Transcript for Thomas, Mary Hebden Holroyd, Sketch of the life of Dinah Williams Holroyd, 1921, 4-5
We would see the Indians often, but our leaders always gave them all they could of provisions, so they did not molest us in any way as I remember. We were more fearful of the soldiers and I remember how we passed Fort Laramie in the night and our Capt. Joseph Horn[e] instructed all to go as quietly as possible, not to speak a word, not even to the oxen or to make a light. Our whole train of fifty wagons passed without the soldiers knowing it.
I forgot to tell you that about a year before leaving Philadelphia a baby girl was born in our home on August 17, 1859 and she was named Elizabeth Holroyd. My mother's faith and mother love was now being sorely tried again as this baby was very ill and within one week of arriving in Salt Lake City this baby died at the age of two years. My father walked back to fort Bridger, thirteen miles, to get a board which he carried on his shoulders. Mark Hall was the Sexton of the company and he made a little coffin and she was buried at Muddy Creek. We all mourned very much over the loss of our little sister, but our Heavenly father blessed my mother and she was made strong and always full of faith and love for others. As we neared our destination we were getting weary but the nearness encouraged us on. One day during the travels I was so weary I begged mother to let me sit on the wagon tongue a few minutes, but I was not there long. I fell fast asleep but was awakened quickly by the pots and kettles banging my head and I tried to crawl out but my brother Robert, who was helping drive the oxen, commenced poking my back with the whip. The wheel caught me and I thought sure my head was going to be run over, but it was just my shaker bonnet that got a good pressing. This was after one of our nights of dancing. Dancing and walking all day every day may keep your spirits up, but your body gets weary. This was another worry for my mother, but in a few days I was walking again.
We arrived in Salt Lake City September 16, 1861.