
Transcript for Watson, Andrew, Autobiographical sketch, in Watson family information, [1-2]

We travelled from New York by railway and steam boat across Lakes and up the Rivers to Iowa, where we pitched our tents, made our hand carts previous to starting for Salt Lake City, the date in starting from there I don't remember. We finally came to Council Bluffs, here we stopped to recruit and repair our carts and lay in provisions previous to crossing to the Great Plains as it was then termed.

After stopping at Council Bluffs a short time we started for the Plains. "17" lbs. of luggage to the person was allowed and one man to the handcart with a wife or a girl or two to help push. We started with one hundred pounds of flour on each cart to lighten what few teams we had with us to carry the sick and infirm. Finally after much toil and suffering and many deaths, we arrived in Salt Lake City on the 9th of November 1856, A. D.

Had it not been for the prompt action of President Brigham Young and the Blessings of the Lord in sending teams with provisions to meet us, we would have perished on the plains and in the mountains. History will never fully reveal the sufferings of those belated handcart companies, but I have ever felt thankful that I got here.