
Transcript for William Hyde journal, circa 1868-1873

The 26th. [August 26, 1847] Started on our route.

on the 27th left the Sacramento River, And took the emigration road leading from the States

The 28th traveled to Bear River

The 29th left the Valley and started on our route over the Serrnevada [Sierra Nevada] Mountains

And on the 5th of September reached the Valley on the east side of the mountain. This day we passed where several emigrants from Missouri had perished the previous winter[.] Their carcasses and bones were bleaching upon the ground not having recieved a burial

On the morning of the 6th Soon after starting, we met S[amuel]. Brannon [Brannan] who had been through from Sanfrancisco [San Francisco] to Salt Lake Valley where he had met the Presidency of the Church together with the Pioneers and the first companies of the <Saints> to that place. Br. Brannon was now on his return to San Francisco. On meeting him we learned that Capt. Brown would be along in a day or so, on his way to California. And that from him we would get more information. On receiving this news we concluded to return to our place of encampment and await his arrival

On the 7th Capt Brown came up, with a small escort, direct from Salt Lake. where he had left that portion of the Battalion that had left us at Santefea [Santa Fe] – From the Captain, we nearly all received letters from our Families. And also a letter of council from the heads of the Church. From the information which we here rce’d [received] it was thought best that the greater portion of this Company return to the Settlements in California and labour till spring[.] I received letters at this place from my Family which brought me the sad news of the Death of my only sister. She died at Council Bluffs after a lingering sickness which was caused by exposure. At this place of encampment I also rce’d the news of the Birth my Son William.

On the 8th those of the company that had fully made up their minds to see their families the ensueing winter again started on our route.

On the 3rd of October we reached Fort hall, which is Situated about 200 miles North of Salt Lake Valley and over 700 miles, by the route we had traveled, from Sutters Fort.

On the 4th we resumed our journey and without as much as an Indian trail to guide us, reached the Camp of the Saints in Salt Lake Valley on the 12 of Oct. The reception with which we met gladened out hearts and revived our Spirits. A small portion of the company found their families here, and consequently had got home[.] The Presidency and some of the pioneers had returned to Winter Quarters. The saints that are remaining in the Valley had built a fort and were preparing for farming &c. I felt very well pleased with the situation of the Valley, and my conclusions were that it was a place of retreat, or a hiding place which God had, in his wisdom prepared for his people