Transcript for Wakefield, John Fleming, II, Autobiography, in James Albert Jones, Some Early Pioneers of Huntington, Utah and Surrounding Area [1980], 280
One night there was some wild animal, or other, killed one of our cows and tore her to pieces. Mother got a big baldfaced cow from the church to go on with. The church had some loose cows to use if they were needed by anyone.
One day near Devil’s Gate, my brother Thomas and me were ahead of the teams and a white wolf got after me. I started to run, but Thomas called me back. I went back and we pelted it with rocks until we killed it.
When we got to the big hill, to go down into Echo Canyon, the men tied long ropes to the wagons, to help hold them back. Mother’s brother, Uncle Joseph Garlic, met us there with a team to help us on in. He took us to his home in Springville, for a while. We were about 4 months on the plains, getting to Salt Lake about the middle of September 1855.