
Transcript for Thomas John James, Biographical information relating to Mormon pioneer overland travel database, 2003-2017

     My parents and myself imigrated to America leaving Liverpool 22 February 1854.  We crossed the ocean from Liverpool in the sailing ship “Windermere”, with Daniel Garn as president.  There were four hundred Seventy-seven passengers on board and we had a very rough time part of the way and on two occasions did the ship take fire.  We also had small pox on board and several were buried in the gulf of Mexico.


    At Kansas City companies were organized for the trip across the plains.  While camping in Kansas City Cholera broke out and several of the emigrants died.

     We were put in a company with Job Smith as captain of the company.  There were two hundred seventeen souls and forty-five wagons, with from two to four yoke of cattle to a wagon.  We left 16 June 1854 and arrived in Salt Lake 23 September 1854.

     In crossing the plains we had a good time not much sickness, I myself was sick with mountain fever a short time and was not able to walk part of the time.

       The Buffaloes at times were innumerable.  Hundreds of them could be seen at one time and several of them were shot for meat.  We met with a great number of Indians but they did not give us any trouble, but some of the trains had trouble.

     Arriving in Salt Lake we met a family that we knew who came from the same place by the name of John Osmond and with him we stayed a short time.