Transcript for Thomas Bullock journals, 1843-1849, Journal, 1848 May-September
Wednesday May 24 After Sunrise commenced heavy clouds until about 7 A.M. when a shower of rain passed over W.E. which again threatened to put another adjournment to our start—but being determined to go. we started about 8 o clock and shortly afterwards it cleared up for a fine day—went out by the North West Gate, went round by the Mill. Wm. Kay went to assist me up the steep hill—when at the top—turned out to feed—Kay went home in about an hour Daniel S. Thomas (who drives my team with the Church Records) and I. Thomas Bullock (the Church Scribe) hitched up and again pursued our way over hills and dales covered with short grass, which is quite a pleasure, in comparison to what it was last year when pioneering, and arrived at the first MainCamp about noon, turned out to feed and water, when Pres. Young arrived with his Coach—in about an hour & half the greater part of the Camp got under way. rolling over the prairie—went round the great bend from North to South. & camped in a hollow about 6 P.M. plenty of feed—Water about half mile West—no wood—went round cor[r]al & found 40 Wagons and one coach. Pres. Young in going round coral, brought me half a cod fish which is very acceptable. at dusk we hitched up our Cattle, but in consequence of one half of the Camp not having ropes, orders were given to unloose all, and herd them thro’ the night.
<May 1848> Thursday 25. The wolves howled considerable thro’ the night—On rising found a very heavy dew—the birds singing merrily—the Doves cooing lovingly—a serene sky—altogether a delightful morning—when the Cattle had fed about two hours ours were gathered up to proceed on our journey. Pres. Young ordered me to put on all the Team to the Big Wagon. take it to the “Tapion”, and then return with three yoke for my wagon—take it to the Tapion tonight and do the same tomorrow to get to “the Horn”—accordingly hitched up the six yoke to the Record Wagon. ascended the steep hill, (as the Pres: returned to Winter Quarters on horseback.) afterwards had another very steep hill to rise, when we watered the Team—but before we got within a mile of our Camping place—the “Mercer Steers” gave out—drove them separate—continued on with the five yoke, but at the foot of the Hill we stuck in the mud. Blezard’s oxen giving out—added bro George Bundy’s yoke to the Team but could not drag it out—after watering the Cattle brother Thomas returned with three of the best yokes to Camp—leaving me sentry until night when John Gailey, Geo. Bundy & a bro Herston hitched on four yoke of cattle drew the Wagon out & on arriving at the new Bridge which was very steep & terrible muddy got two more yoke hitched on, on pulling up the West bank we broke two log chains, but got safe over without any further accident—then Jacob Peart went with me to drive in my sick team, on getting to my Wagon I fed them with corn out of my provisions—[t]his has been a very hot tiresome days journey & made me sick.
<May1848> Friday 26 I had a sleepless restless night. on rising found a heavy dew—fed my sick Cattle with Corn & then turned them out to graze. about 8 went out with J. Peart to guard—all safe—grass very wet—on return went to bed quite wearied— twenty wagons passed our Camp on their way to the Horn this forenoon—a stiff breeze from the South, large clouds flying about in the air—about noon my Wagon arrived without any difficulty until arriving at the Tapion. about 5 P.M. Isaac Morley, Patriarch arrived with 8 Wagons in Company—at dusk Morley, Bullock & others met, arranging about the Guard for the night. all the Cattle were tied with ropes to Stakes—Mosquitoes felt—There is a beautiful Spring of Water near two large Cotton Wood Trees about a fourth of a mile South of the Bridge, on the hill side East of the River.
Charles Beer Son of Susan Beer, was drowned in the Elk Horn about 2 P.M. his body was found about 3 hours after on the opposite Bank. lower down—and was buried near the Pole on the West side of the River.
<May 1848> Saturday 27 Cold wind from S.E.—Clouds in the horizon. threaten rain about 9 A.M. Isaac Morley Patriarch yoked on three yoke of Cattle & dragged the record Wagon up the hill. We then started over the hills and dales until about 11½ A.M. when we all moved out to feed our Cattle—(18 Wagons started)—about 1. My two wagons, Jacob Peart’s & another resumed the journey. the remainder having gone ahead. five Wagons passed us; & we saw a large Camp descending the hill East of the Tapion—the remainder of our journey was gently undulating, and descending—went down a very steep hill where my forward yoke of Cattle got loose. then went about a mile up the River and camped near the Ferry—found many Wagons on both sides the Ferry—Robert Thompson & Thomas Bullock bathed in the River—on return to camp found the Pres. Carriage had arrived—and saw the camp descending the hill to join us here. received orders from Pres. Richards to fill a bottle with Red Cedar Sap. but there are no cedars in this neighborhood. the brethren commenced ferrying on Thursday and are still busy at it. lightning at night. Cattle tied up in the part of the Camp where I am, but there being so many persons without ropes to their Cattle that orders are given to herd them—and not tie up—
<May 1848> Sunday 28 during the night a heavy shower of rain, with lightning & thunder drenched through many of the Wagon Covers—gave employment to dry the wet goods—Pres. Young gave orders not to ferry over any Wagons on the Sabbath. he went over to the opposite side to visit the brethren and returned about noon—W. W. Majors reports there are 180 Wagons on the West side of the Horn—and there are already about that number on this, the East side of the River—on my counting them I found 182—there is also a small Camp about a mile off. the Pres. has given it out as his intention so to regulate his teams that they may travel about 100 miles a week—about 2 P.M. the clouds cleared away and turned up a beautiful afternoon. . . .
<May 1848> Monday 29 The brethren fixed the landing on both sides the River before they commenced ferrying—I went over to number the Wagons &c—continued very busy until 4 P.M. when the sun overpowering me caused me to leave off sick—having found 587 Souls travelling in 179 Wagons with 28 horses, 7 mules, 586 oxen, 340 cows, 86 loose Cattle, 209 Sheep, 102 pigs 260 Chickens, 33 Dogs 19 Cats, 3 stand of Bees, 6 Ducks, 2 Pigeons, and W.W. Phelps had one crow. when I recrossed the River, went to bed for about 2 hours—then with D. Thomas to Bathe.
when all the Camp were at rest D. Thomas & C.E. Bolton cachet the Drs. Iron while TBullock stood guard—all made secure.
Several Bats flying—Frogs Croaking
<May 1848> Tuesday 30 The brethren commenced ferrying pretty early and continued until about 6 P.M. having a fine day—they had crossed over about 278 Wagons up to 2 P.M. I continued numbering the Wagons and people &c about 1 P.M. Pres. Young removed his family, and Company about a mile up the River where he formed his caral—he lent me his “lighter” wagon to carry a part of my load over—Dr. Bernhisel returned from Winter Quarters in the Pres. Carriage—George Grant bringing a letter from Dr. Richards to me. also a Powder horn and Quills—about 7. Col. A. P. Rockwood & Joseph Kelling arrived with Bishop Partridge’s family. about 4. TBullock—D. Thomas, J. Peart & R. Thompson went to bathe in the River—delightful . gathered some mint.
Many Bats about—
As soon as I was in bed my Wife alarmed by one of the oxen throwing himself—I jumped up to assist bro. Thomas to release one of Blezard’s oxen which had turned the yoke & threw himself—we expected his neck was broke, but by activity we released him & he came to—after rubbing his neck a short time he raised his head like one stunned— and in about a fourth of an hour afterwards he rose up—
<May 1848> Wednesday 31 After Breakfast crossed my two Wagons—and hearing that the Pres. was numbering the Wagons in his cor[r]al I immediately went there to assist—divided his coral into 14 Companies of Tens—Pres. Young then went to the Ferry—& Pres. Morley with his Councillors and myself went to start the organization of Lorenzo Snow’s 100—and Zera Pulziphers 100—Completed the organization of Allen Taylor & Isaac Morley’s companies. The brethren continued ferrying all day—swam the Cattle. At Sun down Pres. Young—went with Pres. Morley—& his Councillors Titus Billings & Wm. W. Major—with Thomas Bullock Clerk. up to Zera Pulzipher’s 100—& organized it
by voting Zera Pulzipher to be the captain of the Hundred
by voting John Benbow to be the captain of the Fifty
by voting Daniel Wood to be the captain of the Fifty
Afterwards Pres. Young gave them some general instructions to observe order in the Camp not to abuse Cattle but take care of them— not to yell & Bawl or make any noise not to be up at nights—but attend prayers & go to bed by 9—& put-out the fires—it is best to tie up the Cattle—outside—horses inside—hogs & dogs to be tied up or shot. the Sheep to be taken care of &c &c—we then went to Lorenzo Snow’s Company & organized it by
voting Lorenzo Snow to be the Captain of the Hundred
voting Herman Hyde to be the Captain of the Fifty
voting John Stoker to be the Captain of the Fifty
the instructions were given by Father Morley—& ten men picked out to repair the bridge over the Creek—one of the Camps to move to the Platte tomorrow—the other Company to go over the creek—so as to separate the Cattle & Sheep. . . .
<June 1848> Thursday 1st. Cold windy day from S. in Evening threatens rain—about 9. Pres. Morley with his Councillors went up to Pres. Young’s Caral [corral], conversed upon the Organization—then visited Lorenzo Snow’s hundred and organized it into Tens also visited the other camps and instructed them in their duties—
T[homas].B[ullock]. very busy filling up the papers of the Captains of Twelve Companies and kept W. Majors, S.H. Goddard, and A. Neibaur busy in copying same—
about 4 P.M. Lorenzo Snow’s Company moved out to the Platte followed by Cap. [Ezra] Chase & Cap. Daniel Russell—Daniel Birch took into his wagon the small black box of Records to carry—about 4. HC. Kimball arrived on the East bank of the River in Company with 55 wagons—
The brethren ferried over about 50 Wagons being not quite so active to day—At 11 A.M. Huldah Maria Ballantyne Wife of Richard Ballantyne was safely delivered of a boy, named Richard Orlando [Alando] by Diantha Billings. Martha Taylor born Coventry, Tolland Co. Connecticut July 4. 1803. attacked with measles at Winter Quarters, died at dusk—buried on 2nd. near the Liberty Pole, West of the Horn—Pres. Young with Morley went over the River to see H.C. Kimball and on returning about dusk went up to the Big Caral, in order to organize and send away 100—when
Pres. Young nominated Wm. G. Perkins to be captain of 100 & voted
Pres. Young nominated John D. Lee to be captain of 50 & voted
Pres. Young nominated Eleazer Miller to be captain of 50 & voted
general instructions were given, similar to the instructions of yesterday—they then removed lower down the caral. and organized another Hundred by
Pres. Young nominated Allen Taylor for Capt. of Hundred & voted
Pres. Young nominated John Harvey for Capt. of Fifty & voted
Pres. Young nominated David [Daniel] Carn[e] [Garn] for Capt. of Fifty & voted
Pres. Young nominated Brigham Young for General Superintendent & voted
Pres. Young nominated Daniel H. Wells as his Aid de Camp & voted
Pres. Young nominated Isaac Morley & his Councillors for Presidents of Camp & voted
President Young here ordered all the fires to be put out at 9 o clock every night—the meeting then dispersed—
<June 1848> Friday 2 A cold morning. the rain passed by. Isaac Morley, his Councillors, & T. Bullock went up to Zera Pulzipher’s hundred, but they had not their returns yet made out—left orders to be made out immediately. TB then went to the Ferry & got from Wm. Clayton one hundred of His Emigrant’s guides—went to peddle them through the camp—about 9 Isaac Morley & Councillors went up to organize Wm. G. Perkins 100 into Companies of Tens—while TBullock remained at his office filling out the Organization Papers and S.H. Goddard copying same. Pulziphers Co starts—Harrison Burgess baptized Theodore Curtis for the remission of sins. & Confirmed him a member—ordained him and restored him to his former standing as a member in the 24 Quo. of 70—by orders of Pres. Young in the presence of William Burgess Sen[ior]. about 1 P.M. (gave him a Certificate for Pres. Young to sign). about 4 P.M. Orson Hyde, W. Woodruff—E. T. Benson—L.W. Scovil and several others arrived in Camp from Winter Quarters. they reported about 150 Wagons in the neighborhood of Winter Quarters—not one on the road to the Horn—the Tanners & the Otoes have had a fight in the rear of W.Q. for the Mormon Spoil—some say about 20 killed report that the Indians have killed some of the Saints in the Valley—and have killed many people in Oregon. Dr. Richards sick on his Back, but poor prospect for him coming West.
B. Young, Hyde, Woodruff & Benson met at the Pres. Carriage to talk over matters. T.B. endeavoring to obtain some of the Captain’s reports but without success.
New Moon first seen this evening
at 6½ in the Evening Martha wife of Willard G. McMullen [McMullin] was safely delivered of a boy named Willard _________[G. McMullin] by Phoebe Angel[l]
at 8 a.m. Sylvia Van Fleet was safely delivered of Twins named Cyranus [Syrenus] & Cyrus [Syrus] by Phoebe Angel[l]
at 9 a.m. Cyranus [Syrenus] died, & was buried near the Liberty Pole. West Bank of the Elk Horn same day.
<June 1848> Saturday 3—When the Sun rose—a black Cloud was in West— moved towards N. the wind veered to the W. by N—threatens rain—Cattle turned loose to graze before starting from our present location—Teams gathered up for Wm. G. Perkins 100. who moved out between 7 & 8. Young, Kimball, Hyde, Woodruff, & Benson with the other brethren visiting the different camps—before leaving about 10 A.M.
Isaac Morley Patriarch blest George Thompson & Stephen Taylor. and in the evening <blessed Cyranus [Cyrenus] Taylor> about 10½ the rain commenced falling—accompanied with Lightning & Thunder—Pres. Young gave orders to unhitch the Teams from the Wagons as he would not start until the rain was over.
a little after one orders were given to unyoke the cattle to graze. the roads being too wet to travel and too late in the day—
Daniel Carns’s [Garn] fifty, promised faithfully last night, to hand in the returns by Sunrise this morning—but only one came in—and they removed their camp between two and three miles without making any returns—
Reynolds Cahoon’s family arrived at, and crossed the Horn this afternoon—Cleared up and a fine afternoon—
T[homas]B[ullock] gathering in and filling up Captains reports—S.H. Goddard copying.
June 4 <1848> Sunday The wolves kicked up a regular rumpus—as quick as they commenced howling—the dogs barked—Cattle lowed. Men shouted to call their loose Cattle together—(for some either have not ropes, or will not tie them)
opened with a beautiful morning altho’ cold and chilly.
Many of the Sisters washing—
TB busy filling up organizing papers—S.H. Goddard copying same—
Capt. Allen arrived in camp from the Liberty Pole, with a full account of Captn. Wm. Perkins Company. TB. compared same—
A meeting was held close by B. Young’s caral[.] Pres. Young, Erastus Snow, Reynolds Cahoon, Wm. W. Major, Isaac Morley, Andrew Cahoon, Allen Taylor &c spoke their feelings[.] afterwards Pres. Young made a motion that Horace S. Eldredge be the Marshall of the Camp which was seconded and carried, near con—
Pres. Young then gave directions that all log chains & other property which may be found by any of the Brethren, must be put into the custody of the Marshall to find out the Owners—& persons who have lost property to go to the Marshall to recover same—
Patriarch Morley blessed two of Stephen Taylor’s children—
Patriarch Isaac Morley blessed Richard Orlando [Alando] the Infant Son of Richard & Huldah Maria Ballantyne—the parents being afraid it could not live long, by reason of sickness. about 4 P.M.
<June 1848> Monday 5 Cloudy morn—West wind—cold—orders having been given last night not to loose the Cattle as we should start about 7—the Cattle continued tied until about ½ past 7. when Capn. Goddard’s Ten moved up to the big caral and fell into line behind Reynolds Cahoon’s ten—we then started for the bridge which we crossed and rolled on to the 1st. Fifty when we came to a halt until they were ready to fall into line—after they had fallen in line and we had pursued our course about a mile —Sister Lucy Groves <aged 41> Wife of Elisha H. Groves, who was sick, vomiting out of the front of the Wagon—on passing a deep rut in the road, the oxen gave a sudden gee—which jerked her out of the wagon—the front wheels of the wagon ran over her breast & shoulders—brother Groves seized her to pull her from under the wagon but before he could accomplish it, the hind wheel ran over her right leg, just above the ancle [ankle] & broke it in two—Dr. Sprague put splinters [splints] & set it—when the Wagon again went on—this accident was about 9 o’clock—the camp took a strait [straight] line towards a bare bluff on the Platte, and continued for several miles—when we arrived opposite to it—we took a Westerly course—went thro a patch of Willows dragging thro’ very heavy sand—after passing over a gentle eminence came in view of the Liberty Pole & our halt for the day—it took about two hours to form the caral from first to last—I arrived about 2—we watered the Cattle and turned them loose to graze—TB. & S.H. Goddard went round to count the wagons in the coral and found 185 Wagons 5 Carriages total 190—at dusk Captn. Goddard organized his Ten into night & day guard—afterwards assembled sang a hymn & Patriarch Morley prayed.
<June 1848> Tuesday 6—Heard the guards cry the Hour nearly all night. up by day break. Cattle turned out to graze—When Sun rose a clear cold morning—about 7 gathered up the Cattle and about 8 started[.] passed by the Indian Grave Yard on our North and afterwards several Lakes on our West—continued our route over generally a good road, altho’ some places Sandy—until we arrived at the Timber, & Island in the River about ¼ to 3—one of Andrew Cahoon’s Cows gave out & was left about one mile after starting—the off ox of blezard’s all but gave out—he swelled much & with much difficulty was brought into Camp at night. there is good grass on the entire journey this day. the bluffs on the South side of the River approach near—in many places timber on them—there are no bluffs on the north side of the River—but is very level—a slight sprinkling of rain passed over the camp before we came to a halt—
at dusk the Captains of Tens were called together by Pres. Young to perfect their organizing—Pres. Young asked if there was any alteration in the Tens—& whether it would be better to divide into smaller companies—and then put the question if it is your mind to travel together in a family capacity same as we have done—to signify it—when they voted it—it was then suggested to travel on two roads till we get to Laramie. that the slow teams start an hour earlier than the remainder and if not arrived at the nights camping place in time to join in caral to drop opposite their Ten on the outside, or inside, as they please—in crossing bridges—to go by Tens—first from one fifty—then from the other—
Hosea Stout was appointed Capt. of the night guard—some conversation regarding the journey and then adjourned.
<June 1848> Wednesday 7 Cloudy morning—dry, turn out teams at 4 AM to graze teams gathered up about 7—when the slow teams start off—followed by the rest of the camp who when they overtook them crowded past A. Neibaur in crowding & jamming along came very near killing Peart’s Heifer & Bullock’s Cow—was very pationate—we arrived in camp before the Bridge was repaired—a heavy thunder shower falling at the time—halted about 12—staid about an hour—the rain continuing the Pres. gave orders to form the caral this <(the East)> side the bridge—Cattle herded till near Sun down. Salted ours—then took them to Water & again tied them up—[blank space] An antelope killed this evening—
<June 1848> Thursday 8 Heavy rain in the night—got up at 4 AM to turn out the Cattle—Hiram Gates beat his black spotted cow (because it was restless while milking) with a thick stick, more than all the Pioneers put together—last journey.
A very large catfish killed in the night—rain set in in the morning, continued until about 2 which put an end to our journey for this day—
T.B. engaged all day preparing the Organizing papers into Captains of Tens & found
14 Captains of Tens[,] 597 Souls[,] 190 Wagons[,] 30 Horses[,] 16 Mules[,] 615 Oxen[,] 316 Cows[,] 63 loose cattle[,] 134 Sheep[,] 66 Pigs[,] 282 Chickens[,] 19 cats[,] 31 Dogs[,] 3 goats[,] 8 geese[,] 6 Pigeons[,] 1 Crow
in the evening cleared up—and the brethren went to work & repaired the bridge—bro. Charles Kennedy killed an Antelope. secured it to camp—
<June 1848> Friday 9 Cattle turned out at 3. to graze—gathered again about ½ past 6—T.B. started at ¼ past 7 with the slow teams. crossed the bridge & rolled over a tolerable good road all morning until arriving at the Platte where we took our teams into it—when the main camp came up, it was agreed to go 6 miles—we again pursued our slow way, <leaving “Gar Lake” on our left—where we saw 10 or a dozen at a time> over the sandy road and ridges until we arrived opposite the Lake, when we formed an oblong caral the 1st 50 forming the left side, the 2nd 50 the right side—the lead Steers of Blezard’s all but gave out. on leaving the “Shell Creek” there is no timber on the right. the timber being all on the Islands or the banks of the River—had a clear day. cool breeze from the north—after tying up the cattle at dusk. Sung & prayed before Isaac Morley’s Wagon.
Oliver Duncan, a little boy about 14 while standing on the Wagon Tongue driving. on striking one of his Cattle, his foot slipped, the fore wheel ran over his leg & broke it in two. Dr. Sprague set it as soon as he could. he also reports Sister Groves going on as well as could be expected. she rides in a swing all day—the health of the Camp generally good, but there are some few sick.
<June 1848> Saturday 10 Cattle turned out at 3 to graze—gathered again about 7—at ¼ to 8 started, Capt. Harvey taking the lead—on account of it being very warm halted several times, passed the place where the Pawnees were last year—watered teams at the Slough—again pursued our way halting often to allow the Cattle to blow. crossed a little ugly hollow without any serious accident—shortly after the lead sick Steer gave out, [w]e turned them loose—Blezard’s other Steer blowing hard. in about half an hour Pres. Young sent three yoke to pull the two Wagons to Camp. this is the same place that the Drs. Cattle gave out last Spring—on turning out—Peart’s Red Steer got into the River & became foundered—very hot day—after the Cattle were tied up for the night—Peart & T.B. went to the Ford of the Looking Glass & bathed. in order to learn what kind of a bottom there is—found Sandy in Center. Mud going in & out—Saw a large Gar fish. Mosquitoes very troublesome. Meeting at Fa.r [Father] Morley’s Wagon to sing & pray—& afterwards Fa.r Morley gave some useful instruction.
after retiring to bed an alarm that Herman D. Bayle’s Wagon was on fire was made, but was soon put out without much damage.
<June 1848> Sunday 11 Clear Sky—Warm morning—Cattle turned out at 3. brought in about 9. Several of the Sisters washing—T.B. went to examine the bridge & hit a Gar with a lump of dirt, on the back of the head. Pres. Young & several others rode out to the bridge—several of the brethren fishing—others herding—at 12 o’clock Meeting in the center of the caral (see T.B’s Minutes) at 3 The Captains of Tens were called together to call out some men to mend the bridge & the Ford—went out at 4—returned in about 2 hours—by order of Pres. Young the Big Wagon was unloaded—& distributed into others—Anthony Blackburn, John Harris, Samuel Mecham, & Stephen Taylor—the barbed grass very plagu[e]y both to men & sheep—
the fire fly flying about in great numbers. the Mosquitoes troublesome—clear Sky— warm evening—the Ten met at Patriarch Morley’s Wagon for evening prayer—
<June 1848> Monday 12 In the night the camp was sadly annoyed by W.W. Major’s dog and A. Neibaur’s dog, barking & howling for more than 2 hours. Jacob Peart’s dog shot by some one, its entrails out—& left to linger a long time—it was then put out of its misery by young Morley—
The cattle were turned out at 3 A.M. as usual—& gathered at 7. the Camp then started in two columns—one portion crossed the bridge. the right hand division took the Ford—in about a mile further met Capn. Chase & Russell—from Lorenzo Snow’s Company who have crossed the Loup Fork. & reports Zera Pulsipher’s Company on North Bank of Ford & would cross to day—& W.G. Perkins Company on Beaver Creek a few miles a head. they brought a note from Lorenzo Snow & requested instructions as to removing. I requested them to prepare accurate returns of their Company, & report same on our arrival at the Ford—We continued our route to Beaver Creek. where we watered our teams & Pres. Young superintended the crossing of the Wagons—a few of the first teams after crossing turned out to graze for about an hour & then resumed journey—after turning the last point of land & a about a mile from the Camp ground Old “Black” gave out—on shifting their places—the Yellow Cow ript [ripped] & tore all before her. the yoke ran in contact of another Team—very near upsetting the wagon—my team backed one under the other. the Teamsters ran their Wagons five a breast & appeared as if the very devil had taken possession of all—in about ½ an hour became calm again & we renewed our journey—halted on Plum Creek. nearly dry—the barbed grass very plagu[e]y to the Cattle & Men—fine clear day. travel through a beautiful Country—
about 3 P.M. Mary Ann Perkins daughter of Wilson G. Perkins aged 9 years was run over by a Wagon <at Pawnee Village near Cedar hole [creek]> about 2,500 lbs. across her breast with both wheels—the brethren administered to her & in about an hour she fell asleep—no bones broken—a miracle—a witness to bro. Perkins who is lately come into the Church.
<June 1848> Tuesday 13 Several of the brethren very busy all night. hammering. & burning out Iron from Wood. Cattle turned out at 3. Cold wind from the West—Camp starts about 7. doubling teams over Plum Creek—passed the Missionary Station on our right—then descended to Ash Creek where we watered teams—a bridge was made over this Creek a little lower down, which makes it easier for teams—then went over a level road, passing the old Pioneer Ford & ascending the hill to the Pawnee Town, then descended to Cedar Creek which was so deep as to get into some of the Wagon boxes—again ascending to the high land where my teams halted to feed—in about an hour hitched up & again pursued our journey over a level road for about 3 miles, then took a sudden turn to the left down to the River & Timber—after going up the bottom some distance then turned to the right up a ravine, over a hill, up another ravine— then to the left for several miles going over 5 or 6 gullies until we arrived at the Pawnee Village—passing same about ½ mile & camped on the bank of the Bluffs. many of the teams not coming in until past sundown
<June 1848> Wednesday 14 Cattle turned out at 3—gathered about 7—started in same disorder this morning—on descending the Steep Bluffs—one of the brethren jeed against brother Neibaur’s cattle. & being so sudden caused his team to break the Tongue Bolt—made a wooden one & then continued his journey—took the Upland bench, good road except five gullies in it which are rather troublesome—saw an Antelope the first on this journey—Came in sight of the three Camps on the South side of the Ford, several Wagons being on this side & not yet crossed over—formed our Caral on the North Bank— watered the Cattle and turned them out to graze—Strong wind from the South West all day. prevented fires being made round Caral until near night when wind ceased a little—after Cattle were tied up—Meeting at Isaac Morley’s Wagon of our ten—sung & prayed. & received an exhortation from the Patriarch. Pres. Young had his Sheep sheared, on account of the barbed grass that has got into them—which is a great annoyance to them. about 3 P.M. bro Wells & Wood were sent by Pres. Young with a letter to H.C. Kimball they arrived in safety at Cedar Creek about Sundown & met the Camp.
<June 1848> Thursday 15 Turned out cattle at 3 A.M.—a lovely morning, birds singing. on gathering up our cattle—Capt: Chase & Russell came over with a number of teams to assist us over the river—about ½ past 8 the first Wagon started and about 11—all were over—(save 3) at one time I timed them. & found a Wagon came over in 16 minutes—and ten wagons came over in 15 minutes—there were from 4 to 8 yoke of Cattle to a Wagon—until the last, when 4 teams following I counted 8, 11, 13, & 15 yoke attached—many Cattle came back without any Wagon—we were exceedingly blessed in crossing, not an accident happened.
Capt. Workman brought the report of Lorenzo Snow’s 100—which I commenced comparing—Camp then moved down the river to Timber, about ½ mile—formed a [there is a drawing inserted] the first portion not having acted according to orders—Pres. Young ordered Allen Taylor & Daniel Carns [Garn] not to rest until every Wagon was put into a correct line of Caral with ours—showing it for a pattern. D.H. Wells. & Wood returned between 12 & 1 with a letter from Heber—the brethren were called together at Pres. Morley’s Wagon & <the letter> read twice by T Bullock. it appears they came in contact with a band of Indians on the 6th. bros. [Howard] Egan & Ricks were wounded—one ox was killed & taken away—& the Indians made signs (to some brethren who they had prisoners) that they had 4 killed 3 wounded. Heber’s Camp was at Cedar Creek, will be here tomorrow—as soon as Meeting was dismissed it commenced a tremendous storm of rain, hail, thunder & vivid lightning which continued until night—it rained at intervals thro’ the night.
<June 1848> Friday 16 Turned out Cattle at 3—raining at intervals—when Sun rose two rainbows seen—gathered up Cattle at 7. at 9 took them out again. at ½ past 9 Maria Kay daughter of John and Ellen Kay, died—aged 8 years 5 months & 16 days. had an apopletic stroke in addition to an Intermittent fever
Dr. Sprague reports health of camp generally well—some few cases of Canker— Sister Groves remains low—her wounds dressed this morning. O. Duncan doing well. TB made out a report of the Camp and found in
Allen Taylor’s 100
597 Souls, 190 Wagons, 30 Horses, 16 Mules, 615 Oxen, 316 Cows, 63 loose Cattle, 134 Sheep, 66 Pigs, 282 Chickens, 19 Cats, 31 Dogs, 3 Goats, 8 Geese, 6 Doves, 1 Crow
Wm G. Perkin’s 100
155 Souls, 57 Wagons, 14 Horses, 191 Oxen, 99 Cows, 34 loose Cattle, 97 Sheep, 28 Pigs, 94 Chickens, 3 Cats, 12 Dogs, 2 Bee Hives
Lorenzo Snow’s 100
321 Souls, 99 Wagons, 20 Horses, 3 Mules, 308 Oxen, 188 Cows, 38 loose Cattle, 139 Sheep, 25 Pigs, 158 Chickens, 10 Cats, 26 Dogs, 2 Doves
Zera Pulzipher’s 100
156 Souls, 51 Wagons, 10 Horses, 161 Oxen, 96 Cows, 49 loose Cattle, 41 Sheep, 22 Pigs, 71 Chickens, 5 Cats, 13 Dogs, 2 Geese
Totals: 1229 Souls, 397 Wagons, 74 Horses, 19 Mules, 1275 Oxen, 699 Cows, 184 loose Cattle, 411 Sheep, 141 Pigs, 605 Chickens, 37 Cats, 82 Dogs, 3 Goats, 10 Geese, 2 Beehives, 8 Doves, 1 Crow
bro Charles Kennedy killed an Antelope this day.
Elder Kimball’s Company appeared on the North bank of the River about 2 P.M. they formed the Caral when another tremendous storm set in for the whole eve the wind roared that it almost drowned the noise of the thunder—
each time that the herd was brought in to day it rained to wet me through. that I had to change 3 times—the last time <I stript> sat up in bed, writing—
Several wells dug in and about the caral, came to water about 3 feet.
<June 1848> Saturday 17 Turned cattle loose at 3½ a.m. clearing up for a fine day—but cold[.] about 9 Pres. Young came round to the captains to see to building up teams to go across the River & bring Heber’s Company over. about 10 they commenced bringing his Company over and in about 3 hours all were safely over—TB went up to get the returns, procured four—
about 5 P.M. the horn was blown to call the brethren together in the center of the Caral, when they were gathered. Pres. Young stated that it was 23 miles to next Water & enquired if we should go 10 miles tomorrow if it is a good day
a motion was made that Pres. Young dictate—seconded & carried—Pres. Young then said it was his mind that bro. Snow go ahead—bro Pulzipher & Perkins next—Brighams next—B.Y. to bring up the rear—Heber’s next. H.C.K to lead his camp—that the camps have in 4 roads or 4 abreast—and keep near together until we pass Grand Island—when the time comes to break up into 100s and 50s. he will tell them of it—
Isaac Morley motioned “that Pres. Young’s mind, be our mind.” Carried unanimously. Pres. Young then returned thanks to the brethren for their assisting bro. Kimball over the river, and said they had done well, he was satisfied.
Some of the guard having been found asleep—a motion was made to make a public example of him, to bring him before Isaac Morley & his Councillors for them to award the penalty—or the Sergt of the guard to wake up Pres. Young who will punish the offender—
at dusk Pres. Young & Kimball rode up to Lorenzo Snow, Zera Pulzipher, & W.G. Perkin’s Camps—to arrange about going tomorrow—after returning to Heber’s Camp— Heber & T.B went to Noah W. Bartholomew’s Wagon. Signal guns fired in the distance when drum was beat B.Y’s camp to show its locality for them to come home—Charles Weston & William Hamblin being out & lost with Erastus Snow’s two gray horses—fine morning—
<June 1848> Sunday 18 Up before 3 to turn cattle loose—heavy clouds in the West, brought rain about 7 o clock continued an hour—about 11 meeting on the Prairie between Kimball’s & Snow’s Camps—Prayer by B. Young—Addressed by B. Young, H.C. Kimball, Isaac Morley & others (see T[homas].B[ullock]’s minutes on file) Immediately on dismissal it commenced raining—
Left Extracts from Journal No. 1 in a box addressed to Willard Richards & Duncan Lyman on the West side of the Ford, on the South bank—
rain continuing—orders were given to unloose & herd the cattle as we should not start today—which was done.
In the evening met for singing and prayer at Isaac Morley’s Wagon as usual every evening—T. Bullock was mouth this evening—
Meeting to-day Brigham & Heber preached to the Saints
<June 1848> Monday 19 Turned out cattle at 3 a.m. fine morning[.] strong dew—in about ½ an hour my spotted ox & my Bald ox were picked up, straggling—by bro Thomas, & brought to Wagons by him—so much for boys herding—Major instead of going himself sending his boy, & Neibaur sending his least boy. I had to lay aside my writing in order to herd two oxen—Grass very wet with heavy dew. I got wet feet.
at 7.40 Camp starts in 3 lines, passing thro’ Heber’s camp, ascended the hill by a new route, on arriving at the top, very heavy hawling [hauling] until we turned out to feed at 12¼ Noon[.] in about an hour hitched up & took strait across the valley for the Bluffs. we then had a very heavy drag over the Sand hills, up hill and down dale, which to us appeared as if there was no end to it—bro’ Allen’s ox gave out. our Ten waited for him— we renewed our journey until we came to where an ox belonging to John Alger lay down and died from over driving—Many of the teams lolling. halted at 6 P.M. for cattle to rest—staid till Sundown—then renewed our journey until the Moon rose, when we came to an halt for the night. turned the cattle into the grass, wet with dew which they devoured voraciously. Capn. Goddard’s 10. by themselves—at [illegible] 11 tied up Cattle for night after they had satisfied their hunger—
before our halt at noon Archibald Williams drove his Wagon, over a sick Sheep—both wheels passed over his body. bro John Hughes picked it up, laid hands on it, when it walked away apparently well—it was to me a miracle to see it stand up, much more walk away. several wells were dug for water, by the brethren, but without success—
several Antelope seen, hunted, fired at. killed
<June 1848> Tuesday 20 Turned out cattle at peep of day. Pres. Morley’s 3 teams started ahead while we were feeding—in about an hour we hitched up & followed. descended to the bottom land, some places very soft & tall grass on it—went in near a strait line until we arrived at Prairie Creek when we watered our poor animals, they were very thirsty, some of them stuck in the mud. then turned them out to graze—about 9 the Companies of Snow & Perkins crossed the creek. Pulzipher’s & the Mississippi Company coming in—at 10 H.C. Kimball & TB went out to point out the way for his Company to come in and halt which arrived at 10.20 his train of Wagons reached to the hills and appears an army—the entire camps with Banners flying appear like an Army terrible with banners, & would prove so to any Company of Gentiles—it is a busy bristling Camp and proves that Israel is in existence in very deed—at ¼ to 12 Camp resumed journey crossed Prairie Creek, went off in double rows, very dusty—travelled over a tolerable road in a S.W. then Westerly course—until we arrived at Wood River, where we camped on the East bank. Snow’s, Perkins & Pulzipher’s Camps on the West bank—H.C. Kimball’s about 3 miles in our rear on the banks of the Platte.
<June 1848> Wednesday 21 Turned out cattle at 3. Threatens rain—I have the head ache caused by wet feet. Camp starts at 7¾ a.m. cross Wood River when sudden gust of Wind from North made a most ominous looking black cloud, which passed over with but little rain—the wind again veered to the South—dust in clouds—travelled over a very level road on the table land. passing many Prickly Pears in flower—short grass on the upper land long coarse grass on the bottom—came to a halt at noon, staid an hour & a half—again resuming our journey on the Upper land—until 4 when we came to a halt—for the night on the banks of the Platte—plenty of Wood, Water, & Grass—the Water very riley. Wood River only appears 2 miles off our Camping spot.
Matilda [Malinda] Lewis daughter of Tarlton Lewis had a very narrow escape—getting out of the Wagon, she stumbled and the Wagon Wheel grazed her leg and foot, no bones broke. Some of the brethren thought this place should be called “Pleasant Garden” on account of its being such a good Camping place—Pleasant Evening—some Cloudy.
<June 1848> Thursday 22 Cattle unloosed at 3—dull, heavy, murky morning—grass wet—N.E. breeze—Camp starts about 8 and in about a mile ascends to the higher land, where the grass is short—the road is generally level, but a great many little gullies to pass over—about noon turned out Cattle to graze an hour. grass very wet. mizzling rain at the same time—again pursued our way on the Upper land until we arrived at our Camping ground of 30 April last year—no wood, or water nearer than the River about a mile off—Snow’s Camp is seen ahead at the Timber about three miles off. Fine evening but very cold—
<June 1848> Friday 23—Very cold night—North East wind—Cattle unloosed at 3 a.m. Camp starts at 7¾ seeing a camp ahead—Franklin Neff’s cows strayed away & driven off by the other Camp—we took a strait line for the point of Timber on our left— and on arriving at a deep ravine went up by its side until we crossed it. a pool of water on our left—Pres. Young had rode forward in his Carriage and superintended the crossing. locking the wheels of the Wagons and cautioning the drivers to carefulness— then went over, or thro’ another deep ravine—on arriving at the top came into a large Prairie Dog town which was several miles in length. crossed the dry creek, and on arriving at the Slough turned out our teams to water—staid about an hour—Heber’s Camp coming near we hitched up & again started thro’ the Dog Town. many of the brethren firing at them, but missed hitting them. Isaac Morley Jr killed a Goose—turned off the road to Camp near our old Camp ground of 1st. May last year commenced Caral about 6—went to Platte for drinking water about ¾ mile—a fine buck galloping past the camp—
a clear day, roads very dusty—
after meeting at Fa[ther]. Morley’s for evening prayer—Pres. Young came up, chatted for some time. & as we are now on War Ground of the Indians. placed an Extra Sentry at the mouth of Caral.
This night camped above the head of Grand Island.
<June 1848> Saturday 24 Cattle unloosed at 3 a.m. Pleasant morning. Pres. Young received a note from Cap. Lorenzo Snow requesting to know about Camping. TB. wrote a letter in reply for him not to be in a hurry, & Pres. Wo[ul]d. go out in his Carriage to look out a Camp ground for all. he went ahead in his Carriage. Camp starting at ¼ to 8—crossed a deep dry ravine, bore to the left for our old Camp ground on 2 May for some distance, then took a strait shoot for the Timber on Elm Creek—deep banks: no Water—then continues thro’ a Prairie Dog Town—go along the banks for some distance when we came to crossing place—I had a narrow escape of breaking my leg—dropping down in a large Dog hole to my knee while walking—pained me—but the Lord preserved me—a better crossing place being higher up—the remainder of the Wagons went to it—in about a mile again halted for all the wagons to come together again, while Pres. Young was looking out a spot for us—Snow’s Company having shot ahead, piloted by David Grant—in about an hour again resumed our journey, turned off the road to Camp on the banks of a Creek or rather Slough holes, no timber or Willows but plenty of grass—formed Caral about 6 P.M.—Very dusty travelling—tired after prayer meeting at Father Morleys—
Pres. Young—Isaac Morley, his Councillors—with the Captains of 100, 50s, 10s met on account of Wiley Norton being caught asleep when he ought to have been on duty in mouth of Caral. <last night> he manifested a quibbling Spirit—it was proved— being first offence, Pres. Young motioned that the case be dismissed—sec[onde]d & carried. & gave instructions on the duties of the guard—volunteering to stand as Guard—& exhorted all to faithfulness & watchfulness—he then suggested that we remove to Timber & Water tomor[r]ow morn.—meeting dimissed.
<June 1848> Sunday 25 Cattle unloosed at 3. Cloudy & cold from S.W. Camp starts about 8 T.B. nearly worn out—Cross a small ravine—& go on a strait line for the point of Timber—not much grass there—go on & pass Perkin’s, Pulzipher’s & Snow’s Camps and Camp on the banks of the Platte near an Island in plenty of grass—about 6 P.M. a meeting on the Prairie—several of the brethren spoke—afterwards it was voted that we all tarry where we are until brother Heber comes—T.B. very feeble did not attend—at dusk Captains of Companies met at Pres. Young’s Wagon, commenced raining—adjourned until Sundown tomorrow evening—vivid lightning—
<June 1848> Monday 26 Cattle unloosed at 3½ brought in at 7—again out at 10½ till 2 & from 6 till Sundown—Camp lay still this day waiting for Heber’s Company to come up. Several of the brethren resetting their wagon tire—the Sisters washing & cooking—T.B. busy writing[.] in evening bathed—a Pleasant day. Cool in the evening—about 4 P.M. a fine Deer ran in thro’ two herds, one of the Herdsmen hit it with his Whip when it bounded away to the River where a number of boys were bathing, they had a merry time chasing it thro’ the Water—it escaped—to shew the changeableness of the River Platte—where I found the Water yesterday nearly knee deep. this eve is a dry Sand bank. and where S.H. Goddard yesterday found it up to his arm pits, this eve is not knee deep—after Cattle were tied up for the night—the Captains of Companies—& Presidents met at Pres. Young’s Wagon to consult about travelling—it was voted that a space of ten feet be left between the Wagon tongues, & the cattle, to preserve ourselves from their dirt—& not to hitch our teams to our Wagons so as to annoy our neighbors as some have done—Pres. Young instructed the Captains to see that all fires are out at 9 P.M.—to assist their Companies to Caral—not to scatter on the road, but keep close together. many motions were made, none (but the two above) seconded—but all carried without a dissenting voice. Phelps the Story Teller told a Story about the Lion, Fox, Wolf & other beasts—much amusement made, all satisfied—separated about 10—a sprinkling of rain thro’ the evening—
<June 1848> Tuesday 27 Cattle unloosed at 3½ a.m. Warm morning. Seth Dodge who was No. 3 on guard last night being caught asleep—Anson Call the Sergeant of the Guard preferred a charge—at 7½ a.m. trial commenced—at 8¾ ended—charge was proved—sentenced “he may take his choice whether he goes on duty to night; or confesses to bro Brigham that he has done wrong and will do it no more”—see Minutes on file—Pres. Young & Isaac Morley rode out in the Coach to meet brother Heber—and returned about 10—about noon H.C.K’s Camp arrived <&> passed, and encamped on our West—immediately afterwards Lorenzo Snow’s Camp started from his place to pursue his Way—the brethren & Sisters visit each other and all seem first rate pleased—there have been several births in his Camp—At Sunset the Captains of Companies and others met at the Presidents Wagon to arrange about driving the Cattle, Hanks & Cahoon volunteered a horse each—John Harris a driver to go with Joseph Toronto the Pres. Herdsman—and to arrange about Buffalo Hunters it was left to the Pres. to appoint them the Teamsters not to leave their Wagons—much pleasantry throughout the evening and some singing—lights were shown & drum beat to guide brother Kennedy & another to Camp—they were gone out after two fine Antelopes that he had killed—
Firman Mulford killed a rattlesnake with 7 Rattles. T.B. rendered the oil—Several wells have been dug at this Camping place—
Made out a letter No. 2 to leave at this place
On my meeting Elder Kimball he took me warmly by the hand, and said, “Tommy, blessed art thou of the Lord, yea and thou shalt be blest eternally, it shall never be taken away, and if thou write it, it shall be as an Eternal blessing upon thee for what thou hast done” and I cried out with my Soul—Amen, so mite it be.
<June 1848> Wednesday 28 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. heavy dew—Cloudy. Cool. One of the Camps pass us about 7 A.M. Our division of the Camp was ready to start at 8 A.M. when the horn was blown—but Captn. Carns [Garn] Co. was not ready, we were delayed near ¾ hour, when we start for the road—then go towards a point of Timber on an Island. here was the remains of an Indian encampment. the willows still in a Cone—many pieces of Buffalo Skins—& of fires, bones, &c recently left here—on arriving at a long lake very crooked with some Willows on its banks—we Watered our teams in the Platte. in about ¾ hour resumed journey, going round the lake—crossing a gulley—then took a bend for an Island in the River, where we camped at 7 P.M. close to the bank of the River—The roads this day have been hard—a few little gullies—dust flying—travel several miles near the river—grass in many places very scant. better feed near the River. small timber & Willows on the Islands. pleasant day.
Seth Dodge stood at No. 3 last night, sentence satisfied.
<June 1848> Thursday 29 Turned out Cattle at 3 A.M. Pleasant clear cool morning. T.B. relieved guard at herding. Camp start at 8 and go along the edge of the Ptah lake, & halt for Pulzipher’s Camp to take a start—travelled over a level road very dusty. the great number of Buffalo trails shake the Wagons very much cross the deep dry creek—& continue our course in a Westerly direction—about ½ past 11 A.M. came in sight of the first Buffalo on the South side of the Platte at noon saw three small bands—halted, watered teams, & grazed about an hour then continued our journey—towards the Sandy Bluffs—pass several small Islands One large Island on the South side, looks beautiful. large timber—green leaves—Came to a halt at 5½ P.M. among weeds, not much grass. two brethren attempt to cross the River to the Buffalo but the water being too deep they turn back. Clear day. but showers in the distance in the South—
As brother Daniel Miller was watering his teams about 4 P.M. a Cow that was hitched on the near side of a yoke of Cows—a yoke of Cattle ahead—it got jammed between them sprained her hind leg & both fore shoulders—& found necessary to kill it—he distributed the meat <among the brethren>
Daniel H. Wells, Daniel McArthur, Duff Potter, Alexander Williams & Seth Dodge killed & wounded five Buffalo: Potter brought a tongue, all the rest were left to waste & destroy a wicked destruction of life, and scores in the Camp wanting meat to eat this day.
<June 1848> Friday 30 Cattle unloosed at 3 A.M. poor feed—Cloudy morn. cool. Camp starts at 7¾ for the Bluffs—heavy dragging—Had to stop for Pulziphers Camp who had killed a Buffalo last night—after they started, we followed over the hill which was hard work on the Cattle—at 9¼ we got over—took a Bee line for Timber—on arriving at it took a turn to the right—up by the banks of Skunk Creek—at 12¼ halted to water & graze our teams—staid 1½ hour—then followed up its banks—when near the foot of the bluffs—went along to the West—crossed Skunk Creek—A. Neibaurs Wagon stuck in the mud—afterwards passed three small lakes on the South—going over a sandy road in many places—saw three Buffalo in a ravine—continued our journey until we arrived at a “Good Spring of Cold Water”—passed Pulzipher’s Camp and formed our Caral under a high bluff—near a Spring of Splendid water that rises out at one hole which makes a stream about three feet wide, one foot deep with a very rapid current.
John A. Mikesell killed a Buffalo, brought it in, & distributed it among the brethren. while James Ivie killed two—Samuel Mecham killed 1 wounded 1—Duff Potter and Seth Dodge wounded 3. and Alexander Williams killed & wounded 4—all a dead loss except about 20 lbs. & a cruel waste of life—
Saturday 1 July <1848> A cool clear morning—Camp starts about 8 and pace over the Sandy Bluffs opposite the Junction of the Forks—then bore round to the right to the North Fork. saw about 50 Bufffalo on our journey—on arriving at Carion Creek—our line had to dig a new road over it—then bore away to the left to the River—went along it—until we arrived at Timber on an Island near the Shore. formed the Caral among Weeds, not much grass. a Shower passing over at the time—Showers during the remainder of the day. John Webb killed two Buffalo Bulls—dragged them to camp with 6 yoke of oxen—the meat distributed—
Snow & Pulzipher’s Camps about 3 miles ahead—H.C. Kimball about 1 mile in the rear—
302½ miles from Winter Quarters.
Henry Royle cut my hair & showered me. I then went with Jacob Peart to the River and washed—put on clean clothes, I felt better.
<July 1848> Sunday 2 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. Pleasant morning—Washing day. Afterwards turned out very hot day—the brethren drying Buffalo meat—fixing Wagon tire &c.
A meeting of the Saints being called between Pres. Young & Kimball’s camps—at 3 ½ P.M. it was opened by the Choir singing “How will the Saints rejoice to tell” &c. (see TB’s Minutes) Meeting continued till 6¼ P.M. had a most excellent time.
after tying up the cattle for the night the Captains & brethren met at the Pres’s. Wagon at dusk it was agreed to resume our journey at 7 A.M.—Pres. Young expressed his feelings warmly about the insult of voting him to appoint the Buffalo hunters. & afterwards running away from their teams in numbers to kill them—(see T.B’s Minutes).
<July 1848> Monday 3 Cattle unloosed at 3 A.M. gathered at 6½ Camp starts at 7½ A.M. Pleasant morning clear day—day very warm. cloudy in evening
The camp pursues its journey in a Westerly direction to our noon halt of 12 May 47. then follow up the banks of a Creek some distance—leave the Pioneer trail to the left. in a short distance pass over a sand hill and turn to our left to Black Mud Creek—dig down the East bank—cross over and halt for ¾ of an hour to water teams & rest a little—very little grass but plenty of weeds. on again hitching up the Cattle took a strait line for the west side of some timber on an Island—go up by the banks of the River—then up a Slough—cross it—and go on to a small Creek with steep banks which we cross & form our Caral on the West side—<at 4½ P.M.> not much grass at this place, or on our route this day.
before coming to our Camp ground, passed a brother Gates Wagon which had got an axle tree &c broke by a sudden gee—Daniel Birch & others repairing it—when I was in the Creek with my Wagon, had a very narrow escape of breaking the wagon tongue thro’ Wm. W. Major not clearing the track after he had got thro’— I only saw 4 Buffalo in the distance this day—I, and several others picking up Buffalo Wool to make some Clothing.
The wolves howling in great numbers to night.
<July 1848> Tuesday 4 T.B sick all night of a fever—Cattle unloosed at 3 A.M. Blue Sky. Pleasant morning. Camp started at 8 A.M. going along the banks of the Platte until we arrived at the North Bluff Fork—several of the teams stopped to water teams & stuck in the Quicksand—I sent my yoke of Cattle back to assist Neibaur out—we then continued up the bottom following close on the heels of Pulzipher’s Camp, some heavy dragging before we got over the ridge—when we had descended into the vale, came in sight of a band of about 200 Buffalo—they stood still until many of the men, women & children ran too near them, when they started off on a gallop, taking the side hill in the same direction as we were driving—we had a pretty view of a well contes[t]ed race for about two miles. we then descended to the bottom & turned our Cattle out at 1 P.M. no water, poor grass. staid an hour, then hitched up, passed Pulzipher’s Camp, went thro’ a new road going thro’ Willow patch—a strait line then to the River passing by all the Camps that ought to be ahead of us. on arriving at the River, watered the teams, turned out the Cattle into good grass—after waiting about one hour. & seeing but a poor prospect of getting over the Sand hill to our intended Camping place—it was thought best to Caral on the River bank. Plenty of grass, water, wool, & some wood. Pleasant day.
The Pioneer Camp was 30 days travelling from the Horn to this place[.] This Camp (B.Y’s) also 30 days travelling from the Horn to this Place
Pioneers travelled 27 days
lay by 3[+27 =]/30
This Camp travelled 21 days average 14⅔ miles per day
lay by 9[21 + 9 =]/30
Daniel S. Thomas killed a hare & brought home.
<July 1848> Wednesday 5 Cattle were unloosed at 3½ A.M. Fine morning
Camp starts at 7½ A.M. making a strait [straight] course to 2nd. Sandy Bluffs, hard pulling up—kept nigher the river than Pioneers, ascending & descending all the way—in going over one of these ridges Hiram Gates Wagon turned over breaking the projecting boards & bows—after some delay unloading & reloading it—Capn. Neffs Ten were able to resume their journey—The Camp descended thro’ very heavy sand by a steep decline to the bottom—Then crossed Bluff Creek & bore away thro the center of the valley until we arrived at the River where we turned loose the Cattle watered them & allowed them to rest or graze as they pleased, for it is but poor feed—staid upwards of one hour, then started again for the 3rd. Sandy Bluffs crossed Spring Creek, then heavy pulling up the hill—continued round the Bluff—very heavy pulling again & ascended from it by two steep gates or jumps on arriving at the foot of the hill, watered the teams—then crossed Bluff Creek, going over a Soft bottom until we arrived at Petite Creek a muddy little Stream—also Piccanninni [Picanninni] Creek a very small Stream arising from 3 or 4 Springs[,] a few rods West of the Road—and camped a short distance East of Goose Creek. not much grass—Pleasant day.
Stephen H. Goddard killed a Buffalo, brought home & divided it.
bro Kennedy also reports two Buffalo & a Calf killed & brought home to the Prests. Ten. [blank space] T.B. mouth in prayer.
After Cattle were tied up, a thunder shower passed over Camp.
<July 1848> Thursday 6 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. Pleasant morning after rain. Camp starts about 7 A.M. Cross Goose Creek, then over a heavy sand road for some distance, also cross two small creeks, one making a perfect pool of muddy water—Duck Weed Creek steep pitch into it—water very muddy—smells strong—after getting over this, road was excellent, on arriving near Rattlesnake Creek Camp halted for an hour. watered teams in the Platte—fed them—then hitched up, crossed Rattlesnake Creek easily—went by the bank of the River—pass Cedar Bluffs which look very pretty—Two of the Camps ahead (believed to be Snow’s & Pulzipher’s) thro’ carelessness or negligence &c set fire to the Prairie & left it burning—one of the fires within ten rods of our road. continue our route up by the River side, pass over two Sand Spots—as we were going up by the River side, a Buffalo that had been previously wounded came towards our Camp on the gallop, several dogs ran at it. but it still came—when within distance of the camp Isaac Morley Jr. gave it a fatal ball. it immediately reeled, received three other balls, & fell—another Company of Ten drew it to Camp & claimed it.
Camp shortly afterwards (about 5) formed the Caral on the banks of the Platte—a delightful days travel—N.E. breeze.
after prayers Timothy B. Foote was brought before Isaac Morley & Councillors for not staying, on Guard, & being in his Wagon—Cautioned & discharged—
also James Ivie for being asleep at 11 P.M. confessed—several brethren spoke well for him—he said he would sooner have lost his Cow than been asleep—Admonished & discharged.
<July 1848> Friday 7 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. Cold night—West breeze. Clear Sky—Camp starts at ¼ to 8 Cross the Creek which we had to grade—muddy bottom—also two other Creeks—then we had a beautiful road until we arrived at Camp Creek which we had also to grade—while crossing a Creek this morning Trueman O. Angel[l] stuck, & Hiram Clawson who was following hawed into our line of road, so hindering our entire line, we dug & pulled him out—when we had crossed Camp Creek a short distance we halted to water & feed our teams—started again crossing two creeks passing several small ponds, travelling over a heavy Sand Road until we arrived at Wolf Creek—Goddard’s Ten crossed at the Pioneer Ford. the others went some distance higher up & had an easier road. We had tremendous heavy pulling—some teams were double & heavy at that—we were an hour & quarter pulling over the Sand Bluffs—after crossing a small creek we camped near the Banks of the Platte at 5¼ P.M. having plenty of feed for our teams—& they stood in need of it. Pleasant cool day, tho, some dusty. breeze from N.W.
<July 1848> Saturday 8 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. Cold morning[.] camp starts at 8. over soft roads, plenty of grass all the way—on coming to Watch Creek we graded the banks, muddy water [and] miry banks—then took a winding course by the river side until we came to the Lone Tree, where we halted for an hour, to water & feed teams. had to cross a swale near knee deep to get to the River—on going to the Lone Tree found that some mean, sacrilegious fellow had cut down the Body of the Indian Child, cutting the ropes into fragments—scattering the robes & Skins & stealing the trinkets that were attached to it—bro. Major & Tom Johnson gathered the pieces, & again fastened it in the Tree—after staying an hour, again started over a dry dusty road, very little grass, & turned round to camp opposite Ash Hollow in tolerable good grass at 2½ P.M. Fine day—On the opposite side the river James Field, [blank space] Sears—[blank space] Stodham & [blank space] Waters from the Valley, with Mr. Rashian an Indian trader were camped—the four brethren were going back, with their families, to get a fit out (him) for the Pacific—one of them reports that they cannot die there unless they take poison— & the other that they die too sudden—they give contradictory reports—they seem to stagger because a good man (Bishop Foutz) should die—(Foutz was poisoned by eating wild roots) & are afraid nothing can be made there—Wm. Weeks had run away from Ash Hollow two days ago—he was afraid to see Brigham—
Field conversed with Pres. Young some time—he told Field when he saw Weeks to tell him he shall not have any peace in his mind, until he comes to the valley & makes restitution for the wickedness he has committed; & cursed him in the name of the Lord. & also tell him we can build a Temple without his assistance, altho’ he (Weeks) says we cannot. the People said “Amen”—
<July 1848> Sunday 9 Unloosed Cattle at 3½ A.M. Fine pleasant morning. & day.
Mr. Field, Mr. Rashian &c visit our Camp. many of the brethren visit them, & Ash Hollow. [blank space] General Washing of bodies & Clothes—W.W. Phelps composes a new song—“The Saints upon the Prairie”—which T. Bullock copies for the Choir, also for Pres. Young.
Pres. Young and Isaac Morley rode out in the Carriage to Heber’s Camp, who was 17 miles behind, they had stopt to rest their Cattle, many of them having very sore necks—they want to be within 4 miles of us next Sabbath—Young & Morley returned at dusk.
A Meeting at 5 PM. in the Caral—see T.B’s Minutes.
Prayer meeting at Father Morley’s as soon as Cattle were tied up. (same every night)
<July 1848> Monday 10 Unloosed Cattle at 3½ A.M. Pleasant morning
Field & others start from Ash Hollow before 7 A.M.
Camp starts at 8—going within half a mile of the River, over a good road but little grass on crossing Castle Bluff Creek several Waggons stick in the Quicksand but by doubling teams & patience, get thro’ it. then continue up the valley, near the River, passing by Castle Bluffs—then come to a Sandy Road rather heavy pulling to Sand hill Creek where we turn out to water & feed at 1 P.M.—staid an hour & half & again pursued our journey going nearly in the Center of the Valley—see a number of Indian <traders, about 30,> on horseback on the south side of the River going East—pass the remains of an Indian Encampment & camp between 4 and 5 on the Prairie—½ mile from the River—not much grass in our Caral—but pretty well between us and the River—Pleasant day—The brethren dig several wells for Water.
<July 1848> Tuesday 11 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. very dark morning
Camp starts at 7½ A.M. over a pretty good road. Wm. W. Major’s horse got loose from the Wagon & started on full gallop, scaring the teams in 5 or 6 Waggons, which broke away in a furious gallop, but we have occasion to praise the Lord that no lives were lost, no Waggon upset & then in a short time all were safely gathered into line again—on returning with the old horse, Major’s dog started Goddard’s team on a gallop for the second time. directly afterwards Major’s other Waggon met with an accident—the tongue bolt came out, cattle were unloosed, Peart’s two & Neibaur’s two Waggons shot round us—altogether this morning may be put down as “the first day of the Races”—without any serious accident—coming to good feed at 11 A.M. came to a halt to feed & water the teams, staid an hour & half, & again resumed our journey, went to the low Sandy Bluffs where we enter into the barren sage Country—then pull over some heavy sand, cross a dry river 30 feet wide, when a black squall was in the West sweeping a heavy cloud of dust in our faces that made it difficult seeing & Camp at 5 P.M. in pretty good grass <opposite several small Islands>—heavy thick cloudy night. Three Indians cross the River from the South, & came to Pres. Young’s Carriage, about a mile before Carraling for the night. Isaac Morley kills a 7 rattled snake—after carraling, the wind died away.
At our prayer meeting, we had a regular singing time of it—
At ½ 10 John Y. Green & Joseph <W> Young arrived from the Valley with good news—
<July 1848> Wednesday 12 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M.—Clear morning & pleasant.
Pres. Young came up to our end of the Caral & brought with him a package of letters & General orders of War Department—Letter from J.D. Stevenson—Instructions from Gov. Mason—Letter from Isaac Williams—Letter from J.D. Hunter. Epistle from Council—Letter from A.A. Lathrop which T.B. read to the people present—then hitched up teams and Camp started at ½ past 8—in a short time crossed Crab Creek, continued up near the river bank, saw 2 wagons on South side the River with a number of horses or mules. at 11 we made a halt to water teams, no grass rested the animals about an hour then started again crossing two dry creeks, ascended Cobble Hills, came in sight of Chimney Rock in the distance, turned round the hill and descended to another dry Creek which we crossed 3 times, then passed round the Ancient Ruins Bluffs, came in sight of xxxxxer Camps ahead & camped about a mile beyond our Old Pioneer Camp Ground of 22 May last—near the Slough at the Cloudy Sky, warm day. some places dusty, others very Sandy & heavy hauling thro’ it. a band of Ogalallahs on the South side the River, come over & visit our Camp—trade Buffalo Robes & moccasins—for corn-meal[.] The brethren dig wells & procure very cold water.
At Sundown a meeting at the Pres. Wagon to read some of the letters from California—conversed on the subject—voted to tarry here tomorrow.
<July 1848> Thursday 13 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. gathered & unloosed three times in the day. Pres. Young gave me instructions to write to Orson Spencer, England, Willard Richards, Orson Hyde, Ezra T. Benson, Geo A. Smith & Amasa Lyman and prepared a Wagon for an office. I wrote same, & read them to the Pres, who approved them. Then copied same also the Epistle from the Valley—had a severe head ache from confinement &c
the brethren repair the Wagons from the Valley—
about 4 P.M. Pres. Young orders out his teams to go & assist Pres. Kimball over the hill—when many teams go—they raise a perfect dust—pull them over the hills—& pass our Caral to Camp.
at night a heavy gust of wind, followed by a heavy thunder storm—the heaviest rain we have had on the entire route—in Elder Kimballs Camp they had a regular row with their cattle—heard the noise very plain at our camp—
Dr. Sprague reports there are several cases of fever in Camp—& many are afflicted with a species of itching caused by drinking the Water—if it did not come out so, there would be more sickness in Camp.
<July 1848> Friday 14 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. dull morning after the rain. after copying the letters to G.A. Smith & A. Lyman went to Pres. Young for his Signature to the letters to Spencer, Hyde, Smith, Lyman, Richards & Benson—made up a mail of 52 copies 50 for States, 2 England (paid .20) delivered same to Daniel S. Thomas, my Teamster who returned to Council Bluffs in company with
Wagons [blank space] oxen [blank space] Job Smith commenced teaming in his stead—for me—& John Higbee drove his Wagon next mine to superintend the teams—together with Charles Kennedy. Pres. Young removed some of his loading into the Wagons that came from the Mountains—Pres. Kimball came down to make arrangements about some of the Wagons
The Camp starts at ¼ to 10—pass H.C. K’s Camp & continue over a level road in some places very sandy—halted on the banks of the River to water & feed—staid about an hour. saw a very large Snake that had pulled a ground Squirrel out of its hole—killed it. Continued our route in a strait line towards the Chimney Rock & camped about ¼ mile from the River—the brethren dig wells for Water.
Old Black was obliged to be driven loose—Bright has a big lump on his neck—Hughes & Kennedy grumble at the abuse they have received—they cut Black’s Hoof for him— Cloudy day—Cool. East breeze.
<July 1848> Saturday 15 Lightning all night—Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M.—Dull cloudy morning—& very cold—(Frost when we here 25 May 47)
Camp starts at 8 A.M. going over a tolerable good road—the rain having made the Sand pretty solid—very little grass; after travelling about 4 miles came to the Sand Bluffs which were hard dragging over, for about a mile—descended to the bottom land, tolerable grass—came to a halt at ¼ past 12 to water & feed—staid bout an hour—then went round a Slough, came to a hard pull for my team—then went over a very level road for all the afternoon, passing thro’ many mud holes & by little pools of water caused by the rain went in a strait line for Chimney Rock & Scotts Bluffs & camped at 6 P.M. about two miles from the River & perhaps 3 or 4 from the Chimney Rock[.] a thunder shower passing over the Mountains in the distance—East wind, cool, cloudy.
Our Ten dig a well about 4½ feet deep & strike on a fountain of water in a bed of Sand under Blue & White Clay, which supplies nearly the whole Camp with good water Tolerable of Buffalo grass, green—not a particle of wood, not many Buffalo Chips—
<July 1848> Sunday 16 Camp lies still all day. Cattle turned loose four times to feed during the day—Sisters who have wood[,] wash—T.B busy preparing the Mail for the Valley. also gathering up papers to send—instructed William Thompson (who has been appointed Clerk of Kimball’s Camp) how to make out the returns to send to valley
Pres. Young came to my Wagon about 2 P.M. & gave me instructions to write an Epistle to the Saints in the Valley—he told me I had been a copyist long enough and from henceforth I must write all the Epistles and Letters and told me to dive right strait into the Spirit of it. I accordingly commenced with the Epistle to the Valley at 4. read what I had wrote to him—when a meeting commenced on the open Prairie between B. Young & H.C. Kimball’s Carals—after some preaching & teaching—Isaac Morley moved that we break up both Companies into 4 Cos. each. Sec[onde]d. Carried[.] W.W. Phelps moved that bro. Brigham & Heber draw out those Companies—secd. Carried.
when he appointed Isaac Morley & his Councillors to draw out a Company
when he appointed Daniel Carn [Garn] & his Councillors to draw out a Company
when he appointed Chancy [Chauncey] G. Webb & his Councillors to draw out a Company
when he appointed Brigham Young & his Councillors to draw out a Company
H.C. Kimball appointed Titus Billings & his Councillors to draw out a Company
H.C. Kimball appointed Isaac Higbee & his Councillors to draw out a Company
H.C. Kimball appointed John Pack & his Councillors to draw out a Company
H.C. Kimball appointed Henry Herriman [Harriman] & his Councillors to draw out a Company
it was agreed to send the Mail to the Valley—B. Young sending John Y. Green[e] with horse & mule. H.C. Kimball sending Ben[jamin W.]. Rolfe & horse—& Cyrenus Taylor volunteered to go as the third man with his horse—
The Choir sung “Come let us anew” and dismissed with prayer by H.C. Kimball
In the evening Pres. Young came up to bless.
then went down his row of Wagons counted off 67 for us & 73 for his Caral then met at his Wagon & had a singing meeting.
after I had gone to bed was called up by Reynolds Cahoon to go out on the Prairie—met B.Y.[,] R. Cahoon, his Son Andrew & others—received some instructions—partook of cake & Port wine visited until near midnight—clear & cold—
<July 1848> Monday 17 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. Cloudy.
Our fifty, or, Isaac Morley’s 50 start at 8 precise over a level country, the road in the fore part of the morning rough—the remainder of the day very level, came to a halt at 2 P.M. to water & feed the teams, staid about an hour. when Pres. Young came up, he signed the Epistle to the Great Salt Lake City—I then made up the Mail for the Valley—205 letters from Winter Quarters & about 54 since starting—also sent 6 General Epistles—5 Newspapers—the Statistics of the Camps & tied same up in my yellow handkerchief—delivered the bundle to Pres. Young—A young Fawn ran thro’ the Camp, the dogs run it down & Andrew Cahoon rescued it alive & carried it to his Wagon. in the evening turned it loose again—
Camp then resumed its journey over a very level road in a strait line & came to a halt between 5 & 6 finding good feed for our animals—a shower of rain passing over us as soon as Circle formed. Pres. Young’s Caral about ½ mile in our rear—Pleasant evening.
<July 1848> Tuesday 18 Unloosed Cattle at 3½ A.M. Very heavy dew—after Sun rise clear up Camp starts at 7½ A.M.; over a level road, but no grass, travel thro’ a desert where naught but the Prickly Pear grows—Alexander Williams & his Company run away from our Camp & cross the River by doubling teams about 10. A.M. he has always been the most refractory Compy., going contrary to the laws of the Camp.
The three brethren with the mail, pass our Camp about 10½ A.M.
Our Camp after continuing its journey until about noon, descended from the higher land to the bottom and came to a halt at 12½ to 2 P.M. to water & feed the Cattle—then resumed our journey. in about 2 miles again ascended to higher land—pass Pres. Young’s two Carriages at the mouth of “Trout brook”—where we took our teams into the water, but would not drink—continued our journey up the banks of the Creek, and in about 2 miles further, turned off the road about ½ a mile—to form the Caral for the night—among rushes & some grass—Pleasant day. Pres. Young’s Caral about a mile in our rear.
a tall tree about a mile East of us on an Island & shrubby bushes ahead of us shows we are coming to Timber again.
The old fortress looks well, & all the bluffs on the South are abrupt.
In a Slough close by a myriad of mosquitoes, & the Saline Deposit gives a very offensive odor in our Camp.
after the Cows were milked, all the Cattle were driven over the Slough for the night.
<July 1848> Wednesday 19 Heavy dew in the night—cold chilly morning.
Had a plain view of Laramie Peak this morning. at same time saw Chimney Rock[.] Our camp starts at ½ past 7 ascended to the high hill when the road was level, thro’ sage bushes—afterwards went this same sand, and again over a very dusty road until 2 P.M. when we halted on the hedge of a sand ridge, took the Cattle to the River & then to feed until 4 P.M. saw several Camps on the South side of the River & a shower passed over our Camp—Pres. Young drove up in his Carriage—where we resumed our journey. passing the “Boat Rock” on our right—keeping close to the River banks, and passing several Islands with Timber on. turned down to a small creek where we camped at 6 P.M. good grass on opposite side the Creek where we turned our Cattle to graze—plenty of mint on the banks of the Creek—Pres. Young’s Company passed us & formed the Caral on our west side—where he came down & chatted with Father Morley.
when the brethren had assembled for the night & sung several hymns, received some instructions from Father Morley, when a thunder shower commenced & we separated—very heavy rain in the night.
<July 1848> Thursday 20 The Cattle were loose all night—very much mixed up with B. Young’s Cattle—caused much trouble to separate. Pres. Young’s Camp takes the lead—the remainder of Erastus Snow’s Co. leave our Caral, afraid of being the rear—our Camp starts at ½ past 8—ascending to high land, & descending to the low land several times during the forenoon. pulling thro’ some heavy sand in places. the last part of forenoon’s journey good. prickly pears abound—no grass—on arriving at the River & Timber saw Pres. Young who reported the arrival of O.P. Rockwell from the Valley with a mail. & good news. that he would go a mile or two to find feed for Cattle, & a crossing place—
we watered our teams, rested a short time & then renewed our journey for about 4 miles over very heavy Sand—& when we arrived there the feed was very poor— on our arrival—Isaac Morley, W.W. Major & T.Bullock went up to Pres. Young’s Wagon—O.P. Rockwell brought out the mail—one letter for Pres. Young. two for H.C. Kimball & a few for the States. T.B. opened, & read the letter from the Council [blank space] & then separated. the mail was brought by O.P Rockwell & Ivinson Scovil from the Valley—having left Captn. Davis & Jacob Earl at the Ferry— & brought on Horace Alexander & Lewis Robinson from the Ferry—they brought 2 horses & 9 mules with them—& started on 21 June—they report the brethren will raise about 8000 bushels of Wheat—if prospered. & also that John Van Cott will raise about 60 to 70 bushels of Corn to the acre—& every thing prospering.
<July 1848> Friday 21—Several heavy thunder showers, commencing at 2 A.M. Cattle strayed away in all directions—gave great trouble in selecting the oxen—doubled teams & commenced crossing <the Platte, to the South side-> about 9 A.M. hazy morning—blue Sky. continued crossing until about noon. then rested the teams until 2 P.M. when the Camps move off. in about ½ mile we came to the Oregon trail—then had a good road. at 3 P.M. Pres. Young’s Caral formed on the bank of the River at the foot of the hill. Isaac Morley’s Camp formed a Caral a short distance East—then Daniel Carn’s [Garn] Camp passed (having had to return about 2 miles to our fording place) and formed a line between & near the two Carals—a warm day. 2 Buffalo Bulls seen a short distance from the road. Ezra Chase & Daniel Russell’s small Camp passes us, & repasses again to our rear to find a Camp ground.
Our Cattle tied up for the night.
at dark meeting in the Caral, Father Morley gave some useful instruction, and Reynolds Cahoon & W.W. Major well pleased at hearing themselves talk as usual, but its a pity they don’t practice what they preach
<July 1848> Saturday 22 Cattle unloosed at 3½ A.M. a pleasant morning—Wrote a letter for Elders Willard Richards & Amasa Lyman to leave at the Fort—Camp starts at 8 A.M. and ascend a steep hill, on arriving at the top found very good travelling for some distance, then descended to the bottom. & still have good going until we halted about 3 P.M. to water our teams, on going down to the River went under a tree having some Indian corpses in it—on hitching up had to pass over a Sand hill—very steep, stopt about 12 times, on arriving at the top of the hill, a stiff breeze blew up a thick dust that we could scarce make any progress—on descending the West side, one portion of the road gave a regular aged fit to the Wagons— continued our route to Laramie River, which we crossed without any difficulty at 4—halted for a short time to rest our teams, & again resumed our journey about 4 miles where we came to a halt <at 7 P.M.> near the River—plenty of Timber & Choke Cherries. the Mountain scenery interspersed with Cedar & Pine Trees looks pretty to me[.] Pres. Young’s Camp Carrelled about ½ mile west of us—
The Pioneer Camp was 48 days from Elk Horn to Laramie
This camp is also 48 days from Elk Horn to Laramie
Pioneers travelled 42 days
lay by 6/[+ 42 =]48 including Sundays
This Camp travelled 36 days
lay by 12/[+36 =]48 including Sunday
<July 1848> Sunday 23 Anniversary of entering the Valley of the Great Salt Lake—
A Shower during the night—pleasant warm morning—Cattle run loose all night on account of the feed—gathered up about 8 but Pres. Young gave orders to tarry where we were—when Cattle were again released for the day—Charles Kennedy goes out with his Seine & with the assistance of several brethren succeeds in capturing 54 fish, chiefly Suckers, Pickerel, Fresh water Dog Fish, which he distributes among the brethren—he afterwards went again & caught 90 more—Showery in the forenoon, pleasant in the afternoon.
Meeting in the evening as usual.
Report that Pres. Young is going to divide his company into Tens tomorrow—
<July 1848> Monday 24 The cattle being loose—had scattered away, gave much trouble in collecting them together—Camp starts about 8—when we arrived at Pres. Young’s Camp ground. halted until they had all started, when we again renewed our journey under the Bluffs—had some sand, & pulled over a heavy Sand hill bearing to the left of the Pioneer road—when we arrived on the hill waited about two hours before we could descend the steep bluff, which we succeeded in descending without any accident for which I feel to praise the Lord. on going a short distance further to our old Camp Ground of June 4—47 we turned out to water & feed—staid an hour & resumed our journey until 3. when we overtook two Camps, which, when they had moved off—we came to a halt, forming our Caral at 3¾—dig wells for Water—dusty day—in evening very strong wind from the East—
<July 1848> Tuesday 25 Dull cloudy morning—as soon as Cattle were gathered up—Reynolds Cahoon & Edwin D. Woolley with their Companies run away from us—leaving only Captn. Goddard & Neff—we in a short time followed on their trail—going under the Bluffs of Plaster of Paris—on arriving at the steep hill I discovered that Pres. Young’s Company had gone round it, so we followed on his trail while “the Coon Co. were climbing the hill”. we then left the River Road, bearing to the left up the hollow, where we found many Currants & Choke Cherries—on arriving at “the Warm Spring” we watered our Cattle, & continued our journey up a Sandy road—on turning the point of rock saw Howard Egan from whom we learned that two of Heber’s Co. were ahead of us—then ascended the very steep hill—& rolled along the valley—turned our Cattle loose at 5 min past 1 to rest for ¾ an hour. no water or grass—seeing another Camp approaching, hitched up & resumed our journey—when a heavy thunder shower coming on, halted in close order, unhitching the cattle till it past over. then descended the hill, passing Porter’s Rock—on nearing Bitter Creek—Elder Kimball drove up in his Carriage—I rode with him some distance to hunt up a Camp ground the feed was very poor—come to a halt at 5. forming our Caral East side of Bitter Creek—I dug out a place for very cold water in the bed of the dry Creek—the coldest water yet obtained—Cahoon’s Co. drove their Cattle down to our Watering place, mixed with our Cattle, & gave us a great deal of trouble to separate the herds—very cold evening
<July 1848> Wednesday 26 A Shower fore part of night—sharp frost latter part—the backs of several oxen white over—on gathering up the Cattle—Isaac Morley had all missing but one Wm. Major three missing. Stephen H. Goddard, Charles Kennedy & others had also Cattle missing—after searching about an hour it was thought best for part of Camp to move on to feed at 4 to 7 about 14 Wagons started, passing several Camps—going down by the River banks, & crossing it three times, at last crossing Pres. Young’s Camp was just starting—G.D. Grant rode ahead & pointed out a spot of grass for us to halt & feed <at ½ past 9> which proved to be the best for our small Camp that we had seen for the last week— we found two of Morley’s Cattle, one of Major’s, & one of Yate’s & sent them back to them—some of them having strayed near two miles—about 11—Father Morley & the rest of the Company arrived & turned out to feed—at ¼ past 12 gathered up and resumed journey, bend round the hill, saving near a mile, go up, & cross the dry Creek several times, pass the small Spring, all was dry, rise the steep hill where we have a beautiful view of the Country. Laramie Peak was enveloped in a cloud—descended the hill with wheels locked & camped in the hollow about 6 P.M.
My little Bill gave out, Father Morley’s two best oxen gave out,—Major’s very near it—Jacob Peart had the tire of one wheel come off. on forming Caral he took another wheel to assist him down—we had plenty of wood to burn—the dry pines making a roaring fire & black smoke—dug a well but did not come to water—tolerable feed—on tying up at night commenced raining—
<July 1848> Thursday 27—Unloosed Cattle at day light—still raining—it has been raining all night—but no strong wind, lightning or thunder—the brethren assist Peart to rivet his Wagon tire & put it on—the drizzling rain still continuing the cattle were herded on tolerable feed—But no water to drink. Camp leaves at 9 A.M. & climbs the high hill which we descend by locked wheels—then go along the bottom of a very narrow valley over a Sandy road & halt at ½ past 12 near Heber’s Spring—Pres. Young and several other Camps scattered along its banks—this place proves to be a garden for many of the brethren and Sisters are busily employed gathering the Gooseberries & Currants which are in great quantities at this place—on account of the rain last night Pres. Young gave orders for the Camp to remain where they are—in good feed. four brethren named William Hawk, Nathan Hawk, Sandford Jacobs, & Richard Slater arrive in Camp bringing a Number of the California Oars published by Sam Brannan at San Francisco on 1st April last on which day they left there—they report that the Mosquitoes had driven all Brannan’s Company from the valley of the San Joaquin—they were yet doing well in the neighborhood of San Francisco—they left the valley on the 9th July—at which time the brethren had cut some Wheat—they were expecting about 20,000 bushels of Surplus grain[.] they met our Messengers with the Mail last Monday 110 Miles from Fort John
<July 1848> Friday 28 In the night we had a most tremendous shower of rain & hail, with very heavy thunder & lightning—it appeared to cut through the Wagon Covers, wetting beds & every thing uppermost—on rising in the morning found some of the Wagons in a lake of water, but my Wagons were on “the Island of the Seas”—saw some of the hail stones several hours after the Storm. Cleared up, when the Cattle were all gathered up & several of the Camps move forward—about 2 P.M. we start, cross the river & ascend to the Bluffs, go along the foot until we arrive at the small Creek, where we found 60 or 70 Wagons ahead of us who had to ascend the hill by doubling teams—when we had arrived with two Wagons at the top—on coming down counted 39 on the move ascending at one time—when our company had arrived in safety at the top, we continued on the top of the hill about two miles & then descended to a small creek, which we found dry—but about a mile lower down found some pools with a sufficiency for our use—good grass—formed Caral at ½ past 5—
<July 1848> Saturday 29 Dull heavy morning. Camp starts 20 min: to 9 ascends the hill, on arriving at the second Creek, had to stop half an hour in order to allow Pres. Young, and several other Camps to move out of the way—here Curtis E. Bolton had an ox fell off the Bluff, broke his back & both his horns broke off—on going up the next hill a cow of Chandler Holbrook, lay down in the yoke, was taken out, & died on the spot—another Cow was also left on the roadside to die—we were ascending & descending all day—cold wind blowing from North West—descended to the La Bonte; when we turned off the road to the left up to an old Camp Ground, where the Indians rushed on us—& formed Caral at 5 P.M. there has been a tremendous storm in this Valley, for every particle of grass is beaten down, the whole surface of the ground being a mud puddle—the Water in the river very muddy—cold evening—
<July 1848> Sunday 30 Sharp frost in the night—Ice gathered off the Ox yokes—On gathering up the Cattle—my “Buck” Ox—was found dead—stiff, & frozen—he was perfectly well (or appeared so) when unyoked last night—on cutting him open found that he had died of the bloody murrain—parts of his heart, liver & lights being tinged with green—his gut having some blood also in it—it appeared highly decomposed—& is a source of grief to me that any persons Cattle should die in my care— but I can say no blame is attached to me or any one else—
I went to Pres. Young’s Camp—saw him, he was very sick yesterday, confined to his bed & Wagon, but is able to be up this morning, Praise the Lord—he told me to take Father Gibb’s Stag in the room of my dead ox—& get along the best I could—I did so. our Camp starts at 11 A.M. passing over B’s Camp Ground, go down by the River side, until we came to a gully, after getting over left the Timber & river, went under a ridge some distance, then pass over it—on the top of it, have a beautiful view of the Country, in our front the Red Valley looked really handsome—Brigham’s Camps winding thro’ it shews the goodness of the lord in enabling so many to slip between the mountains to their hiding place. we locked wheels to descend—crossed the “branch of La Bonte”, no feed, continue up its banks about 2 miles when we formed Caral <about 5 P.M.> on exploring up the Creek found Excellent feed.
<July 1848> Monday 31 A beautiful morning—General washing morning. Wrote a note to H.C. Kimball, telling him of the good feed for Cattle—Bears, Buffalo &tc.—& stuck it in a stick close to the roadside. how very happy a man feels when he is doing good. The Cattle all turned up the Creek to the good feed all day—Gad Yale having gone out for his cow, & not returning at noon—all the brethren turn out with guns &c and scour the hills & woods, returning in the evening without finding him, or any signs of him—about Sundown he returned, having been hunting killed three Antelope, brought in two Skins—
a fine clear day—at night the Cattle again driven up to the woods.
<August 1848> Tuesday 1 Dull heavy morning—slight sprinkling of rain about 8 A.M. When the Cattle were driven up—all were ready to start except brother Neibaur who had a cow which strayed out of the herd; the slow teams started about 11 A.M. leaving the balance to stop & hunt here passed over the ridge—seeing another Company descending into the Valley in our rear[.] we passed by “the Sugar loaf Peak” over hills & dales until we came to the bed of a Creek, having three pool’s of Water in it where we water our teams—again ascend another hill, on getting behind them went alongside about a ¼ mile to the North of them—over a hard level road; a Buffalo came from the hills, & stopt in the road about 60 yards in front of Gad Yale’s team. it staid some time to look at him—when Yale drove a little nigher & it went away—we crossed two gulleys & then descended into the bed of a creek, with beautiful cold water running down it—Eight magpies on the trees on our right. then ascended another hill, over a level, and descended to A La Prele where we encamped at dusk. turned the Cattle up stream—there was very poor feed—after supper prayer meeting as usual—New Moon.
<August 1848> Wednesday 2 The brethren up by day break to hunt up the Cattle which were scattered & drove them up the Creek—there being but very poor feed they were allowed to stay until about 10 when we drove them to the Camp & hitched up during a shower—start about 11. cross the La Prele, go over a strait & level road about 3 miles. on ascending the hill, halt to examine the gullies between the ridges for feed for our Cattle, but it was very poor—saw Goddard’s Co. following to the La Prele—we continued over the hill to the small Creek, where we unyoked our Cattle for 2½ hours to allow them to feed. a shower passing over, accompanied with heavy hail and rain, I gathered some of the hail stones to eat. a band of seven buffalo came down from the hills, our Cattle galloped after them, but the boys succeeded in separating them; the hunters go out, but return unsuccessful. we again resumed our journey over the hill to Box Elder Creek, & again over another high hill—while on the top a tremendous shower was seen coming towards us, when we got in a gulley, huddled up to prepare for it. when it came rushing down upon us, as if it were going to sweep our Wagon tops away—the thunder kept up one unceasing roll, & was awful. I was very thankful when all was over—we again hitched up & started, but the ground being so very slipp[er]y, we could not go in the road, but went over the Sage bushes for better convenience, rough work for wagons—on descending to the Fourche Boisee’ found a little better feed, the young grass just renewing its appearance. a very pleasant Camping place.
Currants plentyful on this & the other streams—also Mint.
<August 1848> Thursday 3 Pleasant morning—Cattle gathered up & Camp starts about 8 A.M. cross the River, ascend the hill, pass thro’ the ridges & descend to the Platte River, locking wheels—then turn to the left, passing over two or three gullies—when we come in sight of two Buffalo. our Camp halted for Gad Yale & Isaac Morley to go & shoot one of them. but without success—after staying an hour, we again resume our journey, taking near a strait line westward, up the Platte Valley; over a gravelly road, hard for the Cattle’s feet. on arriving in sight of Deer Creek, saw two Camps at halt—when we turned down to the Timber. finding Capt. Cahoon’s Co. where we joined up to him—Capt. Wood’s Co. on the West side of the Creek. Pres. Young a short distance ahead. & many of the Camps scattered within a few miles—at 2 P.M. a dull heavy hazy day—saw a small Prairie Dog Town. Jacob Peart & I. went up to the Coal Mine, dug out some Coal.
then went to Bathe in the Platte. & look out for feed for our Cattle—gather mint &c. about 5 P.M. Capt. Goddard with balance of Co. arrived—report, they did not find the Cow. & had 3 or 4 accidents to their Wagons. two of Heber’s Companies tarried where we halted on Monday.
<August 1848> Friday 4 Cold night. hazy morning.
Cattle gathered up, & Camp starts at 8¼ A.M. crosses Deer Creek. all the other Camps having vacated it—saw a fine pair of Elk Horns covered with hair & a Porcupine. go in nearly a strait line, till we came to the deep ravine, where one of Cahoon’s Company was fast—our boys put their shoulders to the wheels & helped him out of his difficulty. we crossed it at another place, & rolled away thro’ the Sage & Grease wood plains, having a very dusty road, or as Pres. Young calls it, a dull yellow day—went round the bend to avoid a deep ravine in several places. I drove on the off side my team as it is dangerous & one slip would smash a Wagon to pieces—descended to the Grove of Timber, where we found Hiram Gates who had killed a Buffalo & wanted our assistance to save it all—watered, & turned out our teams at 2. on the scanty grass among the Willows & Brush—Peart & I unyoked our Cattle to give them a better opportunity to get at the feed—about 5 we gathered up, after dividing the meat, & pursued our journey to the Crooked Muddy Creek—formed our Caral for the night & drove our Cattle up stream about 1½ miles to some feed.
the feed is more scant on this journey than it was on the Pioneer trip, or return journey—scarce any being seen—the Sage & Grease wood appear wither[e]d up—the Willows & young Cotton brush prove a great assistance to us—We have seen Eight dead Carcases thro’ last week. how many more dead that I have not seen, is not for me to say.
Left a letter, No. 6, for Willard Richards & Amasa Lyman, in a box by the Road side, East side of Deer Creek—
<August 1848> Saturday 5 Very cold night. dull autumnal morning—the wolves strike up a most doleful melancholy howling and are in greater numbers than they have been—every time I hear them I all but tremble for the safety of some of our Cattle <they> being very weak, the Cattle were gathered up & Camp starts crossing the muddy Creek, which is about the worst creek to cross on the route—on descending into it—a sudden pitch to the Wagon hubs in mud, then a sudden haw to go out on opposite side, almost wrenching the Wagons—then ascended a high hill still continuing thro sage plains, without a stalk of grass. on descending opposite side, came to a halt, another of Cahoon’s Cows having dropt dead on the road—this is the 3rd Animal he has lost in 24 hours & within 4 miles travel—he believes it is from eating the lye that covers the ground in places, on cutting an ox open found his throat & stomach all but eat away. then continue our way until we come to another bed of Creek being dry, crossed over easily & descend to our old Camp ground of 11 May last year—halted about an hour, continue up the Timber a short way, when we come to tolerable good feed & thought it best to form Caral for the night—dull hazy day—scarce being able to see the Mountains close by—
<August 1848> Sunday 6 A delightful morning[.] a few of the brethren wanting to go on their journey & it appearing to be a good fording place; the Cattle were gathered up—and we crossed the River about 11 A.M. Jacob Peart had a yoke of oxen strayed away which delayed us some time, when all had got safely over, we saw two horsemen coming towards us—when it proved to be Porter Rockwell & Horace S. Eldridge. they advised us to recross the River & go up the South side, as there is four miles of very heavy sand on the North side & would be killing Cattle—we accordingly recrossed the River to our old Camp ground. Capt. Goddard broke an ox yoke—Jacob Peart broke a wagon bow, & lost his tar bucket—at 3 P.M. we again made a start—took to the road, thro, heavy sage. & very dusty. crossed muddy creek, which was dry—passed a ridge of curious rocks representing grotesque figures dancing an Opera reel—descended a very ugly ravine bro Neibaur Broke a log chain—& bro Peart a drag rope—came to a Buffalo which had been killed by Hiram Gates—while we were dressing it, cut Jacob Peart’s finger with a butcher knife—& while carrying the last of the meat to put into my big Wagon—brother Major’s child fell out of the Wagon—the fore wheel ran over its fore leg, but praise the Lord, its leg was not broken—we continued our journey in a cloud of dust—came to Cahoon’s Camp but very poor feed—passed on about two miles, the Sun having set. went down a couple of ravines & camped in the Timber, close by James Bullock’s Camp—drove the Cattle across the Creek by moonlight.
So much for travelling on the Sabbath day—to which I am opposed.
<August 1848> Monday 7 A pleasant morning—my Old Black Ox strayed away, which it would not have done yesterday morning, there being good grass—gave a dose of Lard & Vinegar to my Bright— & at noon—a dose of Tobacco to both Brights—(given me by Sister Young) ] I had a journey down to Pres. Young’s Camp, three miles, for him—on returning met the Teams. Lucy driving for me, again returned to Pres. Young’s Camp—saw him & was glad. Dr. Sprague reported the health of his Camp as good. we received instructions to cross the River at the old Ford, I had to double teams & make 3 crossings—then went a mile up the River, over heavy sand & very dusty—Camped in a line—the wind blowing a perfect gale from the West, until Sundown—the Prairies on the South side of the River, on the Mountains burning very fiercely, forming a dense White & Black Cloud, interspersed with lurid glaze, reflected from the fire—it was set on fire part by the Indians & part by our brethren who had been killing Game on the Mountain—this accounts for the hazy atmosphere of the past week—at Sundown mild.
<August 1848> Tuesday 8 Opened with a pleasant morning—Cattle out all night on good feed. Gather up & our Camp starts about 8 A.M. followed by Cahoon’s Co. we ascend the hill, then go thro’ a long vale & ascend a long hill— hard road barren sage country—then descend on the left, passing some curious rocks; go round a hill having strong indications of Iron on descending it, saw 2 Buffalo ahead, which Capn. Goddard & others go out to shoot—they wound the Buffalo only, & they escape—after staying about an hour we again journeyed pursuing our way to the Mineral Spring & Lake—which was near dry—an ox lying dead in it—the bottom of the Lake covered with Saline Deposit—Camped in a line & drove our Cattle down to the River out of the way of the poison, if possible—the our journey this day we have travelled in the shape, of about ¾ of a Circle [drawing of a ¾ circle] again camping in full view of the Mountain having the burning Pine Forest on it, the fire has travelled to this side of the Mountain, the flame & lurid glare contrasts greatly with the dull heavy smoke; a fine sight in the night
Captain Neff’s company arrives in about 1½ hour after us. and afterwards Captain Erastus Snow’s company joins us about Sundown
Capn. Goddard & J.A. Allen go out some miles, shoot a Buffalo, & carry as much as they could to Camp & divide with the brethren—
<August 1848> Wednesday 9 a cold morning—Cahoon’s, Snow’s & Neff’s Cattle gathered up & start—T.B. with several others go out to assist the herdsmen to drive in the Cattle—“Old Blezard” was missing; after yoking up the Cattle, T.B., Lucy, & Job Smith start off to hunt him—no one of the Co assisting—on arriving at the Platte River saw Andrew Cahoon who had driven him to this side the River—he has lost a large White Cow. on return to Camp ground I left a description of her—while out hunting my ox saw a fine Buck, a wolf & a Buffalo. Captn. Goddard only of our entire company staid for me—Isaac Morley, W. Major Jacob Peart & the rest of them running away, to leave us to pursue our journey the best we could, single handed. Prest. Young’s Carriages came to the ground immediately after we left it, about noon on our arriving at the top of the hill, a thunder shower passed over, & we halted until it was over—then resumed our journey thro’ a long valley, greater part ascending [.]an’ the Timber on the North Fork, & Sweetwater—came to the Rock Avenue which we ascended, going on to the Alkali Springs; when the Sun set, & we travelled the last of our journey by a clouded Moon—ascended a long hill until we came to the beautiful stream of cold clear water, beween 8 & 9. finding the balance of Capn. Goddard’s Co., who we [lea]rned had been racing to catch up with the other’s Companies, running over <the thigh of> Lo[u]isa the Wife of [Ro]bert Thompson, but without breaking any bones—the Coupling of Sister Lewis’s Wagon came undone [&] came near a perfect break down—& the tire of Gad Yale’s Wagon wheel coming off—.
<August 1848> Thursday 10 a cold night & morning—the feed pretty well eaten off by the Cattle so that our Cattle scatter thro’ the Sage Plains in search of food. Cattle gathered up & start about 8—ascending to the “Willow Springs”, stopt a short time, gather Gooseberries—Wm. Major & TB. ascend to the top of “Prospect Hill”, where W.M makes a Sketch of the Country from where Prest. Young, Kimball, Richards & T.B. stood, last Spring— Camp then ascends the hill towards the Sweetwater—cross the Slough & after ascending the steep hill, take our Cattle off for halt. I had discovered a Stream of Excellent water & good feed—several of the brethren net for Fish with neck kerchiefs & Aprons & catch a great quantity—a shower passes over then hitch up & renew our journey over the hill. descend by a steep pitch go over the plain until we arrive at Grease Wood Creek where we halt for the night about 4 P.M. turn our Cattle up Stream & find excellent feed for them about a mile up. Sage trees 10 feet high & as thick as my body.
<August 1848> Friday 11 The Wolves in great numbers round Camp—Pleasant morning—have directions for the other Camps to get the feed—Camp starts about 8½ A.M. & crosses the Grease wood Creek, then travels over a very heavy sand road for 7 miles—TBullock & Isaac Morley just walk ahead of the teams to the Lake of Saleratus <9 miles> where we make 2 large piles for the Company—in addition to what T.B. gathered for himself. the Prest. rode up in his Carriage at the time & with Axe in hand commenced operations—when the Teams came up we loaded what we wanted into our Wagons & resumed our journey to the Sweetwater. pass under the Rock Independence & halt near it & Camp in a line about 4 P.M. finding good water & feed, but no wood. B.Y. & a few others ascend the Rock. then visit our Camp and chat about an hour—warm day.
<August 1848> Saturday 12 Pleasant morning—Father Morley & T.B. ascended to the top of the Independence Rock & gathered gooseberries, grown on the top of a Granite Rock[.] Camp starts about 9—goes up by the River bank about a mile, then ford the River to the South side, (very shallow) & go South, up the hill to the other road—then go West & pass round the Devil’s Gate—then cross two Creeks, & pass 5 Camps at halt—ascend the hill & turn out to feed our Cattle on the River banks about an hour; then resume our journey over a heavy sandy road—when a shower coming on, we again turn down to the Sweetwater & Camp in a line, finding the best feed for our Cattle since 19 July last—the brethren cross the River & go to the Mountain for wood. T.B. Lucy & Job go for wood, try to ascend the steep bluff but it was too steep—then gather a large quantity of Red berries, & return at Sun down. Prest. Young’s Co. pass up, & Camp on the River about a mile a head of us.
<August 1848> Sunday 13 Cool night. Warm clear day
Captn. Carns Co. gave us a part of a Buffalo Bull, thankfully received.
Captn. Goddard & J.S. Allen go out to hunt Buffalo—
The Sisters generally, washing clothes.
About 4 P.M. Goddard & Allen return having killed two Buffalo—unload a Wagon. send it with 3 yoke of oxen—which returns about midnight.
a severe cold evening—
a meeting was held in B.Y’s Camp—orders given to vacate the ground—some companies having been 3 or 4 days in the neighborhood—
<August 1848> Monday 14 A warm clear day.
The Companies ahead of us move away.
The two Buffalo cut up, divided, distributed—make all busy to dry same on the small scaffolds prepared for the purpose.
Several small camps pass, during the day—
T.B. busy writing, assisting to dry meat, carry washing water &c .
<August 1848> Tuesday 15—a cold night—Pleasant morning.
Our Cattle are gathered up, & Camp removes about 8½ A.M. going along banks of River about ¾ mile, then go over a very uneven jolting road all morning—on crossing the deep ravine had some little difficulty with our Wagons—then pursue our way to the River banks where we halt for an hour, watered teams, but few would eat—“Duke” was taken with a strong Diarrhea—gave him Salt & meal—hitched up & renewed our journey, leaving a large Sal[t]eratus Lake on our left, as white as drifted Snow. then ascended a very long sand hill, heavy dragging—& when on the top—we still had a heavy gravel road to Sage Creek which was dry. then ascended another hill, & descended to the River—the Sun setting before we got to our Camping place—all day travelling thro’ barren Sage Plains—after Camping gave “Duke” some tobacco, & black pepper in balls of Meal—but he appears very sick—blood coming from him.
<August 1848> Wednesday 16 Cool night—Pleasant morning.
One of Joseph Young’s oxen, a Cow & an ox of brother Shaw—& the “Charlie Colt” of Prest.Young all die at this place within 24 hours—my “Duke” & Capt. Goddard’s ox very sick[.] it appears that the way to the Valley of Life for the Saints, is thro’ the Valley of Death to our Cattle, & it appears as if we are to get to our journey’s end by a miracle, or very narrowly indeed—our Camp starts between 8 & 9 & come to Capn. Wood’s Camp where they have lost two cattle, & a third Creature dying as we pass by—we continued our journey to Bitter Cotton Wood Creek—where Old Duke lay down & died—we staid about an hour to feed & water—when we continued our journey thro’ a Sage Plain of several miles over a Sandy & gravelly road, until we arrived at the River at Sundown—cold evening. several Camps here.
<August 1848> Thursday 17 Cold windy night—Cold windy clear morning.
Captn. Goddard’s Ox died in the night—saw two other carcas[s]es here.
Our Camp starts about 9 A.M. fords the River—go about a mile & half[.] cross the river twice & go over some very heavy sand—then leaves the River—ascending a hill by a gravelly road—halt near the River for 1½ hour on good feed—kill a large rattle snake—gather many Currants—then renew our journey towards a gap in the Mountains. when little “Bill” gave out, and was obliged to be left. I staid with him about 2 hours but could not get him 50 yards nearer our Camping ground—then left him, & went on to Camp, ashower passing over before I reached it—after supper I sent Job Smith for him, he did not return until long after dark & did not find him.
<August 1848> Friday 18—Up by break of day. & started by the River Road to the place where I left “Bill” last night, & found him within two yards where I had left him, worried by the Wolves, he had laid down near some bushes before I reached the top of the hill—& altho’ Job had been within a few yards of him, was the reason he did not see him—alas poor little Bill—I brought him safe about 6[00] or 700 miles further than many persons anticipated when I was at the Horn—
Camp starts about 8—goes to the Ford of the Sweetwater, cross it, & ascend the high hill to the Ice Spring—which we pass on account of the Alkali Dust—then over a heavy sand road, turned off the road (Bullock, Peart's & Neibaur’s teams—the rest gone a head) to rest our Cattle & give them time to chew their cud—Lorenzo Snow’s Camp passed us—after staying about ¾ of an hour, we continued our journey, ascending a very very long hill & then over a level plain, which was an uncommon wearisome journey to us—the Cattle were very tired, & hungry—we were almost worn out, having to walk nearly the whole distance—the Sun set when we had about two miles further to travel & another hill to ascend—Lucy, and Mary walked ahead to Camp to let them know we were doing our best to follow—met Capn. Goddard on the hill, when he turned round & piloted us along the road to the place where they were camped—crossed the Sweetwater again, & were glad to halt in the night in a place of safety—after the most tiresome journey, & the most fatigued on the entire route—
<August 1848> Saturday 19th Frosty night—clear morning—
There being so many Camps at this place, the Cattle were very much scattered—Capn. Goddard & T.B. went about four miles down the River—seeing about four score Antelope on our journey—Camp started about 10 A.M. and ascended over a long hill—again making a long descent to the Ford of the Sweetwater, which we crossed three times & Camped near the large Sand hill about 1 P.M. finding plenty of Excellent grass—clear pleasant day. Two Buffalo being seen, the hunters go out in pursuit, but did not kill them—they killed a Deer & brought it in, late at night.
<August 1848> Sunday 20 A Pleasant day—the Deer brought in by Cap Goddard last night, divided—at breakfast time, saw another young Antelope which he also killed—then called on all who wanted Meat to go & fetch it—when Cap Goddard, Isaac Morley Jr., J.S. Allen. T. Bullock, Lucy Bullock and some boys went out with bag in hand—after a long days hunt—T.B. trailed two lame ones only in a gully or ravine came up to one, which after six or seven shots lay down & gave up the Ghost—he was then cut up, taking out the best pieces to carry home, lit a fire to cook some, but the sage bushes took fire & made such a blaze as we did not anticipate & we had to pick up our Meat in a hurry—found a Spring of splendid cold water which was named the hunters pic nic Spring—[blank space] after loading ourselves, we took a hearty drink, & took up the line of March in Indian file; after resting 2 times, we reached the Camp as the Sun was setting—glad that we had procured some Meat to dry for the Valley, for which blessing we praise the Lord—
<August 1848> Monday 21 Sharp frost in the night—Ice as thick as a half dollar in the Water Buckets—Our Camp starts about 9 A.M. in a short time cross the Sweetwater to the North Side & travel thro’ a Sage Plain all day—some parts of the road very uneven—gravelly & stony. on the banks of the Sweetwater there is grass nearly all the way—we crossed two soft miry places & a small creek which was very miry—we found a man & woman by the name of Tuttle who had left Dr. Parker’s Wagon, on the banks of the River—our Camp halted & took them in—a fine clear day—cold in the evening.
Busily engaged drying Buffalo Meat &c.—then went with W.W. Major to take a Sketch of a Kanyon West of our Camp—
<August 1848> Tuesday 22 Frosty night—clear morning
Lee & Frees camps pass by us—Capn. Free had an ox & a cow die last night—he has lost 4. Benj[ami]n Brown 3 & Simeon [illegible] Dunn 1—total 8 <cattle> out of that Company of Ten—Joseph S. Allen’s cow having strayed away, a turn out was ordered to hunt her—a great difference to the way I was served on the 9th Augt. when my ox was lost—then all ran away except the Capn—after she was found, camp starts about 10 A.M. leave the river and ascend a long steep hill, then descend & pass over 3 sets of rough ragged rocks which required very great care to preserve the wagons from accident—we got over in safety, but Snow’s Co. broke a Wagon Wheel off—at same time saw the Wind River Chain of Mountains with Snow in many places—then descended & went thro’ a vale, over a good road until we came to the 2 Creeks which were bad crossing—continued on to the Strawberry Creek which was dry—came to a halt on our old Pioneer Camp ground about 4 P.M. turned the cattle down Stream the Creek bottom, there being some Water in several holes—immediately after camping it blew a perfect gale
<August 1848> Wednesday 24 [23] Clear chilly morning—T.B. unwell—
Snows Camp start off, followed by our Camp—pass Aspen Grove Creek & have a good road to the Sweetwater, where we water our teams; ascend a very steep hill, which we pass over & descend to the Willow Creek, where we halted for an hour to rest our teams, but had much difficulty to gather them again on account of the almost impassable bed of Willows—on clearing out of this place & ascending the hill we had a fine view of Upper California, Old Mexico, New Mexico, Indian Country, Missouri Territory & Oregon which W.W. Major took a drawing of—then continued our route towards the two bold Bluffs in Old & New Mexico & on nearing the South Pass, turned off to the left, & descended to the Sweetwater where we camped in a thick bed of Willows, turning our Cattle down Stream—a Pleasant day—Meeting at night to consult on propriety of going on tomorrow, but agreed to wait instructions from Prest. Young tomorrow morning—
<August 1848> Thursday 24 Frost in the Water Buckets ¾ inch thick at Sunrise—Fine day
Isaac Morley, TBullock & others went up to Prest. Young’s Camp—Dr. Sprague reports there have been about 15 cases of Mountain Fever, but all are recovering—Ira E. West was thrown from his horse yesterday & broke his right arm but was set & is now doing well. Prest. Young was well, gave me the letters from the Church in the Valley, & from P.P. Pratt which were read to the people. then conversation about the valley its prospects &c Prest. Young ordered me to bring my Wagons up to his Caral, to be on hand to do the writing. when I went to bro. Hughes (who I found again at this place) who went with me & assisted to fix the load in the big wagon—then read the letters again to the people. afterwards started up to the Camp & drove my Wagons near a lot of fine willows, near the river—the prettiest Camping we have ever had on this journey—Prest. Young, Squire Wells & many of the brethren come & visit me in “Bullock’s Settlement”—sit, chat, sing & enjoy ourselves through the evening—
<August 1848> Friday 25 A Pleasant day
T.B. about h[blank space]
<August 1848> Sunday 27 Fine pleasant morning—the brethren gather up the Cattle & Wagons that are to return to Winter Quarters & take them to Capn. Allen Taylor— & bring their letters to my office—after making the necessary preparation for the Journey, Prest. Young, D.H. Wells, Fa[ther] Gibbs & T Bullock start in the Carriage at 10.23 AM to go to Heber’s Camp to ascertain what was wanting—cross the Creek & ascend the hill, continuing on to the next crossing of the Sweetwater where we stopt to water team—after crossing Strawberry Creek saw 3 Buffalo Bulls within 40 yards of the Road—they stood still, then turned round, & deliberately galloped around us, again crossing our Road within 40 yds of the Carriage—met a large Company of our Cattle that had strayed away to the Sweetwater brought back by Wright & ano’[ther].—also a part of Higbee’s Camp—after crossing the two small Creeks met Wm. Clayton & Co. of about 8 Wagons, chatted a short time & resumed our journey, passed over the Rocky Ridges, descended to the Sweetwater, passed 4 Camps & arrived at H.C. Kimball’s at ½ past 4 found him well, his daughter very sick indeed, & his Wife Sarah Ann confined of a fine boy last night about 10 o clock—
I supped with Henry Royle, & borrowed a Buffalo Robe of him—
at dusk read the Epistles from the Valley to the brethren who had assembled near H.C.K’s Wagons—
<August 1848> Monday 28 Cold windy night, a shower of rain also—
B. Young slept with H.C. Kimball. Squire Wells & T.B. together in a Wagon—
Fine Pleasant morning—B. Young & H.C. Kimball visiting.
T.B. made a copy of the Epistle from the Valley, & P.P. Pratt’s letter to send to O. Hyde
Prest. Young dictated a letter to Capn. Harvey at the Pass, & to send 5 Waggons & 15 Yoke of Oxen & gave instructions for an Epistle to O. Hyde, G.A. Smith, ET Benson, & the Saints—
T.B. wrote same, read twice to Prest Young & Kimball, & revised for copying—
Lorenzo Young, & A.O. Smoot arrive from Valley, report 50 Wag. & 150 yoke of Oxen will be at the last crossing on Sweetwater on Wednesday eve—
The brethren meet & chat about Valley &c
<Aug.1848> Tuesday 29 Cool night, pleasant morning—
T.B. makes a copy of the Epistle to the Saints in Winter Quarters &c—signed by Prest. Young & Kimball
The teams & Waggons from Prest. Young’s Camp arrived about 10—TB with Geo. Grant go down to them & take a description of the Cattle, Wagons & Teamsters—then organized them into a Company under Captn. Allen Taylor—Richard Sessions was also voted to be the Captn. of the night Guard & to assist Allen Taylor—an unanimous vote was taken that they would abide his instructions in all things—Prest. Young then gave them instructions & blessed them—also Prest Kimball.
T.B made copy of list of return Cattle belonging to Brigham Young &c
about 4 P.M. H.C. Kimball came to my wagon & requested me to go down to his teams to assist Wm. Kimball & Howard Egan to take an account of his teams, but had to commence all over anew, I managed to finish as the Sun set & returned to Camp—supped with Hosea Cushing & Wife, (had all my food there)—& at night wrote till Prest. Young retired to bed, with his brother Lorenzo.
<August 1848> Wednesday [30] Cold night—T.B. called up by break of day to continue writing—Finished copying list of return Cattle &c & gave same to Captn. Allen Taylor—Made up a Mail of 61 letters to send to Winter Quarters & U.S. Post Office 2 to go to England also given to Allen Taylor— then wrote a letter to Dr. Richards & Amasa Lyman read it to Prest. Young & approved, copied same, signed by B.Y. & delivered it; (with the Epistle to the Twelve & the Saints in Iowa, Copy of the Epistle from the Valley, & Copy of P.P. Pratts letter) to Benj[ami]n Rolfe who was riding express with 3 others, to Richards & Lyman’s Camp—with instructions to deliver same to Allen Taylor—after all my business was finished up—Prest. Young left Esq[ui]re. Wells with instructions what to do. when Prest.Young, Lorenzo [D] Young, [blank space] Gibbs, & T.B. rode in the Carriage towards home, on leaving the Sweetwater, they had a Wolf race but it escaped—found that a nigher & better road might be made, by turning round the highest bluff about a mile sooner, then take a strait line to the top of the hill, near the Rocky Ridges—a herd of 6 oxen we overtook & send Erastus Snow back to camp with them—on reaching a small Creek, we found William Burton with 3 Wagons who prepared supper <dinner> for us, which was very acceptable to us—Prest. Young had a severe attack of chills, lay down & slept—in about an hour & half we resumed our journey, passed a Camp at the Sweetwater, another at Willow Creek, & arrived at home about ½ past 5 where we met many brethren from the Valley with teams to our assistance—Prest. Young conversed much, over exerted himself. & went to bed very sick.
<August 1848> Thursday 31—Wolves very noisy thro’ the night—With much difficulty T.B. made out a list of the men, wagons & teams that had arrived & ascertained who needed assistance—after the number were allotted to Prest . Young, Geo. Grant, & others went to work to load same, T.B. making an Inventory of the same—Dr. Sprague reports, Sister Cowarn from Mississippi Camp died of Mountain Fever & Diarrhea—a young child of brother Earl’s also dead—a young man just arrived in camp yesterday on firing a Gun, it bursted & broke his arm—which he had dressed, six cases of Mountain Fever in Camp—& altogether more sickly than since we left Winter Quarters—
Prest. Young sent off a number of Wagons to H.C. Kimball’s Camp to relieve his teams, that he may reload & go on towards the Valley—sent the letter by Charles Decker, who rode to H.C.K. with it, who returned at night, having left the Camp on the next crossing of the Sweetwater—Heber’s family are some better, & will be on tomorrow—about noon—
<September 1848> Friday 1 Wolves make a hideous howling thro’ the night—commenced raining about 7 A.M. & continued about 2 hours, then commenced loading up the Prest. Wagons at 11 o’clock Prest. Young gave out his instruction of going to the Pacific Springs this day & for those who are ready, to clear out; accordingly I started to hunt up my Cattle, after travelling about six miles I found all— & brother [James] Bevan brought up his two yoke of Cattle to draw my Wagon—about 1 P.M. we started from our pretty camping ground & ascended the high hill—after travelling about 5 or 6 miles, Prest. Young drove by in his Carriage to look out the Camp ground[.] we then descended & passed thro’ the Diamond Valley—where we saw many clear stones then ascended to & went over the dividing ridge of “the South Pass”—when on descending the Pass a heavy thunder shower in the distance, approached & passed over us in a hail storm—came to a halt when it was dark, & kindled a large fire to be a guide to the teams behind, but the wind & rain put out the fire—& I went out to Pilot them in—the rain & dark rendering it miserable—
Prest. Kimball’s Camps arrived at the last crossing of the Sweetwater between 11 & 2 o’clock
<Sept 1848> Saturday 2 Cold rainy night—miserable morning—Cattle ramble down stream hunt them up & Camp removes down the Creek, & cross it—to go to better feed—a beautiful rainbow seen, very near the Earth & spans only over 10 waggons & apparently three times the height of the wagons. the lowest I ever saw & very beautiful—the cold mizzling rain continued until about 11 A.M. when it cleared up & very windy—the Wind River Mountains covered with Snow—
T.B. made copy of bills of lading for Prest. Young.
about 2 P.M. a band of 13 Indians came into Camp. & commenced raining again—the rain causes the Cattle to stray & wander about—which gives considerable trouble
<Sept[ember] 1848> Sunday 3 Severe frost in the night—on rising, saw the hills in the Wind River Chain covered with snow—very cloudy & threatens snow, but the wind veering to the South West, it cleared up. gathered up Cattle, when my two Teams & David Ellsworth’s put out. I went down to Prest. Young’s Camp, when two persons by the name of James D. Shockley & Richard D. Shockley with their families returned from the Valley with 2 Wagons 3 yoke of Oxen & 2 Cows, on their way to Missouri—Prest. Young gave them a very severe lecture on their going to serve the Devil, among our enemies. on finishing told them to go in peace, but never to return to the valley, until they knew they were Saints indeed. & their names would be blotted out of remembrance—he gave them 25 lb Meal to feed them—after staying & chatting about an hour, he bid me good bye blessing me in the name of the Lord, when I started after the teams, walking 5 or 6 miles. on coming to a pool of water we watered our teams, in about a mile further we met James Vance, Richard Norwood & John Garr with 3 Wagons & 8 yoke of oxen to assist the brethren to the Valley—about 3 P.M. we arrived at the dry Sandy, having plenty of water, turn the Cattle up stream for feed—
Pleasant evening—Capn. Eleazer Miller’s Company camps near us—about 4 P.M.
Capn. Jasper Twitchell’s Company following up—
The road generally good, The rain left many small puddle holes—
<Sept[ember] 1848> Monday 4—Frosty night—Ice on the Water. Pleasant morning.
The Cattle scatter up Creek about two miles, are gathered up, and the Camps start about 9. ascend the hill over heavy sand, then turn towards the S.W. over a good hard road—on arriving at the Junction of the Oregon & California roads—took a more Southerly course towards a high square But[t]e, which we pass on our right side, then over several small gullies—then bore again to the left, the road more Sandy, & descended to the Little Sandy, where we arrived about 4 P.M. & turned our Cattle down Stream to grass—plenty of water in the Creek—a very fine travelling day—
<Sept[ember] 1848> Tuesday 5 Pleasant morning
When the Cattle were gathered up, & our small Camp of 16 Wagons had crossed the River, & ascended the hill, we could see another camp rising the hill about ¾ mile higher up & Prest. Young’s Camp coming round the high bluff in the distance—at the same time clearly perceiving that we had travelled a much nearer road—took a strait line for the main road, & when we were in it, went nearly strait for some Timber on “Big Sandy”—then went down stream near two miles, & forded it—ascended the hill, & turned off the road about a quarter of a mile to find a camping place; but very poor feed for our Cattle—a shower of rain coming on as we camped.
the road good, all day, barren sage plain—
<Sept’. 1848> Wednesday 6 Frosty night—Ice on the water—on account of the poor feed, the Cattle strayed away considerably—Prest. Young’s Camp passed over the hill, & several other small camps, last of all my Wagons followed on the trail, in the rear of Erastus Snow’s Co. the first portion of our road was a gentle ascent over a good road about 4 miles then over cobbly road, & hills & hollows about 8 miles, & descended to the bottom land the whole days journey was in a tolerable strait line, South West—over a barren country, with dwarf sage, occasionally interspersed with tufts of grass—my first wagon arrived when the Sun was about half an hour high—at dusk I went out to fetch in the other wagon which I brought in about an hour after dark—a much pleasanter travelling day than when we travelled it—on 29 June 1847—
<Sept[ember] 1848> Thursday 7 Frosty night—Pleasant morning.
On ascending the hill above our Camp ground I counted 89 Wagons & 2 coaches in the different Camps on this bottom, & several small camps up stream—the Stream is very shallow but better grass than we expected—Saleratus shows his face in many places, whitening the surface of the ground—Some of the Cattle stray away about 7 miles toward Green River when they are gathered up, Camp again resumes its journey; ascending the hill, then rolling over a sandy road for some distance, then bore away towards the Bluff on our right, & as soon as we reached it, left our Pioneer trail, bearing away to the left, over a dry dust road descended 2 or 3 descents in a curved line, passed thro the big trees to the Green River which we forded, it being up to the hounds of my Wagon, or up to the bellies of the oxen, on reaching the West side, we took a strait line to the Bluff, which we avoided by going under it, finding a better & nearer route—passed our old “Mosquito Manufactory” but there were none this time—passed our Camp ground, went round a very ugly turn in the road (worse than the Pioneer made road) then travelled along the bank of the River & camped near where the Road leaves the River about 4 P.M.
Addison Everett, William Fellows, Alvin Green, Thurston Lawson, Carlos Murr[a]y & Owen arrive from the Valley, with 4 Wagons 9 yoke of Cattle & 2 horses to assist the Camps.
<Sept 1848> Friday 8 Warm sultry night—Pleasant morning.
Prest. Young gave orders to Addison Everett to let me have a yoke of Cattle to help me on which when I had got, we moved on our way rejoicing. All of the Prest. Wagons following—(Prest. Young & Esq[ire] Wells riding in the Carriage, called T. Bullock to ride, who read 3 Newspapers to them & rode nearly the whole days journey with them.)ascended the high hill, then rolled up & down for several miles towards a Bluff which we leave on our left & descend to the low land, cross the deep pitch & then take a bend to the right round a low bluff—cross a deep ravine—& continue round the high land to our old camp ground of July 5 last—
a heavy shower of rain & hail passed over us, all the way we were on the Flat after crossing the first ravine to near our Camp ground, making the road a perfect pool for a long distance & all the ground very muddy & slippery—the River was deep, the Cattle having to swim across to feed—
Wednesday 24, Camped On the Prairie, 11 Miles
Thursday 25, Camped Japion River, 7 Miles
Saturday 27, Camped Elk Horn, 9 Miles
[Total] 27 Miles
Monday 5, Camped Liberty Pole on Platte, 12 Miles
Tuesday 6, Camped R.R.& T—same, 13¼ Miles
Wednesday 7, Camped Shell Creek, 10 Miles
Friday 9, Camped Lake South of the road, 18¾ Miles
Saturday 10, Camped Mouth of Looking Glass, 13¼ Miles
[Total] 67¼ Miles
Monday 12, Camped Plum Creek, 16¼ Miles
Tuesday 13, Camped Bluffs Beyond Pawnee town, 17 Miles
Wednesday 14, Camped Upper Ford of Loup Fork, 6¼ Miles
[Total] 39½ Miles
Monday 19, Camped On the Open Prairie, 20 Miles
Tuesday 20, Camped Wood River, 15½ Miles
Wednesday 21, Camped The Bank of the Platte, 14 Miles
Thursday 22, Camped Pioneer Wells, 16 Miles
Friday 23, Camped Pioneer camp ground of 1st May last 15½ Miles
Saturday 24, Camped Open Prairie, banks of Creek, 22 Miles
[Total] 103 Miles
Sunday 25, Camped Banks of the Platte, 7¾ Miles
Wednesday 28 , Camped Camp of 7 & 8 May last, 14¾ Miles
Thursday 29, Camped East side of Sandy Bluffs, 16½ Miles
Friday 30, Camped Good spring of cold water, 17¼ Miles
Saturday July 1, Camped Opposite an Island, 9½ Miles
[Total] 65¾ Miles
Monday 3, Camped West side of small Creek, 14¾ Miles
Tuesday 4, Camped Banks of Platte, 12½ Miles
Wednesday 5, Camped Near Goose Creek, 14 Miles
Thursday 6, Camped Banks of Platte, 14¼ Miles
Friday 7, Camped West foot of Sandy Bluffs, 12¼ Miles
Saturday 8, Camped Opposite “Ash Hollow”, 10½ Miles
[Total] 78¼ Miles
Monday 10, Camped Open Prairie, 13 Miles
Tuesday 11, Camped Opposite some Islands, 14 Miles
Wednesday 12, Camped Ancient Ruins Bluffs, 11¼ miles
Friday 14, Camped Open Prairie, 14 Miles
Saturday 15, Camped Near Chimney Rock, 16 Miles
[Total] 68¼
Monday 17, Camped Open Prairie, 16 Miles
Tuesday 18, Camped Near the River, 14 Miles
Wednesday 19, Camped Banks of Creek, 15½ Miles
Thursday 20, Camped Banks of Platte, 15½ Miles
Friday 21, Camped South side of Platte, 2 Miles
Saturday 22, Camped Beyond Fort Laramie 4 miles, 14 Miles
[Total] 77 Miles
[Total] 526 Miles
Monday 24, Camped Platte Bottom, 5¼ Miles
Tuesday 25, Camped Bitter Creek, 15 Miles
Wednesday 26, Camped On a dry Creek, 15¼ Miles
Thursday 27, Camped Horse Shoe Creek, 3½ Miles
Friday 28, Camped Small Creek (dry), 4¾ Miles
Saturday 29, Camped La Bonte River, 13 Miles
[Total] 56¾ Miles
Sunday 30, Camped Branch of La Bonte, 7 Miles
Tuesday 1 August, Camped A La Prele, 12½ Miles
Wednesday 2, Camped Fourche Boisee’ [Boise], 8½ Miles
Thursday 3, Camped Deer Creek, 9 Miles
Friday 4, Camped Crooked Muddy Creek, 10¼ Miles
Saturday 5, Camped Timber on Platte, 8 Miles
[Total] 55¼ Miles
Sunday 6, Camped 2 Ravines, 6 Miles
Monday 7, Camped Upper Ferry, 4½ Miles
Tuesday 8, Camped Mineral Spring, 12½ Miles
Wednesday 9, Small Spring Creek, 13½ Miles
Thursday 10, Camped Grease Wood Creek, 13 Miles
Friday 11, Camped Independence Rock, 11¼ Miles
Saturday 12, Camped Sweetwater S. side, 10¼ Miles
[Total] 71 Miles
Tuesday 15, Camped Sweetwater S. side, 13 Miles
Wednesday 16 , Camped Sweetwater S. side, 11¼ Miles
Thursday 17, Camped Sweetwater N. side, 8¾ Miles
Friday 18, Camped Sweetwater N. side, 17½ Miles
Saturday 19, Camped Sweetwater S. side, 4 Miles
[Total] 54½ Miles
Monday 21, Camped Sweetwater N. side, 6 Miles
Tuesday 22, Camped Strawberry Creek, 9½ Miles
Wednesday 23, Camped Sweetwater last crossing, 10¾ Miles
[Total] 26¼ Miles
Friday Sept 1, Camped Pacific Creek, 12¾ Miles
Saturday 2, Camped Crossing of Pacific Creek, 1½ Miles
[Total] 14¼ Miles
Sunday 3, Camped Dry Sandy, 9 Miles
Monday, Camped Little Sandy, 13¾ Miles
Tuesday 5, Camped Big Sandy, 8¼ Miles
Wednesday 6, Camped Big Sandy, 17 Miles
Thursday 7, Camped Green River, 15 Miles
Friday 8, Camped Black’s Fork, 15½ Miles
Saturday 9, Camped Black’s Fork, 15½ Miles
[Total] 94 Miles
Monday 11, Camped Black’s Fork, 11¼ Miles
Tuesday 12, Camped High Land Creek, 18¼ Miles
Wednesday 13, Camped Sulphur Creek, 20 Miles
Thursday 14, Camped A clear Spring, 9½ Miles
Friday 15, Camped Cache Cave, 7 Miles
Saturday 16, Camped Echo Creek, 6½ Miles
[Total] 70½ Miles
Monday 18, Camped Red Fork of Weber, 17 Miles
Tuesday 19, Camped Kanyon Creek, 15½ Milwa
Wednesday 20, Camped Near Brown’s Creek, 12¼ MIlwa
Thursday 21, Camped Last Creek, 9 Miles
Friday 22, Great Salt Lake City, 7¾ Miles
[Total] 61½ Miles
[Total] 86 / 1031 Miles
Average 12
86 travelling days at an average of 12 miles per day 1032 [Miles]
36 days lay still
Total 122 days from Winter Quarters to Great Salt Lake City