
Transcript for Toombs, Joseph Moroni, [Interview], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols., 28:165-67

10. At what place did you join the company or wagon train with which you came to Utah?
10. Mr. Toombs' family met the company at Omaha, Nebraska and traveled by ox team across the plains.

12. What was the place of your destination in Utah? Why did you come to Utah?
12. The Toombs family's destination was somewhere in Utah. The family were converts to the Mormon church.

13-15. When did you arrive there? Who was the leader of your company or train? Method travel (handcart, ox team, mule team, horseback, etc.)
13-15. The leader of the company was John Doddle [Dowdle], who later moved up into Cache Valley, Utah. The company arrived in Salt Lake on Oct. 20, 1868. Mr. Toombs walked all the way from Omaha, Nebraska to Salt Lake, a distance of 1,100 miles. Crossing the Platte River, the water was low and Mr. Toombs waded across the river. It was one and one fourth miles at the point of crossing. There were 20 wagons in the train, and beside Mr. Doddle, (the leader) there were five guides to pilot the company across the plains. There was a lot of sickness during the crossing, but only a few deaths. The company had to build roads from quaking ash. They never suffered from lack of food. They met many Indians during their trip across but they were friendly and provided much of the fresh meat supply to the saints. This was quite an experience for a lad just 10 years of age.

31. Do you recall seeing any buffalo or hunting any wild game? If so, tell about some incident.
31. Mr. Toombs saw many buffalo crossing the plains, in fact, he stated they formed a source of danger to the saints crossing. He remembered a large herd of buffalo, he would judge near 400, when they were camped on the Green River. These buffalo were crossing the river and the saints had to drive their oxen inside the wagon circle to protect themselves and cattle from a buffalo stampede.

32. Were fish and game plentiful upon your arrival in Utah? What kind? Where?
32. No response.

34. Tell about coming to your state in a covered wagon.
34. Mr. Toombs related the entertainments they enjoyed crossing the plains. He stated they used to sing a great deal in circles around the camp fire. They had dances and would fish in the streams where they camped.