
Transcript for Turner, Charles, Reminiscences, in Journal Jan. 1894-Mar. 1895, fd. 6, vol. 11, 179-80, in Journals, 1854-1910

[June] 29 th we moved into the Camping ground and had A very heavey rain this past night out in wagons and tents[.] our Beding and A good of what we had got wet but we soon learned to adapt ourselves to A travelling Life[.] the Waggon we Travled with had 13 Souls with it[.] We was as follows Charles Turner, my intended Wife [Elizabeth Wilkins,] Elizabeth [Wooton] Wilkins her Mother[,] Wm. A. Garrett and wife [Ann Priscilla Wilkins Garrett,] Thomas Hadkins[,] Wife and Child. Elizabeth Cooper [Cowper], Aime [Ann] Storment [Stormont]. Mag[a]ret Smarl [Small]. Spears [Spiers] Larson [Lawson] & his Bro[the]r [Robert Lawson] A criple who had to ride all the time as his wear [he was] useless but his Body big strong and healthy[.] we sat[,] drank and lived together as one family from Florance [Florence] to the Camping ground in Salt Lake City. although, nearly every wagon started in family stile but only one wagon Company eat and kept together althrough to salt Lake City[.] besides our Company I pray and labored hard to keep us together and we injoyed ourselves fine all through. considering such A journey our Company lost 16 head of cattle on this trip and the same Number of souls Died out[.] 61 or 62 wagons all carrying from 12 to 14 Souls each with the exceptions of A few independent wagons the others left utah and returned the same season[.] Irer [Ira] Eldridge was our Captin and A very good one he was[.] we had A very good trip[.] no serious Ac[ci]dent ocured on all the trip[.] the worst thing in disopintment was our Night gards lost their horses[.] this hindered us half Aday. we landed on Emigration Square in Salt Lake City Sept 15 th on Sunday afternoon between 3 and 4 Oclock . . .