Transcript for Warren Foote Emigrating Company Journal, 1850 June-September
This Company was organised on the 12th of June by Elder O. Hyde on the Camping ground 2 miles from the ferry above Bethlehem, Warren Foot, appointed Captain of the hundred and Otis Lysander Terry Captn. of the first division & William [Madison] Wall Captn. of the Second division.
on the 17th our whole company camped on a Creek about 3 miles from the ferry w[h]ere the officers met and passed the following resolutions for the intended benifit of the Company of the company while Journeying to the Valley of the Salt Lake
1stSamuel Mulliner was chosen Clerk for the Camp while jouneying
2ndResolved that the company will arise in the morning when the horn shall blow at 4 o’clock and after the necessary preparation for starting the horn shall blow for prayers at ½ past 8[.] also the horn shall blow for prayer every evening at ½ past 8
3d Resolved that if any of the company while on gaurd shall neglect his duty by sleep or otherwise for the first offence he shall be reported from the stand and if after ward found guilty of neglect he shall be again reported and be subjected to extra duty in day time herding Cattle
4th Resolved that any member of this camp who is in the habit of profane swearing and after being reproved by their Captain shall still persist they shall be published from the stand
5th Resolved that if any person practice unnessesary cruelty to their animals and after being reproved shall persist in such cruelty they will be brought before the Captains of the Camp who whall levy such fine or punishment as they deem just.
On the 18th these resolutions was presented to the first division and accepted unanimous. the 2nd division was not in Camp owing to a birth which took place in their Camp
Resolved that no fire arms loaded and primed or Caped shall be allowed in Camp only by the guard as in Case of necessity and when not about to be used the Cap or priming to be instantly removed f[.] A neglect of this law will incur the severest penalty of camp regulations[.] At a meeting of the 1st Division on the evening of the 18th it was motioned and carried unanimous that each Captain of ten should present to the Captain of the guard 3 men each for the night guard—
Captn. [John] Greaves resigned his comand[.] Br. [John] McDonald was chosen[.] Br. [Joseph L.] Lish was chosen Captn. and John Hill[,] Sergeant of the night guard and Charles [Alphonzo] Terry Captain of the day guard.
A motion for tying up dogs while not travelling was passed[.] if found loose contrary to this law liable to be shot
21st Motioned that no Cattle shall be taken out of the Carrel till after prayer in the morning[.]
Warren Foote Captn. of 100, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 7 Cattle
Otis L[ysander] Terry Captn. of 1st Division, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 8 Cattle
Samuel Mulliner Captn. 1st ten, 2 Waggons, 8 Persons, 13 Cattle
Otis Terry, 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 4 Cattle
Charles A[lphonzo] Terry, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 6 Cattle
Alexr. H[amilton] Loveridge, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 6 Cattle
John Roylance, 1 Waggon, 8 Persons, 8 Cattle
Ann Madson [Madsen], 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 6 Cattle
Jesse McCarroll, 1 Waggon, 5, Persons, 10 Cattle
John Hill, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 4 Cattle
George [Washington] Rose Captn. 2 ten, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 10 Cattle
Wesley Rose, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 9 Cattle
John Rose, 1 Waggon, 7 Persons, 8 Cattle
Jared Porter, 2 Waggons, 13 Persons, 12 Cattle
Henry W[eeks] Sanderson, 2 Waggons, 7 Persons, 10 Cattle
Susannah Ward, 1 Waggon, 8 Persons, 6 Cattle
John G Stocking, 2 Waggons, 6 Persons, 15 Cattle
[Total] 21 Waggons, 114 Persons, 142 Cattle
Silas G Simmons[,] Captn. 3 ten, 1 Waggon, 1 person, 9 Cattle
Robert W[illiams]. Bidwell, 2 Waggons, 6 Persons, 13 Cattle, 3 Sheep
John Mowers [Mower], 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 6 Cattle
Simeon Cragan, 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 5 Cattle
Robert Montgomery, 2 Waggons, 12 Persons, 14 Cattle, 1 Horses
John Fotheringham, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 7 Cattle
Washington L[afayette] Jolly, 1 Waggon, 8 Persons, 10 Cattle, 10 Sheep
Joseph L Lish Capt. 4 ten, 2 Waggons, 9 Persons, 14 Cattle, 1 Horse
William S[eely] Lish, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 6 Cattle
Samuel Glasgow, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 8 Cattle
Ira Casselman, 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 8 Cattle
John Hamilton, 2 Waggons, 4 Persons, 16 Cattle, 3 Horses
John Mayer, 2 Waggons, 6 Persons, 11 Cattle
John Snalham, 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 10 Cattle
William [Benjamin] Ralph[s], 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 6 Cattle
Jane [Lavinia Littlewood] Rigby, 1 Waggon, 8 Persons, 6 Cattle
[Total] 21 Waggons, 78 Persons, 149 Cattle, 5 Horses, 13 Sheep
John Greaves[,] Captn. 5 ten, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 12 Cattle, 1 Horse
David Amos [David Rowland Eames], 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 1 Horse
Robert Dixon [Dickson], 1 Waggon, 7 Persons, 7 Cattle
William Stones, 1 Waggon, 8 Persons, 6 Cattle
William Clemens, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 6 Cattle
John Proctor, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 5 Cattle
John McDonald, 2 Waggons, 5 persons, 10 Cattle, 3 Horses
Newman G[reenleaf]. Blodget[t], 2 Waggons, 7 Persons, 32 Cattle, 140 Sheep
John Dart, 1 Waggon, 10 Persons, 8 Cattle
[Moses] Wade, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 8 Cattle
12 Waggons, 57 Persons, 94 Cattle, 5 Horses, 140 Sheep
21 Waggons, 78 Persons, 149 Cattle, 5 Horses, 13 Sheep
21 Waggons, 114 Persons, 142 Cattle
54 Waggons, 249 Persons, 385 Cattle, 10 Horses, 153 Sheep
Guard Roll 1st Division
Gaurd [Guard] roll 1 ten, 11 Persons
Gaurd roll, 2 ten, 15 Persons
Gaurd roll 3 ten, 11 Persons
Gaurd roll 4 ten, 14 Persons
Gaurd roll, 5 ten, 12 Persons
total fit to guard, 63 Persons
June 29th Names of those babtised into the church in our camp By Samuel Mulliner
John Dart[,] Age[,] Birthplace
July 1st Franklin Cunningham
on the 14th July I Babtised and rebabtised some 30 or 40 who were requested to leave with me their names & ages but in our travels it has been neglected[.] Some of those babtised[:]
James Montgomery, born April 1, 1831
John Montgomery, June 5, 1832
Isabella Montgomery, July 16, 1834
Robert Montgomery, May 8, 1837
Margret Motgomery, July 31[,] 1839
Nathaniel Montgomery, May 3[,] 1841
2nd Division
William [Madison] Wall[,] Captn. 2nd Division,1 Waggon, 7 Persons, 8 Cattle
Ute Perkins[,] Captn. 1st ten, 2 Waggons, 11 Persons, 14 Cattle
[Francis] Marion Haws, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 7 Cattle
Alva[h] Downey, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 6 Cattle
Wm. L[ouis] Perkins, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 6 Cattle
Peter Hofines [Hofheintz], 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 6 Cattle
Charles [Caesar] Cowley, 2 Waggons, 10 Persons, 14 Cattle, 13 Sheep
William Watterson, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 8 Cattle, 4 Sheep
John K[nowles]. Crosby, 2 Waggons, 9 Persons, 20 Cattle, 1 Horse, 8 Sheep
Peter Maughan, Capn. 2 10, 2 Waggons, 9 Persons, 15 Cattle
Noah Packard, 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 6 Cattle
John [Peacock] Wood, 1 Waggon, 7 Persons, 6 Cattle
John Eblie [Ebley], 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 6 Cattle
Wilson Lunn [Lund], 1 Waggon, 5 Persons, 8 Cattle
Isaac Hunter, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 5 Cattle
Orrin [Orin] Packard, 1 Waggon 3 Persons, 4 Cattle
[Total] 20 Waggons, 95 Persons, 139 Cattle, 1 Horse, 25 Sheep
Chester Loveland[,] Captn. 3[rd] 10, 2 Waggons, 9 Persons, 10 Cattle
Wm. White, 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 9 Cattle
James Downs, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 10 Cattle, 1 Horse
Henry Barney, 2 Waggons 10 Persons, 22 Cattle
Fornatus [Fortunastus] Dustin, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 6 Cattle
Cyral [Cyril] Call, 1 Waggons, 4 Persons, 13 Cattle
Linsey [Lindsay Anderson] Brady, 2 Waggons, 9 Persons, 12 Cattle 1 Horse, 15 Sheep
Charles Y[oung] Weeb [Webb], 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 10 Cattle, 11 Sheep
A[braham]. Coon Captn. of 4th 10, 3 Waggons, 15 Persons, 23 Cattle, 2 Horses, 29 Sheep
Francis Taylor, 2 Waggons, 10 Persons, 12 Cattle, 9 Sheep
Matterson [Madison] Welch, 2 Persons, 2 Cattle
Thomas [Horace] Spafford, 2 Waggons, 11 Persons, 22 Cattle
Spinsor Crandall, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 5 Cattle
Daniel Crocks [Cox], 1 Cattle, 5 Persons, 10 Cattle
Gilbert Belnap Captn. 5[th] 10, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 4 Cattle
James Knight, 1 Waggon, 2 Persons, 4 Cattle
John [Peck] Chidester, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 4 Cattle
John McBride, 1 Waggon, 3 Persons, 6 Cattle
[Total] 24 Waggons, 116 Persons, 184 Cattle, 4 Horses, 64 Sheep
Alfard [Alfred] Brown, 1 Waggon, 9 Persons, 5 Cattle
John Titcomb [Tidcomb], 1 Waggon, 6 Persons, 6 Cattle, 7 Sheep
John Beal, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons, 12 Cattle, 5 Sheep
Henry Beal, 1 Waggon, 4 Persons
Lewis Neaby [Neeley], 3 Waggons, 9 Persons, 12 Cattle, 4 Horses, 19 Sheep
7 Waggons, 32 Persons, 35 Cattle, 4 Horses, 31 Sheep
24 Waggons, 110 Persons, 184 Cattle, 4 Horses, 64 Sheep
20 Waggons, 95 Persons, 139 Cattle, 1 Horse, 25 Sheep
[Total] 51 Waggons, 237 People, 358 Cattle, 9 Horses, 120 Sheep
June 17th Started from Camping ground near the ferry w[h]ere our got together[.] as they Crossed Br. [John] Roylance weels broke which caused us to stop—about 3 miles first day
18th travelled about 16 miles. 1 Birth in Camp—Vs. we catched a young Coon. a boy was run over by a waggon but not seriou[s]ly injured. a delay having a Slough to cross w[h]ere many had to double teams.
* Abraham Coon’s wife [Mary Elizabeth Wilson Coon] gave birth to a boy baby [Isaac Coon].
19th travelled 6 miles. On Starting one rocky stream to cross were we were detained till after noon. this morning we had a severe Storm of wind rain & which almost blasted our hopes of starting, along in the afternoon we came to another bad stream to cross[.] we, the 1st division crossed and camped on the ground were we found there had been 5 or 6 of our folks had died 4 days previous. this evening at prayer only a part of our Camp were present when a vote was taken that we disaprove of the abscence of our Brethren from prayers[.] Some suitable remarks were made on the ocassion
20th we traveled 10 miles. had 2 delays in crossing Creeks,— met a number of Gold diggers returning home,—Saw 2 graves of our people, Several cases of Cholera in camp to night, the case of Alfred Brown serious,[.] one waggon tongue broke & replaced
21st Started and travelled 16 miles. Before leaving buried Br. Brown 2d Division. 2 Boys died in 2 divn. this day, They are Camped on the east side of Salt Creek, we on the west side. 1 girl had her leg broke in 2 divin.,
22nd 2 more of Br. [Horace] Spafford chidren dead in 2nd division. We Started and travelled 17 miles,—encountred a Storm of wind & rain which spared us in a great measure but was severe before and behind us, delayed over one hour.
23d travelled 4 miles being Sabbath. Very wet weather
24th Still wet. our 2 division near us, several more deaths in 2nd division. Captain [Warren] Foot[e] called a meeting for prayer of the whole company, also, a council of all the captains. there was a good spirit manifested by all the Captains; but it seems a good deal of murmuring in the 2nd division. We have had a good time to day in our meeting & councel, and hope the sickness will now be stayed.
25th travelled 15 miles.—met a severe storm in the afternoon, another in the evening, making every thing wet in camp pretty much. 1 waggon tongue broke, the 2 division is along with us,—1 more death in it.
26 another death in 2nd Divin. this . Showery till afternoon—travelled 15 miles. 2nd divn about 5 miles behind. Our Camp, as usual, general good health.
27th travilled about 15 miles.—Met Br. Clawson from the Valley[.] Soon as we got on the platt[e] bottom and was happy to hear from the Valley.—wrote an account of our travels and sent to Prest. Hyde. Our Camp in good health
28th a Severe Storm of rain & thunder in the night,—travelled 12 miles. a very bad road, low wet bottom, or else sand bank, not much water for Cattle, and a very hot Sun, and we had to keep the waggons moving or they would sink to the axle’s. Some complaining of sickness from the exposure to wet by day & night. a part of our camp not able to come to the camping ground to night[.] The 3 and 5 ten absent the absenters came up late and for the first time we Saw the power of death in our Camp. 1 Boy [William George Dart] had fallen in a few hours and this morning <29th> a girl [Harriet Paulina Dart] both the children of John Dart,—the family dont belong to the Church. this day we trave[led] 3 Miles and camped on the platt[e] were our folks washed & one young man nearly drowned trying to cross to get wood. In the evening we had the pleasure of a visit from Brs. Robert Campbell & Crosby with the Vally mail,—this night another Severe storm of thunder, wind & rain. I have Just Babtised John Dart into the Church[.] his Wife is so weak as not to be able to be babtised, but is willing with this exception. Our camp is in good health.
30th this day we travd. 15 miles and camped 1 mile west of the Pawnee Village. Our camp in reasonable health. the 2nd division not come up. we touched the platt[e] at noon.
July 1st travelled 15 miles to the point of the bluff,—fine cool day, a little showery, this evening I Babtised Franklin Cunningham[.] Our camp all well.
2nd traveled 16 miles,—a pleasant day. 1 child died in Camp named [Adelia] Hart, this day I observed on our way the graves of Br. Sargant & son.
3d this morning we had to bury Br. [John] Snallham who was taken the evening before. this day we travd. 12 miles,—had a hard time crossing the Willow Slough but got all over,—One waggon tongue broke. our 2nd division in sight to night. we have not been together in one week, nor learned any thing of them only by the help of our telescope we see them in the distance.
4th We were reminded of the day of the month by the report of cannon from fort Kearney. we trav'd 16 miles to day,—2 cases of Cholera in Camp.
5th 1 man died in the night, (a gold digger by the name of King, from Ill.) we travd. 14 miles, and are close by Fort Kearny to night,— plenty Antelope around, hot weather, hard on cattle. this mor[n]ing we had a Visit from Captn. [William Madison] Wall & others of our 2nd division[.] they report well of their travel for the last 8 days, their deaths 3 since we heard from them before, they feel about right, to night[.] they are 5 miles behind us camped for the night.
6th 1 woman died in the night Mrs. [Lucy Ann Roberts] Dart. She requested babtism yesterday and some one attended to it as we came along the road. She has been very low some days back, We passed fort Kearny this day, 10 o’clock, travd 12 miles. Our Camp generally well. this evening a Mrs Hart very low.
7th this morning we had to bury Mrs. Hart. This being Sabbath we would fain have rested, but we had no wood nor water, so we traveled 13 miles, and have no wood nor water [.] have drove our Cattle to the river over a mile and carry a little water to cook, and our fuel for the first time is Buffalo Chips. 3 new cases of Cholera [diarrhea] this morning. The 2nd ten has not arrived yet,—as the ten wished to tarry behind this morning some time to attend to the sick.
8th our 2nd ten had not arrived yet. this day we trav'd 12 miles. Our camp all in good health. We catched a run away horse to day,—he was soon claimed by 2 men who came from Captn. Bennets 50 of Captn. Pace 100, they reported their Camp 15 miles on west,—all in good health except 1 woman.,—they were Buffalo huntig—had wounded 2, but got none.
9th we are camping on plumb creek for the purpose of washing &c,—Our 2nd division has passed on, all in moderate health. no serious case in their Camp, Captn. [Peter] Maughan’s ten of their division fell behind some days, but have come up and camped by us to night. This Captn. was very dissatisfied at the slow movement, as he called it, of our Camp but some of his cattle has given out, and he cant keep up. So much for go a head folks. Our <2nd> ten has just come up. they have saved Father [Andrew] Rose from an attack of the Cholera. he appeared as he will recover. Sister [Ann Clark] Proctor is very bad.
10th This Morning we had to bury this Sister. we travelled 12 miles to day,—had to stop early to let those who had had death & sickness wash up while we could get fire wood. Captn. Foot[e] is rather these some days.
11th We had a severe storm of rain & wind last night, but the Lord preserved us all from danger, trav'd 16 miles to day. Camp in good health. 1 violent attack of Cholera this morning, but means promptly used, with the blessing of God it was an instant cure[.] the medicine used was 2 doses of pain kill in15 minutes. Many of our Cattle are afflicted with sore feet & sore necks, on account of wet weather,—this day we passed 25 graves mostly all Californians 3 or 4 were out of our Camp’s.
12th this day we travelled 15 miles. About noon we came up to Captn. [Peter] Maughan’s ten. they had stopped a few minutes before we came up, in consequence of the Captn’s Son [Peter Weston Maughan] about 4 years old being run over by his waggon. he died an hour after the accident. this day we saw the first Buffalo. some of our Boys went after him, and finally vented their vengeance on a stray ram, which they brought into camp[.] he eat pretty well instead of Buffalo meat, our camp all in good health this evening.—looked the most threatning I ever saw for a dreadfull storm. it was expected but there was prayers & faith exercised by some and the Lord regarded us and saved us for which I Praise his name for it looked awfull all over the heavens, this day we passed 15 graves[.] they were mostly Californians[.] the first deaths seemed to be 3rd June to the 10th[.] some reached to the 17th.
13th we travelled 8 miles and stopped to bake and wash, for we will not have a chance, a long distance again[.] Our Boys are getting some Venison.
14th Sabbath morning. we took a walk, some of us, to the road, crosing Ash Creek, and met with Br. S[hadrach]. Roundy & company, in the afternoon when our folks had got along with their cleaning up we went to the river were I Babtised, and rebabtised, some 30 or 40 of our camp. In the evening we had a good meeting, several of our Brethren spoke well, a good spirit prevailed, and we parted rejoicing. several of our Boys brought in their Back loads of Buffalo meat, the first we have got.—this night like every other night for some time back the heavens gathered blackness most threatening but as on other evenings before it could reach us it was scattered for which I feel to thank the Lord for over ruling the elements for our comfort.
15th this day we trav’d 19 miles. In the afternoon we Saw our Second division. We also saw 3 Buffalo near us, some of our Boys went out and killed some. Our camp all in good health except Father Rose who seemes to be failing after his attack of Cholera. this evening we came to gether, and as many were out of meat, we thought best to stay over the next day and get a supply of meat.
16th our Boys out hunting. in the middle of the day we were visited by Elder O. Hyde and escort.— they seemed in good Spirits. After refreshing themselves and horses they pushed on west,
17th we had to bury Father Rose this morning. we travelled 14 miles to day, passing through large herds of Buffalo. we are pretty well supplied with meat. Our Camps in good health.
18th we travelled 16 miles to day. our camp in good health,a—feed very scanty. we have passed a great many graves in the last few days mostly buried from the 5th to 15th June and mostly from Mo. [Missouri] and scarcely a grave but has been robbed of its contents by the wolves.
19th we have travelled 15 mile to day. our camp in good health. We are near the Crossing .
20th to day we travelled 9 miles, then crossed the South fork of the Platt[e]. We got all over safe, and found our 2nd division on the Bank. they crossed yesterday.
21st being Sabbath, we are resting. Our Camp in good health,— feed is poor.
22nd We trave[le]d 20 miles to day and go to the platt[e] .
23 we are stopping to day to repair waggons &c at ash Hollow.
24th we trav’d 13 miles to day,—Very Sandy road. our Camp in good health. feed very poor. our cattle look rather worse of wear.
25th we trav’d 12 miles to day.—Very Sandy—all in good health except Sister Lish.
26th we travelled 16 miles to day. nothing to be seen but Sand & dust,—no feed.
27th we started this morning at day break to find Some feed, as they got none last night. we soon found some, but coming on a rain storm we were detained some hours, we travelled 13 miles this day.—
28th to day we travelled 20 miles and camped opposite Chimney Rock. All well in our camp. last night I had a fine cow die in a short time, supposed to be poisioned from drinking bad water.
29th To day we trav’d 13 miles,— was overtaken by Livingston & Kincaid. Camp all well,—feed poor
30th trav’d 20 miles, passed Scotts bluff. all well,—had to appoint Br. [Robert Williams] Bidwell Captn. over the 3 ten, owing to the refractory course taken by Captn. Silas G Simmons.
31st this morning Simmons left the camp alone and went on some hours before the camp started. this day we travd 15 miles. In the evening Br. [Chester] Loveland with his 3 ten of the 2nd division came up, and camped with us. they had laid up 2½ days in consequence of Sister Loveland being very sick. The feed is poor,—our health is all good, any case of sicknes in our Camp for Some time back is imeadately checked, but the laying on of hands & prayer.
Augt 1st we travd 12 miles to day. had to stop for an exeltree broke. A number of the Sioux Indians about us,—they appear quiet[.] the small pox is among them, we hope the Lord will preserve us from that plague.
2nd this day we trav’d 20 miles, and camped on the river 2 miles from Fort Larimie[.] all well—no feed.
3d. trav’d 11 miles. this day we came up to our 2nd division. We was over hauled by Major Sanderson in search of 2 deserters, who he said he was informed was along with us in disguise, he ordered our camp to halt till we would give up the men and those who had given them Clothes, We halted and he and his escort rode through our Camp and finding we had none of his men he allowed us to proceed, he was positive in his demand but when he had rode through our Camp he appeared to be softened in his detemination[.] spoke kindly, and told us to go on
4th we travd 14 miles and camped on 2nd crossing of bitter Creek.—all well[.] here we found good feed and restin[g]
5th resting our teams and fixing our waggons.—&c [.] last evening the Captn. of the 1st & 2nd divisions held a council and determined to travel the old road over the Black hills.
6th still resting.—this afternoon we were visited by Captn. Lovelands 10 of 2nd Divn. who informed us that the main body of our 2nd Divn. had taken the other road contrary to the decision of the whole in councel. Our cattle feel well now.—2 days rest and good feed has done them good. our camp all in good health.
7th we started this morning from ½ mile east of the Bend in the road near Dry timber creek and as the first ten reached near the deep ravine a stampede took place in the 5th 10—as they were coming into line on the road. The teams that were running were providentialy stopped, or who can tell the awfull scene that would have taken place in that deep ravine, for every waggon would have been found in the bottom of it. Poor Br. [William] Clements lost his life in endeavoring to stop the waggons. Wm. McDonald at the risk of his life, and his horse’s rode in before the teams and stopped them before they got far enough to scare the front teams[.] Br. Clements was knocked down by the Oxen, trode on his body and a heavy waggon passed over his bowels. he lived till towards evening.
8th we travelled till Horse creek 15 miles. all well this evening.—poor feed.
9th lost several head of our cattle.
10th cattle not found.
11th cattle not found. We started, and late in the evening got to Labont [La Bonte]. 16½ miles.
12th Had to start this morning to get some feed for our Cattle for they had none last night. Came on 2 miles on the Labont river,—found poor feed,—had to stop all day.
13th came to A. LaPrele river <18 miles.> had to drive our Cattle about 3 miles down the river to get feed.
14th came to Fourche Boise river 10 miles, drove 2 miles up the river to get feed. Our Camp all in good health, a number of our cattle lame.
15th we came 14 miles and camped on the platt[e] bottom. All well,—poor feed.
16th we came 14 miles[.] found poor feed, but plenty company. Captn. Bennets 50 close by.—our 2nd division 2 miles back
17th we came 9 miles to day. on our way we met 2 pilots from the Valley[.] Br. Stratton &c the news we got from them by the Letter was cheering, as also the remarks & council from Br. Stratton. we felt to rejoice at Seeing our Brethren, and hearing from the Valley. we are close at the ford of the North Fork [.] poor feed for our Cattle.
18th this day we forded the river in a heavy rain storm,—river rising fast[.] the water up to eve[ry] box. Pace’s 100—& our 100 all crossed this day. all over safe.
19th still in camp 1 mile from the ford in a heavy cold rain storm, our cattle suffering with cold & hunger
20th we travelled 10 miles to day over the worst road we have met in our journey,—it has been a heavy rain for nearly 40 hours[.] several of our Cattle gave out to day,—to night in good feed on a creek near the platt[e]. Our 2nd division close by in Camp, this day we saw the Sweet Water mountains caped with snow.
21st this day we traveled 9 miles and camped up a hollow west of the Alkali Springs. Our cattle eat to much of the grass having had little chance so long for such fine feed and most of them was sick all night. 1 cow died on the ground. Several gallons of lard was used for them for fear they had been poisoned by the water.
22nd many of our Cattle very feeble this morning, but we have got them as far as willow Springs 12 O’clock. Br. George Madson [Madsen] is along with us and gave timely caution of the danger of the Cattle hurting themselves but like many cautions given to us as a people we are slow to see the results of delays in obeying orders. having travelled 11 miles we camped. our cattle get no feed to night, but they generally feel better.
23rd Started at 5 o’clock[.] came on to grease Creek were we bated and took breakfast. we found our 2nd division Starting as we came up. We drove on to Sweet water 10 miles.
24th our company resting,—Some gone to hunt, others Blacksmithing, and repr. [repair]—waggons.
25th Sabbath,—our hunters not returned,—our cattle are enjoying themselves with plenty good grass & water
26th & 27th this even’g 3 of our waggons returned from the hunt,—got no meat. our 4th waggon not returned.
27th Still waiting for our 4th waggon. our Cattle doing well. our camp all in good health. yesterday we killed one Buffalo near the Camp but they seem as herds to have left this part of the country.
28th our 4th Waggon came in, in the night bringing with them 3 buffalo they had killed. we got started at 11 o’clock and came on 10 miles to the Devils gate. all well.
29th this day we travelled 12 miles and camped on the river bank. Our camp all well.
30th this day we travelled 11 miles. in the even’g a meeting of the division was called, as there seemed to be some disaffected in our 4th & 5th tens[.] 5th Captn. [John] McDonald laid his views before the meeting declaring that he had made up his mind and it must be so, or else—4th Captn. Lish was of the same mind, provided the Captn’s should fit to grant it. Several of their men spoke positively of their having their proposal granted, among them Wm. Lish who was insolent, but that is common with him and the Captn. & company have borne with his disorderly conduct[.] they wanted the tens to have the liberty of travelling first in turn day about. the 1st 2nd & 3d captns. viewed the order of the camp good, and we had been prospered so far—and also saw that to change was going to cause trouble in their 10’s where there had been peace and union all the way previous. so of two evils they choose not to let the 4th & 5th tens over rule them, because there was some trouble among them, and their Captns. frequently. The Captn of the Company and the Captn. of the 50 was of the same mind with the 1st 2nd & 3d so they lost motion and many of them left the meeting abruptly & noisey
31st this morning our camp was reduced some in numers by the result of our Captns. dicision last night. Before and during the time of prayer the undersigned members of our Camp drove off firing their guns as they went
4th 10th absentees
William S. Lish
Ira Caselman
John Hamilton
John Mayer
Jane Rigby
5th 10 Captn. John McDonald
we expect to feell or enjoy more peace in our camp since some of those who left were troublesome neighbors, we travelled 12 to day. all well in our Camp, our cattle doing well as feed is a deal better.
Septr 1st Sabbath. In the afternoon we travelled 4 miles to the river,—all well.
2nd we traveled 19 miles to the river,—all well.
3d we travelled 10 miles to day, all well except SisterBlodgeitt [Elizabeth Ann Garnet Reid Blodgett], who has been confined she had a fine Boy [Greenleaf Blodgett]—doing well.
4th this moring we started from the river and took a new road made as the finger board informed us by a Captn. Andrus, it is a new road and a rough one, but we save going over the rocky ridges. We travelled 11 miles and found this a round about rough road throughout.
5th this day we travelled 10 miles and came to the upper crossing of the river. Our Cattle are failing fast many of them.
6th this day we travelled 14 miles and camped on Pasific [Pacific] Creek. Last evening we had a thunder storm. We came through the South Pass at noon to day. very pleasant and warm. we find a number of dead cattle to day.
7th we travd 12 miles to day and found good feed and water. Wm. Cragan [Simeon Cragun] was about to be confined and several of our company are behind in consequense, our pilot lost his horse last night, he with some others were in search all day[.] found him and got into camp at dusk.
8th our waggons have not come up, so we are resting.
9th our waggons came up last night, so this day we travld. 22 miles before we could find water. we came to Big Sandy about 9 o’clock in the night.
10th this day we travelled 15 miles and camped on Green river
11th this day we travd 18 miles and camped on green river.
12th we travelled 15 miles—was visited by Br. Stratton on his return to the Valley.
13th we travelled 16 miles to day
14th we travelled 19 miles to day and camped on Blacks fork.
15th we trav’d 9 miles and camped on a bend of a creek—good feed.
16th we trav’d 19 miles and camped on a small creek 2 miles from Muddy creek.
17th We travd 13 miles on the new road, and camped near the top of the dividing ridge near Bear river.
18th we trav’d 8 miles and camped on Bear river
20th traveled to Echo creek th to rest the teams)15 mil>
21st traveled 9 miles, detained for a fine Ox that was not able to travail.
22nd travailed 13 miles to Weber river.
23d travailed 11 miles to Kanyon [Canyon] creek.
24th we traveled 11½ miles to near the top of the high mountain, where we had to chain up our worn out cattle without feed.
25th we trav’d 8¼ miles to the last creek, foot of the last mountain.
26th we this day travelled 10 miles and arrived at our long wished for homes, the City of the Great Salt Lake, making in all 101 days since we started from the Missouri river opposite Bethlehem
See Last leaf in this Book.
[This is text on last leaf of book.] On the the 5th July we passed a grave dug up by the wolves[.] the Body tore to peices with the wolves[.] the name of the person S. Phelps,
on the the 7th we passed another in a similiar situation[.] the name of the person Martin G. or B. Clay from Vermont. The bodies in these graves did not seem to be buried over a foot below the Surface
8th we passed the grave of Dr. Caples from Savannah[.] the grave badly tore up[.] this man is a son in law of Mr. Abbott who was from the same place last year and was babtised in the Valley on his way to the Gold diggins. Nb I have since learned that it was a brother of Abbott son in law.
Extracts from Captain Warren Foote’s Private Journal. 1850.
As there are quite a number of leaves left blank in this book I will make some extracts from my private Journal in order to show my situation in the Spring of 1850, and the dealings of the Lord with me, in causing me to seriously consider the advisability of going to Salt Lake Valley this year.
My nephew, Franklin Allen, and myself had purchased the little Gristmill at Kanesville of Jacob Myers, our fatherinlaw, and was running it ourselves. There was a heavy emigration of California Gold Diggers, (as they were called) and grain was scarce and very dear. Corn $2.00 per bus[hel]. Wheat $2.25. We made considerable money and made some payments on the mill. About the first of May I took a severe cold, and was not able to do anything. I hired a brother, who had just come to Kanesville from Scotland, (a miller by occupation;) to run the mill my half of the time. His name is David Adamson.
My health being so poor, I began to reflect upon my situation and about going to the Valley of Salt Lake. I felt that my health would never be much better here in this changeable climate. One day, being greatly impressed by the Spirit, I repaired to the top of the bluff north of the mill, not far from the burying ground, and there earnestly poured forth my soul in prayer to the Lord, asking Him to make known His will to me,— What He would have me to do; and if it was his will that I should move to the Valley this season to open up the way, that I might sell my share of the Mill, and obtain a fitout for that purpose. While I was thus engaged in prayer, the Spirit of God rested upon me, and impressed me by a still small voice which thrilled my whole body, saying, “The way shall be opened before you, and notwithstanding your ill health, inasmuch as you put your Trust in me, I will preserve your life, and not one of your family shall fall by the the way, but I will bring you safely to the Valley of Salt Lake.” This filled my soul with joy, and I returned to my house with a full determination to set about preparing to go.
While the California Emigrants were passing through, I had a light wagon at Bro. Obanion’s shop, for which he was making a box. One of the emigrants seeing it, wanted to trade a heavier one for it. I told bro. Obanion to trade with him, I gave a little chop feed to boot, and thus got a good strong new wagon,—strong enough to haul 4000 lbs to the Valley. This was before I had any idea of going to Salt Lake this year. But I am satisfied that the Lord was then preparing the way for me. About the last of May I sold my half of the Mill back to father Myers, and obtained a comfortable outfit.
Two weeks from the time I sold out I was ready to start with one wagon two yoke of oxen, and three cows. Two of the cows I worked between the oxen. George Kent, whose brother is in the Valley is going to drive my team for the privilege of going with me, and board. I will say here that brother Otis L[ysander]. Terry, who had been following blacksmithing in Kanesville, and with whom I had become intimately acquainted, was preparing to go to the Valley this season. We agreed to go together in the same Company.
On the 10th of June We started from Kanesville in Company with brother Terry’s father, and his brother Charles A[lphonzo]. Terry. The Saints are crossing the Missouri river 18 miles below Kanesville this year, and going up the south side of the Platte river[.] We drove down to Musquito [Mosquito] Creek bridge and camped.
12th We moved on down to within a mile and an half of the Ferry and unhitched our teams just in time to attend the meeting for organizing the Company. Elder Hyde soon arrived and proceeded to organize the hundred. There was quite a congregation present but many who were going had not yet arrived.
Brother Hyde arose, and after looking over the congregation, said, “I nominate bro Warren Foote for captain of hundred. This was so unexpected to me, I must confess that I was completely dumfounded. It was voted unanimously. Then brother Hyde nominated Otis L. Terry Captain of first fifty. Voted unanimously. He was as much taken by surprise as I was. Elder Hyde then asked for some one to nominate a Captain of the second fifty, and some one nominated William [Madison] Wall. It was voted unanimously. Elder Hyde then said that the Captain of the hundred and the Captains of fifties would organize the fifties into tens. This we accomplished during the afternoon.
As has been stated, brother Otis L. Terry and I had agreed to travel together across the plains, but little did we think then that we would be associated together as leaders of the Company.
Elder Hyde asked if the brethren were generally supplied with firearms. Upon inquiry we found that there were several families who had none. He said there were muskets belonging to the Nauvoo Legion, stored at Kanesville and that we could have them on conditions that we would deliver them to the Authorities of the Church in Salt Lake City. It was decided that I should return to Kanesville and get the Muskets. Accordingly I returned on horseback and selected 15 that were in shooting order, and got a man who was going down to the ferry to take them along. I returned to camp the next day, (June 16th.)
The second fifty commenced crossing on the 13th.
I had my family ferried over the 14th and camped with the second fifty a short distance from the river.
On the 16th the first fifty were all ferried over, and all, camped by a creek three miles from the Ferry. As brother Terry had agreed to travel together I concluded to travel with the first Fifty and was decided that my wagon should take the lead or head of the Company which place I occupied throughout the journey.
I have written the foregoing as a kind of preliminary to bro [Samuel] Mulliner’s Journal. The succeeding pages contains my Review of the Journey.
A Review of the Journey to Salt Lake.
I will briefly review our Journey. As I have previously stated, my health my health was not very good before I left Kanesville.
After starting from the Missouri river I made it a practice towards camping time, to get on a horse and ride ahead of the company and select a camping place. After we had been traveling about a week as I was about five miles ahead of the company looking for a camping place there came up a thunder shower, and I was completely drenched. I took a terrible cold which settled on my lungs which caused the illness spoken of in the Journal. I was not so but what I could get around a little, but my lungs were so weak, that I could scarcely speak above a whisper. When we were along about Plum Creek, the atmosphere was so close and heavy, that it seemed to me that I would have to give up breathing altogather.
I remembered the promises of the Lord that were made to me before I sold my share of the mill; and humbly asked the Lord to fullfil the same. I was impressed to be baptized for my health, and requested brother Mulliner to perform the ordinance; which he did, and was then administered to by the brethren. After this I began to recover slowly. When we arrived at Scott’s Bluffs I was able to walk short distances. From this place onward the atmosphere became lighter and dryer, and my health improved very fast; and I was able to again take a more active part in the management of Company.
It was a very serious time while the Cholera was raging in the company, but after it abated, we enjoyed our travels, and as a general thing a good spirit. In place’s where feed was very scarce, there was some who murmured about our camping where there was so little grass, but the next morning as we traveled along they would acknowledge that our camping place was as good or better than it was a “Little ahead.” They would say on camping, that there was a better place a “little ahead.”
Although there was some murmuring occasionly, yet I think that we crossed the Plains with as little difficulty as any Company that has crossed them. I am certain that a Journey through a desert country of a thousand miles with five hundred souls will try the patience of any man, or set of men who are appointed to preside over them as leaders; especially so, when the company consists of different Nationalities, having different customs, and some without experience in driving ox teams and taking care of them.
I am thankful to be able to say that, the Lord blessed me with patience to such a degree, that one Captain of ten said in one of our council meetings that I was certainly one of the most patient men that he ever saw. I do not think that he said this as a compliment to me, but it was because I would not agree to a tyranical proposition that he was proposing. I was determined that every person in the Company should have their rights respected, And I am pleased to say that Captain O. L. Terry stood firmly by me, in fact we were one in all our councils.
Bro. Mulliner has omitted to state that at the foot of the last mountain, where we camped for the time before we entered the Valley, the first fifty were called together for the purpose of settling all difficulties, if any existed, and ask each other’s forgiveness; So that we could enter the Valley free from any hard feelings towards any of our brothers or sisters. A good spirit prevailed, and all expressed a desire to forgive and be forgiven.
The second Fifty arrived in the Valley a few days before the first Fifty. When we stopped to rest a few days, and hunt, a little east of the Devils Gate, the second fifty was Camped about a mile ahead. Captain Wall came to see me, and get some instructions. I told him that they had better push on to the Valley as fast as their teams were able to travel, and not wait for the first Fifty, as it was getting pretty well along in the season. I also charged him in particular to take the Muskets, (10 in number) belonging to the Nauvoo Legion, that were in his fifty and deliver them to the Authorities in Salt Lake and take their receipts for them. This he never done[.] He did not even go to Salt Lake City, but as soon as he got into the Valley he took a road running South and went direct to Provo. As the second fifty were all dispersed before we got to Salt Lake City, I never recovered them. I got those that were in the first fifty and delivered them to the President’s Clerk and took his receipt. I spoke to him about those that were in the second fifty. He said that they were all in the valley anyway, and he seemed to think that it did not make much difference whether they were delivered or not. In fact they were not of much use to any one.
The first Fifty passed through Salt Lake City in the afternoon of the 26th of Sept and camped on the Jordan bottom west of the City. Many of the brethren were anxious to get some counsel, where they had better locate.
On the morning of the 27th Captain Terry and I went up into the City and found Elder Hide [Hyde] at Bro. H. C. Kimballs residence, and reported our arrival, and told him that some of the brethren wanted to know where would be the best place to locate. He said that they had been up north looking for locations for the Saints to settle, and among other places he mentioned Ogden, and said that place would suit him best. On our return to Camp we reported what bro. Hyde said to us, and many of the brethren resolved to go north. Some located in Salt Lake City, and a few went south to Little Cottonwood.
Warren Foote,
Captain of One Hundred