live in, by, & for love, to the end of our days & then crowned Kings & Queens in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. Amen. Kiss my Children for me. I bless them {& you} in the name of the Lord. If Lucy is come back give my love & good wishes to her, Sister Williams, Sister Pixton, Sally Anne & all enquiring friends. Remember me to Bishop Nobles, Bishop Lutz & Wife, William Kay, & Family, John Rushton & family, Father, Mother, Sister Everett—and when Robert Campbell reads the other letter, I know you will not forget to remember me to him in an especial manner.
{1867} {1847} June 2 I went with all the Twelve to Fort Laramie. A fine looking building in the {blank spaces distance but made of unburnt bricks it is in a pretty vale, & rest assured I shall be happy to take you there. We now commence the Black Hills. I saw Snow on Laramie Peak with the naked eye, more than 100 miles from here. I have gathered some Indian Beads off the ant Hills for my little Daughter, & this will teach her to be an Industrious little girl. I have gathered Buffalo hair to make me a little bed. I have read the Bible thro' as far as the 119th Psalm. I have kept my journal {I rise before the Sun every morning}. I have driven an ox team to this place (except 2 last days) and now leave it to you. Have I been idle or busy? Are you satisfied with me or not? I have done my duty, I confidently hope you will do yours & then from this time, henceforth, enjoy better days. I often embrace you in Spirit. I should much like in Body, but as the Poet says, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I expect if I came home singing "Here we meet &tc you will give me such a squeeze that I shall be glad "too soon to part" for a few moments to get my breath, Before I can tell you all things, & my feelings towards you.
{June} 3 I am better again to day at 3 P.M. Thunder, Lightning, Hail & Rain Showers—There are some Brethren here from Pueblo. 150 of the Mormon Battalion will be at this place, from Pueblo, within a fortnight. I have no news of Robert Pixton & the remainder of the Battalion. Sister Stevens husband is dead. Also 3 others who I do not know.
I heard Brother Kimball talking that our Wives would not get the letters much, before we return to them. I myself don't expect to get home before November, But at any rate, be ready, for in such an hour as we think now, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh."
{1847} June 4, {7 oclock in the morning} I continue better, but dull from the effects of the ague. All the teams (except 6) are crossed over. We shall leave here to day.
I must now close. Blessing, & Kissing you & my little ones in Spirit. & shall remain
Your endeared & affectionate husband
Thomas Bullock
June 4 is Anniversary of my mother's death 14 years ago.30 is ________ d? ____________acquaintance with your brother Richard - 16 years ago25 ___________d?______________our wedding day—do you repent it? as Solomon says, a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. one of these next days I'll crown you, a Queen—that is, if you don't repent.
60 miles beyond Fort Laramie
620 miles from Winter Quarters
June 9, 1847 5 in morning
Dearest beloved
A few minutes since our camp arrived close to some trappers from the mountains I write a line to say I am now well. I had a shake of ague on 31 May & 1 June Fever—Dr. attended me all the time in his Wagon. I took a severe dosing of medicine and am again quit of it. I had written a long letter to you but it was not wisdom to send it, not knowing which would get to you first. The letter or myself—we are now about 300 miles from Fort Bridger, but where we go we know not. I feel & pray for you more than I ever did & feel we shall be happier when we meet, than ever we were. I have learnt many lessons on this journey which you will be glad to hear me tell you. I hope & pray that you & my dear children are in good health & getting the bloom of youth again. I often think of 25 June, & shall be happy to renew our love only more fervently. I hope you will fix yourself comfortable in new house. don't be afraid to ask Bishop Whitney & William Kay for all the food you want. They have had orders to see to your wants & both promised to do what they could. I hope you will have a little palace for my return. I shall come "as a thief in the night" and your first knowledge will be "Behold the Bridegroom cometh."
150 of the Battalion from Pueblo will be here in 10 days. I have heard nothing of the others. Nothing of Robert Pixton. Sister
Love to Robert Campbell. Lucy (if in Winter Quarters) Sisters Pixton, Williams, & all enquirers—also to Bishops Lutz, Nobles & families. William Kay & Wife. & the Doctor's family. He wrote a line to Amelia at Fort Laramie & sent my love to you.
I must now close (being in a hurry for off) by blessing you & my dear little ones & commending to you lt; &to; to my Heavenly Father to preserve you until (shortly after you receive this I hope,)
And remain your very affectionate husband
Thomas Bullock
Read the long letter to G.A. Smith's family.
We have rain nearly every day. very cold yesterday. Snow in sight on Laramie mountain.
I have read the Bible as far as 119 Psalm, drive my team, keep my journal, have gathered Buffalo Hair to make me a softer bed, then the Seeds, am up before the Sun every morning praying for you. & long to clasp you fervently in my arms again. Good bye and God bless thee my beloved. Kiss my little ones for me.
I have some beads for Pamela, gathered from Ant Hills. Tell her to be a good girl & learn her lessons for it. I will bring something for Thomas Henry & Charley. I bless you all in the name of the Lord Amen.