
Transcript for William Broomhead diary, 1856 October-1857 April

October 5 at meeting Brigham called for teamsters and I volunteered to go back to meet the hand carts

went to find out when to start  

[October 6] went to meeting in the morning afternoon got a wagon. 

[October 7] Tuesday morning fixed the wagon. Start from the City at noon, tonight, camp between the mountains, from 10 til 11 onlook on guard.

Wednesday, 8th: Prayer by Br. Beckstead. Started at 7:00 o’clock, going up the big mountain it came stormy and snowed in the evening, on guard from 7 to 11

In the morning of that 12 sunday came to brigger and camped at 4 in the afternoon <preyaer by [illegible, possibly J. Young] Snow thru the night

mondy 13 Started at 8 about 20 miles north met up by [Abraham] Smoot and David James. They stayed with us all night, preyar by C.[Cyrus] H. Welock [Wheelock], singing. 

Started in the morning at 8 tusday 14 went with J Peck to see some anchant looking mountains camped under hams fork at 4 o’clock. went out hunting to be back in the evening, singing and prayer by B.[rother] Smoot and some remarks by him and J. Young. Three [or eight?] more wagons came up and travelled with us

Started Wednesday 15 At 8  J Peck came up and traveld with us. J. Young wile and sum outhers went on ahed to meet the comp. [companies], but we catched them and camped with them that night on Big Sandy at 8. Preyar by C. Welock.

Thursdy 16 started at 8, met P.[Porter] Rockwell and his train, camped on Big Sandy at 4 went out to hunt antelope with sum outhers and we kiled one. B.[Brother] Smoot company came up at dark and camped with us killed a beef on gard from 2 till 7 had a dance in the eveng

friday 17 started at 12 smoots company and 18 of our hands went with him and we came to little sandy we met the frieter of gilberts [Gilbert and Garrish freight train] ahead and lerned from him the peticulrs [particulars] of babit [Almon W. Babbitt] and outhers that were kiled By indians

saturday 18 at 9 and came to sweet water [Sweetwater] and it snowd from 11 in the evenig we killed a beef

on sunday morning 19 snowed till 10 started at ½ past 10 left 7 [or 4 or 9?] men and 4 waggons and 4 beef oxen 17 horses and most of the flour  it was very coald we traveled 15 miles and camped on sweetwater  at 1 we met gilberts train of 15 waggons  camped at 4 singin in the evenig and prear by [illegible John B. Welby?]  it snowd in the eveng and it looked like as if we wear going to have a heve [heavy] storm but the clouds Devided to the right and left  it clearde up again about 10 and in the morning thear was about an inch and a half

monday 20 snowed in the morning and the wind was very high and coald  we stayed there all Day  it snowed all Day  in the evning Brother Willey [James G. Willie] and anouther man [Joseph Elder] came from the train and told us that they wer 23 miles from us and that they were out of provisions that night

tusdy 21 started at 8 camped with wiles [Willie's] company at 5 the day was cold and in the evening it snowed. they buried 4 that night and 5 the night before  the capten gave them flour and cl[o]thing and some teams to help them in. w. [William H.] kimbl [Kimball] went back with them. we by hadwood

wednesdy 22 drove 18 miles it was a bitter coald day and snow was from 8 to 12 inch Deep. camped at 6. <on gard from 1 til 8.> Singin, prey by Wm [William] Broomhead. snow that night

thursdy 23 stayed there all Day

friday 24 started at 12 drove to the three crosing  we saw two herds of Buffalow  in the evening gathered round the camp fir and had singing and prear  captain Grant gave us som good instrouctions on prear and said that if we was unighted [united] as one man that the lord would hear and answer our prears  remove the snow so that we could be a help to those on the plains and so he cald [called] on Br wilk [probably Cyrus Wheelock] to be mouth in prear and ask that for thos things that we need  layed hands on two of the Brothers that was sick and restored

saturdy 25 fin morning though the wind blew high, the feed for the anemals was all coverd with snow and it was hard on them as well as on us to gard them wher the snow was so Deep and the roads so bad to travel but the Lord blesd the anemals the waggons our food and us and we had caus to rejoise all the time for we are children of his care and he takes care of his children if they will listen to his word  started at 9 the river was hard to cross the ice was so thick and yet it was not thick anuf [enough] to cross on  we traveled abot 12 mils and camped abot 5 oclock after supper singin prear by captain grant  I sang sum Songs for the boys  had a good time as we had every night  retired abot 9 oclock

sunday 26 fine morning all is well traveled to within 2 miles of the Devils gate and camped  the express was at the gate had been there 4 days and had heard nothing of the carts  they came up to our camp  singin after supper  prayer by J Young  singin

mondy 27th the wind blew very hard  blowed sum of the waggon covers off  the capten sint an expres of 3 men to go as far as the plat[te] brige they started at 9  the camp moved about half a mile nearer the mountins to get out of the wind and to get wood hander  spint that day in cooking and geting wood and fixing ways to break the wind of  Singing after supper prear by Bro [illegible] three of us set up singin and talking till half past 11.  the wind was rathr high all night

tusdy 28 fine morning but [illegible] wind spint that Day in singin  remarks from sum of the Brethrn and getting wood and snowbaling  at Dusk it clouded over and snowed hard and it seemed as if we was going to have a Deep snow  the cap caled the camp togethr and made sum remarks on the goodness of god and that we was in his hands and wished us all to be one and caled on C H Wilock [Wheelock] to be mouth in Prear

wednsdy 29 clouded  the snow that fell in the night soon went  saw a herd of antelope  sum of us went out  t[w]o of the boys kiled one  in the after noon the captin red sum for us  on gard at night from 5 till one  prear by cap grant

thursday 30 fine morning  after Breckfast prear by Jahall [Joel] Parish  E[dwin] Peck and mysilf went on the mountins at Devels gat[e] with the spiglass to see if we could see anething of the Boys or the handcarts coming. But we could not  it was about 4 miles from camp to the top  wether fine  in the evening Joseph [A. Young] and the Boys returned from the compnes an gave thear report  they were on the Plat[te] prear by B [Brother] Ch Wilock [Wheelock]  started next morning at 9 o clock

Saturday 1 of Nov [November] Bro Wilock [Wheelock], D [Daniel W.] Jons [Jones] and myself was ap[po]inted to go to Cap Hogigts [Hodgett] compney and hury them up  we met the company at the Bad Slough  campd with them that night  caled the company together and talked to them  prear By D Jones 

started in the morning on sundy [November 2] C H W [Wheelock] and myself to go to Hunts comp[any]  it snowed and rand from 11 till 12 at night  met them about 7 [miles] from plat[te] river  camped without wood in the snow

[November 3] started in the morning at 9 came to willow springs  it was very cold sum of the sisters froze thear feet  camped ahead at large camp fire made and caled the camp together and spoke to the sa[i]nts  i was caled on to speak and i spoke with the spirit  it was as cold a night as i ever seen  that night the saints felt well and promised to do as they wear toald to  prear by wilock [Wheelock] and outhers Spoak   helped them up prospect hill and then started for the Devels gate got thear after dark

tusday 4 fine  in late some of the waggons of Hoggets [Hodgetts] for the hand cart comp  the hand cart camp started that day we[n]t about 3 miles  the last wagon left at sundown  we had a meeting that night  the Brethren spoke well and with the spirit  prear by E. [Edward] martin

wednesday 5 the wind [two or three word illegible] our teems could not face it [two or three words illegible] river  some of the boys came Back from the cart compny and they could not face it  went with H [Harvey] cluff to get sum from the moutin 

Wednesday 5 very coald 11 Degrees Bellow zero  fe[t]ched sum wood from the mountin on a cart  Brouther Hunts compny came up after Dark  we had a meeting at night prear By [illegible]

thursdy 6 the wind blew the snow so that we could not get up the cattle  We had a meting at night of the valey Boys of those that had the [instruments?]  the Brethren spoke well and with the spirit  i was caled on to speak and did so  Prear By C H welek [Wheelock]

fride 7 verey coald and windy  meting at night I was not thear

saturday 8 fine morning  got sum wood on a cart from the mountins  we cam up the river on the ice an loaded up hunts waggons  prear at night By R T Burton

sunday 9 got up the cattle to start  grat many of the cattell frose to Deth it was so coald and stormey  started at 11 Drove B [Brother John] godsalls teem  traveled 5 miles  Saw Som Bufalows

menday 10 fine all Day  Drove to the willowC rick [Willow Creek] and camped  eframe [Ephraim] hanks came to us from the valey and reported that 2 hundred teem had started but he did not no if they had not turned Back on acount of the storm and that c spencer [Claudius Victor Spencer] and van cot [John VanCott] came to our post and scared out and turned back  prear By E hanks

tusdy 11 fine morng but the wind Blew very coald  camped on Bitter cottonwood crick  Prear by c [Charles] Decker

wednesday 12 fine  met the middle of the 3 crossings  a fals alarm By a fire on the mountain  camped at the 3 crossings

thursdy 13 met 3 teems from the valy   fine came to the 16 mile drive   prear By M [Moses] Cluff

friday [14] fine  met 3 more teems  traveled 12 miles  prear By b [illegible wilkins?]  <camp on sweet-water>

Saturday 15 fine  camped on the rockey reges & met sum teems that day

sundy [16]  pased hunts compny camped on strbry creek  prear B [Brother] E [Ephraim] hanks

mendy 17 [this entry should actually read Tuesday 18] met tems all Day  camped by the post  Fergson and kimbel [Kimball] met us [a few words illegible]  prey By J ferguson   snowd that night

tusdy 18- [Wednesday November 19] traveled to Big sandy river [illegible] captin grant and kimbel [Kimall] and fergson started hom on express  met sum oxen goeing to [illegible] wags comp  camped on Big sand[y] [road] <C welock [Wheelock]>

thursday 20 [Friday November 21] fine but cold camped on green river  that was my Barthdy My 23 <prear J Simons [Joseph M. Simmons]>

Friday 21 [Saturday November 22]  very could  i frosted my nose that Day  camped on Blacks fork

saturday 22 [Sunday November 23] it snowed  we came to Brigger [Bridger] had a weding there that night

sunday fine 23 [Monday November 24] camped 11 miles from Briger  met sum teem that night

mondy 24 [Tuesday November 25] camped on Bear river it was very coald

tuesdy 25 [Wednesday November 26]  met Joseph young and outhers   camped in ec[h]o can[y]on  snow 13 [or 15] inches Deep  sister squir[e]s was confined that night  the child lived and boath come in safe

Wednsdy 26 [Thursday November 27] camped on webber [Weber]

thursdy 27 [Friday November 28] camped in est [East] canyon in the cottonwood grove

friday [Saturday November 29]  crosed Boath mountins the snow was from 1 to 23 feet Deep and in kil[l]ians kanoun [canyon] snow 18 inches  

cam into the city about ½ past levan [eleven] on sunday 29 [30] Day of november   i was great hom By my wife and frends with joy

December mondy 1