Transcript for Warren Foote, Autobiography and journal, 1837 May-1879 December, 110-126
My health being so poor I began to reflect upon my situation and about going to the Valley of Salt Lake. I felt that my health would never be much better here. Being impressed by the Spirit I repaired to the top of the Bluff north of the Mill, not far from the burying ground and there poured forth my soul in prayer to God, that He would make known His will to me, what He would have me to do, and if it was His will that I should move to the Valley this season, to open up the way, that I might sell my share of the mill, and obtain an fitout for that purpose. While I was thus engaged, the Spirit of God rested upon me, and impressed me with the following words. “The way shall be opened before you, and notwithstanding your ill health inasmuch as you put your trust in me I will preserve your life, and not one of your family shall fall by the way, but I will bring you safely to the Valley of Salt Lake[”]. This filled my soul with joy, and I returned to my house with a full determination to set about preparing to go. While the California emigrants were passing, I had a light wagon at Bro. Obanions for which he was making a box and one of the emigrants seeing
June 11th We started from Kanesville in company with Otis L Terry, and his father and brother Charles A. Terry. The Saints are crossing the Missouri River 18 miles below Kanesville this year and going up the south side of the Platte River. We drove down to Musquito [Mosquito] Creek bridge and camped.
June 12th We moved on down to within one and an half mile of the Ferry and unhitched our teams just in time to attend the meeting for organizing the company. One of my neighbors who was going with us said to me, “I am going to have <you> put in Captain of ten[.]” I answered “No I don’t want any office.” This was before meeting com[m]enced. Elder Hyde soon arrived and proceeded to organize the company. He arose and after looking over the congregation a moment he said, “I nominate Warren Foote captain of one hundred.” It was so unexpected to me I must confess that I was completely dum[b]founded. After I was unanimously voted in, Bro. Hyde nominated Otis L. Terry captain of the first fifty. He was as much <taken> by surprise as I was. He was voted in unanimously. Elder Hyde then asked for some one to nominate a captain of the second fifty, and someone nominated Wm. Wall which was car[r]ied. Elder Hyde said that the captains of <the> hundred and of fifties would organize the company into tens. The meeting was then dismissed. “Well,” said my neighbor to me, “You did not want any office not even to be a captain of ten and we’ve made you captain of a hundred.” “Well I wish that they had not done it,” said I, “But I will do the best I know how.” In the afternoon we proceeded to organize into tens. The following is the complete organization of the Hundred.
Names of Heads of Families
Captain of Hundred
Warren Foote 1 wagon, 6 persons, 7 cattle
Captain of first Fifty
Otis Lysander Terry 1 wagon, 6 persons, 8 cattle
Captain of first Ten
Samuel Mulliner 2 wagons, 8 persons, 13 cattle
Otis Terry 1 wagon, 2 persons, 4 cattle
Charles A. Terry 1 wagon, 5 persons, 6 cattle
Allexander M. Loveredge [Alexander H. Loveridge] 1 wagon, 5 persons, 6 cattle
John Roylance 1 wagon, 8 persons, 8 cattle
Ann Madson [Madsen] 1 wagon, 2 persons, 6 cattle
Jesse McCarroll [McCarrel] 1 wagon, 5 persons, 10 cattle
John Hill 1 wagon, 5 persons, 4 cattle
Captain of second Ten
George Rose 1 wagon, 6 persons, 10 cattle
Westley [Wesley] Rose 1 wagon, 5 persons, 8 cattle
John Rose 1 wagon, 7 persons, 8 cattle
Jared Porter 2 wagons, 13 persons, 12 cattle
Henry W. Sanderson 2 wagons, 7 persons, 10 cattle
Susannah Ward 1 wagon, 8 persons, 6 cattle
John G. [J.] Stocking 2 wagons, 6 persons, 15 cattle
Captain of third Ten,
Silas G. Simmons 1 wagon, 1 person, 9 cattle
Robert W. Bidwell 2 wagons, 6 persons, 13 cattle, 3 sheep
John Mowers [Mower] 1 wagon, 2 persons, 6 cattle
Simeon Cragem[Cragun] 1 wagon, 2 persons, 5 cattle
Robert Montgomery 2 wagons, 12 persons, 14 cattle, 1 horse
John Fotheringham 1 wagon, 5 persons, 7 cattle
Washington L. Jolley 1 wagon, 8 persons, 10 cattle, 10 sheep
Captain of fourth Ten
Joseph L. Lish 2 wagons, 9 persons, 14 cattle, 1 horse
William S. Lish 1 wagon, 4 persons, 6 cattle
Samuel Glasgow 1 wagon, 3 persons, 8 cattle
Ira Casselman [Castleman] 1 wagon, 2 persons, 8 cattle
John Hamilton 2 wagons, 4 persons, 16 cattle, 3 horses
John Mayor [Mayer] 2 wagons, 16 persons, 11 cattle
John Snalham 1 wagon, 2 persons, 10 cattle
William Ralph[s] 1 wagon, 4 persons, 6 cattle
Jane Rigby 1 wagon, 8 persons, 6 cattle
Captain of fifth Ten
John Greaves 1 wagon, 3 persons, 12 cattle, 1 horse
David Amos 1 wagon 2 persons, 1 horse
Robert Dixon [Dickson] 1 wagon, 7 persons, 7 cattle
William Stones 1 wagon, 8 persons, 6 cattle
William Clemens 1 wagon, 5 persons, 6 cattle
John Proctor 1 wagon, 5 persons, 5 cattle
John McDonald 2 wagons, 5 persons, 10 cattle, 3 horses
Newman G. Blodget[t] 2 wagons, 7 persons, 32 cattle, 140 sheep
John Dart 1 wagon, 10 persons, 8 cattle
Dr. [Moses] Wade 1 wagon, 5 persons, 8 cattle
Total 54 wagons, 239 persons, 385, cattle, 10 horses, 153 sheep
Captain of Second Fifty
William Wall
Captain of first Ten
Ute Perkins [Jr.] 2 wagons, 11 persons, 14 cattle
[Francis] Marion Haws 1 wagon, 3 persons, 7 cattle
Alva[h] Downey 1 wagon, 3 persons, 6 cattle
William L. Perkins 1 wagon, 6 persons, 6 cattle
Peter Hofines [Hofheintz] 1 wagon, 5 persons, 6 cattle
Charles Cowley 2 wagons, 10 persons, 14 cattle, 13 sheep
William Wat[t]erson 1 wagon, 6 persons, 8 cattle, 4 sheep
John K. Crosby 2 wagons, 9 persons, 20 cattle, 1 horse, 8 sheep
Captain of Second Ten
Peter Maughan 2 wagons, 9 persons, 15 cattle
Noah Packard 1 wagon, 5 persons, 6 cattle
John Wood 1 wagon, 7 persons, 6 cattle
John Eblie [Ebley] 1 wagon, 3 persons, 6 cattle
Isaac Hunter 1 wagon, 3 persons, 5 cattle
Wilson Lunn [Lund] 1 wagon, 5 persons, 8 cattle
Orrin [Orin] Packard 1 wagon, 3 persons, 4 cattle
Captain of third Ten
Chester Loveland 2 wagons, 9 persons, 10 cattle
William White 1 wagon, 6 persons, 9 cattle
James Downs 1 wagon, 4 persons, 10 cattle, 1 horse
Henry Barney 2 wagons, 10 persons, 22 cattle
For[tu]natus Dustin 1 wagon, 4 persons, 6 cattle
Cyral [Cyril] Call 1 wagon, 4 persons, 13 cattle
Lindsey [Lindsay] Brady 2 wagons, 9 persons, 12 cattle, 1 horse, 15 sheep
Charles Y. Webb 1 wagon, 6 persons, 10 cattle, 11 sheep
Captain of fourth Ten
Abraham Coon 3 wagons, 15 persons, 23 cattle, 2 horses, 29 sheep
Francis Taylor 2 wagons, 10 persons, 12 cattle, 9 sheep
Matterson [Madison] Welch 2 persons, 2 cattle
Thomas [Horace] Spafford 2 wagons, 11 persons, 22 cattle
Spinson [Spicer] Crandall 1 wagon, 3 persons, 5 cattle
Daniel Crocks [Cox] 1 wagon, 5 persons, 10 cattle
Captain of fifth Ten
Gilbert Belnap 1 wagon, 4 persons, 4 cattle
James Knight 1 wagon, 2 persons, 4 cattle
John Chidester 1 wagon, 3 persons, 4 cattle
John McBride 1 wagon, 3 persons, 6 cattle
Alfred Brown 1 wagon, 9 persons, 5 cattle
John Titcomb [Tidcomb] 1 wagon, 6 persons, 6 cattle, 7 sheep
John Beal 1 wagon, 4 persons, 12 cattle, 5 sheep
Henry Beal 1 wagon, 4 persons
Lewis Nealy [Neeley] 3 wagons, 9 persons, 12 cattle, 4 horses, 19 sheep
Total 51 wagons, 237 persons, 358 cattle, 9 horses, 120 sheep
No. of persons able to do Guard duty in the First Fifty
Guard Roll 1st Ten 11
2nd Ten 15
3rd Ten 11
4th Ten 14
5th Ten 12
Total 63
Number of some of those baptized into the Church by S. Mulliner while on the journey.
June 29th 1850 John Dart
July 1st 1850 Franklin Cunningham
July 14th Jane [James] Montgomery Born 1 Apr 1831
July 14th John Montgomery Born 5 June 1832
Isabella Montgomery Born 16 July 1834
Robert Montgomery Born 8 May 1837
Margaret Montgomery Born 31 July 1839
Nathaniel Montgomery Born 3 May 1841
June 13th The second fifty commenced crossing the river today as the first fifty was not quite ready. Bro. O. L. Terry and I reset the tires of our wagons.
14th I crossed the river with my wagon, and on examination we found several families without firearms. Elder Hyde had advised us to see that their were plenty of guns and ammunition in the company, and said that there were several muskets at Kanesville belonging to the Nauvoo Legion and we could get all we wanted of them if we would agree to deliver them to the authorities in the Valley. After counseling on the subject, it was thought best that I should go back to Kanesville and get what was needed.
15th I returned to Kanesville on horse back and selected fifteen muskets which was all I could find in the shooting order and engaged a man to haul them down to the ferry. I staid [stayed] over night with James Huntsman.
16th I returned to camp. The last of the company crossed over today. I shall now copy from the record of my journey kept by Samuel Mulliner Cl[er]k of Co.
June 17th Our whole Company being camped by a creek three miles from the Ferry, the officers met and passed the following bye [by]laws and resolutions for the government, and benefit of the company while journeying to the Valley of the Salt Lake. Samuel Mulliner was chosen Clerk of company.
Resolved first: The horn shall be blown at four o’clock in the morning when the people will arise and after the necessary preperations for starting, the horn will be blown again, for the people to come to gather for prayers, and at half past 8 o’clock at night the horn will be blown again for evening prayers, which each family will attend at their own wagon.
Resolved Second; That if any person while on guard at night shall neglect his duty by sleep or otherwise, for first offence he shall be reported publicly, and if afterward found guilty of neglect he shall again be reported and subjected to extra duty in the day time herding cattle.
Resolved Third, That any member in this Camp who shall indulge in profane swearing shall be reproved by his captain of ten, and if he shall afterward persist in profanity he shall be published [punished] publicly.
Resolved Fourthly, That if any person practice unnecessary cruelity [cruelty] to their animals and after being <reproved> by their captain of ten <sh>all still persist in such cruelity he shall be brought before the Captains of the Camp who shall levy such fine or punishment as they deem just.
The foregoing resolutions are to be submitted to the whole company for approval. The whole company started out on our journey. After traveling about three miles Bro. Roylance of the first fifty broke one of his wagon wheels and we had to camp to repair. The second fifty passed on by a short distance.
18th The first fifty traveled about sixteen miles. The second fifty had to go into camp before night oweing to a birth. A. Coon had a son born. We were hindered today, having a very bad slough to cross, many had to double teams. Also there was a boy run over by a wagon but not seriously injured. In the evening the First fifty assembled and the bye [by]laws and resolutions were read, and approved unanimously. The Second Fifty were not present oweing to the birth before stated. It was further resolved That no firearms loaded, and primed or capped, shall be allowed in camp, only by the guard when on duty, and in a case of necessity, and when the guard retire from duty, they shall instantly remove the priming or cap. A neglect of this law shall incur the severest penalty of Camp regulations.
On motion Joseph L. Lish was <chosen> Captain, and John Hill[,] Sergeant of the night Guard, and Charles A. Terry, captain of the day guard. Also that each captain of ten should present to the captain of the guard three men each for the night guard. A motion for tying up dogs when not traveling was passed, and if found loose contrary to this law are liable to be shot. John Greaves resigned his office as Captain of ten and John McDonald put in his place.
19th On starting this morning we had a severe storm of wind, rain and awful thunder which almost blasted our hopes of starting to day. In the afternoon we came to another bad stream to cross. The First Fifty crossed and <camped> on the ground where five or six of our folks belonging to the company ahead of us had died four days previous. Traveled six miles.
20th We traveled ten miles—had two delays in crossing Creeks. We met a number of homesick California Emigrants returning home. They report the Cholera terrible in their companies ahead of us. I saw two graves of the Saints to day who have fallen by the way. The Second fifty is camped nears [near] us and have several cases of Cholera in their camp, the case of Alfred Brown serious.
21st While assembled at prayer this morning, it was voted that no one be allowed to take stock out of the correll [corral] before prayers in the morning, as some had got in the habit of so doing thereby making much confusion. Alfred Brown died last night, and we buried him this morning before starting. We traveled sixteen miles and camped on the west side of Salt Creek. The Second Fifty is camped on the east side. Two boys died in that fifty today and one girl had her leg broken. The boys were Thomas Spafford’s children.
22nd Two more children died in the Second fifty. We started and traveled about seventeen miles,—encountered a storm of wind and rain spared us in a me[a]sure, but was severe before us and behind us. It delayed us over an hour. There is much sickness in second Fifty.
23rd This is the Sabbath, and we only traveled four miles. Very wet weather.
24th The second fifty is near us. They have had several more deaths. Captain Foote called a meeting of the whole company for prayer to entreat the Lord to turn away the destroyer from our midst, after which was a council of all the captains. They all manifested a good spirit, but it seems there has been a great deal of murmuring in the Second Fifty. We had a good time in our meeting, and council and hope the sickness will be stayed. We have had very good health in the first Fifty so far.
25th We had a severe shower in the afternoon and another in the evening making every thing wet in camp pretty much. One broken wagon tongue today. The Second fifty is with us and have had one more death. Traveled fifteen miles.
26th There is another death in the Second fifty this morning. It was showery in the forenoon. We traveled about fifteen miles. Second fifty about 5 miles behind us.
27th We met Brother Moses Clauson [Clawson] and others from the Valley going on missions to England. They stopped and nooned with us, and I wrote an account of our travels thus far and sent back to Elder Hyde. We were happy to hear from the Valley. Our Camp (1st fifty) is in good health. We traveled about 15 miles.
28th There was a severe thunder storm last night. We came on to the Platte bottom yesterday noon, and today the bottom is very soft our wagons often sinking to the hubs if we stopped our teams. The water is scarce for our cattle and a very hot sun. Some are complaining of sickness oweing to exposure to wet by day and by night. The third and fifth tens fell behind today but came up late at night and for the first time we saw the power of death in the first fifty. A little boy who started out in the morning to drive stock died this afternoon of the cholera.
29th This morning a girl of Bro. Dart’s, sister of the boy who died yesterday died. This family does not belong to the church. We traveled three miles and camped on the banks of the Platte river where our camp washed their clothes. One young man came very near being drowned in swimming the river to get wood. In the evening we had the pleasure of a visit from Bros. Robert Campbell and Crosby who had the mail from the Valley. This night there was another thunder storm. Samuel Mulliner baptized John Dart into the church. His wife is sick and not able to be baptized now but will be when able.
30th We traveled fifteen miles and camped one mile west of the Pawnee Village. Our camp is in reasonable health. Our second fifty has not yet come up.
July 1st We traveled about fifteen miles today to a point of the bluff. It was a fine cool day, a little showery. This evening Samuel Mulliner baptized Franklin Cunningham into the church. He is the person who came very near being drowned day before yesterday. Our fifty are in usual good health.
2nd Traveled sixteen miles. Had a pleasant day. One child of Sister Hart’s died to day. I observed on our way today the graves of Bro. Sargant and son who left Kanesville in a company before we did. Bro. Snallham [Snalham] was driven into camp tonight very sick with the cholera. He was well in the morning.
3rd We had to bury Bro. Snallham. We traveled twelve miles to day, -- had a hard time crossing Willow Slough – broke one wagon tongue crossing. Our second fifty is in sight tonight. We have not been togather in one week nor learned any <thing> of them only by the help of our telescope we see them in the distance.
4th We were reminded today of the day by the report of cannon from Fort Kearny. We traveled sixteen miles. Two cases of cholera in camp tonight.
5th One man died last night. He was a California emigrant by the name of *King from Illinois. We traveled about fourteen miles and are near Fort Kearney. We see plenty of antelopes around. The weather is very hot which is very hard on our cattle. This morning before starting we had a visit from Captain Wall and others of the second fifty. They reported well of their travels for the last eight days. They have had three deaths in their fifty since we heard from the last. We see them about five miles behind us,— in camp for the night. Mrs. Dart is very low to night.
6th Mrs. Dart died last night. Yesterday she requested to be baptized as we were traveling and some one attended to it. She had been very low some days back. We passed Fort Kearny about 10 o’clock A.M. The bottom is very low, and the water near the top of the ground. Traveled twelve miles.
7th This morning we had to bury Sister Hart. Today being the Sabbath we feign would have rested but we had no wood nor water, so we traveled on thirteen miles and have none yet near us tonight. We have to drive our cattle over a mile to the river to drink and car[r]y a little to camp to cook with. Our fuel for the first time is Buffalo Chips. Our second ten wished to stop awhile this morning to attend to their sick, they have not yet come up. There are three cases of a mild attack of the cholera or diarhea in camp this morning.
8th Our second ten did not come up last night. We traveled twelve miles today. We caught a runaway horse today which was soon claimed by two men from Captain Bennett’s fifty of Captain Pace’s 100. They reported their camp fifteen miles ahead of us, all in good health except one woman. They had stopped to hunt Buffalo—had wounded two but got none.
9th Captain Foote’s health is very poor and has been for several days. He has to be bolstered up in bed, as he can scarcely breathe when laying down. He has not had strength to talk but little for the several days on account of weak lungs, as he took a severe cold sometime since which settled on his lungs. We are camping on Plumb [Plum] Creek to day for the purpose of washing &c. Our Second fifty passed us all in good health—no serious case of sickness in their camp. Captain Maugh[a]n of that fifty fell behind some days ago, but have come up and camped by us tonight. This Captain was very much dissatisfied with our slow movements the forepart of our journey, as he called it, but some of his cattle have given out and he cannot now keep up. So much for go a head folks. Our second ten has just come up and have saved Father Rose as yet who had an attack of Cholera. He appears likely to recover. Sister [Ann Clark] Proctor is very low tonight.
10th We had to bury Sister Proctor this morning. We traveled twelve miles today and stop[p]ed early to let those who had death and sickness to wash up while we could get wood. Captain Foote is still very weakly.
11th We had a terrible storm of wind and rain last night, but the Lord preserved us all from danger. We had one violent attack of Cholera this morning, but the means promp[t]ly used with the blessing of God it was instantly cured. Medicine given was two doses of Pain killer in 15 minutes of each other. Our cattle are afflicted with sore feet and sore necks owing to so much wet weather. Today we passed 25 graves, mostly California Emigrants, there being only three or four of our people among the number. We traveled sixteen miles today. Captain Foote getting better.
12th We traveled about fifteen miles today. At noon we came up to Captain Maugh[a]n’s ten. They had stopped in consequence of one of his little sons being run over by his wagon. He died about one hour after the accident. Today we saw the first buffalo. Some of our boys went after him, but he easily escaped them, when they vented their vengence on a stray ram that they came across, and brought him to camp. We eat pretty well instead of buffalo meat. This evening it looked the most threatning for a dreadful storm that I ever saw; but in accordance with the prayers and faith of his Saints, the Lord caused it to pass by us, for which we praised His Holy name. It truly looked awful all over the heavens. This day we passed 15 graves, nearly all California emigrants. The dates on the headboards were from the 3rd of June to the 10th and some as late as the 17th.
13th We traveled eight miles and stopped to bake and wash, as we will not get wood again for a long distance. Our boys are getting some venison.
14th Sunday. Some of us took a walk to the road crossing Ash Creek, and met with Bro. Shadrick [Shadrach] Roundy and company. In the afternoon when the folks had got through with their washing, we went to the river where Samuel Mulliner rebaptized some 30 or 40 of our company, and in the evening we had a good meeting. Several of the brethren spoke well and the Spirit of God prevailed and we parted rejoicing. Several of our boys brought in their back[-]loads of buffalo meat, the first we have got. This evening like others for several times past, the heavens gathered blackness in a very threatening maner but as on other evenings before it reached us it was scattered to the four winds for which we feel to thank the Lord for over ruling the elements for our good.
15th We traveled nineteen miles today. In the afternoon we saw our second fifty. We saw three buffalo near us,—some of the boys went out and killed some. Our fifty are now all in very good health excepting Father Rose, who seems to be failing. This evening we met in council, and as many are out of meat it was thought best to stop over tomorrow and get a supply of buffalo meat.
16th Some went out hunting this morning. About noon we were visited by Elder O. Hyde and escort on their way to Salt Lake Valley. They were in good Spirits, and after refreshing themselves and horses they pushed on west.
17th We had to bury Father Rose this morning. We traveled fourteen miles today passing through large herds of buffalo[e]s. We are now pretty well supplied with meat.
18th We traveled sixteen miles today. Our camp is now in good health. Grass is scarce. We have passed a great many graves in the past few days, and mostly buried between the 5th and 15th of June, and nearly all from Missouri. There is scarcely a grave but what has been robbed of its occupant by the wolves, and the bones lay bleaching on the prairies. Beds and beding are strewed about with stains of the cholera vomit upon them.
19th We traveled fifteen miles today. Our camp all in good health.
20th We traveled nine miles and came to the south fork of the Platte, which we crossed in safety, and found our second fifty camped on the west bank. They crossed yesterday. This is rather a dangerous crossing owing to quicksands. The river is very wide, but not very deep. The teams have to be kept a moveing or the wagons sink down in the sand. We had to double teams, and the drivers had to wade the river to keep the teams moving.
21st Being Sabbath day we are resting although the feed is poor.
22nd We traveled twenty miles today and got to the North Fork of the Platte river.
23rd We are stopping today at Ash Hollow to repair wagons.
24th The road very sandy today. We traveled thirteen miles. The feed is very poor and our cattle look rather worse for the wear.
25th The road is still sandy. Traveled 12 miles. All in good health except Sister Lish.
26th We traveled sixteen miles today. There is nothing to be seen but sand and dust. No feed.
27th We started this morning at break of day, to drive till we found feed for our animals, as they got none last night. As soon as we found feed we stopped and got our breakfast. As we were done breakfast, it began to rain which detained us several hours. We traveled thirteen miles today.
28th We traveled twenty miles and camped opposite Chimney Rock. All well in camp. Last night S. Mulliner lost a fine cow supposed to be poisoned by drinking bad water.
29th We traveled thirteen miles. Livingston and Kinkaid passed us on their way to the Valley. They are taking merchandise there. The grass is poor.
30th We traveled about twenty <miles> and passed Scott’s Bluffs. We had some difficulty with Silas G. Simmons Captain of the third ten on account of a woman that he had picked up near Fort Kearney and was bringing her along. This woman was by the side of the road as we came along about a mile or two west of Fort Kearny. She told a very pitiful story how her husband had abused her and finally left her there. She said that they were going to California. We all passed her by, being very much in doubt about the truth of her story and thought that if there was any truth in it she could very easily go back to the Fort. When Simmons came up to her he was foolish enough to take her in. This he could afford to do if he wanted to, as he had no family but himself. For the last few days they have been quarreling and this forenoon they had a spat, and Simmons put her out of his wagon with her things. She came a running up and hollering for Captain Terry. Captain Foote stopped the train and told Captain <Terry> to go back and tell Simmons that he would have to take the woman and her things along to Fort Laramie or leave the company, for he had taken her in on his own responsibility without counsel from his superiors, and it was not right to impose the burden on others, neither could the woman be left alone on the plains. Captain Terry went back, but Simmons would not take <her> any further, and withdrew from the company. Captain Terry got some one to take her as far as Fort Laramie. The truth with regard to this woman is this, (as we afterwards ascertained)[.] She was a bad character and she had been stopping at Fort Kearny, until they had become so disgusted with her that they forced her to leave the Fort, and she told us the story about her husband leaving her to enlist our sympathy in her behalf in order to get car[r]ied to the Valley. Robert W. Bidwell was chosen captain, in place of Simmons. Company are all in good health.
31st Simmons left the camp alone this morning some hours before were ready to start. We traveled fifteen miles today. In the evening Captain C. Loveland with the third ten of the second fifty came up and camped with us. They had laid by two days in consequence of Sister Loveland being very sick. She is now improving. The feed is very poor. Any case of sickness in our camp is immediately checked by the laying on of hands and the prayers of faith.
Aug. 1st We traveled twelve miles today. We had to stop to repair a broken axeltree. There are a number of Sioux Indians about us, who appear quiet. They have the Smallpox amongst them, may the Lord preserve us from this plague.
2nd This day we traveled twenty miles and camped on the banks of the Platte river two miles north of Fort Laramie. Feed very poor.
3rd Soon after starting this morning we were overtaken by Major Sanderson who is in command at Fort Laramie. He with his escort rode by the company to Captain Foote’s wagon, and ordered a halt to the company. Captain Foote who was walking a short distance from the wagon, and seeing the company stopped, came up and demanded the cause of stopping. The Major said that he was informed by the woman that we left at the Fort that there were two deserters traveling with our company disguised in citizen’s clothes, and that we would be detained until they were given up , as well as the persons who had given them the citizen’s clothes. By this time the captains of tens and others had gathered around, and Captain Foote told them what the trouble was, and said to the Major that he could examine the company and search the wagons if he wished to, and if he found any deserters to take them as we did not want them with us. He assured him however that there were none in the first tens, but could not say for those on the last end of the company, but he could search for himself. His escort rode back and forth examining the men but finding no one they claimed for deserters, Major Sanders[on] made a very polite apology to Captain Foote for detaining us so long. He spoke very kindly to us, and said that we could proceed on our journey. He was very much softened in his manner towards us. We traveled eleven miles and came up to our second fifty. All well.
4th We drove fourteen miles and camped at the second crossing of Bitter Creek. There we found good feed and water.
5th We are resting our teams and repairing wagons &c. Last evening the captains of the whole hundred met in council, and decided to travel the old road over the Black Hills, as the new road had been traveled so much that grass was scarce. The old road is said to be more hilly than the new.
6th We are still resting. Captain Loveland and ten of the second fifty visited us this afternoon and informed us that the main body of the fifty had taken the new road contrary to the decision of our council, and that his ten were waiting for us to come up to go with us. (The second fifty did not lay by with us[.]) Two days rest on good feed has done our cattle a great deal of good.
7th We started this morning from about one half mile east of what is called in our guide “The Bend In the Road” near Dead Timber Creek, and as our last ten were coming into line on the road, a stampede occur[r]ed with the last teams. Bro. Clemens ran in before them to stop them but they knocked him down and trampled over him, and the wagon run over his bowels, William, McDonald, being on horseback a little ahead of the ten rode in forward of the teams at the risk of his life, and succeeded in stopping them before they came up to the rest of the company. The first wagons had reached the gulch which caused the bend in the road, and if the stampede had not been stopped before it came up to the main company, there is no doubt but the whole company would have been plunged into the gulch which was eight or ten feet deep. Poor Bro. Clemens was so badly hurt that he died before night. We went into camp as soon as we came to the creek and done all we could for Bro. Clemens. It was very providential that it was no worse that [than] it was.
8th We traveled fifteen miles and camped at Horse creek, where we found poor feed.
9th We lost several head of our cattle last night.
11th Our cattle not found yet. We started late in the evening and drove near to La Bont[e] creek. Found no feed.
12th Started early to drive on to where we could find some feed for our cattle some two miles to La Bont[e] creek. Here we found poor feed but concluded to stop all day.
13th We traveled eighteen miles to A La Prele river and had to drive our cattle about three miles down the river to get feed. Some rainy tonight.
14th Drove ten miles to Fourche Boise river and camped. Here we had to drive our cattle two miles up the river to get feed. A number of our cattle are lame.
15th We traveled fourteen miles and camped on the Platte bottom. All well, Poor feed.
16th We drove fourteen miles and found poor feed, but plenty of company. Captain Bennett’s fifty close by and our second fifty two miles back.
17th We came nine miles on our way today and met two of our brethren from the valley, who had been sent out to meet the companies and pilot them to where they can find feed for their animals as there has been so much travel this season that it is very scarce along the road. Their names are--Stratton and George Madson [Madsen], who is a son of Sister Ann Madson [Madsen] in our fifty The news they brought by letter from the Presidency in the Valley was very cheering as was also the remarks and counsel from Bro. Stratton. The prosperity of our brethren and good crops in the Valley made us rejoice. We camped camped near to the ford of the north fork of the Platte.
18th Soon after starting this morning it commenced raining. When we arrived at the ford our second fifty were just crossing. Captain Pace[’]s hundred had crossed this morning before them. It was now raining and the river beginning to rise very fast. We followed right after our second fifty and found the water up to our wagon boxes. We all got over safely and in a short time after the river became impassable. We camped in the timber close by.
19th We are still in camp with our hundred in a cold rain storm, and our cattle suffering with cold and hunger. In the afternoon Captain Foote called a general meeting of the brethren for the purpose of settling all difficulties that may exist in the hundred as it would probably be the last time that we would camp togather [together] before arriving at the valley. There had been some faultfinding [fault-finding] especially in the second fifty. After considerable talk, everything was amicably settled and all parted feeling well seemingly.
20th We traveled ten miles to day over the worst road we have met in our journey. There has been a heavy rain for nearly forty hours, which has made the ground very soft. Many of our cattle gave out, but tonight we are in good feed on a creek near the Platte river. Our second fifty is camped close by. Today we saw the Sweet Water Mountains capped with snow.
21st Today we traveled nine <miles> and camped up a hollow west of the Alkali Springs where there is an abundance of grass. Our cattle being so long on poor feed &c so much that it bloated them terribly. A fine cow of Captain Foote’s died on the spot. We were up abt nearly all night and gave them several gallons of lard, for fear that they had been poisoned by the alkali. It looked awhile as though we were going to loose [lose] all our stock, but the Lord had mercy on us.
22nd Many of our cattle are very feeble this morning. We drove as far as Willow Springs, eleven miles and camped for the night. There is but little feed here, but our cattle generally feel better. George Madson [Madsen] is traveling with us.
23rd We started at 5 o’clock this morning and drove to Grease Creek and baited our cattle and took breakfast. We found our second fifty starting as we drove up. From this place we drove <to> the Sweet Water river, ten miles.
24th As some wanted to do some repairs, it was thought best to stop and rest our cattle a few day[s] and in the mean time hunt buffalo. Accordingly this morning we sent out four companies with a wagon to each company to hunt. They went in different directions. Captain Foote went with one Co.
25th Sabbath. Our hunters have not returned. Our cattle are enjoying themselves with plenty of good grass and water.
26th This evening three of our wagons returned from the hunt without any meat. They report the buffalo scarce and very wild.
27th We are still waiting for the rest of our hunters. Our cattle are doing well and our camp is in good health. Yesterday we killed a buffalo near the camp, but it seems the herds have all left here and there are only a few stragling bulls left behind. The rest of the hunters not yet returned.
28th The hunters came in last night bringing three buffalos that they had killed. We started about eleven o’clock and drove to the Devils Gate, ten miles.
29th This day we traveled twelve miles and camped <on> the banks of the Sweet Water.
30th We traveled Seven miles today. There being some dissatisfaction in the fourth and fifth tens, a meeting was called to hear their complaints. They wanted to change the order of traveling by letting the tens take the lead in traveling alternately each day, that is, the first ten one day and the second ten the next day and So on. Captain McDonald laid his views before the meeting and said that he had made up his <mind> that if this way of traveling was not granted, he and others would leave the company. Captain Lish Said, it was his feelings that it would be better, to take the lead in turns, but he intended to be subject to the council. Several of their men expressed themselves like Captain McDonald, among whom was Wm. Lish, son of Captain Lish. He was very insolent but that is common with him. Captain Foote and Terry have borne a great <deal> from him in his insolence heretofore as well as the whole company.. The Captains of the first, second and third tens viewed the present order of the Co. good and, we have been prospered sofar, and as a change of traveling would discommode several in their tens and cause trouble, where there had been peace and union all the way previous,—so of the two evils they chose not to let the fourth and fifth tens overrule them, because their was some trouble between them and their captains. Captain Foote said that he was willing that they should arrange it as they thought best, but was of the opinion that, as we have come thus far on our journey without any serious inconvenience to the fourth and fifth tens he thought it best to continue traveling as we had done, especially so, as from what has been stated it is going to discommode several families in the first tens. Captain O. L. Terry Said he would have to travel with the first ten because of his Father and brother as they were somewhat mixed up in their things and were obliged to camp togather [together] noons and nights and he could not see any benefit in changing our order of travel. The last tens should be ready to start as soon as the first tens, and should keep up so as to camp as soon, and did not see why their cattle would not get as much time to eat as the first ten. A vote was taken when it was decided to travel as heretofore. As soon as the decision was made, several of the discontented ones left the meeting in an abruptly and noisily manner.
31st This morning before and during the time of prayer the following named persons drove away from camp, firing their guns as they went. Of the fourth ten William S. Lish, Ira Caselman [Castleman], John Hamilton, John Mayor, Jane Rigby, and Captain John McDonald of the fifth ten. We expect to feel and enjoy more peace since some of those who have left were troublesome neighbors. We traveled twelve miles today. All well in our camp and our cattle are doing well, as the grass is a great deal better than it has been.
Sept. 1st Sunday. In the afternoon we traveled four miles to the Sweet Water river.
2nd We traveled nineteen miles and camped on the river bank. At all the camping places, also along the road for a long ways back the ground is strewn with wagon tires, chains, pieces of wagons, and a few whole wagons have been found. These things have been left by the California Emigrants. Their teams giving out they have had to abandon their wagons and many other things, but they made sure to destroy their wagons by burning the wood part of them, and when they could <not> burn them they cut the spokes intoo [in two] and thus destroyed everything they could, so that it should not do the “Mormons” any good. The iron they could not burn so they throwed [threw] tons of it into the Sweet Water which we could see the river being very low and clear at this time. Some of our brethren rather overloaded their wagons with chains and other things which they picked up. Some found considerable bedding and clothing.
3rd Brother Blodget[t] had a fine son born today. We traveled ten miles. Sister B. is doing well.
4th This morning we started from the river to cross the Rocky Ridge, as it is called in our Guide Book. We soon came to a fork in the road, at which was a finger board informing us that the new road avoided going over the rocky ridge and was made by Captain Milo Andrus and company. We took the new road and found it very rough throughout, besides being a roundabout way.
5th Yesterday we traveled eleven miles. Today we arrived at the last crossing of the Sweet Water. Many of our cattle are failing fast. Traveled ten miles.
6th This day we traveled fourteen miles. Last evening we had a thunder shower. Today it is pleasant and warm. We came over the South Pass at noon and camped on Pacific creek. We saw a large number of dead animals along the road today.
7th We traveled twelve miles today and found good feed and water. Several of our company are behind in consequence of Sister Cragun giving birth to a child,[.] Our pilot George Madson [Madsen] lost his horse also, last night and he and others searched all day—finally found him and came to camp just at night.
8th Our wagons have not come up so we are resting today.
9th Our wagons came up last night. Today we traveled twenty two miles before we found wood and water. At nine o’clock at night we came to the Big Sandy river. Our cattle are very tired.
10th This day we traveled five miles and camped on Big Sandy.
11th We traveled eighteen miles and camped on the banks of Green river.
12th Bro. Stratton overtook us today, on his return to the valley. Traveled fifteen miles.
13th We traveled sixteen miles today. All well in camp.
14th We reached Black’s Fork today after traveling nineteen miles.
15th We traveled nine miles and camped in a bend of a creek. Feed good.
16th Traveled nineteen miles and camped on a small creek two miles from Muddy Creek.
17th We traveled thirteen miles, part of it on a new road, and camped near the dividing ridge before we come to Bear river.
18th We drove to Bear River, eight miles and camped.
19th We are stopping today to rest our teams. Several of our company went to the Tar Spring as it is called and got some of the tar and c<l>arified <it> by boiling in water. The oily substance arises to the top and is then skimmed off. It is excelent for greasing wagons, and other purposes.
20th To day we traveled <to> Echo Creek. All well in camp
21st We were detained somewhat on account of a fine ox that could not travel. We came nine miles down Echo Canyon.
22nd We arrived at the Weber River after traveling thirteen miles.
23rd We traveled fourteen miles over a rough road to Kanion [Canyon] Creek.
24th To day we began to ascend Big Mountain,[.] It is a long and weary road for our worn out cattle. We traveled eleven miles, and darkness overtaking us after we had passed over the Summit about a mile we were obliged to chain up our oxen for the night as the de<s>cent was rather dangerous in the dark for loaded wagons.
25th Today we reached the foot of the Little Mountain where we camped on Last Creek. As this will probably be our last camping together, Captain Foote called a meeting for the purpose of expressing our feelings one towards another, and if any hard feelings existed to have it all settled so that we might part with good feelings. The meeting was well attended, and all felt well that we were so near our journey’s end. A good spirit prevailed, and all forgave each other, as they all wished to be forgiven. The journey has been long, and sometimes our patience tried.
26th This day we traveled twelve miles and arrived in Great Lake City and those who did not meet with friends camped on the west side of the City near the Jordan. We were 101 days on the road from the Missouri river to this place. Thus ends our journey.
I will briefly review our journey. As I have stated my health was very poorly when I left Kanesville. After starting from the Missouri river I made it a habit to get on a horse towards camping time and ride a head of the company and select a place to camp. About a week on the road as I was four or five miles ahead for this purpose there came up a thunder shower and I was completely drenched. I took a terrible cold which set[t]led on my lungs, which caused my illness spoken of in the Journal. I was not so but that I could get around a little, but my lungs were so weak that I could scarcely speak above a whisper. When we were along about Plum Creek the atmosphere was so close and heavy that it seemed to me that I would have to give up breathing altogather. I remembered the promises of the Lord to me, before selling out the mill. I determined to be baptized for my health, after doing which I began to recover slowly. When we came to Scotts Bluffs, I was able to walk some. From this place onward the atmosphere became lighter and dryer, and my health gained very fast, and I was able again to take a more active part in the management of the company. When we first started it was decided that I should always travel on the lead. I soon found that there were some always behindhand [behind] in the morning, and would never think of putting their thing into their wagons until they saw the head of the company moving. This determined me to always be in readiness in time to start, and roll out. The first ten were usually ready to follow, when those slow folks seeing us Starting, would scratch around lively to fall in line in their places. After the Cholera left us we enjoyed ourselves well, although there were occasionally some murmering. Yet I think that we crossed the plains with as little difficulty as any company that has crossed. I am certain that a journey through a desert country of a thousand miles, with five hundred souls will try the patience of any man or set of men, who are set to be at the head, especially so when the company is made up of different nationalities, having different customs, and some without any experience in traveling with ox teams. I am thankful to be able to say that through the blessings of the Lord I was able to exercise patience to that degree that one captain of ten, Said in one of the counsel meetings that I was certainly one of the most patient men that he ever saw. I do not think that he said this for a compliment to me, but it was because I would not agree to a tyrannical proposition that he was proposing. I was determined that every person in the company should have their rights respected, and I am happy to say that Captain Terry stood firmly by me in all things, in fact we were one in all our councils. Sometimes our camping places did not suit some, “the feed was poor, and there was better ahead” and so on, but I do not know of a single instance where we found better feed in traveling on the next morning, and the murmerers generally acknowledged that we had camped in the best place.
The second Fifty got into the Valley a few days before we did and were all dispersed before we arrived. When we stopped to rest and hunt a little east of the Devil’s Gate Captain Wall came to me for instructions. I told him that he had better push on to the Valley as fast as his team could stand it and not wait for the first Fifty as it was getting pretty well along in the season. I also requested him to take the muskets belonging to the Nauvoo Legion and deliver them to the authorities in Salt Lake City and take their receipts. His Fifty had about ten of them. This he never did. He did not even go to Salt Lake City, but as soon as he got into the valley, he took a road running South and went direct to Provo. These muskets I never recovered, and I hold their receipts to this day. (Jan. 1880). I never saw him but once or twice after we got into the valley. I think that he died in Provo Valley some ten or twelve years after arriving in the Valley.