Transcript for Viva Skousen Brown,The Life and Posterity of Alma Platte Spilsbury (1983), 42-43
It was not until July 3rd that we left the Missouri River for Utah, traveling in Bishop Edward Hunter’s company up the south side of the Platte River. We had joined teams with Charles N. Smith, and we had one wagon, two yoke of oxen and two yoke of cows.
The second day out the Stars and Stripes were unfurled and the Nation’s birthday celebrated.
A son, Alma Platte, was born to my wife Fannie Spilsbury while traveling along the river on the 5th of August. When the child was eight days old, my wife narrowly excaped a fatality, the wagon containing them being upturned down the bank four or five feet into the water. After considerable searching Bishop Hunter found the babe apparently dead, but when he administered to it revived. No ill effects followed the accident.
At Fort Laramie some thieves with old rawhides on their backs stamp[ed]ed the cattle of our camp. But after a hard chase all the animals were recovered. I lost one cow on the trip and nearly all my provisions. We attained some more at Laramie.
Our company arrived in Salt Lake City October 3.